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today's video is sponsored by betterment welcome to our slash tales from retail where the customer is always wrong so I work in a store which sells bath bombs along with a lot of other things we often demonstrate the bath bombs in our sinks especially for kids and they always love it the rule is that it's one bath bomb demo per customer / group of customers we only have two sinks and on this particular day we just did a demonstration in one of them there were a bunch of little kids crowded around and watching it fizz and change colors white and dark pink a little boy of about 6 or 7 and his mom enter the store immediately this kid rushes over to look at the bath bomb and announces very loudly that he hates pink and that the bath bomb is bad I try to be nice and pull out our little basket with weights a table bath bombs usually we use chipped or damaged ones that we couldn't sell anyway I tell him to choose a color that he'd like better but then the mom criticizes me for trying to sell her son damaged goods I explained that this is just for a demo and a chip out of the bath bomb isn't going to affect the way it looks in the water but the mom isn't having any of it it's not worth fighting over we have a budget for it in case people want to see a specific bath bomb that hasn't been wasted off so I tell him to choose a pristine one from the shelf I also tell him to pick carefully because he only gets one he chooses a bath bomb which smells nice but just turns a soft white in the water so I suggest that maybe you choose a more colorful and fun one and explain that this one isn't very impressive he glares at me and shrieks know very very loudly it made me kind of flustered the other kids near the sink were all staring and a lot of the adults in the store had turned around so I just let him put it in the free sink without trying to persuade him out of it as expected the water just goes white and the kid is not happy he starts yelling that it's boring and his mother demands he be allowed to put another one in I explained that we only have two sinks and now they're both full also I tell her that each kid is only allowed one so that the most people possible gets a chance to see them she ignores me and tells her son to go get another one off the shelf I tell her that I'm sorry but he won't be allowed to put another one in she tells me that I'm being stingy and at this point the boy is running up and down the rows of bath bombs trying to choose one one of my supervisors comes over and repeats exactly what I've told her and the mom says it's my fault for not telling her son that the white ones wouldn't be suitable despite me telling him exactly that a minute earlier at this point the kid comes running back with a blue bath bomb and my supervisor tells him sternly that he can't put it in the sink the now clearly demonic mother accuses my supervisor of taking a tone with my son and demands that she sees the manager normally we have pretty reasonable people in our store and a request and bad behavior like this is very rare so my supervisor just awkwardly walks away to get our manager from the office the mom gives me the most poisonous look I have ever gotten from a customer turns to her son and tells him to put it in the sink I instantly tell him that he's not allowed but the kid just heats the bath bomb into the already you sing before I can stop him bath bombs are meant to be placed in the bath gently so when he hurls it water goes absolutely everywhere including over the other children standing at the sink next to it understandably they all start screaming for their parents and so I begin grabbing paper towels to help them get the water off their faces and clothes I'm furious with the mother but I can't pay attention to her as I along with her shocked parents are trying to consoled the other kids and as we're drying them off I hear the absolute demon lady say oh well that's not very impressive either is it I've never wanted to physically fight a customer before but wow I got close then the entire debacle ended up with my manager getting into an argument with the mother over making her pay for the second bath bomb my manager eventually won by telling her that if she didn't pay the shopping center security would have to be called the parents of the kids who were splashed were very understanding and non demonic sorry for the long read maybe this doesn't seem too hellish compared to other boys on this page like no one was screaming at each other at any point but it was just such a bizarre and arrogant encounter I had to get it off my chest when Opie described the kid eating the bath bomb into the sink did anyone else imagine the kid dunking it into the sink like some professional NBA player our next reddit post is from trusted octopus I was reading a post on Reddit and was reminded of this anecdote when I worked for a big-box retail store we had blackout days around the holidays where unless you were literally hospitalized if you didn't show up to work you were written up twice and at risk of losing your job I unfortunately came down with a virus or the flu midseason and was throwing up constantly I tried to call in when I was threatened with the above action so I dragged myself into work and set up a stool and trashcan next to me I would have to stop mid interaction with customers to vomit into said trashcan and this went on for a few hours before one of my newer managers approached me what are you doing trying to tough it out until closing well can you please stop throwing up I'm getting customer complaints and it's making them uncomfortable I'll get right on that I was so blown away all I could do is just sit there in shock I ended up calling the general manager and had the assistant repeat what he just asked me and my general manager was like what the f is wrong with you send her home my shift manager argued he had no one to cover me and my general manager made him cover my shifts so I could leave I don't miss retail why is every manager like but I don't have anyone to cover your shift dude you are the person who covers your shift that's literally your job our next reddit post is from crispy silicon so yeah years back I was working as a wholesale manager for a large national Auto Parts chain a large retail store with a full service repair facility when the service manager needed to leave the technicians would come to me instead this was one of those days that ended like no other I remember it was a hot day well over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit little after 2 p.m. I'm sitting at my desk looking for some part when one of the technicians