r/Pettyrevenge "That Sounds Like a YOU Problem"

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where the revenge is small but the satisfaction is huge so I broke up with my boyfriend about two months ago just after his birthday I got him VIP concert tickets for both of us to go see some rap guy he really loves the venue is like a two-hour drive away from where we live naturally we're not going to go anymore after we broke up I kind of forgot about the tickets and wrote them off as money loss since I can't sell them because you need my ID along with the tickets to get in that's gonna be important but this morning a mutual friend of us texted me asking me if I know about him still going to the concert apparently he booked a hotel room for him and his new girlfriend near the venue and is planning and enjoying the concert with her I wasn't mad about it since it was his birthday gift and even though I broke up with him because he was being abusive I still wanted him to enjoy this evening with his new girlfriend only problem now is the ID thing but I was feeling generous so I wanted to send him a copy of my ID and gave the venue a heads-up to let him know that it was alright for him to use the tickets so I texted him telling him our mutual friend told me he's going to the concert bla bla but before I could even get to the part of where he needs my ID to get in he already told me to mind my own freaking business and to go duck myself and a handful of others surprisingly creative insults wasn't really in the mood to get insulted so I just wished him a great time at the concert and blocked him have fun driving 2 plus hours to a concert you're not getting into buddy I'm just imagining the new girlfriend getting so excited that this is probably what her like second or third date and her fancy new boyfriend is taking her to a concert which I bet he'll say that he bought the tickets for I bet he even says that he bought the tickets specifically for her oh man I would have loved to hear that fight on the drive home our next reddit post is from not so sure I wasn't lying in a grocery store cashing out a 12-pack a woman walks towards me and takes her place in line however instead of standing behind me in line she decided to stand right beside me the woman in front of me finishes her transaction what do you know the lady beside me actually pushes past me and tries to cut me honestly in my head I was about to just let her go because she clearly was in a much bigger rush than I and I personally didn't mind waiting an extra two minutes no big deal to me however the awesome cashier whose cash me out frequently says to her I'm sorry but she was waiting here before you the lady scoffs and steps aside with a huge smile I make sure to have a nice and lengthy how's your day yeah thank God it's Friday did you do anything fun on Halloween chat with the cashier she knew I knew the whole time I felt the lady in a rushes eyes burning a hole in the back of my head and I was just loving every minute of it Thanks awesome cashier then we have a similar story from the meet whistle down in the comments I had a similar experience years ago I was waiting patiently in my insurance agents office and had been there half-hour there was only one lady working and it was Friday evening some butt hole comes in and basically stands up when it's my turn I told him I was next calmly and he starts trying to beg me to let him go because he's in a hurry yeah dude we all are this guy actually followed me into her office trying to skip the line and I'm getting pissed off the agent told him sorry you'll have to come back Monday morning I'm closing shop after this he was pissed after he left she told me she would have taken care of him but she didn't like his attitude our next reddit post is from 5-7 2xl backstory I managed my landlord's IT services in exchange for a couple of dollars off my rents occasionally standing up a server are converting systems to VMware etc I live in an apartment split in a single-family home with one guy who's on a separate level slash apartment my neighbor continuously has been making noise at 1:00 to 3:30 a.m. whether it's hammering vacuuming or knocking on my door complaining my landlord asked him to stop but after a knock around 3:30 complaining how the internet is slow I had it the second time I've awoken knocking on my door in the past 12 hours I've effing had I logged onto our router last week and blocked all the porn in pettiness this time I blocked his devices from connecting period until he grows up it's always him cussing in a drunken rampage and insane hours in the morning I went to knock on his door around 7 a.m. to tell him to eff off and we're having internet problems I'll turn it back on sometime next time I'm gonna route his traffic through something and cause a 1 second delay in his streaming when are people going to learn never mess with the IT guy our next reddit post is from Bella anima not my story but a family friend story I knew this lovely German lady who Alko Heidi not a real name she was married to an Israeli man who I'll called doosh doosh was a douche for a number of reasons he worked with my dad and I T who said he had a hero complex where he would cause disasters at work and then try to be the hero and save the day we even suspect he caused a huge IT disaster at her national airport while he was working there he was also really creepy he creeped on my younger sister calling her randomly and asking to pick her up he was the exact opposite of his wife who was lovely and sweet and charismatic and I have no idea how they ended up together unfortunately awhile after we made friends with them Heidi got very sick her colon stopped working she almost died thankfully she was in a country with stellar healthcare which saved her life but she found out she has Crohn's disease and she has to get a colostomy bag while she was recovering from surgery and douche announced he wanted to divorce his words were and I quote I didn't marry a sick woman effing prick he left her high and dry and very soon was seeing someone else he lost all the friends he made in our country with his awful behavior my family told him he was no longer welcome near us as we were there for Heidi he finally screwed off back to Israel apparently he had gotten to quite a bit of debt while in my country and skipped off to avoid paying good riddance we all said Heidi found her feet eventually she took up photography and went to university to study it she did very well for herself and the happy life free from douche after about a year douche contacted Heidi and she told us all about it apparently he was trying to sweet-talk her into going over to Israel to go through with the divorce proceedings according to Heidi your marital status is on your identity card in Israel and it's one of the first things a girl asked to see when you go on a date when the girl saw he was married on his card they never go for a second dates so every time we call her asking when she was coming over she'd put a huge grin on and say oh I don't know I'm not really in a position to fly with my condition at all maybe when I get better she knew full well he won't set foot back here because his creditors were still looking for their money back she would just relish in the knowledge that he was getting rejected by all those women he was pursuing in Israel while she chilled with us having a great time