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[Music] now Cheryl Cheryl open Jacques drove attack yep and then for door and then Montpelier and GG biggest encirclement of all time killing the allies the training a [ __ ] quality crafted biggis interrupt the wind in his suite ouch [ __ ] Oh such a big fan old it'll see historical vetting let's check this is Denker's game Dustin on France it means the XS win um I wouldn't mind an Italy game and Italy games would be interesting every tank Italy's garbage GI I think I play a very good good Italy like I don't think I have to prove myself I mean I want to replay that didn't played in a long time but I feel like my Italy is good what difference is good for a bad Italy player is that a good repair understands what his role is it Italy is nothing but the support you are a support nothing else you are not in a real high level game though but if you have a new game you can do whatever you want right but in a real high level game and high level Italy you just support you build planes trains planes you go man smoke you defend the d-day you you prepare Africa for the German arrival stuff like that whatever but I like you take the biggest star put a spoon okay how do you play Italy Manny the focus because I think it's cheating I was always a big I always said that I'm very much against skipping utopia focus I'm fine if people do it sure go ahead but in my opinion it's cheating okay this is this first focus will then not be mocking Ostrom I think that's wrong I think the thing I want to do here is rush research slot that just seems so good we're gonna actually rush three shots three research slot built the sifts on the highest count which is eighty to eighty s research obviously building research phyto once with a german license bom-bom-bom German license mom and this last one goes into the first mass smoke they will obviously be a lot of people come on it has been three years how do you still ask that question these two will support chairs so we make sure we never lose this farm the meat old airplanes and get the rest Africa I'm a bomb a bomb bring them to Africa to Asia make XP you need the bombers and the cast because they actually give you a some Syrians bomb bomb bomb would need to get her fetus together under smart I don't think you trained them because you have no fuel I actually have no experience about that and you can beat this trash you don't need it also you want to lend-lease Spanish Senora Bom Bom that is the early game of Italy one of them to get efficiency on it but already neighbor bombers naval bombers is the most important thing but not too many not too many the nailed one BER one state honor that I think that's very good here getting efficiency for matter once once I have them naval bombers so porn naval bombers is what wins the Mediterranean I think Italy can never ever win against the UK Navy if the UK knows what it's doing it's impossible the only way to win is green hair and actually actually I have so much I don't have any time so why not just go in right I mean we're not gonna get desert fox anyway just go in just grind just grind we're not gonna have desert fox anyway let's just be honest if I feel like you do not have the time for dockyards and Navy tech in this game if I just do air and naval bombers that means I can totally step away from building any Navy going me too much into naval doctrines and that makes me so much stronger in the long run most importantly the one thing that is undoubtedly the most important thing about at least rush father to and build a [ __ ] on off I don't use Italy means support the axis with a [ __ ] ton of planes that is all that is it it should actually be this 100% that's what I like so much about the way I play Italy where you don't focus anything on on infantry and stuff I don't need to research anything for in frontier not really I don't care about artillery to know because I'm Massimo I have time to go into for example into industry and I just want to produce planes planes planes planes planes like crazy I also need to crazy produce guns because I'm a mass mobility man that rule is a bit crazy that you have to kill it so fast that's a bit crazy I in my book I have to pay three sips to the bottle so that's actually less sauce then I didn't play next a while do I just attacked you in Greece right now or do I have to wait for this you can't generally Armony no it doesn't but it still it will be yeah you can do it that's fine it's already ten percent so it doesn't matter you should be you know Jesus and we are [Music] grinding it I don't want to kill it too fast I would I'd also don't wanna get stuck here but with our grinded [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are we done [ __ ] [ __ ] you here we go what does to start very early door may already but this motors good you don't know both do what everybody join me he has to accept that you idiots when if I click on the warp over K connects Bulgarian a I know so we're gonna have to pause ok as you get the infantry but not just fine I'm not that big of a pressure of the of this with naval meta so I hope this works let's see if this works then let's just use them cannot be searched oh my god ok we forgot though I gotta be honest I've never got with this tactic I thought I liked to play