r/Entitledparents "I Have Coronavirus, So It's Time to Shop!"

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where Opie has an encounter with an entitled mother in a grocery store during the corona virus scare backstory for most of my life I was raised with my grandfather nothing was wrong with my family life or anything just a few sets of circumstances it's a whole other story in itself we live in a suburban area surrounded by woods and he owns about 10 acres into the woods with the boundaries clearly marked by stone walls one of these stone walls separated my grandfather's land from a cul-de-sac and up until now we've had zero problems with any of them in fact my grandfather was usually more than happy to give permission to neighbors who politely asked him to use his land given they had a good reason one of these neighbors had asked my grandfather if he could dump the sticks and leaves in his yard over the stone wall my grandfather agreed as he really uses that part of the property anyway this will be important later my grandfather is very healthy for his age and still strong as an ox that being said he has a few minor health issues including vertigo spells so I've been trying to help him around the yard more and more as well as just to stay active outside away from crowds with this virus going around recently I've started the project of cleaning up the underbrush around the wooded area a large pine had fallen a few months before and almost hit one of the porches in the cul-de-sac my grandfather cut up the tree and removed the pieces in the neighbor's yard but it was too deep in the woods to pull them out with a tractor this led to me going back to that pine tree and trying to clear a path back to the house from there I was behind the stone wall cutting and pulling up saplings when I hear the glass door of the cul-de-sac house open and an angry lady storming out into the porch and a bathrobe she was much younger than a typical Karen I would say mid 20s what are you doing here you can't be um why not because you're trespassing you think you can just hang out in the woods behind my house with my kids inside get the F out of here before I call the cops at this point I'm just looking at her trying to figure out what to say I mean I get it it can be a little weird seeing someone in the woods behind your house if you haven't seen them before ma'am I'm sorry if you're scared but my family owns this part of the woods I'm just cleaning up back here remember me and my grandfather were back here a few months back to take care of that tree that fell down I just need to clear a path so we can get it out of here at this point I thought it was purely a misunderstanding don't be ridiculous those were labors my boyfriend's dad hired you don't own the land my boyfriend's dad owns all this she gestures with her hand now I'll tell you one more time to get out of here before I call the cops now I'm thinking I might be dealing with a genuine idiot as outside our property boundaries the woods are owned by the town water plant and don't have public access but I'm taken aback that she referred to us as laborers guess you're gonna have to call the cops in because I ain't moving I don't care what you your boyfriend or your boyfriend's dad says I shrug as I leaned back against the wall and pull out my phone to call my grandfather to tell him where I was he tells me he'll be there in a few minutes in - hang tight she then dramatically proceeds to call 9-1-1 and tells him there's a shady individual on her property refusing to leave and she's afraid for her life I start getting nervous at this point even though all I have on me is a hooked branch cutter so I called the police non-emergency number briefly explained the situation as just a Landis tree that got out of hand and that I'm unarmed and waiting on my own property and that I've never left my own property he assured me that it would be settled when the officers arrived which didn't help my nerves just then I hear my grandfather pull up and see him walking through the yard towards us stay back you can't come in my yard my grandfather says keep your mouth shut you dumb broad he growled as he walked over to me and climbed over the wall so he was on my side now who the hell do you think you are and why are you yelling at my granddaughter my boyfriend's dad owns all this and both of you are gonna get arrested Frick trespassing my grandfather let out a dramatic indignant laugh oh did he tell you that well you're in for quite the shock and your boyfriend's dad is in for quite the talk after them yelling back and forth for a few minutes two cop cars pull up and three officers come walking into the yard as soon as they do she starts screaming again about how we have no right to be in the woods behind our house where we can see her kids inside the first cop looks to my grandfather sir do you own the property behind this wall yes sir I do he pulls out his wallet to show his address sir this address is for down the street correct but if you look on Google Maps it shows that the property boundaries if that address reached out through the woods and ended this wall I hand him my phone which already has Google Maps open showing our exact location within the boundary of the property yup she's right so what were y'all doing back here if you don't mind me asking we explained the situation of the tree and how we were working to remove the remnants meanwhile the other officer was taking a statement from entitled mother I know the owner of the house he's a good guy I gave him permission to dump his leaves and stuff behind the wall but I've never seen her before so I don't know where she got these crazy ideas but I'm definitely gonna have a talk with Frank when he gets home she already called him up