comes up to me his name's Kenny now Kenny's a real nice guy he's in his early 50s Vietnamese and has a great sense of humor his English isn't great he understands everything but never quite got the hang of putting it into words but he does find given a minute the man always has a smile on his face and he's an outstanding mechanic I'd let him work on my car and that's a real short list anyway mr. Opie you need come with me right now he's stone-faced and he always calls me by my first name I'm more than a little scared by how he looks I'm thinking a vehicle has fallen off a lift or someone is seriously injured he leads the way to the surface bay he works in the bay all the way at the end and that's where he takes me on his lift he has a 200 white Ford Expedition he guides me to the front passenger wheel well the wheel and tire have been removed and are on the floor then he points to the fender I stick my head up into the wheel well and look up towards the fender and there it is a large plastic and taped wrapped package clearly containing a white brick it's very large like eight inches by 10 inches by 3 inches it's heavily taped to the inside of the fender I look at Kinney and he looks at me he says cocaine sure as hell looks like it to me too I asked him what's it here for it's a lot of work practically all the front bushings ball joins the outer tie rods vehicles listed at 78,000 miles do you know who this belongs to no all right just head back to the office don't touch it I head to the service desk and pull the repair order it's got a local phone number and address on it I asked the service advisor who the customer is he points to the waiting room next door I peek inside inside is an early 30s guy and his two kids maybe 7 and 5 looks nice enough but you never know at this point I called the local police I told them what we found and gave him the vehicle information in customers name they said stall him for as long I can they'll be there as fast as possible I hid inside the waiting room introduce myself to the man and tell him it looks like he might need a few more parts I say this way bar bushings and links could also use replacing he looks at me for a second then smiles yeah it's okay if it needs it just get it done I've got time his kids are real nice too they both introduced themselves to me very polite so how long have you had it only a few weeks I just purchased it from an auction down south really what kind of auction government seizures Drug Enforcement Administration I think I got an amazing deal this thing is bead but I can afford to replace the parts for the price and the body and inside is great man I've got some really bad news for you and I start to explain right about this time the local police arrived they also have the local FBI with them they examine the vehicle and have Kenny put the wheel back on the vehicle goes into a flatbed and away it goes two of the FBI came with me to the waiting room where the poor guy is now freaking out turns out it was indeed a DEA seized vehicle and they had missed the huge bag of cocaine in it they had to seize the vehicle from him couldn't just take the drugs out and give it back like gonzo and no repayments unknown if he would ever get it back poor guy was devastated last I saw him the FBI was giving him and his kids a ride home in their SUV it sounds like some DEA guy is about to get fired our next reddit post is from H Arnold for some background I work in a jewelry store that also sells crystal figurines this initial interaction happened about two months ago with her coming back this week the initial interaction one of the regulars who always causes trouble that happens to be partial to me comes in again as usual she darts over to me and seems eager to waste at least an hour of my time act stuck-up and probably buy the cheapest thing we have I get lucky and after a mere 45 minutes and several rude comments later she decided to buy a $75 figurine the cheapest that we have as I'm cashing her out I made a point to stop everything and stress the importance of keeping the original box and foam in case something ever happens to the figurine we can't send it for repair without those items she acts like I'm an idiot for even thinking she didn't already know that and makes another rude comments I brush it off and finish the transaction and she leaves this week's interaction she storms in looking quite upset I'm standing at the counter and she comes up to me and takes out her now broken figurine remember you sold this to me it's already broken I really expected better quality from a place like this oh no how'd it break I dropped it when moving some papers on my desk before going to court I'm a lawyer you know yeah these figurines are quite fragile and will likely break if dropped we can still send it in to be repaired if you still have the original box and foam why would I have that I threw that garbage away ma'am at the time of purchase I stressed the importance of keeping the box so we could send it back without the box we can't do anything that's ridiculous why not if we mail this item it'll most likely get damaged on its way to the repair center or on its way back which is out of our responsibility we need the Box in foam customized for the item so we can safely send it you don't have extra boxes a company like this must have extra boxes no ma'am unfortunately we don't have the space or resources to house extra boxes and foam for every figurine we've ever sold where's your manager he's out for lunch come back in half an hour and he'll be here and then 30 minutes later this is ridiculous there must be a contingency plan for those that don't keep their boxes my manager says unfortunately not ma'am customers are told to keep their box whether they do or don't is up to them along with any consequences what a ridiculous policy and I overheard the associate tell a customer you're only here three days a week what kind of manager are you actually I split my time between three different locations so I often work six to seven days a week behind I guess that's okay then and she leaves our next reddit post is from masters not it's 15 minutes after closing and I step outside to grab the garbage from the front trashcan just finished tying it up when a lady rushed over out of breath and yelled please don't be closed the window gates are down and we're standing in front of automatic doors that aren't opening we are closed af I let her know that we are indeed closed and apologize for the inconvenience and started to head in she grabs my arm and just starts yelling please my baby has a fever and is very sick I need to buy medicine please she's very sick like most stores