r/nicegirls | You Want a Queen? Earn Her...

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LOL almost used my baby tonight really got to work on my anger issues and this be just holding a switchblade what's up guys and welcome back to mpa quaker and today we're diving right back into our slash nice girls and these girls well we've gotten so much nicer i have learned in my first 27 years of life that you cannot send two questions to a man in the same text message or separate messages before receiving a reply to the first one you will only get an answer to one of your questions simple creatures slow down for them and then we got an r slash nice guy i the men you're know have a very short attention span maybe it's a sign to expand your horizons just a thought from a guy that could be colloquial and have an intelligent conversation tats and bench presses only get you so far he is crying for coochie what's up not much what's up with you just watching youtube LOL you're cute LOL thanks you're welcome you bye no I'm actually ace what's that lol asexual is an individual who is not sexually attracted to either men or women oh well you still got a nice body thanks you're welcome haha is it pierced just my ears Oh ever thought about getting your nips done never oh but those would look really cute on you not that anybody would see it oh how come you must be very cute too because I'm not interested in anyone they're still cute what lol just never appealed to me oh wow how cute ears look now never really thought of them as cute so well what do they look like I don't know like what most others do could I see I'm wondering no LMAO LMAO why not because I already told you I'm not interested still do I even actually know you you look familiar I don't know why that would be I don't know either but I do remember breasts best okay yeah would be easier what to recognize you that's the most bogus thing I've ever heard lol hello well it's not they're all unique not that unique hello well the art of me well I wish you luck with someone else but I really don't think I know you so I think this conversation should come to a close well you could find out no I think I'm good what size are thee I'm not sharing that information see ya hello Ella are you wearing huh no bra look if you don't stop with these questions I'm going to block you boob pic boob pic don't care lmao bye lmao autistic you're not accepting my advances you must be autistic no WTF acting like it funny you're acting like someone who doesn't take no for an answer glad you're asexual me too I'd still smash well you just said you're glad I'm asexual so you won't reproduce just not good hello Lu seems salty that you didn't get your way by and then she left one of those cute little acts eating's kawaii acts II don't flirt with me unless she ready to put me in your bio featured photos lock screen Emma voice says your ringtone hashtag dat part hashtag possessive definitely possessive if you don't want to be with me cuz I'm loud and have an attitude problem then go date a boring quiet B that cooks Hamburger Helper and can't screw right it's okay I mean you told me to yo okay stop telling boys that their height is funny if they're short stop reblogging things about boys who are under six feet tall with the intention of laughing at them yeah stop telling boys to man up stop telling boys that they should just move on and get over emotionally / physically traumatic experiences stop telling boys that their girlfriends are always right because women are always right stop making fun of boys for parts of their body that they were literally just born with and have no control over oh there's periods need the clap boys need emotional support two boys have body image issues - damn yes Layla Morin was wrong to attack her partner but domestic violence by women is not the same as domestic violence by men well miss Yasmine the only difference I can see is one is committed by a woman the others committed by a man otherwise you have the exact same crime with the exact same repercussions you my friend are an idiot why don't any buff guys at the gym talk to me I think I'm a pretty cute girl but all the guys seems so focused on their workouts like seriously guys yeah you're at a gym yeah you're at a gym ma'am what do you what do you expect them to do I could lift all these dumbbells but listen nice girl came in let's just look at her get out of here she calls from the moment she gets home 2:40 and we stay on set call for seven to eight hours a day then gets mad when I want to hang with friends or take my attention away from her in any way every day for hours and hours on end with no personal time is what I call hovering normal people call it a relationship I'm not going to the fa hospital today and you put your health on the line because I decided to say there's no personal time 28 year-old female I follow on Instagram I really don't like the term female can't be honest with you guys alright so it's description time boys description time it's allotted in jasmine and weddings riding on a credit card it's it's supposed to imply that she's after him for the money you're welcome for that description hey hey what's up nothing much you I'm fine can I tell you something okay ever since second semester I started started to have feelings for you whenever we talked in class I felt like you cared about me also you're really funny and enjoyable I'm hoping you don't think of me weirdly about this I just wanted to get this off my chest thank you I really appreciate it but I'm not interested right now and I hope you understand whatever fatty bra is that all you had to say I'm J confused so you say all this nice crap but when I reject you you call me a fatty lol you stupid you're disrespectful and shallow like I thought honestly I felt bad for you I'm actually glad that nobody likes you guess what your clown of the day because you wanted to ask out a fatty it's I love this image and I wish it was the full image I just hear the cuckoo the clown music every time also never talk to me again stitch it you asked out a big fat man you're stupid stupid I've never been with a guy who didn't pay for first date and subsequently all the dates during the first few months I wouldn't feel the guy is cheap if he didn't pay just my honest thoughts I know a lot of guys especially young guys will get offended by that notion but it's the truth we wouldn't be compatible long-term anyway but I've honestly never ran into this issue especially young guys will get offended especially those who are raised to reject sexism I don't know about y'all but any time I go on a first date I like to split the bill because you know I'm not gonna know if I'm fully