r/ATBGE | why why why why why

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hey check it out he's wearing loafers never speak to me again what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash awful taste but great execution what's on this fence huh ghost wait wait wait are these giant like metal flies I mean I'll see this is like an awful taste if this is their point then go for it I guess I have no qualms with this really I have no like no thinking about this really puts me off I just think this is just weird places doing weird things these bees flies don't really care you stylin and profilin emojis are your favorite thing get this emoji big ol big ol headpiece put it on wear it I dare you oh man so why why is he what's the I don't get the point of this actually cuz why don't you just like shave that I don't quite understand what is he going for here what is the point what's up with this cat's tail on his face alright Hey Arnold look hard for Halloween anyone you know what go for it if you can make some cool stuff do it in fact make your whole makeup look like 90s Nickelodeon collage go for it I'm all for that that is cool I'm sorry is this a nice wait is this a coin bag is this a coin purse what okay that's kind of cool let's funky hey now hold on just a second here hold on just a second nah you can't just you can't just create that okay just put that into the world and expect me to be okay with it you can't just create that that's illegal is she wearing that magic cart bikini with the mask included she's got it going on I appreciate that in a lady this is cool this is cool as hell I think this is neat I think this is really neat this is some of that cool like this is creative stuff you know like oh man that is dope that's really dope okay this is great taste this is really well done screw it banana mobile get in ladies we're going for a ride and we got a giant robot in the back where is this fantasy land that they're in huh but these metal flip-flops that's that's okay you know I don't understand it but I'll preciate the mystique he's talking crap because he's got the tattoo in his mouth what is up with cars like more and more vehicles are starting to look like PlayStation one cars and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it like I want to be supportive and I want to say you know cool do you but at the same time what are you thinking are we just are we regressing I don't understand this is that car that you want at the end of Mario Kart Double Dash the apple of my eye is a rat I even have a tiny portrait of this rat in my home I keep it in front of the mantelpiece right as I eat my dinner and I look forward to see the rat portrait every night every time I see it like any sort of rodent I feel it in my heart and my soul just talk like chills and I don't know why something in my soul screams to talk like him hammy DeVito bro what is what's up it's hammy DeVito that's funny whoa what that is sick dog that is gnarly holy cow that is cruel bro that's really fricking cool holy cow that is artistic as well I love that of the clay pig with the put the cake peeking out that's just peek that's peek society hey look it's goo I like this guy this guy's stylin and profilin he knows what it's all about this man really knows what it's all about he's trying to steal the moon and he's doing it via tattoo talk about a porcelain throne huh this is my thinking throne when I got to take them really important dumps this is where I go I have someone who wipes for me too [Laughter] [Music] oh it's great oh that's awesome that's funny oh it's great okay less cool less meat less funny okay you can you could keep that you can have that another one so we await our this is that like is that art or is that like actual bobby pins and stuff inside the seat just like in a case of like silicon what am i is is Kozma is cosmetics your passion my friend and you just want it in your life everywhere try understand the motivation behind this it wouldn't hurt because it's within the seat itself it's in its encased it's encompassed you're not gonna feel it but I'm just very curious as to why want to see what I can do possum fern nipple warmers you feeling cold put these on you don't feel good after that I promise brother that is the biggest spoiler that spoiler is far too large for your car friend is that supposed to be a spoiler what are we working with here that's the thing I can't quite though or working with your chief spoiler alert just me and the boys hanging out you know what it do you know what it do as meaning the gang hanging out with our giant freaking contraption I'm not sure what it does but boy howdy will you want to see it that's a cute set - how is this a bad tattoo this is adorable I love this this is precious that's a precious tattoo ah yes take down the portrait of Jesus put town to put up the giant Jesus trophy perfect beverage installment Peter Davidson is on my screen smooth like a Ken doll but I don't want to I don't want to see it anymore I just don't like this image I just really don't I just really don't this is cool I think this is neat like genuinely I find this stuff really cool and I might be alone in that consensus but hey this is the kind of stuff that really like I think is super super neat and I would like honestly love to see it in person nice love this for you man got that blood splatter pillow and everyone's just snoozing and nap but even the dogs getting in on it I know it's not a real fish but I think that's that would trick me from afar I don't know about you guys but from afar I would be fooled I'd be like this lady's got a fish in our ear but she doesn't tis merely a trick I dare you to use this bathroom go on and take a look at yourself that's funny there's a roach in my coffee in my latte man I love I love that it's like all like the latte art - it's kind of cute just a couple of people hanging out they got flippers why don't you why don't you got flippers ah yes the UH I don't know how to talk about the dress in the suit but that's really how you make a good first impression I think take a look at that Mouse that sailor mouse love her love that sailor Mouse I live in Florida I see this kind of stuff this is stuff that is just around in Florida you know like this is just I there's a car so there's a McDonald's they used to go to and I would go to it because without fail I'm pretty sure it wasn't him it was an employee but her car had one eyelash like a like a fake eyelash eat put on your face well the car would have just one headlight with the eyelashes and the other one didn't so it looked like she lost an eyelash on her car it just didn't take the other one off it was the funniest