and he's on his way now do you mind sticking around for a little until he gets here sure we got nothing to do the cops walked us to my grandfather's truck we waited about 10 minutes for Frank to pull in when he did he immediately walked over to the truck Opie what's going on someone was hiding out in the woods are you okay did you see him to clarify we've had an issue in the past with people running from cops and hiding in our woods it took a second for us to realize he thought that maybe entitled mother saw one and we came to chase him out not exactly at this point two cops are around us again but being two old guys who obviously pose zero threat they're noticeably relaxed and kind of let them talk it out Frank explains an entitled mother is his granddaughter's mother and his son had made some mistakes and currently both were staying with him while they tried to find a place of their own he thinks maybe his son told some lies to make him look better well I hate to say it but your son made some big mistakes she's crazy oh you have no idea the other cop is still talking to untitled mother who won't stop screaming about not wanting us being able to see into the living room especially my grandfather a creepy old man my blood is boiling at this my grandpa's the type of person who would gladly throw his life away to save a child any child even a stranger's Frank heard this to an ordered entitled mother inside at once he told the cops he needed to have a talk with both her and his son about their living situation but they might want to remain nearby in case she tries to call again for whatever reason me and my grandfather are given the clear to go but leave her contact information found out later that week that entitled mother was getting evicted for a number of reasons with this little incident being the last straw he's also filing for custody of his granddaughter because entitled mother refuses to get a job yet still has money for weed yet keeps asking Frank for money to take care of his granddaughter I really feel bad for her in this situation but I have no sympathy for entitled mother whatsoever entitlement at its best then we have this contribution from dark bowel monk down in the comments a friend had a couple poachers on his property hunting outside of the season they were firing their rifle in the middle of the night and my friend got nervous that these douche bags were shooting randomly and we're gonna accidentally hit his house well an old man who lived on the dirt road also owned property there I'm not sure how or why but he ended up shooting one of them in the leg when they wandered onto his property later they came back suing the old man unfortunately they base it on the fact that they were on public property well a short story the old man's legal counsel submitted the paperwork to show the property's boundaries shooting guns during a time that none of the animals on the property should be within season and that the two idiots left a cooler full of beer behind with their prints all over it our next reddit post is from commits Kurt Cobain so as you all know people are freaking out about the corona virus so they're doing everything they can to get their hands on supplies to last the quarantine my family decided that we were going to try to go to Costco today to get preparation for a couple of weeks of dinners and some other home essentials like most others are doing as we're walking around and picking up the supplies we need I started to notice that the store was basically in chaos people were hoarding items such as toilet paper although Costco has limited the amount of rolls a single person can buy at a time there were a few people bickering back and forth about items etc it was kind of funny to see people acting so immature and a time to panic my family and I took our groceries to the checkout line as you do and stood behind some woman and her two children my dad and I started chuckling together about how much of a madhouse the grocery store was when the woman standing in front of us whipped around and started shouting at us to keep you germs to yourselves she had a stick up her butt about us being too close to her and her two children and how we were spreading our germs it was a bit strange but understandable I suppose when the woman in front of us finally got to the checkout counter she started unpacking a good ten to fifteen packs of toilet paper as well as her other food groceries to be scanned as I mentioned earlier Costco had put a limit of one pack of toilet paper per person which meant that this woman would have to put all but one pack back where she found them the cashier mentioned suspect the woman and she replies by saying well I'm a single mom and I need these toilet paper rolls for my family so we don't have to come back at and get sick once the virus spreads more to which the cashier replied I'm sorry ma'am but being a single mom doesn't have any impact on the limit so I'm going to have to ask you to please put the excess toilet paper back this woman was not having it she had the audacity to start yelling at the cashier about how he should be respecting her because she works her butt up to maintain the piece of her family because her cheating husband took all of her money when they divorced while this is all going on the line was getting very long and people were getting impatient so the cashier calmly tells her to either pay and take her groceries not including the toilet paper or to get a line the woman reluctantly agrees and proceeds to hand the cashier a card before the cashier can complete the transaction the woman asked the cashier if she can have a discount because she's a single mom and can't afford everything she put in her cards now I've been standing in line for a good 20 minutes