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as soon as your girl starts to have feelings for you the anxiety sets in she'll wonder what you're doing all the time so wonder who you're with she'll wonder what you're thinking and she'll be jealous of every girl who looked at you these feelings are overwhelming there they're not good they're not healthy feelings clingy is okay obsessive is not what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian today we're gonna get a little quirky with our / nice girls you any girl ever trying to have a normal conversation with you my jealous but oh you think all my posts are about you that's cute but relax honey you're not the only stupid dummy I know stupid do we call a stupid dummy I'll have you know I am very smart I'm a big brained boy for things a woman shouldn't have to touch if she's a man bills a trash bag groceries in a corridor specifically the passenger car door my ex sent death threats to me on my birthday this was what happened afterwards Hey been a while hi you know writing that on my timeline makes you seem butthurt I'm trying to enjoy my special day so please if you're gonna be negative f off can you not take a joke I can but me and my family don't appreciate wishes of death shame I'm at a festival right now I don't have time for you being a coward okay cool have a good time I'm celebrating my birthday right now I don't have time for you being an inconsiderate twit lmao I'm inconsiderate honestly and your life bro you're boring happy birthday though you just proved my point telling me to kill myself knowing full well that we're still recovering from my father's death have fun being featured on our slash nice girls bye bye I don't think that's a threat like I feel for this guy she's a witch but just have fun be featured on the Internet see ya loser it just doesn't there's no sting man I questioned why they bothered to swipe right on me if they disliked everything about me there's no reason unless you just want to be an a-hole if blank your real name yes that's my real name Blanc is the pronunciation do you like the name or I like the name almost as much as I like your hair which is not much change your name - Eric sorry your crawl up your ass Selina Jesus cancels plans with me last minute when I told her I didn't go with my friends because we had plans she sends me a flippin off picture of her and another dude okay did you just okay me okay what's your point oh it's someone salty girl I know from high school occasionally messages me and today she hits me with this she's never hit on me before besides calling me cute once a few years ago do you know where my friends could grab coke sorry I don't oh I thought you would how are you doing I needs cocaine been seeing a guy for a year now his name's David he's 30 and has a son in a car and a job and he's awesome he never complains when I grind Adam lol so perfect you dare ignore me you fat loser lmao you're a fat ugly loser law you think you're too good for me joke screw you fatty lmao you should probably lay off the coke I agree should probably lay off the coke beginning of a relationship I got the door after you present thanks dear I get really depressed when ugly people get lasting relationships and I can't find a single decent boy to want me back being physically attracted doesn't make up for having an ugly personality it's like talking it's like dating a brick wall it's like dating a brick wall like sure it's it's nice you know it's a nice brick wall I'm gonna get anything meaningful out of this wall when you only agreed to go on a date for the free cheese burger and he tells you about how the last girl would only use him for free food and drinks oh you're awful I remember this girl I was datin told me to pick any girl I know from my Instagram and we'll ask her for a threesome I picked a girl and she said I'll follow that bro now I know who you wanna smash there's a young black guy sitting next to me on his flight his phone rang and it said baby doll I dare him to try to holla and say single how could someone be minding his own business you invade his privacy and assume he wants to talk to you then make up a scenario in your head and be offended in advance is everything all right with you dear my delivery girl thought I was hot so she texted my number after delivering my food was going to hook up until I read hello well well I can't say the same everyone has their flaws and I'm sure my ex is talking crap on my name I know my ex-fiance is definitely talking crap on my name but I'll give him a pass coz what I did hello what did you do my ex and I got into a big fight after I moved to Lakeland back in May for a bit so I was like screw you I'm gonna find someone better Amy we broke up so I went on tinder screwed some dude and got engaged with this random dude to piss off my axe and that it made after like a month I didn't have feelings for this kid Mia oh well I see like I really got engaged of this kid met his