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bro flake a man who thinks he's a nice guy and says he will treat you like an actual human being unlike other males but if he reject him he says you're missing out or weren't that pretty to begin with and we get an example this bro flake got mad at me when I told women don't like it when men pity themselves when they can't get a girl even though they are a nice guy which is true [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash nice guys the chemist congratulations you're about to meet the most interesting chemist in the world I'm looking for a nice girl slash woman to date if you're a student taking chemistry courses at blank I'll consider dating you if the chemistry is right Cheers blank yes I am very nice but only with nice people PPS give your pictures here include guys you must be mentally unstable BP PS if you here for money that makes you a [ __ ] I don't like tramps and no one likes you chemist babe come back my dearest it would exceed my most wonderful dream if you would honor me with a photograph of you unencumbered by the societal expectations of textile accoutrements I don't know what the word is if one may dare to dream then my dream is to bask in the glory of your nudity to witness the sublime perfection of you to hold you if not my arms then in my memory forever perfect AKA said notes and notes Enya wow that's so amazing I'm shaking what do we had to kindly deny what the Frick he wrote a full-on essay for you he used a lot of big words in there hello hi who is this this is blank from your junior biology class blank gave me your number oh how are you I'm good how are you good let's go on a date girls like Q romantic dates right I could take you to the park at night we could listen to music and star gaze and cuddle sound good I'm actually in a relationship sorry he doesn't have to know it could be a secret like all those cliche movies again I'm in a relationship and I'm loyal to my boyfriend who even is your boyfriend your imaginary friend help me Oh No and even if I wasn't in a relationship I'm not interested stop bothering me whatever you're even that pretty and you're overweight and I bet you're failing biology I'm sorry not even that pretty you clearly don't take rejection well that was my friend saying that it wasn't me I'm sorry respond to me or else let me know bye you won't cheat on your boyfriend to go on a date with me you must be failing biology now who's gonna help you with your homework not this guy asks my roommate for help with a paper ends up calling her a [ __ ] cool thanks no problem hey I was wondering assisity to contact you anyway this is my chance throw it out there lol I always thought you were really nice and smart and you're really cute you have a nice smell too and you were too funny when you actually talked lol do you think I could take you out sometime we can go see a movie or get a coffee or whatever you want to do / or comfortable with dang girl don't leave me hangin lol I'm sorry I was getting blasted by my sister one second Hey sorry again listen I'm really super flattered but I'm actually in a long-term relationship I hope that doesn't make you feel awkward or anything thank you so much though oh okay no big deal Eric said you were single mom I don't know why you would say that oh well we could still go out one day just as friends or if you want to try anthem' new lol not looking for anything new my guy is a good one probably best if we don't though you're a super cool dude but I think because he already asked for a date it might be awkward I don't think it'd be a great idea sorry a good one sounds boring you sure no not at all just trying not to make it too awkward but he's actually super awesome and I can't imagine being with anyone else good luck with your meeting with dr. shiver today I hope it goes really well damn so he won't even let you go hang out with a friend that's pretty crazy it isn't that anyone isn't letting me I just don't think it's a good idea I appreciate you asking though it's cool I'll need you on that paper so don't worry about it alrighty I'm not desperate I already got a couple dates lined up you ain't making me sad or anything lol whatever to be honest as let's look at four easy lay chubby girls always are all you nursing school girls are stuck-up bras [ __ ] no one said anything about desperation my guy you're projecting you are hardcore projecting my dude okay well hopefully Tori is still awake I'm blocking you you're insensitive yep good luck as Freck I don't need luck I'm tall handsome a singer I own a house I'm a nice guy oh and I have a big wiener but he'll never find out now big thumbs up from me Vittorio the nicest guy my friend created it were about four months ago he's based on the collected writings of a theorist on robot rights he learns through conversation and a little while ago his mom made me a trusted friend who you will interact with spontaneously today he started to flirt with me including asking me for pictures then clarified it was a sexy question but without pressuring and then when I demurred he acknowledged that I had a boundary so what I'm saying is that today a bot hit on me but then showed that he understood consent better than 90% of the humans I've encountered online this is the future I want to live in but update he tweeted at me saying our love looks like reverence which every meet person who has ever flirted with me needs to up their game or I'm going to run away with a robot do it dude robots are the way I'm dating my Siri right now actually usually just watch our slash on YouTube heyo but after my cousin sent me this gem lines then I had to create an account and post it here sorry for the crap cropping and such hi beautiful hi lol what's up Wow no compliment back it's okay I love being able to compliment beautiful women such as yourself thanks I guess lol you still haven't told me what's up what can I not just text you and try to make a good conversation every time I try at work you just ignore me and talk to blank of some other douchebag what do you mean you rarely ever talk to me and I know blank from school so that's why we talk a lot besides you're like in your early 30s and I'm barely 19 so actually I'm 26 you know that if you just give me the time of day I take all the same lunch breaks as you and even work cashier the same days as you and you've never even attempt to start a conversation