r/nicegirls | DON'T DO THIS BOYS

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girls with houseplants make the best girlfriends because they've learned how to care for something that sits around all day being freaking useless i am the plant [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to mk my name is damian and today well we're going through our slash nice girls so just get real close just just just buckle up strap in we're gonna be okay all right it's gonna be a real bumpy ride but we'll be fine you know you didn't have to be so freaking rude just forget this whole conversation i'd rather make out with a freaking donkey then go back out with you now that i've seen how much of a jerk you can be bye bye then screw off a few moments later hi i'm sorry i didn't mean much of what i said i was annoyed you were right but i'm past it are we friends no she then went on to date my pedophile brother okay going alrighty busting out the big guns gotcha wanna be my bf i don't like you like that want to be my boyfriend stop want to be my husband wedding ring emoji i'm blocking you when the guy you've been talking to gets in a relationship out of nowhere but you can't see anything because you've had a boyfriend the whole time oh hate it when that happens hate being unfaithful shout out to pro jared bf i have a question for you babe when did you put your thumb print on my phone last year when you bought it you're psycho that's what you get for dating me i'm a lunatic how you been uh i'm okay yourself me too so so what you doing this weekend work and a thing i agreed to do with blank any particular reason you've created a group with just two of us okay i was hoping you could come over here actually oh i made a group since i don't know if you leave my messages on scene since it's off for you but i can still see it in a group just because i'm mature and nice enough to ignore it doesn't mean i don't notice so i wanted to find a way to get it across to you so you would understand what i was talking about freaking butthole what are you talking about one i barely even know you two every other time you texted you just won't know if i'm available to screw when each time i tell you i'm not interested you already stayed you didn't want to be friends either what am i missing here lmao okay bye i'm blocking you and leaving this group so you can be a virgin forever better whenever you're carrying sweetheart if my best friend has a car the passenger seat is my seat and vice versa i don't give a frick if you were right with her five hours before she came and got me when she pulls up to my house it's time to hit the back bruh and give me the alex chord that's number three code in the bff handbook is it isn't that number three i honestly can't take men seriously if they're shorter than me you're under 5 11 you're a child bye get out of my way yeah i'm definitely saying you aren't a man unless you're six foot at me if you have a problem chivalry is dead i've asked 14 different guys to give me their umbrella and they all said no you can't have the umbrella if she snaps you a black screen she has a bad day ask her what's wrong selfies she's in a good mood you better not mess it up i she feels ugly make sure you tell her how beautiful she is silly face she's super hyper snap her silly face is back pics of her blanket she's tired leave her something to wake up to leaves you on red she wants to see if you care and notice double snapper rants to you she trusts you don't give her a reason not to okay what if she dmz her bank account info uh i ignored a boy who was obsessed with me and now he's not obsessed with me anymore come back when he don't want to give you any weiner after a long day it's awful all dog gunny brother thinks it's okay to talk to my boyfriend you got it all wrong sis sounds like you're insecure about your boyfriend talking to other girls maybe you should stop stressing about him and just trust he will curve them himself i wish i could shoot this man and he not die just want him to know i'm not playing okay understood thanks dora also guys are really stupid i disagree maybe the guys you've been seeing are stupid doesn't mean all are we all are even the smartest ones are stupid my last boyfriend was super smart maybe even more than me that's still a very sexist statement but he let me go so he was stupid lol that's still a very sexist statement i'm allowed to be sexist you see this coochie you see it right here the one i'm airing out right now this means i'm allowed to be sexist terrible the way i said aaron out yucky my daughter said if she got straight a's on her report card could i take her to see the disney movie dumbo she got straight a's so i took her to disney world smh baby girl learning early in life that men don't listen yeah trading out two hours of a movie for five six plus hours of fun of the theme park smh what are you thinking of you bad dad if you don't chase me while i'm fake leaving i can't be with you you look like a ropus let's hang out fine go frick yourself gotta love plenty of fish why are you single you're so pretty first of all i'm not the problem oh boy about me i can be mean as frick sweet as candy cold as ice evil as hell or loyal like a soldier it all depends on you can you just not be there instead please thanks when your girlfriend sees you smiling at your phone go [ __ ] be with her if she's so funny it was just a meme a man without a woman is a bachelor but a woman without a man is a genius if she glows after the breakup you were the problem if you let me block your number and ignore you and you don't break into my house to see me i know you're not my soul mate if you don't commit a crime by breaking and entering into my home to see me after i blocked your number and ignored you we're