r/Entitledparents Insane Woman STALKS Shopper and Follows Her Home!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a mother stalks Opie like a freaking serial killer our first pose is from Acker one this happened almost 40 years ago I'm posting it as a thanks for reading the other stories this one is more funny and entitled rather than infuriating and entitled my immediate family was for the most part perfectly normal and boring we were not prone to outbursts and tantrums it was very calm and quiet everyone got along and we were pretty happy with our boredom I tell you that so you can understand that I had absolutely no experience at all with people prone to screaming pits you should also know that I suffer from a case of terminal morbid curiosity I also don't give a flip never did never saw the fun in it this happened when we were visiting for a great auntie's funeral I was 12 my crazy aunt insisted that we all go out to dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant it was just the best she said so and she was never wrong the gimmick here was a little flag of Italy was on the table when you wanted more dinner rolls you raise the flag this is important flag up you get rolls flag down no rolls remember that the six of us are seated they take our drink order and bring the bread basket the cast has a new member poor uncle for my poor long-suffering uncle who will one day be made a saint for being married to crazy aunt for over 20 years some of you commented in my first post that he was an enabler he wasn't he was a victim as well he couldn't leave her without leaving Emily who is their daughter it started with the drink order we will have five sweet teas my dad said I'll have a coke my mom said I'll have a coke I say tea no sugar this is a mortal sin in the south don't be silly you can't have sweet tea without sugar I don't like sugar that's stupid bring her sweet tea the waitress winked at me yes ma'am my poor uncle said I think I'd like a coke as well Emily says I'd like a coke we drink Pepsi not coke we are having sweet tea the waitress brought us our requested drinks crazy aunt was growing agitated crazy aunt likes to control everything and everyone so she told us what to order for dinner I'm not going to get into an ethical debate here but I refuse to eat veal she demanded we all have the veal I refused I knew this would set her off but oh well I'm not eating veal my parents after I had explained to them years earlier why I would not eat veal refused to eat it as well did I mention I get my I don't give a flip quality for my parents well they didn't give a flip either they were perfectly capable of ordering whatever the heck they wanted so they did I had lasagna it was good my mother's was better once we ordered what we wanted it emboldened poor uncle and he stepped out of line and ordered something else as well crazy aunt was not having it you are getting the veal no I feel like something else tonight the veal is the best I still want something else you won't like it I'm sure I will you don't know what you're talking about I know what I like well you can't have it yes I can I said no well I'm ordering it you always get the veal because it's your favorite and you make me I don't even like Italian food yes you do it's your favorite I want the lasagna dang it poor uncle order what I tell you to order no lasagna Emily says Oh the lasagna - you can't have that you're allergic no I'm not I'm Your Mother I know what you can and can't eat she says to the waitress bring her than feel the whole time this is going on I am looking from one to the other like watching a tennis match back and forth with the pitch of her voice getting more and more shrill with each sentence I was fairly certain that when we left bats would have been summoned I am just watching them and eating a dinner roll the food arrives and everyone got what they wanted even Emily much to the fury of crazy aunt then it happens poor uncle raises the flag crazy aunt puts it down poor uncle puts it back up crazy aunt takes it back down up and down up and down I see the bread guy hovering at the edge of the table waiting flag goes up and he rushes in to drop off the new basket before it can go back down crazy aunt grabs the basket and throws it at the kid that delivered it to save time and typing everytime crazy on speaks the flag goes down the rest of the time it goes up you don't need any more bread but I want more I said no I am an adult I can have more bread if I want no you can't why just tell me why I can't have more bread because I said so you aren't listening to me I am hungry and I want more bread you wouldn't be if you had ordered the feel yes I would I always am but you never let me have more bread tonight I get more I say I want some more bread - no you enough no I really think I want more well you are wrong you seem upset that's because you people aren't listening to me yes we are we just don't care we want more bread dad says to me while trying not to laugh at how absurd this is you aren't helping I think you won more bread too at this point the whole gang plays is watching our table and the battle over the flag I'm pretty sure there were people taking bets to see who would win in the middle of the confusion a nice lady sitting at another table nearest Emily tapped her and slipped their fresh bread basket to her Emily took a roll and slipped it to me I took one I took one and slipped it to my father then it went to my mother who after taking a roll for herself slipped one on to poor uncles played crazy aunt saw it and grabbed for it haha poor uncle was faster he shoved the whole thing into his mouth at once it was a big roll the waitress approached the table to check to see if we needed anything xanax was unfortunately not on the menu and crazy aunt demanded she bring the check I want dessert chocolate cake sounds great I'll have some me too I'll have some apple pie I'll have the cheese cake bring cheese cake for crazy aunt she loves cheese cake no we are not having dessert we are getting the check and leaving now no we aren't well I'm leaving you can all walk home I drove it's our car I know give me the keys nope you have to give me the keys I live here you are just visiting yes I'm just visiting with my family in our car it's my state I don't care it's my car and you can have it you're a terrible driver anyway no I'm not you drive the wrong way on the freeway no I don't if the other cars going the wrong way you get lost in your own neighborhood not always you are not driving my car yes I am no you aren't that ladies and gentlemen continued while we ate dessert paid the check my father was buying as we walked to the car and for the entire trip back to their house my father drove we dropped him off and went back to our hotel room my dad says has your sister always been this crazy no it started when she was about three what happened she started speaking in complete sentences ah listening to Opie described that argument as a tennis match gives me a great idea for a new YouTube channel basically you invite to entitle people to a restaurant and tell each of them in secret that the other person offered to pay for the meal then you record the argument post it online and blow mr. beasts views out of the water our next post is from milkshake pirate context I lived in the center of a town that does a yearly half marathon the marathon route basically traps me in my building as it goes in the roads around it which I need to cross to reach