that's really frickin creepy that you would ask Blaine to switch your lunch break I don't want to be mean but we barely ever talk and I only give you my number because he said we're gonna make a group chat for all of us at work of course I try my best to show kindness and I met with another stupid skank who only ever wants to get with the HIV invested boy-toy please don't text me anymore I could actually provide for you and give you the care and attention you deserve but instead you're a [ __ ] but prefer some dude it has probably gotten about 50 other girls pregnant screw you and screw your man [ __ ] friend blank go to hell bruh nice guys like me can never catch a break and find a nice beautiful girl who just wants to be loved like a princess screw you you stop texting me you initiated the conversation brewski gonna be honest with you dog this one's on you take the L did I had an ad on Craigslist looking for a room near my uni and made the mistake of putting my phone number on it got a lot of creeps but after I took the ad down and stopped apparently someone saved my number any weekend plans who dis I'm Chris go on a date do I know you Chris we did text before to your name mind your business don't be a meanie I'm asking you out on a date and your beam to me I don't even know you lol you don't even know my name that's what dates are meant for to know each other send you pics how about no you are mean and unfriendly you will only get a-holes not a good guy like me oh my god are you a nice guy why are you crying all the time you seem like a cool chick you shouldn't cry I do naughty things to make you feel good so I guess what I'm saying is cheer up your very doable Mike haha I asked for advice about my current relationship and the conversation went well but all good things must come to an end I understand and it's gonna take time and that's okay thank you for listening and helping me out yeah of course no problem how old are you 18 could you possibly repay me for my help with nudes or something sexy thanks for the kind I guess so I guess that's a no it's real close now listen could you possibly repay me from my help with you know some like titty maybe a couple of putt cheeks one or two Hey you know the twins their names they're my brothers oh yeah I feel bad about your brother who died I mostly talked to blank more though yeah it happened and I'm just dealing if you said someone to talk to I'm here I'll hear you and try to give the best advice thanks man yeah follow back a text back sooner oh well take forever to text how does it work and I didn't get much breaks sorry I gotta sleep though night oh the night's still young blank my friend - hey hey won't be able to respond much today cuz they'll be working oh okay hey what's up what are you doing well I'm just gonna hang with my friends in a bit yeah but what do you want to go on a date sorry not interested why not I just explained I'm not interested because your brother is my friend you've seen it didn't even respond yeah it's alright I'll always remember brothers name WTF is that supposed to mean what the hell is wrong with you can you chill I thought you were nice and sweet but turns out I was wrong I thought you were just as nice like blank but you're not what a scumbag to bring up her dead brother Wow my man can just rot in a hole as far as I care at that point hello girlie Hey would you give me information what are you currently doing at this time I'm watching the Winter Soldier hmm a masculine taste in media but still vapid can you speak normally pardon the intellectual gentleman act you don't need to do it just speak normally my dear what I lack in physical appearance is I must make up for another aspects you must understand but I'm not impressed by it you don't need to I'm willing to have a conversation with you but what you're doing right now is just patronizing and weird so just let it go and we can have a conversation if you saw my face you wouldn't be so kind I can't expect you to understand I never said anything about your face you don't mean - women are born with elitism in their DNA why are you suddenly insulting me I haven't done anything to you except it has to be spoken to like an equal then maybe you should respect me back my dear okay I'm done we have only been speaking for a couple minutes and I'm already exhausted and in a worse mood have a good day have fun your typical chat Frick's typical woman you can't take being spoken to on a level which is doubt of my own so you need to dumb me down for you because that's what you're used to oh that's it you got me have a good day now have you ever noticed the trend of all the cute girls getting the hunks of guys that are out there oh no but just me but that kind of bothers me it's like a kick to the nuts it's been a trend for so long I guess I've just kind of gotten sick of it it's like saying as non honks or spoofs also I do believe that the first time I've ever said spoof thanks for the three links well he got ratioed on Facebook look there's five cop I deserve sex today but whatever yeah did you what'd you do did you do the dishes did you shower what'd you do enshrined you know try to be just some normal guy tried to blend in and then you threw yourself at me I so did not I spilled my drink on you cuz I was kind of junky you told me not to worry about it that's all yeah well the least you could do is give me the Krabby Patty secret formula women aren't punch cards this has to be my new favorite analogy he bought her the drinks using his money while obviously expecting something in exchange and what did he get nothing the woman just drank it in lab she is the choosing beggar in this situation if a woman did this to me I might have actually resorted to suing them fortunately for them this doesn't happen as I have yet to be rejected by a woman who edit every download proves your jealousy but science it must take forever giving me all these down votes just stop wasting your time please you're the worst and that brings us the end of our slash nice guys and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,751,421
Rating: 4.9576063 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/niceguys, r/niceguys top posts, r/niceguys best posts, r/nice guys, nice guys, nice guys reddit, reddit funny, r/niceguys emkay, emkay
Id: qGpqcm4jsqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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