Heidi's doing much better now she went back to Germany though still visits my family in her fringe from time to time she's still her awesome self I don't know what douche is up to now but I suspect after all these years he's still a douche not just a douche a single douche our next reddit post is from Campbell cns I was riding on an uber pool this morning when an incredibly inconsiderate individual got in the passenger seat he pulled out his phone and started watching videos at full volume and blasting music do you happen to have headphones I asked No why would I need headphones he responded because you're in a car with other people and it's considerate to not force everyone else to listen to your videos and music that sounds like a you problem he replies going back to watching his video so I pulled out my phone and blasted baby sharp from the back seat for the remainder of the ride if he turned around or got upset well that's a you problem that's revenge to do to do to do that's revenge doot doot doot doot to do serves you right do do to do to do serves you right do do to do to do our next reddit post is from fubar 7 5 4 I take the train into work every morning it's nice to sit and have a coffee and get ready for the day on the way in in the trains most seats will fit two people except for the end car seats which can sit up to 4 the trains fill up on the way in and usually people end up having to stand in the aisles if they have the misfortune of getting on the later stops luckily I have an early enough stop that there's always seats available I noticed that there was one guy who was getting on and then taking one of those in car seats and then spreading his bag and computer and everything else out across the seed so no one else could sit in the in car seat so I've made it my goal every morning to find him on the train and before he's able to pull out all his stuff and spread it all over the seat to sit down right across from him so far I'm up to eight days in a row ha our necks right it poses from James Bondy I a 22 year old male and currently on a flight that's about five hours I'm stuck in the middle seat so obviously already aggravated the person in the window seat important later took his shoes off about five minutes into the flight I asked him politely to put his shoes back on because it smelled like cheez-its and sweat he responded I'm more comfortable like this so at this point I'm beyond livid it's just rude so about an hour later he has to pee and I responded I'm more comfortable like this i sat there until he put his shoes back on it's gross that he wanted to go to the bathroom without shoes on whatever hope you enjoyed this is a classic case of I'm not locked in here with your stinky feed your stinky feet are locked in here with me our next reddit post is from Roger noble this happened a while ago but I just found this up so here goes I used to live in the third floor of an apartment that had its laundry in the basement which means four flights of stairs for me no elevator and I have a newborn so I'm washing quite a bit so we have cubbies in the laundry room first open stuff I've lived there a year and never had an issue leaving my soap down there apparently some new people had moved in that were using my soap when I realized it I left a note asking that they stop nothing they kept using okay now I'm pissed I got two bottles of soap a blue colored one and a clear colored one mark the bottles clearly that they belong to me so they couldn't accidentally say they thought they were theirs and filled the blue soap with blue red dye build the clear with unscented bleach and waited didn't take long the next morning I hear screaming coming from the laundry room four floors up I heard it I waited a while and ventured downstairs in the laundry room I found a bunch of wet clothes in the garbage that were bleached stained four days later I saw a young man get into a car with a blue stain t-shirt touch touch my effing stuff then we have a similar story from out diable man in the comments I had the same thing happen but it was a roommate I just separated from my ex-wife in a multi tenant renting situation gallons of milk orange juice packages of hamburgers and steak were missing left letters on the fridge and I spoke personally to all of them nobody Fest up went on for weeks labeled everything I owned to find the douche bag I put big labels on my orange juice saying supplements do not drink I headed a pint of liquid magnesium salts I had for a scheduled colonoscopy and voila the culprit was quickly discovered he pooped his bed floor hallway and was evicted good times our next reddit post is from soul impact I had this roommate who kept using my stuff in secret I didn't notice this in the first few weeks but soon realized that he had not only been using my toothpaste but also fragrance deodorant spray shampoo and all kinds of stuff from the fridge ketchup sauces etc it just didn't make any sense how quickly these different products emptied he used them more than I did for example I only used a fragrance when I went out on the weekend but after two weeks almost a quarter was gone since I always had to leave early in the morning he had the freedom to use whatever he wanted one evening I asked him about this he denied everything with big surprised eyes and swore that he only uses his stuff so I had to set a trap for him I chose a toothpaste tube because it was almost empty I took a straw and poured a bit of salt inside since the toothpaste had already some kind of crystals inside it was perfect for the salt crystals to blend in the mix I placed the two back where it was and waited for him to go brushing his teeth there he went a bit before midnight started brushing and a few seconds later I heard gagging noises and after a few more seconds I heard him vomiting in the toilets I guess he didn't like the mix of sweet tooth paste and salt when he finally dared to come out of the bathroom he was fake smiling as if nothing happened and he stopped using my stuff after that or at least didn't use it as much then we have a great contribution from lumber Mandan down the comments my dad worked at a facility where they had showers in their locker room since some of the chemicals they worked with were pretty gnarly most guys took a shower at the end of their shift to make sure they didn't carry anything home in their hair or on their skin so dad goes to use his brush one day and finds it's already wet from being used and a puddle at the locker next to his he figured the guy must have forgotten his and let it slide then it happens day after day for maybe a week finally dad's had enough he gets to the locker rooms ahead of everyone else on his shift and takes a lightning-fast shower when the guy at the locker next to his turn the corner there was dad towel over his shoulder one leg up on the bench and naked as could be brushing out his pubes with the same brush the guy kept using he never had another brush issue as long as he worked there that was our slash petty revenge and if you'd like this video please let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps me out with YouTube's algorithm and helps my channel grow
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Views: 748,381
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: RlD5US_Q65w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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