PC Players vs Xbox Players

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in our last great platform war battle team PC and team ps4 fought in the vicious best of three competition to determine which was the better platform because what's the best way to find which platform is better in rocket we do extensive field research grinding out ranked on Xbox ps4 twitch NPC studying a huge variety of games and multiple platforms to compare play styles or choose six random silvers from your disk or to duke it out that sounds like the best way anyway our first battle was the bronze bash which means here in our second battle it's the silver skirmish a lot of you were mad because the Broncs bash didn't include Xbox so here you go guys before why no ps4 comments on this video don't worry guys even switch players will get a chance but now let's get into this insanely skilled matchup between team Xbox and Team PC good evening and welcome to this silver skirmish we have Xbox and bright neon green and team PC and silver which is perfect since this is the silver skirmish a little awkwardness on the side there for Team PC but it's nothing compared to what just happened there pigeon getting crushed out of the play somehow team PC avoids conceding though nice little center ball from Team Xbox but no one's there except but shot but he actually flicks it away from his teammate no problem for deets to clear now red fox comes charging in makes no contact with the ball but it's okay peter the great's tear to make no contact with the ball meanwhile Draco slayer sitting in net waiting waiting waiting he sees pigeon about to win the ball he attacks now and he completely whipped now pigeons just got a dish it in and he does exactly that team PC takes the lead 1-0 in the silver skirmish now team Xbox wins it and it bounces softly the middle for Draco Slayer who softly rolls it in what a Boomer from Team Xbox are tied up now they're on the defensive this time Rick go pops it up perfectly for pigeon who centers it tsar peter to the crates not there pigeon tries to center it again but team Xbox has swarmed it now team Xbox on the attack red fox doesn't like what he sees back passes to both of his teammates and it bounces gently the team PC helped Draco Slayer looking really ambitious jumps off the wall feathers his boost glides in gets the hit and beautiful roller on the ground you don't see it much in silver this guy's basically the squishy silver surprises team PC fij end with the comment I thought this was the silver skirmish not prepared for that kind of play from Draco but now peter the great's there to centre it for pigeons pinions talking but he doesn't really look like a silver you there look to be honest obviously we have some betting problems but hey they said they were silver well no there's the silver backflip from pigeon it doesn't matter because there's a triple commit team Xboxes packed the net they're still swarming around the ball not letting TPC do anything now Draco has the outlet leads the attack nevermind he landed nowhere near the ball pigeons backing up backing up still backing up now he gets rammed forward into the ball right to team xbox but shots guys it though move that one that's gonna haunt but shot and now pigeon has it in front of team Xboxes gold he puts it home to take the lead with seven seconds left a dismal clear buy of team xbox but shot couldn't quite get into a defensive position and pigeon pounces team pcs takes Game one in this best of three series and team Xbox regroup they're summoning the power of Bill Gates against the power of gabe newell team pc looks pretty motivated though Dietz comes in and powers it against the corner Drake goes there but he whiffs can Peter the Great do anything with it he does touch it craftily past but shot and pass red fox but but shot is there to get into defensive position enough to mess up PETA their gate then get rammed by red fox so Drake is there to clear up the confusion and lead the attack it's intercepted though but then he gets another bump it starts chasing a red fox doesn't have a chance but shots now reversing could he get in position no he front flips Peter the great takes advantage of buckshots confusion looks like butt shot saw he needed to get behind the ball kept backing up and then flipped forward unfortunate team PC takes the one goal lead team Xbox really needs to respond quickly here and it looks like they actually had a very nice kick off there they're still applying pressure here comes Draco Slayer powers it into the top right corner that's gonna raise even more doubts that he's actually a silver and now team PC doesn't go for the kickoff draco takes advantage again uncontested some major confusion on team PC they've squandered their lead in a matter of seconds they call themselves the better platform but they're now just choking now we see a silver Musti flick from a red fox incredible play they're probably the most advanced mechanical move we've seen so far today but digit is unfazed lets it bounce then backflips into it with the help of his teammate now team Xbox looking to center puts it into the corner now it's gone back towards their goal but his teammate is there to also send it into the wall toward their goal now drink it with the defensive mishap it's a wide open net team PC versus team PC misses again off the crossbar draco leading the counter-attack pizzas come up too far he's got a wide open net and it's gone just a little bit right in the bounces too much for a red fox PC on the counter-attack pigeon sends it up perfectly for deets Steve Xbox now clearing it out deets is back ready to come up and redeem himself and he doesn't have to pigeon scores tying it up all their hopes rested on