r/Rareinsults | masked reddit moments

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i actually swear dreaming this looks like someone tried to make ben 10 as their xbox avatar i'm guessing he didn't pay someone very well to do this [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin the gangly scary spooky silent one and today we're gonna be taking a look at r slash rare insults you know where sometimes they're good sometimes they're bad but at least they're always kinda rare let's jump right in you were a mistake your father had a wet dream and yo mama rolled over your profile pic looks like an erectile dysfunction commercial just cause the photo was professionally taken doesn't mean you look good there my guy found this a while ago portal to anime world exists but once you go there there's no possibility of going back to the real world others oh hell no weebs goodbye everyone they'll think they'll be a main character but really they'll be a random brown-haired character without a face in the background oh that one kinda hurts maybe it's like a lottery you know what i mean if you walk in find a mirror as fast as you can because if your hair is blue or purple oh baby it's on he looks like a slightly annoyed librarian and he dresses kind of like one too well depending on the library you're going to people you may know got crack will suck that's a name looks like she got an original planet of the apes movie costume oh my god cody's hairstyle makes him look like he's a cult leader's assistant he might agree with this i'd rather drag my tits across a field of stinging nettles and sit my bare ass on a pile of hot coals but thanks tom added you to their list i'd probably bang ooh tom what's your problem that's weird man the bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in hell yet here you are limbo dancing with the devil oh pee this is such a raw line what the [ __ ] oh my god uh okay sorry i was kind of distracted there he looks like he's gonna judge me on my bass guitar playing and say it doesn't have the slab he does look like that i'll give you that one what's a reason that a celebrity has blocked y'all on here wendy williams blocked me because i said she's built like a phosphalid wow i'm never gonna unsee that also i would love to be blocked by wendy williams she sucks it's like two bots fighting each other in easy mode no it wasn't quite like that paul just really wanted to hug the guy oh not that show dude these people are delivering their lines exactly how i imagine bread would talk how in the world could you try to emulate grey's anatomy and come out so far behind grey's anatomy look i'm a huge fan of the show but even i recognize that grey's is wow five minutes from being a soap opera 20 years past its prime at this point but this show some guys really have brains like an unseasoned raw chicken breast huh i mean stupid seems to be a much better insult get this accursed creature out of my cellular device it sounds like the cousin of cthulhu look at its bug eyes the eyes of evil i think it's cute it looks like a cannibal look at its little smile all smug after eating its brethren that one also kind of sucked message to ksi and friends okay cool no one cares i hope you get testicular cancer in the brain [ __ ] i do like that one but you have to finish it with [ __ ] do you know what sin city is las vegas yeah what about den city denver no mass over volume you absolute you deserve to be sent back to the time of nero so you can be dipped in wax and turned into a human candle you deserve to go skydiving and land balls first on the eiffel tower you deserve to go to bed but find both sides of your pillow are warm don't you put that evil on me you son of a [ __ ] glad to see the cloning machine works now the question is was it mom or dad that got all these kids huh literally can't believe this is the new logo for this merger warner bros discovery the stuff that dreams are made of it looks like a fake company from a spy kids movie and they probably paid a lot of money for it she's comfy the way she is yes because her skeleton is inside a couch oh dear oh oh dear dude hope your grandma gets bullied at bingo night whoa that one's straight uncalled for i love baby boomers who say kids don't even know how to write cursive in a negative way like okay grandma you can't even turn on your laptop without getting six viruses and wiring half of your retirement money to a nigerian prince and cursive never made any goddamn sense anyway what was the point boomers i'm not kidding what was the point of cursive i learned it i've never once used it in my entire life though hey thanks awesome that you're doing this by the way you're the first person i've ever talked to who spent time inside a whale besides your dad what shut up cracker ma'am respectfully you about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense i hate twitter today i'm officially one week clean i haven't checked the price of doge even once in seven days it's currently .3042 you pour rum in the coffee of recovering alcoholics don't you oh my god oh i hate looking at him i gotta get me one of those my guy looks like the downvote button no he clearly looks like the sexiest man alive dude proud to say i've never seen any of those movies if you haven't seen lord of the rings you're actually