r/Prorevenge - 1,000,000 Sub Special! rSlash FACE REVEAL!

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you go ragin with a face reveal bud are you ready for this what's up everyone I am are slash and some of you may recognize me because as you can see this is not my first Youtube bro do I have several other YouTube channels all under the name de Baca those are all like gaming channels and I don't really publish on them that much anymore because there were a lot of rumors floating around this year that YouTube was going to like to monetize I completely kill all the gaming montage channels so I was thinking I should branch out into something else and I found our slash which has been absolutely incredible because I've gone from zero subscribers to a million subscribers over the course of like I don't know four or five months I kind of lost track a little bit so major kudos to all of you who correctly identified my voice everyone who predicted that I'm dabbing a good job to you however everyone who thinks that I'm Alka red I'm sorry I am NOT alpha red but while I'm here I figured I'd do a super quick room tour you could buy like a boy so this is my computer setup I've got the bed under the desk because you go likes to lay under there so I just figured may as well put the bed under there anyways I've got triple monitors he goes hopping up on me I've got out usually the main monitors for like editing video files and you go just ripped off one of my sound dampeners which reduces echo in the room he's ripped off a couple this is what he does to them usually I don't know if you can see the tape on the bottom I don't know if you can tell but it used to be an entire extra ho of sound damper doors down here and they kept falling off and I thought it was gravity so I would just add like more and more and more like sticky tape and then one day I caught you go in the act I realize it wasn't gravity it was my dog alright so anyways my computer desk and my buttons are over there and then over here I have sort of like a little sitting area with the TV that's you goes crate over there in the corner because trait craning a I'm sorry crates training a puppy is super important and then I have a bunch of uh art from Blizzard blizzards a game company blizzards very very near and dear to my heart because Diablo two is the first game that I ever really got really into and it sort of started a lifelong passion for gaming and on top of that overwatch sort of like catapulted in my career in YouTube and that's sort of how I got popular so this is my like sort of work area over here and then over here I have my gaming table this is a recessed table because I really really love board games this is my board game collection over there in the corner so I have people come over every month and play board games my close buds from high school in college and then I've got my Pokemon posters which I adore they're so pretty and my random little pieces of art all Blizzard stuff like I said I'm a big big Blizzard fan kind of transformed my life both professionally and personally and I got my my Blizzcon posters over there so this is my room basically sometimes I play fetch with you go down the hall let's see if they'll play with me you go you go let's go a little sleepy he's not really into it you guys gonna help me film the outro anyways thank you so much for a million subs you guys I really appreciate all the views all the support all the enthusiasm for my channel I will continue to put out top-notch content for you guys including the occasional puppy book where as you can see I actually had someone someone on Twitter be like your puppy bloopers are fake it's like clearly you can't plan this type of thing man you could just does whatever he wants to do and I just recorded and put in my videos so thanks again so much for supporting my channel it really means a lot to me I hit 1 million subs in like six months five or six months I'm not really sure I started in January so it's June now so I guess it's been about like five and a half months which is nuts for a million subs so I'm hoping one day maybe potentially I might be able to hit ten million which would be I honestly never thought I'd ever even begin to get close to ten million subs so do you mind do you mind anyways thanks so much guys and let's just get into the video welcome to our slash Perl revenge we're a cheaters online video game account worth thousands of dollars gets completely destroyed this reddit post comes to us from a serious b19 my boyfriend and I had met online well over six years ago through an online game by the name of runescape he was 14 and I was 17 but it had felt like we had been friends forever we both played the game very often and connected through it eventually leading us to start a long-distance relationship things began to escalate as the years went on and we began seeing each other in person every few months or so we were about 1,500 miles apart so one of the main priorities for the future was moving in together and closing this distance my job had prevented us from doing that but we had finally set a date for me to move in with him in December of this year our relationship never had any serious issues and I was more than happy to have him in my life as he was happy to have me as I got older I began to play ruins less and less as work took up most of my time he continued to play regularly if not more than he had when I first met him he could never really hold down a job and barely had an income but I supported him throughout the years and even paid his rent from across the country after he moved out of his parents house a few years ago I never really minded because he was a sweetheart but we began to have problems in November of last year I couldn't help pay his monthly rent I was short on cash after having to pay my own living expenses alongside car repairs and bills I owed to the state and I just couldn't afford to support him at that time when I called him one night to discuss it he freaked out and started crying that he didn't want to live with his parents again I tried calming him down and even suggesting that I could help him find a temporary job until I could start providing