r/Technicallythetruth | he's drawing it...

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Oh wait no Frick that's the wrong link!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Princess_C9 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is rust it's caused by oxygen and called oxidation we breathe oxygen every day if we can do this to a chain just imagine what it can do to your lungs share to help raise awareness about the danger of oxygen well every person that breathed oxygen and the seventeen hundreds died they got a point [Music] how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash technically the truth drawbridges ahead Oh I mean if you save so I guess send me a pic of you and your bra okay that that's clever paper cut finder this is correct got my hands they they hurts just just looking at this draw 25 easy me googling what do I do like bleeding raccoon bite Google elevate and apply pressure me lifting raccoon real high apologize or ELPS shrek talking to Fiona oh dear oh dear gorgeous Shrek talking to donkey you freaking donkey what's your community name are slash not going to work that name isn't going to work correct puts down gently in fear of breaking the TV puts down gently in fear of breaking the table in your fingers that's what you call evolution I'm pretty sure it's just called a TV bro s image if world war 1 never happened the world war 2 wouldn't have happened either there's an argument to be made for that but maybe without those wars tensions in Europe could have continued to rise until the 80s or something that nuclear holocaust instead I don't know no one imagines about counterfactuals but they are fun to imagine nope world war two would have been world war 1 if World War one never happened I had to say that last one like 5 times that's it that's a tongue twister there what would you probably never get around to if you lived forever dying ok we got a real funny guy here huh they throw a smoke bomb in the ventilation results smoke our / our thoughts scar didn't murder Mufasa it's a cat's natural instinct to push things off ledges this is true study finds atheists are more likely to own cats than Christians this article is stupid besides not knowing how to feed and care for them it's illegal to own a Christian let alone buy and sell them wait a minute what is the role of the witness to witness the crime right this is great bad I love this subreddit really bad analogies written by high school students her eyes were like two Brown circles with people hug dots in the center he was as tall as a 6-3 tree her face was a perfect oval like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a ThighMaster from the attic came an unearthly howl the whole scene had an eerie surreal quality like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 John and Mary had never met they were like two humming birds who had also never met she had a deep throaty genuine laugh like a sound of dog makes just before it throws up the ballerina rose gracefully and point and extended one slender leg behind her like a dog at a fire hydrant he was lame as a duck not the metaphorical lame duck either but a real duck that was actually lame maybe from stepping on a landmine or something and lastly her vocabulary was as bad as like whatever these are all great what would you do if YouTube was taken off the internet not watch YouTube duh did you know if your parachute doesn't deploy you have the rest of your life to fix it congratulations you played yourself you sure did but he looks like he's having a great time Florida man on MDMA gets stranded on Lake Fountain while trying to be with the Swans because the quote that they don't judge him certified for two men I would hope so when your boss is about to fire you I'm about to end this man's whole career guess who's gonna practice in 2020 no matter how hard I try she still points over my left shoulder this this is true if gas prices keep going up it'll be cheaper to snort cocaine and run everywhere yeah dude what is your street name lil Marco you live on a street called little Marco oh you met my address one gallon about four liters of gasoline contains about 31 million calories human daily caloric requirement is 1,500 to 2,500 depending on the person one gallon of gasoline contains enough calories satisfy that requirement for twelve thousand four hundred to twenty thousand six hundred days or about thirty-four to fifty six point five years therefore if I chuck a gallon of gasoline I won't need to eat for the rest of my life strictly speaking you're absolutely correct I'm gonna try this if ESPN to fire me I will no longer have a job Apple store grab and run robberies on the rise anything in life is free if you run fast enough true Elijah Holt nice profile photo hello sexy you're so hot you would give me your card details nudes will be send heart my card details sure it's rectangular made of plastic has a magnet strip on it and a chip it's blue and says my name on it now where's my nudes no this is not how you play the game oh those type of cards okay I drew a Jack of Diamonds and a four of clubs did I win well yeah but you must have beginner's luck chuckles nervously if you were to take everyone's eyelids nobody would bat an eye but if you took everyone's brains everybody