keeping the store staff only after closing is a pretty common and strict rule for safety reasons but as a child was involved and it seemed to be an emergency I felt it was something that could slide this one time I'd rather not chance losing a young life because I was being by-the-book I let her in and asked the staff up front to walk with her to the item and ring her up it's an emergency I ran back outside and throw the trash in the dumpster and come back in as a transaction finish to see she had not bought medicine but instead got a box of condoms and lube she looks at me and says sorry just don't want another kid right now and laughs like it was funny to use a sick kid card so you can get laid I was very pissed pissed enough to let slip I can get in a lot of trouble for doing this get the eff out what is wrong with people seriously Opie you took one for the team the world would not be improved this lady had more offspring our nurse reddit post ashram stop staring at me Swan I was the customer in line at the checkout and the cashier was ringing me out when a family mom dad and the seven-year-old boy pulled up behind me dad immediately wandered away while mom started loading her groceries on the conveyor belt after she loaded a few things she turned to the boy and said you were really good today would you like to pick out a chocolate the boy got super happy grabbed a kinder egg and put it on the conveyor belt mom then tells him don't tell your dad dad comes back and mom says she forgot something so dad continues loading the belt while mom walks away dad then turns to his son and says you were really good today would you like to pick out a chocolate I have never in my life seen a kid look so happy he picks another kinder egg and puts it on the belt sure enough dad then says don't tell your mom I didn't say anything to ruin this kid's wonderful two chocolate day but I had a good chuckle walking out of there our next reddit post is from error 404 life for clarity I live in a tiny rural town in Australia everyone knows each other and the local meth addict it's that kind of town it's completely feral and I have many a story for that some other time I work in a popular dollar store in said small town I've worked there for nearly a year now but this store has been there since I was a kid every year they have a charity week where all the employees collect donations which are then sent off to a bigger charity that the store has sponsored at the end of the week it's quite fun and I got to dress up I had to wear a Rainbow Dash style wig which all the kids loved I had a system to ask for donations to avoid it being awkward my feral aunt / boss doesn't seem to understand the concept that people who pay with card don't often have spare change on them to give and had a go at me for the way I did things but hey we still raise nearly eight hundred and fifty bucks in that one week so I must have done all right anyways anyone who paid with cash or had a purse or wallet on them I would ask if they would like to donate and explain to them the charity we were raising for I can't remember the name but it was for kids with heart diseases which caused a lot of people to donate right off the bat as I was working one day rainbow wig and all this young girl goes up to the counter her presumed mom following intohe eyes on her phone I am fine with parents being on their phone I barely get off mine so I can relate but she just like did not look up not even as she was turning corners or anything I walk over behind the counter and scan all the girls stuff she was so excited clearly having just gotten out of school and had like a diary and some pens the mom sets her phone down screens still on message then grabs her purse and fishes through it and pulls out of 20 because she's paying with cash I asked would you like to donate to charity she looked at me like I was the freaking Nightcrawler this was the following exchange what we have a donation box set up would you like to donate any loose change you have rattling around why me a bit dumbfounded because it's for children with heart conditions to help them she cuts me off why would I give my heart earned cash to some random cashier uh it's fine you don't have to donate I just asked everyone she gives me a hard glare why don't you donate I already have we had the option to donate some of our pay to charity it is just taken off the total when we sign I give like 50 bucks with everyone else really how much if you really cared you would give all your savings but you're just some dumb kid thank God I had a regular who was waiting in line she shoved her basket forward onto my counter pushing the woman out of the way silently giving her the biggest fu she just stormed off and I put her 12 dollar change in the donation box like I was instructed to do with everyone else the people in line all just dumped their change from their pockets into the box this woman was so distracted with being a grunt she forgot her change and was accidentally a good person here's an honest question how are you supposed to know what to do with your money very few of us are exposed to meaningful advice on how to manage our finances even fewer have the means to get professional financial guidance betterment is a platform that was built to do something radical to give accessible financial advice that puts you first if you're like most Americans your money is probably sitting in a savings account likely earning you next to nothing maybe you have an investment account that you're not really sure what to do with betterment can help you make sense of what to do with your money investing involves risk but you don't have to know the ins and outs of the stock market to start saving more or start investing for your future betterment technology will put your money to work choosing the stocks and strategies that are right for you because we know you have other things to do betterments platform can even provide guidance on what financial goals make sense for you give your money a new home with betterment peace of mind included download the betterment app today that's be tter m ENT for the betterment of you that was our slash house from retail and if you like this content then hit the subscribe button because i put out new reddit content every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,227,931
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, talesfromretail, r/talesfromretail, talesfromretail posts, tales from retail, talesfromretail funny, r/ talesfrom retail, talesfromretail fails, tailsfromretail
Id: O3DFdh7eivE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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