r/Nicegirls | CHASE ME!!!

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when you try to be independent and say you'll pay for your own food if he agrees no I was just kidding I didn't want to do that what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash nice girls ain't gonna say I beat my boyfriend but he do flinch when I reach for them haha oh yeah that's funny I'm a piece of garbage a dude can be active all day and entertainer brother don't do crap for him but ignore the brother want to see you win and want to help you get a bag y'all boys claim y'all groaning she how you grown with a mindset of a child get it good females always get hurt three 100 emoji it's not one not two that's right three of them cuz my pains tripled ain't nobody want the girls that are gonna be here for them they want the girls that are gonna haul around then act surprised when it happens like bro you knew that was gonna happen you could have gone for a nice girl like me and you know things could work down but here you are hoeing around no sympathy for you baking them in that heat yeah I know hot like you oh not to be rude but I'm not looking for a relationship lol nevermind Frick you bye-bye fool and like this she used a fool that's kind of vaudeville and I like that alright fine when you text him good night to make him beg for your attention and he leaves you on red if you text me good night I assume you're going to sleep I want you to tight 12 hours in you know get a good night's sleep wake up refreshed I'll let you sleep my boyfriend don't need girlfriends cuz I'm his best friend I am sixty personalities choose what friend you wanted a baby I'm a psycho but you love me anyway no no I don't actually this is quite concerning you need to see a professional she broke up with me blocked her on all social medias and has the nerve to send me this I have nothing that she owns hey it's blank I just got off the phone with blank PD it's illegal for you to abstain from getting in contact with me while you're in possession of saw my stuff therefore preventing me from ever getting it back I didn't want it to come to this but if I don't get it back in two days you'll be having a visit from Officer blank what am I in possession of you took everything when you left sounds to me like you got a case of crazy shared by the Sam's girl who curses guys for ghosting her on Facebook hmm we used to talk first of all I was bored it's gross you're gross were doing that yeah no I'm bored time to time to play with feelings for people that matter girl boy if you do that to anybody or you're gross you get the award for being gross you know when your boyfriend asks you if you want anything from the shop and you say no when he actually comes back with nothing rude everybody knows that no means surprise me now it means now a friend got dumped yes got dumped in a few days later commented on another girl's instapoll it's been 1 to 2 days since we broke up and you already got girls hyping you up damn loyalty much nice one great they know I was some dumb toy you play with have a good life meanwhile I'm still telling people I love you but I had to break up with you because we never talked yeah okay bye guess not gonna let a player break me they're just my friends just put yourself into my shoes oh yeah who is chairing Garcia actually don't answer I hope she makes you happy dumb bro I was talking about the ice cream cherry Garcia you stupid for that one oh that's a big boy post can we zoom out could we get a look at the size of this post gaze in awe had the sheer size of this post Oh P I know I was unfair to you and sorry things turned out the way they did I used your kindness as a crutch to feel like I had something to fall back on and you shouldn't have been that you treated me so well and I took advantage of you and now every time I want to sleep I think about how you felt next to me even when I'm with him I understand if you moved on but I want to know if we could meet up and talk more about things and where we can go from here nice girl I really hope you don't think saying sorry just gonna patch things over you screwed me over before and to be honest I shouldn't have let you in a second time and we ended up going pretty far with it I know we never define what we were but still with the way we acted I honestly thought whatever we were was gonna be real so when I asked if you wanted us to be real and you hit me with I'm not a good person to be with right now I thought giving you time and just keeping up the routine we were in was gonna lead into it then you turn around and start dating someone I mean I kind of knew what it's still hurt I want to be childish and hurtful and say things to you you probably want to hear but just the thought of you makes me tired at this point I wish you a lot to be honest I genuinely care for your mom and I hope she gets better and no I don't know if I've moved on I don't think anyone ever moves on but I'm trying I think I'm doing all right I don't want to meet up with you anytime soon now thank you for giving me my stuff back good night and best of luck chief can you at least just tell me if you're already dating someone oh where do you get off please I'm not dating anyone and even if I was what does it matter to you can she do what I did Oh what do you mean I just said I'm not dating anyone stop reaching go back to your boyfriend nice girl I'm gonna delete these messages and if I wake up in the morning I'm not gonna hold this against you what if I leave him then you'd be single also you'd hurt another person for your selfish reasons we're not kids anymore nice girl grow the hell up I'm not gonna be there to make you feel okay anymore you get that out for yourself you want to leave them then do it but don't do it think of we're going to be in a relationship David please please what don't leave Oh yikes don't make this more complicated than it really is I told you at the end of it all I'll still be here but I also told you it's only for your mom friend said she saw you at Wal Mart with someone who is she Wow honestly truly holy crap he was a co-worker helping me out stop reaching helping out with what shouldn't matter is it her oh stop trying to make something up out thin air go to sleep drink water delete this whole combo I'm not dealing with any more of this does she say she loves you does she say she loves you you didn't say it either so what does it matter I love you oh you're a dollar short that day late on that doesn't change the fact that I love you now I think I always have it's just been hard to see it nice