now this really got on my nerves I don't understand why people are so uncooperative especially about things like this edit to those in the comments no she did not get a discount then down in the comments true cat is asking the real questions if she couldn't afford what there was how was she gonna pay for the extra ten packs of toilet paper and a follow-up question lady what the hell is wrong with your kids they need to go through 11 packs of toilet paper in just a couple of months our next reddit post is from phillium so in the midst of a global pandemic I managed to break my foot so they put me in one of those Walker boots so I'm not completely one legged me and my partner decided to get some from the shop tonight we certainly weren't panic buying but did buy some extra stuff so we could double up when we're cooking two fries I was leaning on the trolley a lot for support and my partner was walking back and forth to certain aisles and leaving me to get some bits without making me walk too far it's quite obvious I'm wearing the boot as it's in the middle of winter I'm wearing a dress because I had no trousers I can comfortably wear with it on obviously with a broken foot I'm in a slight bit of pain and although I've been looking for painkillers most seem to be sold out but I went for a hunt and managed to find two packs left in the shop I didn't notice the entitled mother behind me at first but I carried on limping away when I heard someone clearing her throat a bit too obnoxiously I turned around and smiled at her she's very typically Karen and she had two entitled kids with her one around 6 or 7 and one around 10 or 11 and she was proper giving me the stink-eye um excuse me can I have that paracetamol oh I mean sure you can have this one I handed her one pack and I'm sorry I can see you have another pack yeah well are you not going to give it to me at this point I gesture down to my leg I'm really sorry I'm in quite a bit of pain with my leg at the moment and I need the painkillers well that's not my problem you should have been more careful I had two kids and I need to make sure they're okay if they get the virus I mean I'm sure one pack will do for now if they're okay I'm sorry but I'm gonna buy these I can't believe you won't even help out my kids I mean I'm sorry but I'm gonna go I limped along down the aisle when the older of the entitled kids ran in front of my trolley stopped me dead and the younger one went into my trolley and grabbed my packet of paracetamol they both ran off to the mom I turned around and she just smirked at me and walked off my partner came back at this point and I told him what had happened he was just as pissed off as me but there wasn't much we could do about it at the time as we went to check out I noticed the entitled mother unpacking her shopping she didn't notice me and I saw the paracetamol just on the checkout line so I reached across and grabbed both hid behind my partner and limped off to another line I was watching her to see her reaction and as she got to wear the paracetamol should be she looked down the line and then looked up utterly confused that's when she spotted me and I held up the packets and smirked back we paid and walked out so I didn't see the aftermath but it did give me a lot of satisfaction in seeing the utter grimace across her face our next reddit post is from Patoka ke Mata I already posted a story here I've actually had mini entitled encounters this was that around the middle of the corona outbreak but the streets were still full so I was minding my own business doing some shopping and enjoying the last few days I had of peace before I become a mother when I entered a section of the store I see a man approach and get uncomfortably close to me kind of pushing me to the side I move away from him and try to continue my shopping but he kept coming closer kind of weird at this point I eventually asked him to move away and that I needed personal space I believe he got the wrong message because later his wife came up to me why did you tell my husband excuse me I know you told him something who are you talking about apparently you shoved him away when he was just standing there minding his own business I asked him to move away just because I needed personal space we were way too close and with the corona virus going around I'm now extra careful are you saying I have the corona virus at this point we're already causing a scene no I'm not anyone who had the virus would have common sense and stay at home but I just want to be extra careful at this point a normal kid comes in mom can we go now his eyes were red and he sounded like he had a cold okay sweetie it's just that this woman thinks that just because you have the corona virus you have to stay home wait he has the corona virus at this point I was really confused but nothing surprised me more than what she said next all of our family does which means we can go outside waits what yes now that we already have it there are no dangers outside for us but don't you know that you're endangering other people other people don't matter I had to do my shopping Hey please leave or I'll call security she walked away towards the main entrance but not five minutes later I see her again this time shouting at another person let me through turns out one of the people who witnessed our fight call security and we're trying to get her out of there but she refused and was causing a scene I just walked past him awkwardly and made my way home that was our slash entitled parents and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Views: 931,468
Rating: 4.9363813 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: lHtrQpDfUQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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