that they were down one just one more oh my goodness it's a team pinch actually couldn't quite see that detail team Xbox now on the brink of elimination draco not wanting to read that bounce goes for the boost both teams seem to be backing off a little bit playing it safe it's a tie game here with only 1:20 left great go add a red fox ready to clear that but shot a little confused but he's got full boost now it's sort of pinched out but team PC is there to prevent it from going all the way Drako now leading an attack but he can't quite get too much on that but shot sends that dangerously center but no one's there everyone's done a full rotation Peter the Great nope that's everybody all behind the ball gets blasted by xbox now it's a slow roll toward the PC goal Xbox has tied it up on an own goal Redd Foxx with the advanced IQ plays decides to drive away it might have been going anyway but PC definitely made sure of it now just 50 seconds remaining Xbox try to take this to game 3 they just need to run out the clock PCs defensive half which is good for them and a little bit of a clear to team Xbox its Cole Hine everyone goes flying still on the goal line and finally bud shot secures it now it looks like a sure thing for Xbox to move on to Game three quite a bit of suspense and drama on that one it stayed on the goal line for a good four seconds before but shot was able to collect himself and put it away now just 30 seconds remaining PC would love to just close this series out right now with a couple quick goals but they're not gonna get anywhere with whips like that and it looks like yes we are going to Game three xbox secures the victory it all comes down to this folks Game three of the silver skirmish we can finally find out which is the superior platform all resting on this one game to clearly and the drama in PC trying to assert themselves quickly at the beginning of this game three xbox is looking a little defensive manages to get something on that just hit the crossbar the red Foxx goes flying pigeon with a little bit of a fake gets it past one but Draco's there again Xbox just hanging on there now PC is backed way off and buckshot powers it to the middle now pigeons there but he gets demolished by Drake oh it was looking dangerous now Drako centers it gently towards his goal but PC can't quite take advantage pigeon on the attack now gets it the side i'm peter the great takes over and drives it towards another save by Drake Oh team Xbox and Drake oh just hanging on by the wires of their antennas and tonight now PC makes another team clear they're really getting those team pinches down and shots and clears they just trying to block up and he can't get past Drake Oh who's now demolished one but nothing comes of it now team PC trying to maintain the pressure Xbox having trouble clearing now they finally get it out everybody whiffs on Team xbox pc can't quite take advantage again pigeons moving all on the wall it gets past one he's got draco to beat and a red fox to beat he beats one i can't beat draco again with another safe from draco and they had a chance for a follow-up there but they couldn't quite do anything with it still 0-0 with 130 left the question is not who is gonna make a mistake first it's who's gonna make enough mistakes for the other team to take advantage without making a mistake themselves draco now with a lofted clear Dietz gets contact on it but it kind of goes back towards their half they didn't gives a nice touch for draco there go takes a hard touch but he's got plenty of boost he gets an aerial he gets contact he places it into the bottom right quarter can team PC stop this bad man he's leading his team and now they have a one goal lead over team PC with just over a minute remaining the kickoff dies but no one's cheating seems to be both teams are playing cautiously at Peter the Great gets a hard touch pigeon gets a soft touch back to Peter the Great who's there to take advantage tying it up one to one that you did a great job of slopping that fifty gently over two players now Drake goes there to prevent too much more pressure but DEET sends it back not a lot of control from either team as we're just sending it back and forth between the halves now team PC all three players behind this fall but Draco is there to end that attack four seconds remaining deets is sitting in gold making sure nothing pops out towards him and he doesn't have to worry about that because we're going to overtime red fox gets it past one but now it's set towards the Xbox half pigeon is there looking for a cross now team Xbox on the attack pigeon on the wall Peter the great on the wall Deitz comes out to to help everybody bumping and bumbling towards that ball now pigeon on the attack gets rammed into that vault it hits the crossbar again tpc can't seem to place their team pinches on goal anymore pigeon I again trying to get past that xbox wall and they just can't it's a defensive stand and now he's missed to the left it bounces up over Draco backflips the red fox drives fast cheap DC wins team PC wins so much happening there but shot in Reverse Draco side flip red Foxx couldn't read that but shot almost got there but deeds finally slams it home to give team PC the victory in the second console wars battle we'll be back for the next battle it'll be the gold gauntlet between Nintendo switch and the Nokia [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,378,133
Rating: 4.8805728 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rlcs, rocket league moments, bronze bash, cross platfrom rocket league, rocket league best console, rocket league ps4
Id: Rz-crhoNJOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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