r/A--HoleTax This INSANE Woman Hit My Car!

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welcome to our slash butthole tax we're an entitled boomer learns a harsh lesson I work at an electronic store chain we have a price matching policy and often price match other stores up to 80 bucks or so as long as it's the same thing in its in stock so we have a high end gaming monitor on sale it's usually $6.99 on sale for $5.99 a customer comes up and says excuse me I want to grab this monitor but I'm not paying that price I can get the same thing cheaper on Amazon sure thing we can price match Amazon if it's shipped unsold he cuts me off yeah you'd better I shop here all the time and you guys are always way overpriced I don't get why you charge like 300 more for the same monitor I've grabbed a monitor and we're at the register now while talking I'm pulling up to verify the price match yeah anybody can sell on Amazon y'all are greedy is what it is now price match it I don't have all day at this point I've had enough I see that Amazon has the monitor for $7.99 the way our system works if it's a verified price we can change it without manager override I pull it up on Amazon and sure enough it's more expensive than we regularly sell it sir it looks like the price on Amazon isn't price match it or I'll grab your manager me putting on my best customer service face of course I adjusted up to $7.99 the customer explodes what is this why did the price go up I turn the screen around and show Amazon's price he loses color in his face well can you bring it back down you insisted without listening to me that I price match Amazon if you ask nice and apologize I'll be happy to bring it to our sale price and we can go on with our days at this point he apologized and made some BS excuse about stressing and not getting enough sleep and blah blah blah but after finding this thread I figured it was the best place to share this I did into bringing it back down to regular price after he calmed down but some people are just too entitled and never check before they come in then there's a similar story down in the comments I worked at fries a decade back one day a computer comes up to the desk in the component section where we sell computer parts and starts ranting that he's on to us and it's disgusting we tried to swindle customers by having cheap computers in our section and expensive computers in the computer departments I eventually figured out that he thought computer cases which sold for anywhere from fifty to three hundred dollars were computers and he was such a turd about it randomly coming up to lay into me that I just shrugged and said you got us I would have loved to have a recording of the look on his face when he got home and realized he wasn't as smart as he thought he was but he didn't seem like the type for deep self-reflection like that our next read it poses from starved nutritionists on the day of my wife's college graduation my daughter and I arrived in a very packed parking structure a few minutes after parking a teenage girl 18 years old senior in high school tried parking next to me and ended up hitting my car I get out of the car angry at first yelling hey what the f you can't park you idiots when I saw that it was a teenage girl driving the car that hit mine I calm down a bit the girl began crying immediately and called her mom the mom showed up a few minutes later with a big group probably her family it was college graduation after all someone in her family or someone she knew was obviously graduating the mom and I spoke for a bit she asked me not to get insurance involved although she did give me her insurance information and we exchanged contact info names and phone numbers she also requested that because her daughter had just gotten a driver's license a short while ago I not involved the insurance because it would possibly end up with her daughter losing her privilege to drive in hindsight this was just her way to avoid an insurance hike I agreed but I didn't feel comfortable with the request to not get insurance involved my kid and I went to the graduation ceremony where I told my father-in-law what happened in the parking lot earlier he told me I needed to get insurance involved you don't know this lady she easily deny everything he said after the ceremony I called my own insurance and told them what happened the insurance agent said it was a good idea to call them for the exact reason my father-in-law suggested the next morning I went to a body shop and got a quote I texted the mom about this and she got very angry with me saying that I'm not a man of my word because I contacted my insurance instead of giving her time to pay for the damages out-of-pocket I tried to reason with her but it wasn't working the mom began claiming that she had control of the situation it was her right to get the work done through a body shop of her choice I knew that wasn't true but I decided to contact my insurance agent and find out if I'm missing something nope she was wrong it was up to me how and where I wanted the issue dealt with in fact I could have her insurance cut me a check for the damages and not even bother getting it repaired if I please the mom and I continued exchanging text messages Mommy Dearest acted like it was her right to get the damage repaired anywhere she wanted I decided that wasn't going to work for me she wanted the job done at a specific body shop it turned out that the body shop was owned by a relative of hers for what it's worth the reason you don't see me mentioned this in the text exchange is because I found this out days later after googling her name and finding out she was related to the owner of the body shop she requested I go to check made I decided to go through insurance little old mommy wouldn't answer her phone but her insurance agreed to get the job done because I had all the evidence a person would need and then some her insurance cut me a check I ended up pocketing the extra cash and got the damage repaired with cash sure it was only a two hundred dollar profit but I figured I still got something out of it and also opie post screenshots of the text conversation he had with this woman and hold on to your bud because this lady is nuts high blank this is blank the person with the chevy cruze that was hit yesterday I got a repair quote from a body shop in Blaine called blank they said if you pay cash they'll charge nine hundred and fifty bucks if you go through insurance it'll be $1,100 I'm fortunately you already contacted my insurance even though I asked you as nicely as I could to not do that I was willing to work with you and I wanted to take care of this on my own but as of right now I feel like my hands are tied please have the body shops in the estimates me in writing to the email blank and I will speak to them directly and now I need to also talk to the insurance company and find out what ramifications there will be to my policies since you already filed a claim haha you can't force him to make a claim in my policy only I can accept that I told them not to file a claim the guy said he'll keep it in writing in case you decided not to pay it was to cover myself in case you or your daughter changed a story and wouldn't accept fault I'll go ahead and ask him to go through with the claim then take care you gave me all of 6 hours and never even contacted me first before you contacted them very kind of you and glad you are a man that keeps his word you did not stick to your word you are a liar they contacted me last night about the claim you made why lie about it now if you taught your daughter how to drive this wouldn't be an issue please stop messaging me now I was sticking to my word I didn't file the claim I just told them about the damage you want to make it difficult that's fine good luck again I told them about the damage I