r/Prorevenge I Exposed a Cheater and His Pr****tute to His Wife!

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welcome to our slash for revenge where Opie causes someone to lose $800,000 first I'm a casino dealer and have been for over 15 years dealers take a lot of abuse from players I've been insulted degraded and even followed after work but it's nothing I couldn't handle the general rule for player conduct in most casinos is as long as the players betting enough money they can do and say whatever they want this is where we meet Jay not the real name this guy was a piece of work he would cuss the dealer's out scream at them every hand throw his cards the first time I dealt to him I tried telling him not to throw his cards at me when the floor stopped me and told me to never correct him and just deal with it even when he was winning he would be a horrible douchebag and what was worse was the lady that would come with him every week she looked like a working girl and the whole time she would sit there silent just watching as he went off on the dealers every once in a while when he calmed down he would give her a kiss and when she left the table to use the bathroom he would make very obscene comments about what he was going to do with her in the hotel after he cashed out he was horrible and I had to see him every Wednesday for years now normally whenever I have a player like this I look at their player card write down their name and look them up online to see who they are and what they do for a living the problem here was no one knew his name he only ever wanted to be called Jay and didn't have a player's card he never lost more than what was required to get a social security card so he remained nameless for years no one knew anything about him not his profession or if he had kids he wouldn't even talk about sports he was a complete enigma I made it a goal of mine to find out who this guy was and after two years I finally got my chance thanks to an unlikely encounter another player Bob whom I knew had come to my game while Jay was playing he sat down the last seat and while waiting to get in the game we started chatting about the guy's new house he knew I had bought a new house recently so we were discussing projects we were planning on doing when Bob mentioned he wanted to put a pool in his backyard that's when Jay in the nicest voice I've ever heard him speak said call me tomorrow and I'll give you a quote and handed him his business card now bob was very polite and took the card but I could tell he had no intentions of calling that's when the most miraculous of moments happened they both let the table at the same time and Bob had left the business card on the table I get tapped off the game to go and break and quickly grab the card I now have the guy's name business email address and his business address which I first noticed because it's two hours away and there are two closer casinos to his business that night I scoured the internet for any information on this guy I had no idea what I was planning at the time I could try to mess with his business maybe email him pretending to be interested in his services and have him drive to some randoms house ideas kept going through my head until I found the big bombshell about this guy he was married but not to the girl I kept seeing at the casino I found his wife's Facebook page and started going through her history they look like a normal happy couple after a while I figured out what was going on she owned some businesses in another state and would fly out every Wednesday morning to handle the businesses and he would drive two hours to a casino away from home so no one would recognize him very common in the industry but the girl he was with that was the big question this is where the revenge comes in I got his wife's email address off the internet I had a friend of mine coming to the casino and very discreetly take a picture of Jay every Wednesday for a month he made sure to get both Jay and the woman he was with in every shots the last Wednesday that pictures were taken I waited til Jay was getting ready to leave as he was exiting the casino I emailed the pictures to his wife from a throwaway address the next day he came storming into the casino demanding to know who contacted his wife he made a huge scene and was visually raging he made a bunch of threats to sue the casino and all the employees he got so heated he told one of the pit bosses to f off or I'll kill you which was enough to have him banned for life security had to detain him and that was the last time we ever saw him I kept tabs on his wife's Facebook she'd made a post explaining to everyone the reason she was divorcing Jay and everything I suspected was confirmed he was hiding money from his wife and using it to gamble and pay for the working girl's rent the wife had mentioned my email and even posted a thank you to the person who unveiled the truth I wish I knew what happened out for that but I never saw Jay again he's barred from the casino and the last time I looked up his business it said it was closed chances are he's playing in some other casino making someone else's day horrible for a guy who gambles so much you think he'd know the house always wins our next reddit post is from mostly gruntled and this is an update to a story that I covered a few weeks ago now hopefully when I upload this video I'll remember that I need to put a link somewhere like in the description or in the upper right-hand corner so you can click the eyes you can go back and listen to that video but if I forget or just to refresh your memory here's a quick recap of the story Opie told a story of his friend David who was in a very niche area of construction basically they live in the UK where they have a bunch of really old buildings and the law requires that the buildings be restored in a very specific way from people with a very specific license and David is one of the very few people who has one of those licenses so David gets hired by a construction company that's doing a whole bunch of restoration work for the building but before they can get started they hire David to come in and do a very specific type of restoration so the construction supervisor was a total douchebag who was treating people like garbage and everyone hated him the douchebag supervisor told David to go get him a coffee and when David refused douchebag fired him and it turns out David is like one of 12 people in the entire country with the license to do this work so construction was completely halted which was costing the company tens of thousands of dollars in delays and the only thing David wanted before he would go back to work it's just get an apology from that douchebag but of course douchebag refused so David didn't take the job and that's where the post ended now on to the updates so the context here is that the company hired a new guy Stefan who they believed could do the work the Bulgarian Stefan finished the job and went home about two weeks ago according to the people who met with him Stefan was a good guy and a very hard worker he did 12-hour days and weekends so he could cut the cost of staying in the UK based on what he learned about Stefan David is happy that he waited until Stefan got paid before he reported the work david was already fairly sure that Stefan wasn't doing the job correctly he checked the three firms who are the only UK suppliers of the most obscure materials involved in the job and none of them said they'd had an order for the site of course it was possible that Stefan imported it but nobody on site had seen an overseas material order so as planned david contacted the local authority planning department the client and the architect and an organization called historic england he explained his concerns and the easiest least intrusive way of testing then he waited for them to look into it it only took a couple of days but I can honestly say that I've never been so anxious or felt so invested in something that's none of my pissing business the first report came from the architect wrong method used wrong