Rocket League pros try to guess ranks of every day players

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we all know plats urges i don't know how much cursing i can say but uh welcome to guess that rank where we have some of the best rocket league players in the world trying to guess the ranks of everyday players like you and me featuring squishy muffins is it okay if i'm just terrible it's expected arsenal aj pogba and spooda ghost buddha ghost buddha today we're gonna mix it up a little bit by throwing one of my youtube subscribers into the competition he goes by billy mays in game and he's a platinum too so i thought why not use his gameplay for the pros to try to guess in the last round will they boost his ego or roast him i think we all know the answer to that but here's what we don't know can the platinum guess the ranks of everyday players better than professionals i am so ready you don't understand i got my half gallon of iced tea pretty good predictions you're pretty good at predictions huh okay what am i gonna say next uh let's get ready to rumble let's get ready to oh my god he is good all right the the car okay the boost and the car itself gives away so much all right first of all what is this car nah nah i like to finish by this guy a little bit questionable of a car design my opinion okay this is this is some more okay um all right he's playing really patient like he i could tell he can't read the play he's ongoing oh no he definitely is definitely not not not granted i see him feathering his boost so much like he's trying to he trying to save it so hard like i know this is lower half of the ranks just just because the cards right off the bat nobody's driving forward and stuff i would say this is like gotta be silver okay this is definite this is definitely like platinum or something okay definitely lower than plat i'm i'm gonna make a guess right away one second my wife is yelling at the roomba bro i don't know i don't even know if this kid's plat ah wait actually ariel i don't know go to ariel people can ariel and like silver now might might throw me off of it the dribbling too what is this i think this is silver but this guy is crazy for silver you better do some right here i'm ready he's about to pop off look at him he's going off no way wait what okay so that's to throw me off hundred percent nah wait for it wait oh is that justin nah he got lucky i swear gold threes nowadays do basic mechanics but i'll see them on tick tock and they'll be like four flip resetting i'm chalking that last one up to just pure luck he didn't move his car he was guessing you could tell he was guessing in that definitely a lower rank feathering his boost on the ground was definitely like gold three yeah we're gonna go gold three flat two the way he like plays in general is pretty bad but he's concealing shots so i'm gonna guess like plat two fight two honestly i'm going with black flat two let's do something like that like two if he's diamond bro if he's diving bro he can have it like my brother's plot and he or diamond or whatever and he's just so much better [Music] you guessed plat two that was a silver three what wait they hear silver three okay not enough red oh we're getting a w let's go i mean i've never seen that in my life bro like can athena even fell inside like that's not big enough so i noticed the trail you know that that looks like a champ trail i think okay okay we're already getting started the thumbnail guest i like a thumbnail guest okay right off the bat i respect the wings oh yeah that's an old decal i'm an avid wings user myself like hey he could dribble pretty good give me dribble yeah get that from that he can ariel really sweet actually of a car oh my god those are some dribbles and half flips and a half okay uh definitely above champ let's see if he can ariel yeah okay he can he can't even catch the ball that's already a little bit questionable yeah there's going to be a lot of mistakes you're going to witness today just judging off the camera settings he he plays a little bit at once shut off the bad there's an alpha boost in this lobby so that's like that's what i'm looking at and the way this guy's controlling his car and stuff looks pretty high level already can at least stay real on this string how does it get flick as well wait i think that's the champion trail he has to at least be champion do you watch a lot of gameplay bros or not really okay mostly i watch you i watch some arsenal and lethamer but that's all okay that's a pretty wide range of skill actually that you just mentioned i mean see this one making my guess off okay so this kid right here is a champion right yeah and and and he's probably like 50 times better than athena all right so so based on that alone no no bro like that like there's no way she's chapped so like this kid has to be like above champ no yeah yeah yeah yeah he's definitely about to have a good challenge there i like the positioning good little mess up there i'm i'm thinking the grand champ or champ three okay also this man is on g fuel he is amped he's just going for everything i i cannot believe what i'm witnessing definitely eats crayons i'm gonna say this is like low ssl okay i'm gonna go