r/Maliciouscompliance I Stripped in Front of my Principal

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where a student strips down in front of the principal in high school I was working at the local home depot as a head cashier I kept track of all the active registers and made sure things ran smoothly I held this position for quite some time 1 to 2 years and enjoyed it pretty well customers were nice and my co-workers were mostly craftsmen and gardeners all with interesting stories to share before we go further let me explain something I am allergic to nearly every form of pollen I mean every form I take allergy medication but even then if I'm in close proximity to flowers for too long under 30 minutes I'll begin to break out in hives and throw up most of the time so after about 3 months working in the winter the spring season was upon us the worst season for my allergies one day about 3 of our garden section cashiers called off sick they're pretty reliable people so I had no problem finding people to cover for them as I come to my manager to inform them of the position changes my manager looks at me and says you can handle the garden section on your own can't you I informed my manager that I could cover it for at most 15 minutes before my allergies flare up and I'll have to leave he states we don't have any documents on file this state you're not fit to work in the garden section so unless you come to me with a doctor's note stating your allergies I could give less of a flip I don't know who pissed in his Cheerios that morning but I complied saying I want to be sure of what you're asking you want me to work in a section which is hazardous to my health instead of placing equally capable employees in that section did I stutter he said ok sure I said I make my way down to the garden section and immediately my eyes are singing I decided that I'm going to stick it out for my boss's sake no matter how terrible my service becomes the first 10 minutes are pretty uneventful but then a customer asked me about the rash on my arms the Home Depot doesn't care about my allergies I say as I don't have official paperwork this customer looks extremely concerned asking for my manager's name at this point I was feeling nausea hit me I throw up in the trash can at the register turn back to smile as well as I could and say I work under Bob the customer reassures me that I'll be ok and tells me I should head home turns out that this guy Nick was a higher-up at the Home Depot's regional management and was my boss's boss so naturally I comply with the chain of command and hinted the locker room to pack up as I'm packing Bob comes in fuming and cursing telling me I have no right to leave yet and that my shift isn't over for another five hours I simply say Nick told me to go home Bob's face gets redder as he threatens to fire me saying I was lying and tells me to go back out I comply knowing that I'll see Nick on my way out I pass Nick still in the orange apron and he asked me where I'm going I see that Bob told me to go back to work Nick's expression goes from concerned to furious as he takes my apron from me and tells me I'll be paid for the full shift and to go home I come into work the next day to see that Bob's nameplate has been removed from the office I asked our HR rep what happened and apparently after I'd left Nick's stormed Bob's office and proceeded to perform an audit on all of his past employee complaints this guy had been throwing out complaint for the past five years needless to say there was an opening for the store management position and I was given a week's vacation for my troubles my satisfaction was huge our next reddit post is from mermaid glitter girl this did happen about 15 years ago but I can't help snickering about it from time to time in high school I was a pretty mild-mannered kid I came from a very strict household and a call from the school was absolutely unacceptable I also want an approval from authority figures as I rarely got it at home so I kept quiet did good work and was generally well-liked by my teachers like I said it was a strict household and my outfits were closely inspected for modesty by my very conservative parents if it passed at home it wasn't going to get me in trouble I tried hard to fit in with other kids though and found that wearing a layer underneath made regular outfits past the home dress code so I still got to wear distressed jeans but you could see black leggings that sit on my knees not a huge deal and it helped me feel better about my appearance at least socially anyway as trends were said leggings became super popular finally I was a hit and on point with my style some girls did begin to abuse a system though school dress code required skirts to be no shorter than three inches one index card above the knee this standard was suddenly lots of tiny din of miniskirts with leggings so the school cracked down and said leggings were no longer allowed under skirts of course since I had different home rules I didn't even own a skirt that short my skirts had to reach the knees which was three inches longer than the school requirements I didn't even mention the new school rule at home because I didn't think it was an issue so I get super cute wearing my knee length denim skirt and leggings as it was still trendy and a bit chilly out I pass home inspection and head off to school nothing was said in my first three classes but like I said I was a good kid and always well covered one of the super mean teachers not even mine just one standing outside her door