would lose their minds shower thoughts never fails to amaze me gym tip work out smart not hard a lot of people at the gym go and lift the big weights but actually the small weights are lighter and much easier to lift I'll keep that in mind I think it's disgusting when a serial killer gets a Netflix series do you know how many comedians would kill to get a Netflix special apparently not enough don't hit me with the hey gorgeous because I'll find you boring and won't reply Hey ugly you better have gotten a reply you hear the one about the airplane no I'd probably go over your head I'm pretty smart try me dot dot if you include dead people the average person is dead the average person is mostly dead what would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail succeed broth stores are having trouble keeping their doors open just by a door stopper they're only like four dollars if you design a quest where I need to follow an NPC and they move slower than my running speed but faster than my walking speed you are banned for making video games for a year if you design a quest where I need to follow an NPC you are banned for making video games for one year if you design a quest where I need to follow an NPC you are banned from making video games if you design a quest you are making video games if you design you are making if you an NPC you are video games if you move slower than my running speed you are gone and lastly PP can I take your order no I want it I bet shouldn't have made me laugh come on fun fact Eminem would spend hours every night reading the dictionary so that he could expand his vocabulary and use it in his fact books are your greatest weapon against our foes unless they have a gun as a blind person you can never be 100% sure that you're alone in a room you can't be sure of that anyway well just saw the postman get out of his van walk up to the door empty-handed go back to the van and drive away while I was standing at the door status we attempted to deliver your item function useless you don't have any code in your useless function make sure to use the function or get rid of it biology chemistry and physics are essentially all the same science with different zoom settings oh my god you're right bee removal bee removal is the process of removing bees from a location what unskilled foreigners seek to move to Canada a British and American couple both unemployed are seeking to immigrate to Canada despite having no real skills to out for the country early reports indicate you know what they look proud they look happy I just just let them be glass buildings are just complex sand castles wait a minute making a mana potion but can you drink it you can but only once I found this while cleaning a theater and I think this can accurately describe our feelings 4:49 right now we enjoyed it when fort and i gave us so much content every single week that now since there's nothing new we lost our pleasure of the game because we want more the pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more it's a sign no it's a piece of paper yeah you idiot you're pregnant oh my god what is it it's when you grow a frickin person and yourself this organ is called the heart it's job is to suffer and bleed oh my god cancer isn't the only thing killing americans big drops in cancer mortality rates are worth celebrating but they can stand in sharp contrast with many persistent and worrisome to help friends yeah the word depute sir ohm nev may look ridiculous but backwards it's even more stupid wait if you still a penny from a bank you robbed a bank oh my god the level of brain power you can expect from me in 2020 short people don't 69 they EA yeah this is big brain size no it's a horseshoe no dating in your 30s is just two people telling each other stories about how they used to be fun damn you didn't have to go you didn't have to say that Sarah come on what our eggs meat dairy vegetable eggs or eggs hey Siri what is 68 in German English 68 German 68 my son daddy what would happen to my president if someone stole it off our porch you wouldn't get it it's true eat here oh we will both starve Oh have you ever had a surprise birthday party how was it surprising I are so funny but they're they're not and well that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth but we do have some fan art from reddit user the creature 80 79 some technical fan art with pencil and paper ooh I like this a lot I as someone who is a very big fan of like robots and things a lot of different detail and tiny little things in them I like this a lot this is super cool it's almost like like Terminator meets Michael Bay transformers I really really dig this all the tiny little effects in the the gears and the wires and the cables very very cool thank you so much thank you for your submission and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button in the Bell so you get notified mmmk uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,080,430
Rating: 4.9581933 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth emkay, technicallythetruth, technicallythetruth emkay, reddit truth, truth, reddit puns, dad jokes, puns, emkay technicallythetruth
Id: Yzt1OiBw5bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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