said I wouldn't be filing a claim unless she refuses to pay the guy said he was making note of that I don't care I don't know you your daughter ruined a perfect day because you did a poor job teaching her to drive I'm done with this good luck lady please stop texting me you're not doing yourself any favors here okay at this point if you want your car repaired you will do the following without variance you will go to blank at blank as the policy holder it is my option to have it repaired at a shop I'd choose sorry that's the law if you don't want to go along with the law it's always your choice to report it to your insurance as an uninsured driver since being reasonable and honest just isn't a concept you grasp we'll just all go along with the law sound good I have Geico I contacted them just a bit ago they said they've been trying to get in touch with you but you're not answering your phone they said if you refuse to accept liability I can sue you I have pictures a dashcam video and a witness I'm good lady I'm not following your terms I'll do what the insurance tells me to do if what I've said isn't acceptable feel free to go get yourself a police report and they'll tell you the same thing but gosh guess what you'll have to get it from the blank police since they're an independent Reservation that might be a bit tougher I also don't owe you any favors you assumed I would just let this slide and wait until you're ready you assumed because your daughter is a team I would show sympathy and not contact my insurance no things I don't know you at all your passive-aggressive tone is unnecessary if you think I won't drive to blank right now and get a police report you're kidding yourself are you trying to deny me my rights are you anti-woman oh oh I see Lowell anti-woman don't use your gender to justify being a sucky driver okay well I have the right to get an estimate from the shop I choose so beyond that I don't think we have anything to discuss you have the option to pay out-of-pocket I'm not refusing your rights I'm just letting you know you're responsible for the damages you want me to take it to a body shop of your choice sure but who owns the shop are they connected with you in any way how can I trust this shop we'll fix my vehicle and not try to skimp on it they are approved by every insurance company years stalling young man get going get going on what are you senile look up the body shop ma'am they're closed today bummer talk to you on Monday it's a holiday weekend who's senile now still you lady great well my senility and my insurance will talk to you when you get the estimate yeah just so old who's helping you text ma'am I find it amazing that you're able to respond by a text given your age and all all I hear is you crying that you aren't getting your young entitled millennial way just so you know I'll still get my car fixed through your insurance even if you end up in a retirement home on Tuesday no you can't without me approving it you're not really that educated are you I'm thinking there's a misunderstanding here I went to a body shop and got a quote you don't want to deal with that shop so you said you have a different shop I must go to when I asked if they're connected with you in any way you begin arguing your rights and anti-woman nonsense even though that had nothing to do with anything you can always get it approved through your insurance you own that policy I own mine they are not connected to me I bet years is connected to you look I call the shots here either do what I've asked which I'm legally entitled to or don't your choice you want me to go through your shop sure that's fine I can do that I also contacted a CHP after you claimed I wouldn't they asked me to come in on Tuesday to get a police report turns out blank is connected with the CHP in blank not such a hassle after all we can make this easy stop sending me these passive-aggressive and disrespectful messages I haven't lied about anything I didn't file a claim I only got the paperwork started which is my right in case you decided not to pay for the repairs CHP awesome go for it hey I'm done get the estimates we can make this cordial or we can keep bickering but you're not going to get away with your adult child hitting my vehicle also if you want to comment about entitled millennial maybe acknowledge that your daughter is a millennial - hey I'm done get the estimate she is a licensed driver the body shop I went to isn't associated with me in any way I still don't get what you're trying to do here it seems like you want to make this difficult for me but you're not understanding that I was trying to help you out by not ruining your kids driving record what do you think will happen when I inform the CHP that your daughter was driving in the car and not you I still haven't told Geico that should I our next reddit post is from KGB Cudney my dad who works in a hospital in a suburban area often treats patients at our farmers who seemed to share a common hobby of not paying for stuff a guy came to his hospital to check on his mother when the patient fell asleep the guy ended up playing on his phone now the hospital is used to visitors plugging their appliances everywhere so they have very clear warning signs in the room saying these outlets are keeping people alive don't charge your phone with them the guy complied but his phone is still dying genius as he is he walked out of the room to look for outlets in the hallway there weren't any but he found a vending machine so he unplugged that vending machine and started charging his phone when he was done he just left the vending machine unplugged the vending machine stored fresh packaged food the cleaning crew was pretty confused upon finding out all the food is spoiled and that the machine is somehow unplugged the supplier didn't want to stomach the cost and call the police to check security cam and there he is playing Texas take him on his phone attached to a cable leading to the power outlets he ended up paying $100 worth of damages and to think he could have just asked my dad the charger in his office is free and works just fine then we have a similar story in the comments a long time ago I used to be a bouncer in a small place it was a college town in a rural area and early in the evening it was working-class people from town and then later in the evening it would shift over to a college crowd anyway there was this overlapping period with both groups and their different musical tastes country music for the working-class people and more alternative stuff for the college people this one little twerp made the discovery that if he unplugged the jukebox it would forget the kid music and then he could select whatever he wanted immediately without having to listen to that country stuff I'm not really a fan of country music either but they were paying customers so anyway I warned him a few times but the owners were pretty reluctant to have me kick anyone out unless stuff was really going down finally I had it this huge country boy was confronting me about losing his money in the jukebox again so I just smile and had him follow me I introduced him to the twerp culprit and told him that I wouldn't lift a finger to stop him and that my vision wasn't particularly good in the dim lighting and I had no idea what he looked like either and then abandoned the twerp to his fate the look on that kid's face was priceless as he was backing to the corner being yelled at by a big country boy demanding his money as I waved and walked away he never pulled that stunt again that was our slash butthole tax and if you liked this video be sure to let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Id: ul0LLR2-f0I
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Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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