r/Notlikeothergirls | I'M KINDA THE QUIRKIEST

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our sloshed confession time everybody I'm a girl but also a weird person I'm a weird girl I don't wear pajamas at night I stayed up late and I eat everything what do you didn't weirdo what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking at our slash not like other girls and it's the dynamic duo cos Brad's editing this one hi Brad please say hi Brad in the comments straight woman single monogamous 166 centimeters in curvy smokes regularly drinks sometimes looking for men for long term dating myself summary a weird messy not very organized girly I love rap and I do not relate to that Eleniak these days I think I belong to the 80s lol the way to my heart is good coffee football only baka fans please and lots of food did I mention I'm a weirdo all my friends are having babies and I'm over here like wrapping a cat and a big little blanket and looking at the camera awkwardly cuz I'm so quirky just a little quirky other people I like Easter because it's a great way to socialize and spend time with family and friends me chocolate if your idea of a date isn't exploring an abandoned hospital and going into a coma with me I don't want it I want to know who shared that not all girls I made a sugar and spice and everything nice some made of adventure dark chocolate intelligence cuss words and courage and also quirkiness sixteen-year-old girl I had not like other girls other girls same I apologize for being such a difficult person to love I don't forgive you other girls it shows me it's dogs in a car all smooshed together because that's hazardous girls oh look guys because there's less drama me I like to hang out by myself cuz there's no drum I don't look at the web face put you're wearing pants in the e-card something don't add up all my friends are partying and spending money on alcohol I'd rather pull up my car and go for a nice Drive yeah yeah I heard girls spend money on getting their nails and hair done while I spent a hundred on just dumplings lol time for some math so I just googled how many dumplings I can get in a hut for a hundred dollars instead we're going to see a 100 dollar dumpling so either they're getting a bunch of dumplings for a hundred dollars or they're going to a dim sum bar in Old Montreal with a 100 dollar dumpling it sounds awfully good though it's uh a dumpling infused with Remy Martin's louis xiii cognac priced at a casual $100 it looks quite yummy I'd spend $100 on that with some cognac yummy yummy yummy right my goddamn tummy anyway sorry though is off topic there other girls Instagram Facebook me a bunch of women with very large breasteses in red shorts putting on makeup and then it's a goth girlie a small 2d goth GF putting a sign that says error because that's very quirky whoever whoever I made that edit thank you they had to do it to me I'm a fan of Star Wars Harry Potter peeps a music and fun scrap that makes me a nerd it's just been like it's just what they like shut up nerd girls in my school I love Death Grips me I love sex I love boys I love makeup I love go out I love death crimps what are you listening to Stacy playing guillotine and her earphones other girls hot friendly popular me soft tired actually a forest spirit isn't this the same guy who did the whatever it is the the David thing pretty sure this is Adam Ellis I could be wrong though I just looked it up it is Adam Ellis he did the dear David thing me at a party thinking about ghosts in haunted places everyone else is talking about normal things go to a spooky convention then if you want to talk about that and feel normal just because you're going to a place where that kind of talk is inappropriate doesn't make you a quirky girl just means you're in the wrong setting go to a go to a Halloween party or something you weirdo yep lunatic you freak sorry they're not freak only quirky is that Gigi Hadid smiling at her phone Alana says who are you sexting a Gigi Hadid she snaps back that Queen says no one just tried to said if I want sorry I just got so flustered and reading what are slang quirky queen gigi hadid had to say what she tried to say was no one just trying to decide if I should get two or three breakfast burritos cuz that's give it up give it up Thank You Gigi thank you can you sense how unimpressed I am with this subreddit normal person watches musical that was good I liked it me watch his musical byes cast album buys t-shirt buys posters ball is cast on all social media keeps tickets forever watches bootlegs have said musical learns all of words to set musical acts out said musical says it's over actors and said musical that was good I am liked it sure you did so I really didn't want to do this but I've been talking to this guy for like a few days and we got into a little fight do you know what he told me you're just like every girl jerk do not compare me to other girls I am NOT like them I am unique and a hundred percent better like oh my god some people are probably gonna tell me some bullcrap like it's not that bad but it is like I don't even wear makeup and nail polish and I hate pink I love anime so please do not compare me to other trans thank you yet again Oh gross it's the quirky starter pack assuming I was like most girls was your first mistake assuming I would talk to you if you're wearing any of this was your first mistake cuz I would not talk to you no one would oh my god I'm in freakin love other girls want diamonds and crap but I just want crap like this hell yes there's nothing wrong with wanting more you know stuff like that just stop being like that about it girls who won't ruin your life girls who listen to trophy eyes girls who listen to movements girls who listens to knucklepuck Boston man-otaur girls flipping the wheel friends well hell is soft I've never heard of any of these bands but if quirky girls are associated I'm scared of them how other girls laugh how I laugh oh no that's a shirt that says not like most girls we got to squat bootie and we got the kebab booty okay Barbie claims she just gets along better with Ken's sure she does normal teenage girl problems my boyfriend dumped me and my mom won't let me go to the mall my problems my internet isn't working I'm at a Nutella and stepped on a Lego my life at this point hi I'm 14 in you I'm 23 the open house following a tragedy a mother and her teen son Muto relatives vacant vacation home worth eerie and unexplained forces conspire against them sounds like a decent enough popcorn flick I'm one of them Psychopaths who watches horror movies for fun doesn't make you a psychopath here as someone who loves horror movies I'm offended I'm gonna be honest with you other moms so Barbie with a kitchen set me down a floor with a kitchen set so we all agree that the concept of a basic [ __ ] needs to go away we have had an influx of female