with that off the bat just just from the the fact that there's an alpha boost in here but i'm gonna keep watching at least champ three so far i'd say i think it might be gc like uh i've gotta i've gotta get energy like a low gc vibe like yo dang look at that was just beautiful the control the little pinch at the end that was just beautiful he ball chased for everything but he also used arrow really well i'm just gonna say uh gc2 no no no tc1 got a little second guessing okay oh hold up i'm gonna say grand champ three eating meeting money mode can't talk about it until if you don't let them go grand champ one all right we're gonna go we're gonna go with dc dc i'm gonna place it at a healthy champ three actually no i'm gonna do i'm gonna do grand champ one one plus one is two divided by two is one so let's go i'm just going with gc1 i feel like if you didn't ball chase you'd probably be a lot higher but i'm gonna say diamond three [Music] you guessed grand champ one and that was a grand champ one actually boom yep you got it that's only what i'm good oh my god oh so actually that's uh this is one rank off relatively close we take that's a w that's a w oh wait i'm sorry i'm sorry that's four ranks nah not true w ooh this man's got a topper and stripes see car design plays a key factor he does have a sweat car i feel like halo is only good if you play dominus interesting everyone's messing up already oh my god i love that shirt did i miss it all right he knows how to challenge the gameplay bro the kids be playing against our bot though random yeah this is uh he's trying to half flip there wait that guy had a a gold season one crown or like pre-season crown on his car hmm the guy on their team you're kind of an item guy you kind of know your items yeah that's like super og i like he he play he plays he plays the game sometimes i know he's doing random jumps he's playing leapfrog at mid so he's trying all of like the motions of pros in just simplex fashion oh interesting observation what rank did they do that i feel like he's gold three to be honest it's probably like diamond three or something that would be interesting all right just kids probably like tip one okay is that gonna be hey wait wait [Music] yeah champ one i'm gonna say silver three i'm gonna say maybe he played a long time ago that didn't play sense or something like that this one's hard this one is hard i'm gonna say platoon it was very slow but that could just be because they're just not good teammates with each other i'm gonna say diamond three actually no diamond diamond two number two sorry you guessed champ one that was a diamond three only one rank off ah wait what the age i guess very nice aj guess gold three on that one okay he has no brains never mind then i say he's probably a diamond three as well i did at the end yeah that's why i laughed dang kind of in the realm that's crazy i'm actually surprised at that one [Music] what wow okay before this even starts what this is i'm on an ssl immediately this is a pro player like songs it's definitely like a pro player at least or at least like sso this is definitely a pro i can tell by car design there's no way and the speed flip ooh okay yeah this man is rich so is the other guy he's got alpha boost too fast play good control good air dribble really good air dribble holy this is definitely mr atomic like her way let me see if i see myself on the other team he's breezy flicking dude honestly this could be me because i use this car i've used this car like quite a bit and i feel like you do this because i'm in the video i would like that kind of thing yeah okay this dude is doing some some gypsy stuff yeah it's a higher rank for sure and he's got matching wheels and decal okay yeah this guy definitely plays the game a lot definitely not a crayon eater definitely a chicken nugget eater it's definitely less action-packed so far like the rest but those are good hits good little fake there he's yeah he's trying to pull him into it starting to think it's kind of miss maybe all right i know for sure it's a super sound legend but it's definitely a pro as well this kid's going off the ceiling who's that daniel oh my this is 100 a pro i know that i know just from his items alone and the way he's playing and there's another guy another team with alpha boost i gotta say i'm around like grand champ higher area i don't know how like high up the chart fully fully goes with supersonic legend all right so for sure for shellfish i'll fish out fish out for sure maybe aj or something like that very impressed that guy really rocked see but sonos could be playing a trick on me here i'll say grand champ too i'm i'm gonna say grand champ four okay that's actually not a rank unfortunately that's okay okay i figured it was going to write so there's one two three and then ssl you know yeah let's do ssl also known as gc4 yeah could this be europe it could be europe because the camera settings are like european one yeah that's a thing yeah all the na players 100 negative five that's 100 to negative three height majority eu uses 110 negative three and those are 100 negative three with high stiffness kind of like monkey moon settings i'm not sure uh you guessed grand champ two