spotted my skirt leggings in the hall and grabbed me and marched me down to the office I knew of the rule change but I truly thought it wouldn't be a big deal since I wasn't wearing a miniskirt she shoved me in and yelled something about a dress code violation and left to return to her class I was called in thinking the principal who I didn't know well would laugh with me about her unreasonableness boy was I wrong he screamed up and down how I was dressed inappropriately and he would be calling my parents to come get me and take me home to change oh no oh no no no no no as I stood and turned around showing him my clothes I tried to argue that my skirt mat code and my leggings covered more I even tried to explain that my parents would take it out on me in an aggressive manner he wasn't going to hear any of it I had a thing fast Q malicious compliance while he was while he was still looking for the number to call I kicked off my shoes and began wriggling the leggings down and off right there in his office in front of him since my skirt was long enough I shoved my pants in my back and sated that now he has no reason to call my parents I was fully complying with Resco to the school as he stared with his mouth a game I could see him turning red while trying to figure out how to deal with me he ended up just yelling get out of my office get to class never have I felt so relieved Opie that was nothing compared to the relief that principal felt that no one walked into his office at that exact moment oh man that would have been embarrassing and probably gotten him fired to boot our next reddit post is from Timmy 94 right now we're stuck in a massive heat wave in South Africa and I'm dying a slow painful hot death anyway on warm days I like to walk around the house in my bra and shorts because you know it's cool and comfortable also we have two kids in the house a boy 9 and a girl 11 my mom hates this she feels I can absolutely not walk around the house in my bra and shorts when there's kids here so I complied I took off my bra which is a sports bra mind you so it literally covers basically my whole back and no boobies are out anywhere or even my chest there's not even cleavage what I did do though was put on my bikini top which basically only covers my nipples and small portions of my boobs my back is completely open with just a thin strap around my neck and another thin strap around my middle back area she gave me an extremely evil eye and told me to change and put a shirt on so I just said mom it's not a bra it's a bikini and I can walk around with it needless to say i won that argument and my mom stormed off in a huff and bonus it's actually cooler with a bikini on our son isn't even bothered and just took his shirt off and our daughter put her bikini top on too which infuriated my mom even more all in all a good day then much difference adds his post below ha I did something similar ages ago there were a small number of things you'd have to walk to the end of our driveway for getting the morning paper taking out and bringing up the trash checking the mailbox etc if I was doing this early in the morning I'd sometimes do it in my bathrobe this thick fluffy thing that tied up to my neck and went down to my knees for some reason my mom had this idea that bathrobes are inherently sexual so she'd always griping me for doing this one week I decided to stop being inappropriate and threw on my bikini to grab the mail she stopped complaining about the bathrobe after that our next reddit post is from jingleberry 1:12 I worked at a small less than a hundred people video games due to you about a decade ago the studio did mostly console ports for larger publishers and was notorious for severely underpaying its employees and for screwing employees out of contracts so that the boss could make a profit which he never shared with the company when I became a manager I tried to lobby for higher pay for my hourly workers as the pay was 8 bucks an hour in 2011 and there were 3 guys on my team so broke they were literally living in their car in the parking lot the boss who was also the co-owner of the studio frankly said to me I will continue to pay $8 an hour until I can't find anyone willing to work for $8 an hour he was also notorious for bringing on unpaid interns making them do the work of a full employee promising them employment at the end of the internship then breaking his promise the boss was notorious for being a tightwad he excluded hourly employees from company meals during over time and would claim he was feeling generous when he would let the hourlies eat after all the other employees had already cleared out two-thirds of the food and what was left was stale and congealed at one point a contract with a larger company fell through and bossman let half of the studio know about their layouts by holding a meeting for them in the parking lot and letting employees know that their jobs were gone their passage to the doors were disabled and they could expect their belongings mailed back to them in a week he let some employees go back in to get things like wallets and car keys but under security escort the time comes for a release party for a game that got released before this mass layoffs happened the boss bein emails out to the whole company letting everyone know how generous he's feeling that he's going to allow all the laid-off employees on the project to come to the release party of the game they made it was at a swanky place in town known for high-end cocktails among other things the boss man writes in his