girl you don't love me and don't lie to someone like that ever again pick up Opie please pick up nah shout out to Opie that's a debt that was a full drama that was a soap opera and a half my guy you might be cute but your attitude is out of control and I'm tired of constantly having to deal with your crap did you say cute you know what I take that back now - hey a published author leads with hey I'm hot I have a lot of matches and I don't have loads of time to waste on idiots quick prove your worth my time cuz with a response like that you're already a bit in the red Sun no I'm good good luck now nice girls responding to a guy that is quote convinced there are no loyal girls anymore I'm convinced yahwah drama queens wrong it's because all men go for [ __ ] and link it with them with the intention to change them if it's a build abroad workshops all the loyal girls are left behind it's not our fault that all you want to [ __ ] for a girlfriend yikes alright jeez when your man tries to dump you and thinks that's gonna stop you from being his girlfriend what uh boundaries out know about those let me overstep that real quick just yeah all right boundaries stepped over do men still open car doors how else am I getting that MF faithful girlfriend we exist we're just slightly chubby and expect too much and a boys who claim to be men and ready for something real hi I'm Amanda I'm a nice girl I don't know four names a man there or not but oh no that sentence gave me Amanda vibes if you don't chase me well I'm fake leaving I can't be with you sorry that's just the facts this is one of my family members posts she's been married for over 30 years Dodd's will never realize what a great woman they have until she's gone for good enough stuck with a dumb bro that doesn't even do half the things the woman they took for granted did for them I love being married I can post these look with vague context it's not about my husband I love that man it's about my ex shad we could have been together Chad she had to leave me for Stacey I'll be wanting to cry because I'm dead a good female I'll hold you down love you unconditionally won't judge you regardless your financial emotional physical or mental standing anyone I screwed with can't say I was wrong or screwed up to them I be seeing girls my age with Bros treating them so good not just be wondering like when I'm gonna earn myself a good one it ain't fair cuz I'm not perfect but I'm worth it they hurt too many times and I'm still willing to try this right here I love that we have a heart a thumbs up enough hmm two months into being friends quote unquote show me a body dude no okay why are men sleazy AF you started this conversation asking if I eat coochie and then suggest me wanting to come over yeah and that's all you ever want all of you I don't get it just screw it man okay I'm sorry lol I was texting two people at the same time and I thought your text was someone else's yeah maybe we could screw at some point out no probably not at this point okay you're a piece of crap anyway I didn't want to do you I was just in it for free dinner hi my name's a a stands for a nice girl all hyphenated by the way she lives in another country I don't want you to meet other girls you just care about me hmm sorry but we're in different post codes and time zones you're in another country I'm good she calls from the moment she gets home to 40 and we stay on said call for seven eight hours a day then she gets men when I want to hang with friends or take my attention away from her in any way every day for hours and hours on end with no personal time is what I call hovering normal people call it a relationship I'm not going to the freakin Hospital that a and you put your health on the line because I decided to say there's no personal time okay that's a red flag gotcha see you later get out of here don't expect to hear from me again I'm horny sorry what was that y'all hear something you beat the crap out of your boyfriend because he hung out with a female co-worker when you're single but no one wants to date you because you're wacky personality I'm so wacky what's that my boyfriend being held by a female co-worker BAM that's a backhand don't you ever talk to another woman again I'm the only woman in your life you understand me mother out of the picture grandma who's that sister forget about it it's me nice a girl and you better respect that I don't know I'm just dirty-minded but you can pop this cherry uh-huh you can take my virginity if you want no thanks as I said I'm in a relationship okay turn down tests to the perfectly good virgin yeah it's okay I'm not mad I'm saving myself anyway well you save yourself I'm sure it's gonna be expired very soon with your personality I'm legit feel sorry for some guys like they're gonna be 40 odd all shagged out and wife was but eh at least they'll still have the boys to go down to the same crap pub with every weekend are you talking about Peter Griffin if he was divorced actually no this would be more about quagmire wouldna quagmire has no wife but you go to the same pub every weekend so got him Mike boyfriend literally just got me some chocolate and a card for Valentine's like when I say I want chocolates what I really want is a ring or a necklace just because I say I want something doesn't mean I want it ah this is why you'd be specific say things that you would like or mention it in passing if you want to be coy say it I don't know a little while before the event find a way to bring it up in conversation put it in the brain hey hey what's up long time no talk how you been good at least said you broke your leg yeah I was cleaning my gutters and I fell off classic lol yeah I really miss talking to you we should go out on a date oh I'd love to but my leg is really messed up and I can't leave the house for a few weeks whatever I don't even like you anymore you're ugly and I hope your leg doesn't get better you missed your chance with me buddy okay have a nice life and that brings us to the end of our slash nice grouse and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always you already know what I'm gonna say I'll be seeing you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,901,269
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/nicegirls, r/nicegirls top posts, r/nicegirls best posts, nicegirls, nice girls, r/niceguys, r/niceguys best posts, r/niceguys top posts, niceguys, nice guys, reddit funny, r/nicegirls emkay, emkay
Id: 6ihXxk8wNlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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