with this mask openly something very important is to actually make 40 with Marines well [ __ ] it maybe someone else did them I can't tell yet Romania actually has yes so it's fine this in I feel good prepared the West looks a bit but again Germany has to save your ass are you fruit of everything no UK entire you can't be dessert entire you completely sir no no no you can beat it you can beat up name oh yeah yeah we killed we killed their part of the please kill their fighter oh I got a decent honest and circle fiscal being we kept two carriers [Music] it was kind of good battle force because yeah you lost your belly apparently people killed yeah oh yeah tell me you've damaged the Navy's so hard I'm killing now every single Navy is gone but where's my Navy also gone I think I've lost minute oh yeah my name is gone what was a good trade there was a good trade damage just Navy I finished flash back its if repairing if he brings it out he's just gonna kill mine I mean I can't just go land you're right [ __ ] it where's my fleet wait I have wait what wait what okay I've actually zero ships guys it's a if I can trade my feet for Singapore and we can learn the name by not having rubber sure and a flashback of no Navy limb era it's a good trade no but he has to click the decisions that's in Italian Navy that has never been built up by deterrent player which I never did just wreck the UK Navy in my book that's a trait that I'm willing to take Tommy okay no Mon Stein's not sick anymore we're gonna push on me you can aim is dead the fingers chat that you can't see that the UK Navy is getting focused well why because I give naval bombers to hungry hungry my coast is never one was to hunt the UK fleet we just killed all the UK carriers one last was left and we're slowly taking over the men now good job man nice he's killing old you can't see it live on stream it sucks a bit but he's killing a [ __ ] ton of allied stuff here with his with his naval bombers that I gave him the big the big mistake the Allies did you something that everybody should learn from is that they went to Crete which means they will go into agency the agency belongs to us because our airports are here the naval bumpers for Jake and C and they [ __ ] them up I'm just supporting drop me drop me some on the kilt show me is one of tanks I'm going on I'm just here to support this is what an early show their support your teammates the revivals what makes sweet support Creed will have a 2 K airport which my submarines are still on it men beautiful I'm gonna stop pushing my submarines into the entire Atlantic no initiative then bar I can't go faltered Oh [Music] That moment when they'd better take Canada than helping me man holy [ __ ] it's looks cool and call you the viewer it's like oh wow they made it Canada but it makes no sense you will just die here the Allies will just kill you here why don't do something that actually matters [Applause] after defenders have to defend this and I have to kind of go to d-day this could have been much easier if Germany took West Africa of Romania actually invading people I mean it was still completely winning but this could have done this could have been done much much better that is the important thing about Africa Tommy why do you take Africa as the axis so you make sure that d-day kind up pretty much has to actually happen in Normandy if you ruled the Mediterranean you're just safe here right no one is gonna DJ in South France or Italy or Greece cuz you rule Africa that's why I think it's it's not good that the axis abandon West Africa this is such a threat what if America comes in here kills me takes these ports and they start to invade my [ __ ] right we're not opening a second front you kinda have to if you're an Africa you have to like snap it then you have to [ __ ] know [ __ ] man no [ __ ] in Africa I'm actually gonna get them two more all of it and it's crazy that I'm looking look at what I'm building I'm building so many planes and stuff right I'm building so much [ __ ] but I don't have missed any any resource so it was very clever to to get excavation early obviously I don't have any research in the department of infantry but again everything I said made sense glory thank you for q1 this this is how you play it Illya in my book you don't need second infantry you just defend imagine I had 14 force I'm not gonna beat this I'm also not gonna beat this 144 so why give a [ __ ] what infantry when you can't put a lot of emphasis on that most poorly let's look at the picture while these guys are like crying Alex I know it sucks it's a waste today we had the finger-painting shrimp and Anastasia remains today this should not be allowed it's called the Orca it calms you down that's it's not like crystal meth this is [ __ ] little hours look Alex this is a palm tree no is it vice what I wanted this to be submarines enemy came in today I know do you say is defending itself is trying reinstalled steel division to Japan has a free game because no one is here so what the [ __ ] Alex remembering sister I don't know what was that like the Allies still believe in themselves I actually wonder if my ranks Li still believe in themselves I'm very excited could you try Western Matt green air Germany needs guns holy crap that oh what the [ __ ] that's me dude I've never