family and everything and didn't even love him my pettiness will go to extreme measures at times I ain't even gonna lie my boyfriend sat for hours playing this and ignoring me so I fixed his little issue it's cruel and basically abuse to pick a game over your girlfriend and it's actually destruction of property to cut his game discs in half you idiot you stupid [ __ ] I'm nicest Frick so if you see me being mean to someone the earn that crap okay on my exes snapchat story she was clingy in controlling as how your snapchat scores going up by 500 a day who TF other bros you talking to my friend Gary yes snapchat we text each other all the time bro why is everyone so freaking ugly hate to be a hater but oh my lord at this Rae why they're gonna lose all females to extinction what we're gonna start dating each other cuz screw me guys you need to step your game way up we are here looking like a full-course meal by default and y'all shower once a week and call a manscape and s MH please take pride in your appearance so we don't tear up every time we look at our options met on tinder this is the day after spending my first and only night with her it's fine baby as long as I get some you're perfect I'm gonna tell you now you go to your ex's house I'll kill her and then you reason behind this text that my coworker about an ex over and he has a girlfriend he's trying to get with her because she told him how much she missed him oh and also you're amazing affect me when I realized that I'm so nice but no one wants to screw I'm a good friend introduced us she's over in Germany for you and we had a date dodged a bullet hey I just wanted to talk about yesterday hey go on I'm a bit busy right now so just write it out and I'll read it all and respond later all right if you say so so I just wanted to understand we go out have dinner have a nice walk we talked and we obviously liked each other I invite you over to me and you come along we talk more we drink more I'm getting nice and drunk everything good so far yes I'm more drunk than you and I make it clear I want sex but you wouldn't screw me because I want you to be sober when we have sex the f is wrong with you I bet if I wasn't such a nice person you wouldn't have waited a minute to stick your wiener in my coochie and screw me what does nobody ever want to smash in even worse I already prepared myself for it I shaved my coochie and even my freakin butt to be nice and clean I shaved my legs I even put a freaking plug up my butt to be ready for sex but oh no drunk sex is not cool anymore duh what an Indian am i right am i that ugly to you did my coochie stink all the way up that you got so disgusted with me you didn't even try to accidentally touch my breasts about when we were walking WTF Vanessa told me you were a cool dude let me guess Vanessa a good screw right I bet Vanessa got screw to brains out if I were blonde and freakin beautiful is she you would have immediately licked my coochie and don't even try to deny it brothers always get you guys we never get crap I hate you wasting my freakin bang got nothing okay you know what happens a nice girls they get crapped on repeatedly the brave girls always get the man do not act like you care but don't answer his texts make sure he knows you got other better options than him apparently not if you're not getting any blank wouldn't date me because I'm too awkward but he dated blank who's the gold digger he is willing to go out with a girl who likes him just because he's willing to buy her things blank it seems that you like tramps like her but not someone like me shut up to all the beautiful woman who don't need to dress half-naked to get a man's attention stay classy fake or not the idea someone made this at all disturbs me I've been texting my ex every day at 7:45 a.m. three years straight to remind him that I hate him I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I still hate you hate you a little more today I hate you I hate you okay can you not text me this every day it's been three friggin years I don't want you to forget yes I'm a girl I don't wear tons of makeup I don't spend hours getting ready I do play games I love memes I don't like tick-tock and I'm not afraid of cockroaches yes we exist right that finite attend on the quirky gal meter I'm sure that's it not like other girls thing but all these girls are also a little quirky and I'm talking messed up in the head I'm talking a few screws loose I'm talking belong in a mental institution quirky doesn't know my hero I could damia quirk this is some real messed-up stuff girls would rather use sex toys rather than getting involved with a guy it's more fun for girls to go on a girls night out having drinks dancing with girlfriends chatting with them and even kiss one rather than dealing with guys generally guys make women uncomfortable and creep them out if there was a way for women to turn off their sexual need for guys completely they would do it so fast most women are hate