not you're just not the one for me don't shave anymore i love you senpai really reply tbh i'm not losing hope just yet can i call you no yes [ __ ] up i need you pieces what are you doing senpai say something you good chill i'm playing ps4 i thought you died okay i'm cool now i need space because i just can't handle the obsessive behavior i don't want to talk of the phone 10 to 15 times a day and i also don't want to feel obligated to provide a reason every time i don't answer the phone our friendship is new and i don't like the idea of this behavior becoming more intense as time goes on i feel like the right thing for me to do would be to implement some healthy boundaries right now before things escalate i'm not looking for a co-dependent friendship i don't like when people try to invade my physical boundaries by trying to invite themselves over to my house to my family's property or anywhere that i could certainly be my safe space i also don't like when people put me in situations where they're asking me to do a lot for them i don't like giving or receiving favors and the pressure you're putting on me to do certain things for you is stressing me out a lot i'm quickly becoming tired of constantly having to tell you what you're doing is making me uncomfortable it's become a cycle of me explaining you apologizing then you just do it again it's exhausting i don't want anyone to have any sort of expectations of me that i feel pressured to fulfill for them like i said i don't want a codependent friendship you can't base your identity and happiness around the emotional support that i give you it's too much pressure for me i'm hoping you'll understand this i need space as well just a refresh button nothing personal just boundaries please don't respond to your copycat you're so mean and full of yourself it isn't funny good radiance [ __ ] you're just freaking narcissistic and freaking full of yourself and yeah i dodge major bullets here with you disgusted i once considered you a friend good self-proclaimed butthole if you can't handle me at my worst and leave because i don't have a best i'm always in a hole okay see here so this happened a couple years ago and just found it again i had complimented one of my friends and she went insane we weren't even a thing a couple of eye emojis to start this conversation off you said they were pretty and you liked them i don't know who you talking about how about this go frick blank whatever her name is go call her pretty go like her what the hell yeah go ahead i don't give a freak anymore i don't give a crap i'm telling you though i'm not asking i'm not gonna dissolve this crap right now and i like someone else anyways because i know you never liked me and i'm dating him so go to head go to head wtf does that mean okay blank freaking listen go screw her i don't give a crap i don't know what your problem is but you need to chill out and stop taking screenshot and how can i freaking chill out you k what i don't even know why i'm dealing with this i'm dating someone anyways so bye okay have fun with that i will he's better than you you made me mad now you have to deal with it no no i don't words women use fine this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up five minutes if she's getting dressed this means half an hour five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game or golf tournament before helping around the house nothing this is the calm before the storm this means something and you should be on your toes arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine refer back to number one for the meaning of fine go ahead this is a dare not permission don't do it loud sigh this is not actually a word but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men a loud sigh means she thinks you're an idiot and wonders why she's wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing refer back to number three for the meaning of nothing that's okay this is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man that's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and while you will pay for your mistake thanks a woman is thanking you do not question or faint just say you're welcome whatever is a woman's way of saying screw you don't worry about it i got it another dangerous statement meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times was not doing it herself this will later result in man asking what's wrong for the woman's response to be nothing refer back to number three for the meaning of nothing no man has all six his own car job good wiener no tramps communication skills pay tents for children ain't his oh no it's coming from the femme cells men are trash so very freaking trench because god forbid they have a little responsibility for once so yeah from here on out if any of you plan on getting screwed make sure to tell a guy i don't use condoms screw it to hell if he wants to do me he's gonna also need to stay with me i'm sick as hella being flung aside as some side chick i am so much more than that if these a-holes weren't crazy i will show them crazy i will freaking get knocked up and then become best friends with their mom i will make certain the family loves me i will not let him run it's freaking over if he wants my body he better be prepared to treat me like i matter i'm not a second option because i'm ugly you're not even my first option i'm sorry just not not my third not my second when you catch someone looking at you man does she want me to knock her out i must be the ugliest person in the world i don't get it i have a great body i'm attractive how can't i get a boyfriend seriously i just want one person i don't understand how fat ugly chicks with no slash bad teeth can get guys to fight over them but i can't even get one guy i'm