for him again but he wasn't having it he claimed his parents would abused him if he returned home which I know for a fact isn't true because him and his parents have stayed with me several times they've given him the world I eventually did calm him down but he remained passive aggressive the entire night and we eventually hung up because I cared about him I reached out to his father the next day and informed him that he would probably be moving back home after his lease expired that month I explained how I wouldn't be able to afford paying for his living for a month or two and if there were any local jobs he could work in order to you know make an income apparently a friend of his father needed to help managing a small warehouse for his business and was looking to potentially hire my boyfriend for this season it paid 15 bucks an hour and was super easy lifting boxes sweeping the floors and taking inventory I brought it up with my boyfriend that same night and he was not having it not only did he not want to work in a Sookie warehouse but he didn't want to work at all all he planned to do day in day out was play runescape I brought up a few other job listings I found in the area and immediately shot all of them down as well he then had the audacity to comment about how he thinks I should work harder and possibly work a second job I kept my composure and simply argued against it until we eventually hung up I collapsed on my bed and cried for a good hour or two afterwards because of the intense emotional stress I was under not only do I work eight hours a day six days a week I am also an industrial meteorologist if I remember correctly that's a lot more work than playing runescape everyday and using my Hulu account I really considered breaking up with him right that moment but I changed my mind and decided to give him another chance looking back on it big mistake I messaged him throughout the night and we sort of made up but I was still a little uneasy about the entire event he had moved back with his parents by the time December had come and I began to help him look for jobs while he wasted his life away playing video games I eventually persuaded him to start working at a small retail store nearest house and he thankfully began to make some money I would still buy him video games and transfer money like normal because I spoiled him and our relationship began to feel somewhat ok again last month both him and I put our money together to fly him across the u.s. to stay with me for four days we hadn't seen each other in person since last summer so we were both looking forward to it he arrived and we had a great time for the first few days because he could actually take me on dates for once with his new income everything was perfect until I caught a glimpse of his phone's lockscreen while he was taking a shower when are you going to leave her the discord message read I could have run into the bathroom and snapped his neck in that moment but I kept myself together as best as I could without killing him I had never felt so used disrespected or hated in my entire life when he came out of the bathroom I him a big smile but I genuinely hated him from that moment on he could have dropped dead on the floor and I would have spit on him I spent the remainder of the night watching him play runescape and I remained very quiet he took notice of this and asked me if everything was okay and I lied and told him I was fine when it came time to go to sleep I let that effort climb into bed with me and he tried initiating hugging passionately because it was our final night together I rejected as politely as I could without tearing his member completely off he was disappointed but went out like a light immediately after he went to sleep I reached over and unplugged his phone and started digging through his messages with that girl I feared that I had misinterpreted the message I had seen but I was completely right after all not only had he been cheating on me but he had been doing so for nearly six months leading me to believe that he hooked up with another girl directly after I couldn't pay for his living in November I scrolled through probably 100,000 messages and wanted to vomit my insides out by the end of it he had talked trash about me claimed I was emotionally abusive just as he had done with his parents and even sent this girl my nudes so they could pick me apart physically when morning came I had slept in because of how late I was up reading his messages I woke up to find him on my computer playing runescape and eating my food it was like all of our relationship had been wiped from my mind and he was now an evil stranger sitting in my house I wouldn't just scream at him I wanted to tear him apart and kick him out of my house onto the streets but I didn't in fact I gave him as much love and attention as I could muster that morning because I wanted to leave things feeling normal between us I dropped him off at the airport and we had a quick and somber goodbye before I left him forever unbeknownst to him I drove back home as calmly as I could before crying my eyes out any mix of complete anger and emotional pain I ended up kicking my bed frame so hard that the woods split and I had to buy another one recently if only it were his face I wanted to break his heart by the time he arrived back home but I wanted it to really hurt I logged into our joint ruin scape account that we had made several years ago where him and I would work on training the same account and raising it almost like our baby we had always joked that if we were to ever split up he would take half of the accounts bank contents and I would take the rest I took my half and transferred it to my main account before taking his half and giving it away to random people throughout the game every last bit of it even items I couldn't normally trade away I used a spell to convert the items into coins which I then gave away as well the bank was now empty it then occurred to me that I had the credentials to his main account written down in my desk as he would frequently have me trained his farming skill every so often I didn't hesitate at all and logged into his precious 14-year old runescape account I