sex even if a woman loves it she would still refer sex toys because they feel better they do a better job in bed I'm not a perfect girlfriend I'll yell at you I'll get extremely jealous I'm stubborn I overthink I get insecure my mood swings are like a roller coaster I'll probably never do anything right but I promise you that if I give you my heart it's yours keep it I'll be loyal I'll be here when you need me I'll love you to the greatest extent I can I'll show you off like crazy I'll give you all the attention you want and need I'll treat you right and I'll do anything I can to hold our relationship together yet I still get treated like a side ho he always seems sad though okay but I know he's not because he knows he's lucky to have me in the first place men who treat you right are usually boring one retweet this nice girl tells lies and thinks depression and suicidal thoughts are a joke that is all mother effer don't truth me and truth the mr. player love give Frick Frick you mother-effer I am NOT mean I I'm just a nice girl tell the truth all time I don't like no nice brother if you gonna be just as sweet too the roads you can keep that crap far the Frick away from me because best believe you ain't gonna treat me just like any other breath I don't know regular but bruh get that crap straight Frick you thought fat chick has BF me a skinny chick 43 kilograms weight single AF speaks several language loves calculus am I a joke to men you know what you're wrong you see there is people like me who likes skinny woman the one I had a crush on earlier this year weighed 39 kilograms I also study language and always find impressive when people can speak several languages as for calculus well I don't like maths but heck what would be the problem if you like it but this comment this single comment shows how frustrated and hateful you are this is why men's don't want you it's not your weight or what you like that makes men run away it's how you act the way you are work on yourself and learn to love yourself maybe you'll get someone someday are / nice girls and all / don't like other girls damn you beat me by two hours that was on a meme but a video showing a severely obese woman with a skinny BF oh man cheap you can't spell cheat without he an egg which mean see he and another bra house they should have an Olympic event for jumping to conclusions we had literally planned it for 5 minutes who's sorry I kind of got distracted it's okay I got busy I also kind of lost interest I'm sorry thanks a lot you're not the first to have been in the RP before it even starts just says how much you care you probably do that often so now word will spread and you'll be blacklisted from our peeing meaning you're unreliable soon as you get his password he ain't messaged nobody since 1957 Thanks on Amory wanna take my password back nice one Damian thanks Damian I just want a guy I can fall in love with but never actually be official let me do whatever I want find a [ __ ] WTF is that a guy who lets his wife screw other guys and gets off on it hell no I like my guys to be protective and jealous over me you obviously see how that can float from what you just said to texts earlier LMFAO I want my men to want me to be jealous of me but no I'm still doing whatever I want that makes no sense added the wrong guy on snapchat I'd love to help lank I'm gonna assume that's a snapchat username and that you want me to add you sure gladly done purposely sent you an unflattering picture and got what I suspected lol you're not attractive enough to be picky with girls what oh well you didn't add me yet my boyfriend raised his voice at me for the first time today I was shocked and upset granted I did shove him in oncoming traffic oh my god you're terrible you're a demon you're a demon person why aren't you responding to me wTF is wrong with you you went after that whole Labib or something but you can't take me I should have known nice beautiful and smart girls like me and not your type you're just into all these hoes girls like me are hard to find but guys like he was so common you're lucky a billion dollar queen like me would even ask you out Wow what a lowlife and wow what a subreddit selection cuz we're at the end of the video ladies and gentlemen if you liked the video leave a like down below I want you to rate the video one of the five nice girls you get all five you get a special prize from me it's all wrong it's just stuffed teddy bear if you squeeze on me tells you to subscribe in fact you should just go ahead follow his advice subscribe do it and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,431,791
Rating: 4.9281244 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/nicegirls, r/nicegirls top posts, r/nicegirls best posts, nice girls, nice girls top posts, quirky reddit, nicegirls reddit, emkay nicegirls, notlikeothergirls, emkay
Id: IMLmlVlaJFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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