living under a rock no i have better things to do than sit on a couch for hours watching movies like what find worms to eat and watch out for bird rock dweller look it was pretty weak sauce but he was defending lord of the rings and i gotta give it to him for that alone either you got a hot pocket for a brain or we didn't watch the same fight holy hell my brother just beat floyd mayweather no he didn't your bro didn't do sh although i kind of wish we got to see him kiss him but you know whatever ozzy osbourne is basically a five-year-old and a 90 year old fighting over control of a body filled with every drug ever the dude is fried i have i'm just flexing yeah you went to military school bro the only flexing done here was done by the size of your [ __ ] oh my god holy crap this may be the best one of the video what's really [ __ ] up but we're pretty much okay with the garbage pile the size of france floating around in the ocean oh that's just france though oh it's a good joke but really we do need to be more [ __ ] concerned about that [ __ ] will only eat sour straws and a bag of salt and vinegar chips every day and wonder why their brand new vibrator melts as soon as they use it i'm sorry what loved how hair-raising it felt like you would know he's still got some i mean come on he's got some on his arms too right okay that's a big looking dude this guy looks like when you create a custom character and can't get the head size to go up you know i was wondering what was off about this oh like you ever had sex if you ever held a party with all the people that thought about [ __ ] you you die from eating all of the snacks alone you fat [ __ ] again that's pretty elementary school dude yeah well no one wants to have sex with you either and you're fat and eat a lot come on you can do better than that by being asleep share the taste share the passion he looks like he's a supervillain plotting to unleash kfc on an otherwise healthy population which is very very weird considering he made such a big deal about bottles of coke being on the [ __ ] table during a press conference but whatever he's totally a cool guy right look i'm just [ __ ] with you okay if kfc offered me millions of dollars just to actually not hold anything and be on an advertisement you bet i'd do it god please put some backbone into your voice the video's good but you sound like you're hiding with anne frank i've been there though have seen hulls filled in better on pornhub well they don't try very hard they don't spend very much money and hey they're kinda gonna collapse into the hole anyway so that's why they never mind never mind i used to host slash teach nude photography lessons in my home and backyard for photography enthusiasts model was 160 for two hours had 10 students at 100 a piece for an hour and a half session two lessons on a day back to back so 2 320 for the model another 50 to 80 on food platter and soft drinks around sixteen hundred dollars for the day clear but i also on sol developing film and digital editing to make sure they got shots that made it worth it usually added another few handy and guaranteed follow-up shoots why nudes i tried advertising landscape and general photography lessons but almost no one called added nude to the listing and bam winner winner chicken dinner stressful though but only for three to four hours per week so you're telling me i can sit around naked and make 320 bucks and have a food platter no not you hot people don't get me wrong that was the obvious insult to go with but have you seen models for art classes no that's a serious question have you seen them before what does it look like i do for a living solve mysteries with a dog god forgot to turn off italics when designing his face some people just can't be believably cast in a period piece like sorry jessica beale you have a face that knows about text messaging comedian caught releasing laughing gas on his show who had the last laugh this guy is slowly turning into the lego joker theo looks like the keyboardist in a funk band but his instrument isn't even plugged in looks like he sells karate lessons in the woods that means they're the good kind though the fact that people think ed sheeran is hot is disturbing he looks like a rejected garbage pail kid again kinda weak look at that face it's so aerodynamic that when she was in elementary school the common knowledge just got deflected away from her brain without any resistance okay we can go with that one i haven't laughed for four days straight and thanks to this video it broke my record and made it to five every video i've ever uploaded you're gonna hate me for this i'm eating pasta with pineapple and strawberry on it please learn photosynthesis so you never have to do anything like this again people really be out here thinking alexander ryback is hot i have no idea who this is google him cute but not hot he literally looks like a grown-up version of a child star who was famous for playing an annoying main character of a generic and bad disney channel sitcom um okay hold on let me google this guy i mean he's got a nice smile op gives off i drop common loot when defeated energy why does that actually hit so hard though i don't know but it's true and it's so i'm putting that in my notes i can't believe that a tortoise has more table manners