yeah and unfortunately that was professional player monkey moon i should have known i should have none unfortunately the best player in europe man i should have known that is a monkey moon playing in red bull that was monkeyman yeah i threw a little eu action and so technically you are correct he has an ssl let's go it's the highest rank what i love is you kept talking and every time you kept talking you got more and more specific until you guessed the exact person that was monkey mood that was playing no that wasn't yeah that was monkey moon and ranked a couple weeks ago so that was crazy that was so cool i thought i thought for sure i was getting tricked on that dang yeah very unlucky good he's throwing for content yeah let's go w did on purpose oh no he's got like a sneak kickoff he's going left and right yeah it was tricky ooh he's using the kool-aid boost gold max no i'm kidding i'm kidding no like like would it wait is this is this useless i can't talk too much off the cars it's a bad challenge though it looks very average wait where is this teammate i i couldn't tell you i was trying to find them as well see like some of this looks worse than the the guesses i had for like the silver or whatever but it's probably gonna be better somehow yeah he's definitely the worst of all the cliffs were you like instantly good when you started rocket league be kind of funny i don't think oh i remember myself being this bad he's not just like wasting his boost for no reason so you can't be super low rank but the touches this lobby is making are awful oh my gosh they're not going anywhere they're just rolling into the corner over and over again i think he's definitely silver something but he knows he could be golden like don't know a difference between them really it feels like they're all trying to play like super smart like what they see pros doing like trying to control everything but they're just not doing anything with the ball so i feel like it's like a bunch of diamond players that watch a lot of pro play see this right here bro just sit still sit still he doing i i used to be one of my major problems ooh this is it oh oh my god oh my god oh let's see the ariel okay no double jump never mind not a diamond okay this has to wow yeah double oh the ariel oh my on a scale of one to ten how calculated was that double touch i think he tried shooting it but then he got lucky double touch yeah that's not a number but yeah yeah that's that's a sense after that goal i might have to give him like gold one couldn't sit still he held the boost all the time so he's definitely a a g fuel drinker go two for sure i'm gonna go gold one on that i think that's tough because he could be a higher rank too because he hit that double touch especially since it looks so calculated yeah i know i might go with diamond one with that one all right i'll just tell you what everyone guessed about you okay so aj guessed you as a gold one okay a little humbling that's okay yeah arsenal guessed you as a gold two a little better understandable that is that's only three ranks off professional rocket league player spuda guessed you a diamond one okay so he went over he went over two ranks for you so in that clip specifically i had just switched from playing with keyboard and mouse to playing with controller and so that was like the first double top i had ever hit ever so squishy guessed you as a gold one because of the single jump right here oh yeah damn very unfortunate except for spuda boosted the ego a little bit maybe not that thanks like anything pro level i can guess pretty easily but the lower ranks is such a like it's a random i have no idea first of all you guessed the foods no one else did that yeah chicken nuggets yeah fuel in a way you want you won congrats dude thank that's freaking go dude do you beat out all the pros by a decent margin wow you uh win you guessed the closest that's cool how does it feel to be smarter than professional rocket league players i would just like to say that yes i might not have the mechanical skill like these pros do but mentally you know i'm just there right i mean not in the game you're obviously they're smarter at rockets oh yeah but just like yeah when it comes to guessing bad players you're you're better oh and superior at any any game and any game ask me to guess the bad players to not do it oh wow i didn't even think about trying other games you've hey guys just so you know there aren't actually other games just rocket league and if you'd like to participate in an organized rocket league league igl might be perfect for you registration is open for their spring circuit which is free to enter there's recreational leagues for 1v1 2v2 3v3 and hoops and the best part is everyone can get their games broadcasted on twitch they have an amazing network of casters and you can sign up to be one as well regardless of skill level at indiegamingleague.comcastreverse registration ends march 27th so get on that goodbye
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,823,565
Rating: 4.9561815 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: f608cdyV_Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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