r/Pettyrevenge Dine and Dash? I'll Tell Your GRANDMA!

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where no revenge is too small I was a server for a while at an Italian restaurant a group of teenagers came in very clearly a sports team of some kind I don't expect much in the way of a tip from them because teenagers but that's never stopped me from giving good service they're rowdy AF constantly making me run back and forth for every little thing they could think of just being all-around d-bags I noticed a few of them had taken off their coats when it came time for the bill they asked me to get a picture of water for them to share before they left so I did and when I got back they were all gone without paying awful right except these absolute morons forgot they were wearing their jackets that said local high school wrestling team you bet I immediately called the school you bet I told everybody I talked to that the team had stolen from the restaurants you bet when my step uncle showed up and told them that they stole from his knees that every single one of their lives were made more miserable for the rest of the season I was okay with that I also got paid for that check and a 40% tip then down the comments we have this story from Technos it was the tennis team that tried that at my high school but it was even worse their jackets had their last names on them in letters so big even the sucky 1990 ccd cameras near the register could read oh and the hostess went to school with them the manager didn't even bother with the police or the school she went for the nuclear option grabbed a copy of the church phonebook from her car and straight-up called their grandmother's hi this is sherry from church do you have the number of idiots parents he just dashed out he just dashed on his dinner tab here at the restaurant and I can't find oh you will thank you I'll expect him soon that is absolutely brutal our next reddit post is from touch the effing Frog today I got a call from the school my nine-year-old attends asking to please come up to the school because my daughter was in trouble for vandalizing another child's property this surprised me because my daughter is a bit of a goody two shoes and never gets in trouble so I dropped what I was doing and swung by the school to find my daughter sitting in the principal's office grinning ear-to-ear I was ushered in to take a seat the principal immediately launched into a tirade about how my daughter had deliberately broken another girl's necklace and how unacceptable it was once he was finished I turned to my daughter to hear her side of the story last year my daughter saved up pocket money to buy bestfriend necklaces for her in this girl I ordered them from wish calm for her this year the friendship went belly-up when I discovered this girl was trying to extort her friends including my daughter into buying her expensive items on a kids game with threats backstabbing my daughter and threatening anyone who dared play with her at lunch so she was completely isolated my daughter cut off contact and has been rebuilding her Friendship Circle and all was going well until this little girl started repeatedly demanding that my daughter give her the other half of the friendship necklace so she could give it to someone else the fact that we were the ones that bought the necklaces to begin with was apparently a minor irrelevant detail my 18 year old niece and nephew are very protective of their younger cousins and were quite upset for her so they decided to offer her the opportunity for therapeutic destruction last weekend they got out their tools and help my daughter shatter the charm into seven or eight pieces with a hammer some pliers and had a great time my daughter put the pieces of the charm in her jewelry box as a reminder of what fake friends can do to you anyway apparently this girl kept demanding the necklace every day hassling her so my daughter hatched a plan she gathered up the pieces into a little bag took them to school today to empty the bag in front of the girl and told her she was welcome to the necklace as long as she likes jigsaw puzzles but she'll probably need some glue apparently the girl went red and stormed off to a teacher to say that my daughter had destroyed her necklace and my daughter was sent to the office I couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing you could see the vein in the principal's forehead pop out as he looked at me laughing I pulled out my phone showed in my purchase history to confirm that we bought the necklaces and my daughter is perfectly within her rights to destroy her own property if she so wishes he finally dismissed us and my daughter skipped back to class laughing hysterically my niece and nephew are quite proud and planning to take my daughter out for ice-cream this weekend to celebrate her standing up for herself don't you just love it when teachers and principals just automatically assume that one student is right and doesn't even bother to ask what the other student has to say our next reddit post is from Chrissy's here I lived in a corporate relocation apartment for three months while relocating for a job I started getting collection calls for the previous occupant almost immediately they called multiple times a day it would wake up my kids during naps after bedtime weekends you name it I started by politely letting them know I wasn't the person they were looking for nicely rudely begging you name it they were incredibly rude and refused to tell me their names name with her supervisor etc I was at