thing I've ever seen this kind of stuff is normal in Florida you see this yeah I take it look simply southern simply mmm hey what's up baby what they go riding like my chicken dog get in right there you get in this when I say give me a hand this is what I mean this is what I mean don't help me give me a hand earrings what is my man doing he's making his bed look like the mess all right that's kind of funky that's kind of quirky I'll mess with you all right nice cigarette butt nail art idiot there's so much wrong come with me while I break down everything I hate about this image first things first let's start with the fact that these are wet shoes with a thong but wait there's more and Bose there's just so much like if you're gonna wear wet shoes just wear them why do you have to have all these bells and whistles this is not okay I'm sorry what is this that is an art installment chief this is kind of cute is that like a this kid this isn't animals these are these are bred this is all bred ah that's cut that's kind of funny I hate this I hate everything about this cuz those are useless it's made of fur I'm not gonna put a drink in a fur Cup I'd be a fool to do so why would I do this why would I do that to myself mmm doesn't have a nice cup of coffee in my fur cup nah I'd be an idiot don't like it that's funny I like that this okay this is funny I really hope this is that like a UH like a greenhouse somewhere like a greenhouse you can go tour and then the bathrooms are all themed with that I hope that's the case cuz that's funny that is silly pineapple Boyz rise up and it's pineapple season baby what it do SpongeBob's house is my favorite place wish I lived there but I'm gonna be his house if I can't live there that is not that's not proper tapestry I'll give you an A for creativity but that is not proper tapestry he is a feed that is the monster that is my sleep paralysis demon when I say girl be looking like a snack that's what I mean that is what I mean don't get it twisted but are these what are these these are obviously claws but attached to a are these like goblin claws this little goblin hands what am I looking at what kind of hand am I looking at here concerns me greatly welcome to my lovely garden I hope you enjoy your stay yes I've stolen over 700 toilets don't ask about that though don't don't ask look at the pretty plants I have roses and petunias in the toilets hey bud what's the toilet paper not that I'm good oh look at these guys just a couple of fetuses hanging out best friends really you know what that style I could appreciate that I could appreciate a good style I like that that's nice that's creative ten points for creativity my girls weren't the burger suit I told you pan people look like a whole snack would be wearing the burger suits that's a look man we got that 2-pack lamp rest in peace 2-pack yes are you hungry for some hors d'oeuvres eat from the fish eat from him everybody gangster till the urinal grows arms on my way to school that's he's on his way to school Santa it's budget Santa I like that I don't like anything about that that scares me greatly never why would you show me that my dude's got the smell like teen spirit on the armpit I appreciate that in a person I like that so what am I supposed to think about these Balenciaga like what's the what's the theme here these aren't pretty shoes by any means I can tell you that much those shoes are not pretty but hey if you want to do it go for it chief it's your life is this gold like snakeskin what am I looking at this is I you know what I've noticed and I don't know if how expensive this car is but sometimes the more expensive an item gets the uglier it gets as well and I'm not sure why that is but I've noticed that that's a common trend oh dude I'm living in the upside down my girls weren't a sexy goldfish costume okay I see you glub-glub making all the fish real thirsty huh that's kind of funky this looks like a Disney Channel set I think that's okay I think this is okay this is fine this is just a Disney Channel set there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with a bit of a Disney Channel set Disney Channel vibe appreciate that Oh subbu woo never mind this is not cool this isn't funky this isn't fresh I hate this okay you know what that's eccentric I can vibe what that beds very that's very eccentric that's cool that's very cool whoa what that's actually dope that is cool I don't care what you say that is super sick are you kidding me that oh that must have taken so long Wow why the fan Cosi not sure chief this is his favorite image of all time and he had to get it engraved into his head big fan check it out just vibing with a couple of bony boys get on my chariot value I've seen this photo and these subreddits before this is listen this is just a this is an ordinary car with some big old rims what's wrong with that maybe he likes a nice clearance for he gets into the car doesn't feel big and powerful let him have it let him have it are these leggings these are kind of cool these are funky oh no I don't think that's bad I think this is neat this is art this is artistic why the Marg why this there's so much wrong with that margin there I just don't want it I don't want to break it down because it just makes me sad every time I look at it I don't want to anymore oh dude hey there's guns in the back of the boots I like that it's something about that's funny this is for the this is for the rootinest tootinest furry huh that's cool now to feature a post from user I see lemons Soufan and I made I would really appreciate if you guys checked out my Instagram and only in art with underscores between the let the words sure thing man let's look at this art first and goodness gracious I love the like the the I don't know how to describe it but the the like explosion of vibrance and neat little characters in the background I think that's really cool that's really neat I like that a lot that's awesome that's really cool thank you so much and for all of you who love to follow the people who make stuff for mk their instagram is ally underscore n underscore art that stuff is really cool that is awesome and thank you so much for watching our slash 80 GBE if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 789,206
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/atbge, r/atbge emkay, atbge emkay, trashy, trashy emkay, r/trashy emkay, r/makemesuffer emkay, r/makemesuffer, makemesuffer, r/makemsuffer emkay, r/thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit emkay, r/diwhy, diwhy emkay, facepalm emkay, facepalm
Id: Wjg42tKm1t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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