email invite that there was a quote 15 dollar slush drink limits what he meant to say was that each person at the party had a 15 dollar limit for drinks for the night total what the bar and everyone else interprets correctly is that there was a $15.00 per drink limit the employees stifled giggles as they read the email invite that was also sent as instructional to the bar and excitedly exchanged text messages and emails with the laid-off employees the boss man is also notorious for not showing up to his own parties until two hours in queue the night of the party everyone shows up bright and early and as soon as the party officially starts everyone swarms the bar asking for the most expensive cocktails and liquor the bar had to offer people were downing French 75s and Ramos Gin fizzes and thirty five-year-old shots of Glenfiddich every employee and former employee was five to six fancy cocktails in and three sheets of the wind by the time the boss man shows up he saunters into Cheers and Pat's on the back from laid-off employees who are so drunk by now that they probably saw three of them he smiles and waves magnanimously thinking the former and current employees were drowning their sorrows at their own cost he wanders up to the bar to check in with a barkeep and see what the damage was so far after 20 seconds of conversation the smile from his face had disappeared completely and had been replaced with a scowl words were spoken the barkeep disappears and comes back with a manager even tenser words were exchanged with a manager who disappeared into the back office and then returns with a piece of paper presumably a copy of whatever contract the boss man had made for the party the bar and drinking partiers were in the right the company at the time was not financially able to handle the price of the drinks and boss man was able to pay the cost out of his own pocket sadly he wasn't able to afford a Porsche and a BMW that year the company had to shut her about a year after this event then opie post an update to epic Hughes will you name the studio man no the studio was never very well-known and boss man got what he deserves his last LinkedIn updates show that he was giving motivational talks for we were so yeah he's gone and gotten himself screwed I'm wondering who was like rubbing their hands together in glee more the employees or the bar owner when he realized how much money he was about to make our next reddit post is from ratchet this happened like 15 years ago at high school during breaks at school I'd be hanging around with my mates and there was this girl nicknamed flee because she was small and annoying she was quite the annoyance but we largely ignored her one day it got too much and I poured my water bottle over her unfortunately there was a teacher and of course she saw what happened cue me being sent to the principal's office the principal was naturally rather unimpressed by my behavior and told me to write an essay on what I'd done and why was it appropriate indicating that I'd received attention at the end of it now the malicious compliance instead of writing the one-page essay requested I wrote three pages detailing the months of annoyance and abuse and how we were constantly trying to avoid her even moving locations where we hung out I detailed how she would jump on our backs trying to knock us off balance causing us to fall several times pull our hair and the piece de resistance of the essay the dozens of times she tried to grab and kick our nuts I got really good at catching approaching feet with my thighs I handed in my essay and waited for them to tell me how much detention I'd get the principal came out of his office said I was free to go and told the teacher to bring the girl in she ended up getting to tension a call to her parents and she didn't bother us again bonus story similar vein another girl I poured drink on this time red fizzy on white school uniform she was constantly stealing our hacky sack so one day I saw her run for it as it fell I stepped on it so she couldn't get it she was trying to wrench it out from under my foot so I poured most of my can of red Miranda slowly on her back I pour to have my drink out before she ran away nothing came of that one although I figured out years later she actually liked me so I screwed that one up I don't deserve my cat contributes down in the comments I had a girl in high school that kept touching my butt in the lunch line like it didn't feel like it was a I like him thing it felt more like a he's smaller than me I'm dominant thing not that it matters sexual harassment is sexual harassment no matter the context our the way it's carried out one day after I had enough I yelled at her to stop touching my butt she replied with the oh so mature what are you gay so I snapped back with no I just don't fancy farm animals she got a hold for a red pissed off and began to yell at me but I just ignored it and started singing old MacDonald's farm eventually half the lunch line joined in she stormed off and had to deal with people asking her how Old MacDonald was doing for a couple of months she thankfully didn't harass me again a very small part of me sometimes feel bad but I mostly feel that she deserved it if you can't take it don't dish it out that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this video hit that subscribe button because I put out new videos every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: TjxRFCe5Wew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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