the rest of town it's been taking place for years and was here before me so I'm not bothered by it I just avoid leaving my building until most of the runners have gone on this day I had an errand to run but was going out in the afternoon so I was forced to push through the crowds on the pavement to then wait and cross through the runners I managed to get to the shops and do what I needed to do on my way back it started hailing a crazy amount huge stones that made the ground look like it had been snowed on spectators were sheltering underneath shop awnings including the one above the door to my building where a mom and her two young children were standing excuse me sorry I'm so British can I just quickly get through the entitled looks absolutely furious no behind your own spot we're standing here fair enough the door isn't too obvious no I actually just live in this building so I just need to get through that door I don't think so these are offices I work in them don't try and fool me and my girls into moving for you they're not offices so lord knows why she'd say that she's still in my way I really do live here look I have my key and can open this door no can you just piss off and go somewhere else she's being loud so everyone nearby can hear and is staring look I really do just want to get into my home everyone is looking at us now so if I'm just trying to get you out of the way I don't think they'll put up with it do you fine remember everyone is looking she moves so I put my key in the door and what surprise it opens I give entitled mom a little wave as I walk through and clock a couple of onlookers stifling some laughter after all that entitled mom immediately walks off with her two daughters into the hail this entitled mother works in your home that's the type of stuff that horror movies is made of and speaking of horror movies our next disturbing post is from Simba sweets so this happened a couple days ago and the more I think about it the more disturbed I get for some backstory I'm a huge musical theater nerd and a few years ago I got to see Phantom of the Opera in Seattle and as a souvenir I bought a tote bag with a plays logo printed all over it that I'm still very fond of now the show is playing in a theater in my area and there's been a lot of local buzz about it I went to see it this weekend and decided to carry my phantom tote for awhile since my love of the show has been bolstered and the bag is a great conversation starter for other theatre nerds I may meet in public who recognized the show that my bag references now let's set the stage a couple days ago I went to the grocery store near my apartment to stock up on some pretty standard foods and when i walked in i saw a cashier I'm friendly with working the self-checkout kiosk so I stopped to talk to him for a few minutes my bag was hanging over my shoulder within clear view of the doors after a couple minutes into my chat I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to address whoever was trying to get my attention and found a relatively normal looking woman average sized normal clothing normal hairstyle nothing to indicate this woman was a caring type in any way is that the Phantom of the Opera on your bag me happy to chat about one of my favorite musicals yeah do you like the show it's fine I took my daughter last weekend to seat at the local theater she loves musicals me too I thought it was a really great show the cast did a really great job and she cuts me off did you buy that bag there I didn't see that bag at any of the booths actually I got this in Seattle when I saw the show a few years ago oh because there really weren't any souvenirs of the show my daughter liked she would love that bag she looks at me expectantly um I realized what she ones I am sorry your daughter didn't find any keepsake she wanted she was so disappointed she didn't have anything to remember this show by she would love your bag Lovitz well I know I love this bag I hope the next time your daughter sees a show she finds a souvenir she likes I am pretty nervous at this point because I'm very non-confrontational and I've read plenty on the subreddit to know entitled parents light causing scenes I gripped my bag very tightly trying to hold it against my body with my elbow and with both hands tightly on the straps I've got to go do my shopping now excuse me to my pleasant surprise she didn't say anything else so I really thought I'd gotten away without any crazy happening I grabbed a basket and went to this cereal aisle as I'm putting Cheerios into my basket entitled mom also enters the aisle she doesn't have a cart or a basket and she doesn't try to approach me again instead she just stares at me I decide to try and ignore her and go about business as usual grabbing the things on my shopping list every aisle I go to she follows me into every single one just staring at me I'm certain she was just waiting for me to let my guard down I go through self checkout and she hangs by the discount bread rack nearby still watching knowing she's probably not going to give this up when I leave the store I flag down my acquaintance working the self checkout kiosk and tell him I'm pretty sure that entitled mom is going to follow me to my car he's wary of her and walks me and my purchases after the parking lot and doesn't leave until my bags are loaded and I'm in my car with my doors locked I was still keeping an eye on untitled mom and sure enough she left the store when I did watching me as I got to my car I saw her get into her own car still watching me my acquaintance who walked me out went back to the store and I was left alone in my vehicle caught in an awkward staring match with entitled mom also in her car she didn't even try to hide the fact that she was watching me it dawned on me that entitled mom was likely to follow me home so instead of taking my usual exit that would take me back to my apartment I drove over to the exit that turned off onto the more major street entitled mom followed me like I expected I sat there for a couple minutes at least waiting see there's an intersection at the corner of the grocery store with really long light times so car's end up lining up a fair amount I waited until the last possible second until the light turned green and unleashed a wave of cars turning right just before they hit leaving entitle mom stranded to wait for them to pass if she wanted to follow me I drove up the street and got onto the highway then took the exit for the next neighborhood over and took the back way to my apartment my car is pretty noticeable it's bright orange and I didn't want to take any chances that entitle mom may recognize my car by going back the way I it seems I successfully ditched her because no one has come banging on my door demanding I give them my phantom tote needless to say I will be leaving that bag at home from now on that's actually kind of horrifying I guess her plan was she would follow opie home break into the house and then if she gets caught she just says no this is a no peace house I work here that was our slash entitled parents and just a reminder you can support me and my channel by clicking the join button right next to the subscribe button and while you're at it you should click that button too
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,372,980
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: UtokYZ2jUJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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