than what i don't know who that is how am i supposed to whatever dreams new video i'd wear a mask too if i looked like a sleep paralysis demon this looks like an animated cult indoctrination video this looks like the animated videos they'll show at the bowling alley once you get a strike i thought it was something that scott coffin did back when he was in college or some sh pilgrim's promise look an ass video i work in a part of edinburgh that has two different methadone clinics i often see people in the depths of terrible heroin addictions compounded with serious alcoholism stumbling in and out but they still manage to not only dress better but look healthier than your models what was this in response to you're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece someone paid for likes when i asked quentin how he would want us to play two aging movie guys who were on their way out he said just be yourselves i'm sorry brad oh boy that's a huge freaking palm you got there bro i bet the psychic charges double for a reading okay i'll just park here anyway it's not like there's a helicopter landing anytime soon this is the literal argument they used to park in handicap parking well no one was using it yeah and now no one can you talking cow anus this man looks like a disney prince who grew up in a bad neighborhood i can see that though nah i clean up my code way more often than i clean up my desk i write unnecessary comments i can't tell if you're talking about reddit or programming she looks like a rodent trying to hold in a fart was this shopped she doesn't really look that old yet right if the photo is accurate i guess her being a [ __ ] [ __ ] to all of her employees was keeping her youthful he looks like a rubber mask stretched over a bike seat i like that one a lot more also what the hell is this guy this is the most humiliating day of my life hello alexander hope your evening has been most enjoyable would you care to receive some artful photographs of my nude form why do you sext like jigsaw that is a very fair question why did you say it like that with all due respect may the mummified anal glands from a leprous armadillo clog your sinuses for eternity oh my god female academics who dress provocatively and then cry foul when men hit on them are hypocrite oh no i see totally fair you go dr sarah you look like the first slice of bread oh no he got got damn bro she looks like god forgot he was holding down the space bar when he got to the distance between her eyes hey there what is vani vitivici madness that was fast did i manage to make you bored already well i guess it is what it is thanks for messaging bro can a girl take a dump and wash your face without you displaying stage 5 tendencies gen z kids who refuse to download tick tock are just young karen's he looks like vector from despicable me yeah but not a mechanical genius he looks like sid from ice age nah he looks closer to the ice age baby oh my god it's true he looks like the fish from spongebob that hid pickles under his tongue i haven't seen very much of spongebob so i couldn't tell you if this is accurate i'll let you decide a hissing affair okay my ex translated this whole episode for me oh i see using the only fan in a crowded warm waiting room to cool off your hot box room probably smells like a warm turtle tank oh come on tyler looks like he talks about charlie brown and snoopy he does you lost a lot of weight since your last appearance and up congrats man wow sweet [ __ ] vampires are pale because they're anemic did you only just realize this they also suck blood because they can't get vitamin d from the sun take a multivitamin you melodramatic victorian appropriating eternal dumbasses this is my favorite description of a vampire ever i have no idea how many expired flintstone vitamin gummies you've had to shove up your nose as a toddler to reach this level of idiocy but you're dismissing an obvious victim of domestic abuse as whatever your gta san andreas bootleg brain tells you this is go log off and wash your bed sheets you know that's a good idea it's been about a week i need to do it again brits will be like we don't sound like that and then start speaking in wingdings well the scottish are speaking in hieroglyphics middle of the night sex the kind where you wake up and tangled in each other and no words are spoken caresses turn into kisses and kisses turn into passion i'd just be happy if she stopped [ __ ] snoring she's like an asthmatic yak drowning in custard how old are you sir imagine dragons makes music for dudes who think they'd be great in a zombie apocalypse but have never kissed a girl you imagine dragons gets dragged all the time now what happened on that great note we've come to the end of another video folks before we get going though let's take a look at today's fan art first time doing mk fan art what do you guys think i spent an hour and 30 minutes on it well let's take a l oh my god i enjoy it it's very well done but i am quite scared it looks kind of like the true form of a certain level of angel always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,007,331
Rating: 4.9460773 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Rareinsults
Id: sBzsAo1fZlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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