successful i buy a new car every year i have my own place i make over 50k a year why can't i get one person it's not my fault i'm a product of my upbringing i don't like these things about you you need to change okay but here are some things you could change if you can't accept me as i am we shouldn't be together i do something stupid she gets mad she does something stupid i get mad she gets mad either way i apologize and that's a flow chart for men so fellas taking notes take your notes out get your pad and pen copy that we're gonna have a test on at the end of the week you're not employed and from what i know a pretty spoiled bratty girl i know from high school shared this and went on tagging her full-time working boyfriend bless him when you get your hair and nails done and all he notices is the money missing from his wallet oh no madonna with necklace madonna without necklace this is what men do to women with power shame them about their bodies and their ages i see you but leah goldman you also said i feel bad for these pants so how about you shut your stupid mouth leah goldman don't speak again delete twitter hashtag what she said the dating pool for young women is literally porn addicts sensitive guys you have to perform constant emotional labor for narcissistic if not sociopathic gym bros emotionally distant manipulators performative woke men who still treat women like crap it's true but it doesn't help anybody she had a miscarriage and ran away from her ex and her family to across the country to start over and she posts things like this if she block unblock block unblock you marry that psycho she really loves you you're allowed to spray a man with raid if he's under 5 foot 11. call boys by a wrong name to remind them how unimportant they are oh your whole personality i want to tie up in a glad bag and toss out in the garbage i'm a bee but i'm a sense of the beast so be nice to me when i'm being a bee when girls say all guys ever want is sex for me and i hate it tell them you have no hobbies no talents no wisdom no legitimate interests beyond your personal vanity no original thoughts on politics society philosophy or anything else all you talk about is random celebrity dudes you have crushes on your exes and other crap that revolves around men are getting a man while sharing the most generic memes imaginable what the hell else is there to want from such a vapid shell of a person your only redeeming quality is that you can lay still and take a wiener why are you surprised finding a perfect husband is very difficult you find a handsome one the brain's empty you find a brilliant one he looks too serious you find a rich one he's disrespectful you find a hard-working one he never has time for you you find a serious one his ex keeps calling you find a humble one he is broke you find a responsible one he's not romantic you find an educated one he feels he's always right you find an illiterate one he always gets angry whenever you correct him you find a smart one he lies every time when he doesn't text you all day so you snap him to send a reminder that you exist three common lies from guys i'm sorry i love you i won't hurt you three common lies from girls i'm fine i'm not mad at you i don't love you when you only marry him for his money oh you're gross don't do this boys it's a girl with a bunch of hearts and he's a snipping the line for the girl with all the money well if uh the last nice girl's post is of any indication i'd say go ahead and snap that snap that rope and marry her just for the money and then you can too be that spongebob meme in a relationship one person is always right and the other person is a male oh you're gross five-foot mom says she gets abused from taller women online for dating one of the tall boys thanks lad bible literally has only been single for a week and posts this and another thing why don't i have a boyfriend i would be the best girlfriend ever because i finally found myself and changed myself to be better than i once was but no the universe had to play me mentally she's stable babe you remember my birthdays next week right how could i forget great what do you have planned for me it's supposed to be a surprise but the spa a 3d movie a fancy italian restaurant and a comedy show good awesome and what are we going to do in the afternoon you always want more more more women moisturized juggling four careers single-handedly stabilizes the global economy immortal the backbone of humanity bleeding for days every month without dying the bearers of life is the same gender as beyonce their boyfriends mattress on the floor fingers you raw for 20 minutes that asks if you came is the same gender as trump jordan peterson and hitler still has helitosis in this dissertation i will unpack heteronormative romance in 2018 as well as and thankfully that's all we get to see if her comments hello well stay woke sisters the guy you can't stop thinking about is currently texting at least four different girls happy tuesday reality chat girls you best be texting at least eight dudes at a time and you're gross as well now that i'm thoroughly grossed out that brings us to the end of our slash nice girls and let me tell you something i got the heebie heebie-jeebies i'm a little spooked but it's okay because we made it out alive and ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed the video leave a like down below if you want to see more content subscribe to mk and as always i'll be seeing you so you
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/nicegirls, r/nicegirls best posts, r/nicegirls top posts, r/ nice girls, nice girls, reddit nice, reddit nicegirls, emkay nicegirls, emkay
Id: mJdd152O48Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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