seen the Germany and nexon they say I've never seen that you can do a Santa qual I can actually delete some integers okay okay perfect now you take your Bane yeah but tell me why why because now he did the to set focus give me two more factories that's also the reason why you don't kill locks and brokers Germany here we go here we go damn this is strong student you have a head there's a cost Wyatt pawn center of sparing Russia this is the meta 810 ruins and 20 heavy tanks that's what they do play this do us brain that Russia doesn't look so good foxy game what s1 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what this is just crap [ __ ] special air service is only this harder don't worry it's which shell of West Africa Oh indie rock band from Detroit nobody knows them the [ __ ] you talk what the [ __ ] oh I'm not in Russia wait what hey call me in the world Russia what the [ __ ] coming to Russia fast I can't detect him what no [ __ ] that is sexual exciting Russia walk cause it's back and forth while the Allies are totally not existent well they're they're doing something but it's gonna take them forever to you guys this is just ten with no one cares if they die who cares if they died at ten whoops you know what's funny my army is actually my infantry is better than Russia's infantry Dennis that's how stupid this meta is seven nobody makes any real infantry any more regulars did I just break this I don't even my Korean well how do [ __ ] did I break that oh guys I don't know who went here man the one thing is cool that the allies of [ __ ] kinda but one day de oh god I lose him yes Africa now I'm not gonna get and I predicted as I said this this will happen Germany needs to help me we can't just abandon West Africa like this something needs to be done today I knew I knew it that I knew it I just felt it I let you want to say this did they did they I knew it then I literally say we're not going to win baby and no likes we should film business this is gonna suck yeah present model tanks super-heavy tank ouch [Music] holy crap man I've never had a game like this that really felt so total war desperate defense the longer I hold the morning will Oh God actually not [Music] this is a powerless man goes to South Spain Micron's all these people in chat that that were like this is the perfect example for all these people shed this is exactly the game that shows you why you shall play mesmo the more time i stale here the more they kill russia the more japan does pull harbor someone chef didn't someone say that please man they're baiting Italy is Romanian troops there you can you can fix it lately we need to fix Italy six heavy tanks Ireland they totally focus on me no they don't focus on Germany anymore a concert was possible in Italy we need to people need to take care of these six Irish heavy tanks it's super boring clean Italian supplements beautiful beautiful again well he's saving no I didn't know I really weighed them us to the Baltics huh we need a right-click what a war two more tanks now anytime this is where I'm gonna call that year Japan was the last total but he left and when he disconnected and Germany just did not make significant progress naval invasion down this Mike this is actually kind of turning into the crease Camaro that's a catalytic way we don't like man were slowly slowly picking them apart how you may kill three with me the totally wasn't he bet our remaining is just in a bower can't even take the fourth Ukraine can you stop if you Germany may never we're breaking over over the master well let's Michael Francis microphone voice [ __ ] is the skills to go website pink insomniac I'm gonna wreck the conference yeah he's attacking who being multiple combat combat I yep that beautiful beautiful beautiful keep going all the metal insert the waterfronts culprit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you for the 5 min I mean he pushed thank you very much lots of sushi places in Dublin advance you will always win every battle Germany just keep [ __ ] them just [ __ ] them up don't be scared oh yeah [Music] let's go oh wait it's the best toy force since jet to cave yours holy crap holy [ __ ] on the [ __ ] Wednesday thank you guys very much I mean this is kind of like we wanted to praise this game why not this might be one of the best games this is what we do you're going walk down the the French coast and we encircle the entire Allied army open G walk drove a tank yeah and then SPO door and then Montpelier and GG [Music] [Music] get him this might be the biggest encirclement then Tomica history oh ok ok well let's do Donnell stood somewhere at something else then no one when you were killing them holy crap dude Pegasus rocket women history has to be commanding the army and destroying the French pocket unbelievable game maybe one of the best games I've ever seen Dino returns and how would you want to give a shout-out to all the players that didn't leave yet all the Allies that didn't I guess many people left yeah many people left but lots of people it's time for a break Marsh it's time for the ball we're just gonna be doing it Wow Oh overrun tell me my man powers almost gone I gotta look at the casualties from the Allies we're pressing we're producing more playful I'm gonna press the button guys I'm gonna press the button