empowerment over the last decade and it is continuing to grow which is good however there's still an epidemic of hashtag not like other girls syndrome it all boils down to the concept of the basic beat people on ironically throw that term around to describe any girl who is more traditionally feminine and likes very popular things I know I myself am guilty of this because I often catch myself thinking I'm hashtag down like other girls because I'm not 100% invested in popular things or even feminine things for that concept of the basic B is incredibly misogynistic it implies that women who are more feminine and into pop culture are completely baited and devoid of any intelligence or personality my interest don't make me specially unique I'm me but I'm also just like everyone else that network at all different and so is the so-called basic B no one is 100% feminine or masculine gender expression is a spectrum and people choose to do some things over other things and it doesn't make them any better or worse than anyone else the concept of the basic B probably arose as a result of the crappy representation and media over the years of the portrayal of the perfect woman in beauty magazines which is slowly and surely getting better people like to put others in boxes and to be put in a box themselves so that they stand out or fit in a certain mold just take it from the crappy and telleth attitude to some people on tumblr or Instagram everyone wants to be special which at the end of the day makes no one special which is why the concept of the basic B is stupid and misogynistic I'll end this with a really good quote from when my favorite artists on deviantART everyone's trying to be inside the box or outside the box but if we just forget about that box for a second and take a clear and honest look at ourselves and everything around us the whole world just opens up stop worrying about what others are expecting from you and stop imposing your expectations on them then I believe you'll find what truly makes you happy Kevin bulk from that it sucks to be we G comics okay I'm not like most girls they're wearing the same shoes I'm the weird girl who likes screaming ain't that something quirky other girls fake boobs orange makeup facebook skinny thrashing with proportionally impossible calf muscles me four inches tall 25,000 years old well-endowed fertility symbol made of limestone mysterious what puberty did to my friends a German girl and turns of the thing thinking about love and boys well puberty did to me oh my god Ness was turned into GIGN s like Giga Bowser but it's Ness other girls false lashes hair extensions insta popular pop music me gay and dressed like Steve from minecraft most women pushing around strollers me pushing her on a food cart nothing wrong with that live your life I like your makeup Thanks I like you here cuz around these parts we don't take kindly to pitting women against each other fair enough I don't think that's bad at all I belong to the 1% of the population that has never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones I have never seen any of these and many more so am i into point zero zero one percent Game of Thrones The Walking Dead stranger things shameless house of cards not those Vikings Breaking Bad and two other ones but the point is you're not special because you don't watch TV Oh ffs here comes though I'm not like other girls tweets for Halloween because they dressed up like a frickin banana something instead of a [ __ ] can't nobody cares you potassium filled cut another girl vs. me it's makeup and food why not both you can't enjoy both things maybe maybe I want to paint my face like a clown and eat some M&Ms using that beautiful Foundation and concealer mind not like other girls cuz I want to do that you're not like other girls you're right 12-year old me was a crap show mine other girls eyebrows there's nothing wrong if I want to take care yeah I browse I'm make sure my eyebrows are looking nice and fresh other moms at school drop off me at school drop offs and it's a big old Muppet most girls are just like cheerleader girl by the beach bro oh no don't stay on the road you're gonna get yourself hurt you're gonna hit by a car and I'm just like it's pointing to Sheldon Cooper bazinga you can't fit with us hey it's Morticia Addams she doesn't want to she doesn't want to sit with you guys I don't listen to Billy I leash and wear long sleeve striped shirts under my t-shirt I went dark Martens and check their vans I have a poor like camera Hassan as high as they can go today the the thing is see how the text is shrinking I gotta go you forgot the part where the only laugh like you want like other girls I know I did not screw my cat and I did not put my wiener anywhere near my cat I'm so quirky and random I like pizza I love girls who aren't afraid to laugh me snorting uncontrollably whole-body in for a treat that I say uncontrollably right I don't think I did I'm dead-ass sitting here watching a spongebob movie and quoting every frickin word I really don't know why I don't have more friends I'm a great freakin time this is an open invitation to become my friend please I just need someone to watch the spongebob movie with I'm the brother would rather sleep 30 extra minutes then wake up to do my makeup and hair and I'll never change sorry it's okay cactus bean Oh a potato oh no it's the quirky girl server pack is this the real starter pack it's punky I'm not like other girls I'm a unicorn Pikachu what's oh no oh no I don't even recognize that whatever the blue haired lady is how do most of women see hair color I see and color give you whatever you want just don't feel like you're special because of it Jesus oh well I never wear lipstick my life involves mud dust in horses really no point of makeup for me Congrats yeah it's bloody good a hard slash not like other girls prick and unique and proud hang out with guys more than girls I was in a group of guys last night and instead of talking about other people in gossip and we had now a long conversation about how someone Rienzi a car and you crap yourself to get paid twice the amount of money other girl oh my god who the hell cash I don't care I really don't but that brings us to the end of our slash not like other girls and if you're feeling awfully quirk yeah but you'll like the video and they've been feeling real quirky if you want to show that you're not like other girls you'd be really really quirky if you subscribed and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,886,238
Rating: 4.9337559 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/notlikeothergirls, r/notlikeothergirls top posts, r/notlikeothergirls best posts, reddit quirky, r/notlikeothergirls quirky, not like other girls, emkay
Id: uL6IvFlzC3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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