my wit's end after one particularly nasty encounter I snapped I started googling their corporate officers etc I found that the CEO and CFO had very unusual names and quickly discovered they had publicly listed phone numbers yes it was not a huge bank and this was early 2000s before people were exclusively using cell phones this was approximately 8:00 p.m. on a Sunday night I called each number explaining that since I kept receiving collection calls from their company in spite of not being the person that they saw it every time they called me I would call them I left my phone number and name and hung up not even ten minutes later I got a call from their IT department asking for all the pertinent info who the customer was my name and how to spell it I never got a call from them again I hope someone got fired Opie you were way too polite about it you should have just forwarded the collection calls to the CEO himself then the CEOs own employees would be calling their CEO to hassle him about paying up yeah someone would pay all right our next reddit post is from five frog margin about five years ago I saw someone lose their smartphone in real-time I was driving behind her and saw it fly off the top of her car on a busy one lane highway it was a little dangerous but I pulled over waited for a break in traffic and darted out to grab the phone it was miraculously unharmed her background pic showed a 20-ish redhead and a boyfriend who looked like a sucker version of faze banks I kept driving around doing my errands and tell her phone rang about 30 minutes later I told her where the phone had flown off the roof how I retrieved it and mentioned she must have put it there while getting gas or something her response okay could you bring it to me here in my town 40 minutes away please I work at a pizza joint uh that's nowhere near me I'm in another town you can pick it up here I'll meet you at the Dunkin Donuts I can't drive all the way to your town I don't know your town let's meet halfway at a popular restaurant that's not even remotely halfway that restaurant is still in your town when I just pick it up later I don't have time for this and she puts the boyfriend on the phone dude what's your effing problem give her back her phone already this went on for a few minutes boyfriend getting tougher and tougher I have zero tolerance for the sucky behavior so I hung up on them and shut off the phone I was going to visit my grandfather the next day so I kept the phone on me until then when I got to my granddad's town two hours away I turned the phone on called the girl's father and told him everything he was very apologetic and I'm guessing it wasn't his first rodeo I told him due to her rudeness and her boyfriend's thinly veiled threats the phone could now be picked up at the local police station in my granddad's hometown her dad's response looks like she'll have a three-hour drive both ways this weekend sorry again why would you be rude to someone who has possession of your $1,000 smartphone what's stopping the person from just being like you know what never mind I think I'll just sell it by our next reddit post it's from kill sts-1 trees trains have a slightly infamous issue with people wrongfully taking seats that have been reserved in advance when you book a seed and you always get to pick your seat when booking online your name or reservation number if you want to stay anonymous gets displayed over your seat there were some issues with the reservation is not coming up properly which eventually got resolved but people got used to the chaos of having to duke it out to get your correct seat in response the railway company started introducing customer service agents in reality these staff are part ticket inspectors part security this story takes place about one week after these ticket agents were introduced so I boarded my train returning to the city I live in after visiting my family for the weekends the train was about halfway along its route and there were a lot of empty seats this is important when I arrived at my seat my name was above it I found it occupied by a dude about halfway through a six-pack of beer I told him that was my seat and asked if he could move to one of the many many unoccupied seats on the carriage he refused and started cursing me out about it saying he got there first and I could sit in one of the unoccupied seats generally being a bit of a bastard throwing his empty cans out into the aisle at this point I could have given one of the customer service guys a head up and have them persuade the guy to move to one of the empty seats but honestly that didn't feel satisfying enough queue petty revenge looking above his head I could see that the seat next to him was booked from three stops down the line I also knew that two stops down the line was when most commuters got on the train I plugged myself down in the other pre-book seat directly next to this dude rather than sitting in one of the unreserved seats this douchebag in my seat settled back down with his cheap beer and started blasting music from his phone two stops down the line this train fills up completely standing-room-only from then on the stop after that the lady who booked the seat I was currently sitting in got on I explained the situation to her and together we grabbed one of the customer service dudes I got my seed the lady got her seed and douchebag got to stand outside the pisser for the two hours left on the journey so this guy had to stand while drunk on a moving train while smelling the bathroom that couldn't have been