you in a second if you do see there anything fun now my boy my boy Abdullah for my boy or would Allah for 100 percent penalty I don't care we'll both leave this born for this the enemies are many and everywhere thousands of orcs aka communists on the horizons the word man [Music] can't even see my own mental eye I'm losing million more nail guns don't [ __ ] out of that power oh [ __ ] I'm out of em powers oh we're pushing a customer [ __ ] out of manpower that went so fast a lot of manpower don't worry scraping the barrel GD o get shrekt oh my god I'm too good at this game I'm just way too good this is not okay man I'm Way too good at this game holy crap okay fine but then someone should watch the peanuts recommend Aranea peanut supplements we killed so many Russian wings it's like you killed run Russian and to new are made if you want lend-lease meows this game is to Ruth if you already have it and holy crap or corneas granite some [ __ ] you barely mentions you met you you dad être that has an amazing game 150k member this is all woman this is all women yeah women in the workforce this is all women there's only Italian women fighting here looks like obviously that literally dead click the button Oh Mike wait sir commence and angry about everybody sitting hungry what an insane game that was true that might have been the craziest game ever seen on this channel unbelievable shout out to all everybody that was in this game I don't want to shut off people everybody did their best everybody tried man unbelievable game unbelievable and I think we carried the game very much I don't think I'm arrogant you when I say that but this was very Italian carry ich I guess we both forgot Jionni killing millions and millions of people is still level four like if this encirclement happens is this river ties thank you let's shout out to Russia day these guys are fighting till the end man but the big respect to Russia big [ __ ] respect I guess I'll cross absences feeling more out there with everyone because when you're telecommuting thank you it's going to be anti-climactic again do we care [Music] in my life you too Tommy hit the next mission giving it to my boy make it a nice ending for a YouTube video [ __ ] you Spain Marconi I love you I'm sorry for the copyright but this is for two thousand beers okay [Music] [Music] you think Tommy's getting old Vic Tommy's getting weaker Tommy's getting more family-friendly you think Tommy's not the old guy anymore huh you think all these people left the right for two years being but-but-but-but-but faze me Vincent faze me Floyd phases me we just started voice we just [ __ ] started no weakness no backing down still the old man still the destroyer ha actually dries on ooh big shout-out to Russia man these [ __ ] showed some crazy balls man big shout-out to Russia man what balls they should not leaving the game unbelievable oh my god I want to masturbate right now to this game the one thing I remember right now was one guy in chat 10 hours ago saying Tommy you should wasn't PI one guy said saying Tommy shown you the grand balcony lame [Music] what a game man that that was literally and Italy almost carrying the axis we carried the hold of France we made the amazing decision to go back to the Rhine unbelievable we pushed back with the help of the Allies the holy tenant army went to Russia and defended Germany from the ultimate defeat this might have been one of the craziest Italy games of all times Thank You welder thank you very much thank you to all the orcs in chat man holy crap this might have been my co name is arrogant as it sounds maybe one of the best Italy maybe the best Italy performance I will ever show in my life a frequent calling here I have to stop we're gonna show the wall screen one last time six million Italians five million Germans to 13 million Russians twelve million allies is there so many people that real world war naught is this mall right this is much more so well for them gentlemen thanks for watching I'm done here I'm [ __ ] done guys I swear to God from the bottom of my [ __ ] heart thank you guys so much for all this [ __ ] man this is I love you guys from the bottom of my heart love you guys honest to god thank you for everything bits donations follow subs patrons thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks you are saved and changing my life man [ __ ] but then you got your kiss for the gay boys and chat I love you haven't I see me they see you tomorrow I got a steep ten hours snow I love you guys bye bye say hi to [ __ ] with [Music] No [Music] now I'm just sitting here sad now I'm just saying you sad
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 1,960,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIGGEST ENCIRCLEMENT IN HISTORY OF HOI4 MULTIPLAYER! BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED - HOI4 MP Italy, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 italy, hoi4 italy multiplayer, tommykay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 mp, tommy kay, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hearts, of, iron, meme, hoi4 encirclement, hoi4 biggest encirclement, hoi4 italy man the guns, italy, best italy hoi4, hoi4 best player, epic, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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