interested in this person or not why would I spend all of the money on the date I'm gonna split the bill that way we both you know have invested that because we're already investing our time if I'm paying all the money on my end I are I just don't I don't think it's fair so we split the bill and then if it works out cool if it don't we move on our way and no one feels cheated out of the money that night yikes the truth comes out my former best friend who I ended up dating and then it killed off our friendship when things went south I honestly don't think I liked you I like the attention you gave me the fact that you'll listen to my good and bad days okay go on it's fine just get it off your chest that's it I have nothing to say I'm glad you can tell me that the truth comes out in the end you never even liked me for me WTF you like the attention it's not even like that WTF oh you're taking it the wrong way it's a Karen Karen I was not sure if my boyfriend was being loyal or not after using spy my phone I was able to spy on his messages call mugs what's app contacts and all the other details I can now even track his whereabouts and is so relieved four and a half stars that's gross that's gross care and you should be ashamed of yourself broke up with my ex she always accused me of cheating never did ten months later she still messages me it looks like she says good seriously WTF I've been leaving you alone cuz that would you ask then you messaged me out of nowhere then tell me not to talk to you screw that I'm done good screw off you broke me why would you even play with me even if I message first it will always be you who broke me girl I went to high school with turned into a nice girl my bf don't need girlfriends I'm his best friend I have 60 personalities anyways choose what friend you wanted a baby facts is that really a couple's goal if that's a couple's goal on I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to sign out of relationships forever I'm gonna be single a hermit and just stay o me a fish every woman has looked at a man while he's sleeping and thought I should knock the hell out of this mother f o right now thanks female code when you try to be independent and say you'll pay for your own food and he agrees and it's a picture of a woman looking shocked well ma'am you did say going to try to be independent and what better way to start that off than paying for your own goddamn meal you bug when you're on your first date he says I'm not like other guys but you're just there for the free so don't matter anyway see this is why we pay for half that right there my friends that is why you pay for half ain't getting no free food ain't you know either eh you're gonna listen to what I'm saying in a conversation or B we ain't going on the date cuz I'm there to talk to you if you're there for the free food you a go to the soup kitchen if you looking for free food cuz I ain't no charity girl equality my classmate had this on her story and I never thought she was this kind of person ain't no such thing as a gold digger women are naturally expensive so choose the girl in your price range and stay in your lane if any girls would like a dollar store man just please hit my line I got enough for a dollar maybe the 99-cent store get yourself one of them little slappers the extendo slappers the rubber slappy hands i can do that for you but otherwise i'm got nothing to offer me as a girlfriend I hate you I hate you I hate you I don't really hate you but I'm having a moment so I hate you but you can effing reply damn man how dumb can you be love me WTF I love you whatever I don't like that I like the whole vibe that gave me hey oh hey so we going out tonight yeah sure it's like 8:00 p.m. good I'm gonna be a bit late though lmao why you know how girls are I have to maintain myself yeah I understand so have you thought of a place maybe I've been thinking about Asian food but not too expensive what why not because I have bills to pay you know life is hard don't you want it to be a special date well I do well but my pocket kind of running empty and I won't get a paycheck up until the middle of next month yikes what do you mean why are you still talking to me LMFAO what I have needs you know oh we got her name Zelda are you ok well I do too how am I supposed to survive with someone who won't even give me the respect they truly need what who said anything about respect like there are so many tramps out there and it's a rarity to have a nice girl like me to shell de listen I just wanted a date to some place it's modest nothing too much it's our first date well yeah fist date we're first impressions matter our impressions moral not financial what is he talking about I gave you money when you forgot your wallet to buy food I was so nice to you that was 2 bucks for a McDonald's hamburger quick well I was nice to you too I would have jumped in front of a car to save you if I had to this this is what I get when like now we barely know for like two weeks I and you're jumping to this deserve better than this I know I do just calm down calm down like boy you need to come your wallet cuz your money are definitely losing it Wow now it really shows who you are you're just like the other Chad's that only care about bimbos that they could treat however they want I think we should just cancel it you depend on weak girls with zero self-esteem screw you go eat crap you sewer-dwelling gypsy low standard effing narcissist I hope a car hits you and you get paralyzed from the neck down okay maybe then you'll finally stopped making crappy music don't say anything about my music like have you even heard of black muffs upper rainbow you brainless trend chaser I think I'm just gonna block you now bye do you even have the mental capacity to make something good oh so you're just gonna block me coward you're too scared about the truth wow you're so weak and pathetic whatever I can't believe I almost went out with you okay now I'm really blocking you Wow I think weak you disgust me and yourself Wow I don't care how much me and my husband argue he's mine until I kill him then he belongs to Jesus I feel like that's admissible in court and just like that ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we have reached the end of this edition of our / - crocin if you liked the video leave a link if you really enjoy the video give us a subscribe and I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,016,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/nicegirls, nicegirls reddit, reddit nicegirls, nicegirls top posts, you want a queen
Id: 2RQs5Br8VeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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