method using the wrong materials Stefan had used the 19th century Bulgarian technique not the 17th century English technique that's demanded the architect was enormously pissed off David said he'd never heard the architect use bad language before but this phone call was blue apparently the douchebag was called that ignorant effing Womble by the architect David asked me what a womble is I had no idea suggestions welcome and to all my listeners out there if any of you have any idea what a Womble is please let me know in the comments the architect said he was going to contact the local authority because he doesn't want them to think this is anything to do with him most of the rest came to David's second or third-hand he knows some of the stuff from ACC I asked if it was difficult to get them to tell him anything he said they can't pick the phone up fast enough the local authority Planning Officers visited the site and inspected the work they told the contractor that the work was entirely wrong and must be cleared and done properly then it got interesting the inspectors had a look around the site they found an issue I can't be specific about this because it would be too easy to identify the building involved the contractor destroyed part of the building there was an internal structure that didn't look particularly important but as part of the roof structure the construction company removed it and put in a much better modern support but they're not allowed to neither the project manager or the new site manager or staff knew the importance guess who ordered it to be replaced the cheap quick option instead of repaired the slow expensive option of course it was the douchebag it's a criminal offense to destroy anything on this type of property jail time type of crime even if they don't go to jail it's a massive fine so now everybody in that company is pointing fingers at each other and claiming no responsibility the douchebag claimed that he didn't give the order to take out the internal parts of the roof structure the project manager has email evidence that he did on Tuesday the 19th the client ordered all the contractors staff off the site they're having everything examined it's almost certain they're firing the contractor they've issued instructions for bids from new contractors they'll also sue the contractor for the cost of repairing and replacing everything they've done wrong the architects estimate was eight hundred thousand pounds the local authority Planning Department wrote to the contractor outlining what they've done wrong and advising them of their plans to inspect the possibility of prosecution according to the staff douchebag disappeared from the lawyers on the day the letter arrived David had three different people from ACC phone him within an hour when the news of the letter circulated around the staff so now we're waiting for a few things one the clients inspection if that confirms that ACC is damage to site then the client has the right to fire the contractor the contracting company doesn't get paid and they have a massive repair bill to the local authority inspection by the conservation experts if the construction company destroyed features in the property the local authority will prosecute ACC as a company and the person who ordered it David is very unhappy because the internal structure that's been destroyed can't be replaced in his words that wood has been sitting there doing its job for 400 years until that effing jizz stain comes into the picture then it's gone and that's it never again he seems genuinely sad I'm bad I am betting that douchebag is wishing he'd got his own coffee on that day last month so imagine owing someone $800,000 and facing criminal prosecution because you're too much of a douche bag to say hey man I'm really sorry that's my bad totally my fault but now instead this guy's gonna pay 800 grand what an idiot our next reddit post is from cop teacher I was a kid back in the 80s two years out of college when I moved into an apartment by the shore in New Jersey when the cold weather arrived there was always a few days when the apartment was cold we would tell the super and then the he would start arriving one year the heat started decreasing in February and inside the apartment was like in the 50s and we had to start wearing coats we told the super about it and nothing happened this time we wrote the landlord about it and still nothing so we checked with an attorney and learned about warranty of habitability and withholding of rents so yet another certified letter was sent to the landlord and we start withholding rent he files a motion to evict us and we answer with the marina defense depositing the withheld money with the court the judge finds in our favor for all the money we withheld we continue to live there because there just aren't many other options as we save for a home flash forward to living there for six years on the last lease because we're about to buy a home we write in a clause that we can break the lease with 45 days notice in writing similar to his 45 day clause they don't notice it because it's slightly obscure than top-left of page two so they sign off of it and return it to me so in the middle of the lease we give the 45-day written notice make the rent payments and leave they don't return our deposit so we sue for it's demanding double they sue us for the remainder man of the six months ran and refused to return our security deposit this is no longer small claims court but we proceed without an attorney anyway they're expensive we arrived at the courthouse and court forces a round of arbitration the arbitrator says we will lose in front of the judge and to pay the rent remainder mints we refuse and wait for the judge while waiting the landlord's attorney drops by and ask why we didn't take the arbitrator's advice so we tell him about the clause we wrote in and he Stacey saw it too and that since it was crossed out it's not part of the deal we show him our copy of the lease where it's not crossed out and his face goes white as a sheet he makes a call to the landlord who then offers to properly break the lease with no penalty and return the security deposit in full we refuse and we show him the certified letter saying that we would have accepted that deal up until yesterday but that if you force us to come down to court we want double damages of the improper withholding of the security deposits he tries again to reach out to the landlord but no luck this time we go to see the judge he looks at both leases and calls their attorney to the bench the judge takes our lease and thrusts it towards their attorney and says this is the lease in force their attorney starts walking around the courtroom like a chicken with his head cut off while I try to laugh as quietly as possible the judge finds in our favor for double damages we receive nothing for a week and I go back to the courthouse where the clerk says they should pay the judgment immediately and tells us about chattel execution and gives us the form a couple of weeks pass and a check appears from the landlord another month passes and we get a call from the court they have our money I told him the landlord had sent a check a while back so it's all good she tells us that we should have informed the court that we got the money to stop the Chado execution from occurring the court sent the sheriff to their office and confiscated office equipment and sold it at an auction to satisfy the judgments they said don't worry they'll just return the money to the landlord that's the revenge getting the money and having them experienced the abrupt seizing of their assets at their place of business having it sold at auction and then having the money returned to them major pro justice that was our slash pro revenge and if you like this video let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel 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Id: SqsfV188w-Q
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Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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