very pleasant for him our next reddit post is from captain trick when I was 16 I took 10th grade in an art school Mondays and Fridays were spent doing regular school work and the rest of the week was pure art heaven there were three workshops and you would dedicate yourself to one of them for the whole year there was clothing design more general design and animation I was in animation with all the geeks at one point the school was commissioned by a new section at a hospital I do believe it was the children's section but I'm not sure to decorate their new hallways and the prompt we got from them was the red thread we were always told from the get-go that we would not be paid or even allowed to show up for the reception because that was only for the important people in town so think mayors doctors CEOs and all that lame stuff now when you ask someone to do you a favor and have the nerve to have an attitude about it as well and the someone you asked the favor of is an entire school full of artistic sixteen to eighteen year olds in the mid-2000s you are in deep trouble we took the red thread theme very very very seriously it wasn't even something we talked about across the workshops but the entire week you could feel the resentment hang in the air and we use that resentment to fuel our creativity we spent a week making nightmare fuel art every single one of us the clothing designers made nurse outfits caked in blood with red thread stitching to the white fabric and took knives to the skirts to shred it's even got a morphine bag and build it with fake blood and attach it to one of the costumes the designers made horrific sculptures of broken anatomy twisting and pain and silent screams the animation students aka my crowd did all kinds of crazy stuff I made an abstract painting with a friend where we attached plaster to the canvas to make it look like it was using blood and pus every single piece of art looked like it came straight from Silent Hill but every one of them had a red thread pulsing through the disgusting artwork so we did what we were told we had the artwork delivered and we never heard from the hospital not even a thank you note or anything Lowell I think what I appreciate the most is that the teachers in the headmaster of our school just let us do what we wanted and seemed to accept that this collab was a complete disaster this hospital was rude to a bunch of Ag teens and expected them to just comply how stupid can you be next reddit posters from alex saying that so i work in this small family-owned office that runs 24/7 there's about 25 employees total but in the office there's only like 12 of us the rest work off-site there's a woman who works here we'll call her Jill Jill is almost 40 and has been here about 10 years for reference I've been here just over four years since I've been hired and from what I hear for her entire employment she has never agreed to switch shifts with anyone not once not a single time has she ever done anyone a favor no matter what yet she has no issue constantly asking other people to switch ships with her a year into my employment my brother needed emergency surgery and I begged her to cover my shift the next day and all she said was Sunday's my only day to sleep in sorry I never forgot that whatever she's done obligated to switch shifts it's her prerogative if she wants to be universally disliked by our entire office anyway Jill got pregnant about seven months ago completely accidentally and was actually quite freaked out about it for a while she's pretty much been nauseous her entire pregnancy and even keeps a trash can next to her desk just in case she can't make it to the bathroom yesterday she was feeling really sick and around 12:30 p.m. she asked our boss if she could leave early he told her she could leave if she could get someone to agree to finish her shift our ships are mainly 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. then 3 to 11 p.m. and 11:00 to 7:00 a.m. with periodic split shifts thrown in as needed I was working morning yesterday scheduled to leave at 3:00 p.m. and she was scheduled until 7:00 p.m. the only other person who could have stayed for her had plans right after his shift so I was her only option she waited until 2:45 p.m. and then sauntered up to my desk puppy-dog eyes fully engaged and asked me to stay for the rest of her shift because she was feeling really ill now I'm on Reddit a lot and I never forgot that post about the sucky manager refusing to allow her employees to be at her dying son's bedside there's a line in that text exchange that I love and have been waiting for the perfect moment to use and this was it I swivel to face her look her right in the eyes trail my eyes down to her bulging unplanned pregnancy and pointedly say a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part and just swivel back and continue working without another word it was glorious her face instantly dropped it looked like someone farted into her mouth the way it twisted she didn't say a thing and just waddled away back to her desk absolutely furious 15 minutes later I stand up and loudly announce my departure and that if anyone needs me I'll be at home taking a nap that was our slash petty revenge and if you liked this video then please hit that subscribe button because I put out new rented content every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,044,295
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: zsvc7VE1X-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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