immediately took all the contents of his bank and sold it all on the grand exchange a marketplace in the game it took an extremely long time to clear out his bank but he would still be flying home for another four hours so I had plenty of time by the time I had destroyed everything I had four stacks of coins totaling over eight point five billion now what to spend it on hmm I wanted to waste his life earnings on the most useless stupid thing I could think of besides him I logged back into my main account to reach out to a friend of mine that collects massive stacks of burnt food for the unaware burnt food in runescape has no use you can't unburn them eat them or even sell them on the grand exchange they are however tradable amongst players I've always poked fun at this guy for collecting burnt food but I was now more thankful than ever to make his acquaintance in my revenge I asked him I asked him what the most obscure unwanted item was of the burnt food variety and he replied burnt spider lo lo and behold he had roughly 6,000 of them spider on shaft parentheses burnt in his bank that he was willing to sell me feeling generous with my ex-boyfriends coins I gave my friend a full stack of 2.14 seven billion coins and left a very happy customer I dropped the six thousand eighty-three burnt spiders in his bank but still had about six billion coins left to spend with the remaining money I decided to treat myself I went on to the grand exchange and ended up going on a shopping spree the first thing I bought were 100 bonds if you're not familiar a bond in runescape grants you 14 days of in-game membership after trading all 100 bonds to my account I now have almost four years of membership paid for me I spent a majority of his coin on extremely nice armor and weapons all of which went straight into my account he still had about an extra billion so I spent it on the supplies I needed to level up an expensive skill of mine by the end of the afternoon he was left with a measly 150 thousand coins in his bank all of which I gave away to a guy cooking pizzas outside of the exchange nothing was left so I decided to pick up a pile of bones off the ground and leave it solely in his bank it might sound petty but I laughed for a while now I know what you're thinking this is so cruel you ruined the tens of thousands of hours he had put into the game well it was time he learned that I can be a jerk a mean jerk on top of spending every last coin he ever made I loved his defense skill this may not sound bad in fact it sounds like a good thing I helped his account progress right well no unfortunately for my eggs he had what players commonly referred to as a pure account meaning he never ever dared to level his defense skill from level one in order to keep the lowest defense stats but have high offensive stats well not anymore have fun with your permanent level 6 defense cycling through hundreds of possible forms of revenge in my head I settled on getting rid of his house it's quite an achievement in runescape to have a nice house of your own in fact he had one of the nicest I had ever seen in the game in order to have built it he must have spent well over a few billion coins too bad I had assembled it all in a matter of minutes deleting it all in this cyberspace and there's no insurance either he's going to have to rebuy everything with his non-existent money if he wants a new house bye-bye Casa de cheater scrolling through his friends list I decided to act as him and pay a visit to his friends who were currently online and admit that I cheated on my girlfriend and was fully proud of it if his friends hadn't removed him by that point I removed them all of them lastly to add a beautiful little cherry to this for a vinge filled cake I changed his user name you're able to change your user name once a month on runescape so I changed it to let everyone know that he's a dirty cheater I obviously won't drop his username here but I did the best I could to embarrass him with a 12 character limit he should be able to reclaim his previous username in about 3 weeks but if he waits too long I'll be able to swipe it and slap it on a throwaway account of mine for ever he sent me a very hateful and aggressive message later that night followed by pictures of him crying I wrote him a sincere message officially ending the relationship while also scaring him away by threatening to take him to court over sharing mine dudes and possibly filing a cease-and-desist if you were to contact me anytime soon I don't plan on doing any of that I just don't want to speak to him ever again so if you're wondering just how much all that in-game currency was worth Panzer camping wagon down in the Commons reveals to anyone who's unfamiliar with runescape 8.5 billion gold pieces in-game represents a real-world value of well in excess of $5,000 and then custody 'he's 13 provides some context on why that defense skill was so catastrophic holy cow fan a fantastic to all of those who have never played runescape or don't know much about it the sweetest part of this whole thing is Opie leveling his defense he could get to eight point five billion back he could buy it outright honestly but you can't unlevel a skill there is nothing you can do to screw that specific kind of account harder than leveling the defense if he wants it back how it was now he has to start a new account quite metaphorically the final nail in the coffin beautiful Bravo if this subreddit were simply called our slash revenge then the story would be about Opie simply deleting the account but this is our slash Pro revenge where Opie systematically dismantles 14 years of this cheaters hard work that was our / Pro revenge and speaking of complete destruction Hugo has been in the process of completely destroying the you go plushie that I got him from my brand new merchandise store if you want to support me this channel and you go please check out my merch tour through the link in the description of this video
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,237,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: lBCQseayRQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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