r/Nicegirls | QUIRKY LEVEL 100

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when you were only fake flirting because you were bored and now they're sending you good morning texts I'm in tension they can't do Rob's boys they cracked myself up every time it's got a stupid high voice look at this dumb face and no neck god I hate Ralph so much what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and they were looking through our slash nice girls about me will never get a boyfriend it sucks so much I don't want to live oh poor you idiot guess I'm no good ever as a girl I try so hard I really do I speak English hey I'm not looking for anything right now but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there because you'll find that special someone one day I've personally given up on relationships for the time being but just for a while because I know one day I'll meet the right person and I'm sure you will too hmm I am the right person stop being selfish my mom is a nice girl she got divorced because she tried to sleep with my brother 17-year old friend and she has the audacity to share this my ex and I divorced for religious reasons he thought he was God and I didn't you know so I tried to sleep with a 17 year old females be like babe I broke my foot that's a nice Michael Kors bag tell that brush she can't have you that's my mom's bye go to bed it uh I am in bed then go to sleep we'll talk in the morning I got to brush my teeth first night good night why are you being this way blank do you even freaking care anymore I'm literally laying in bed freaking crying over you do you understand this crap do you even give a damn you told me to go to bed and you said good night I'm so confused right now you're not supposed to actually go it's obvious that I'm mad and I'm upset say not supposed to go if your girlfriend cheats on you you need to understand that you lack something that made a cheat so instead of leaving her for another girl find out the area in yourself apologize to her and be a better man what if he guy cheats on you he's a scum if yo man cheats on you boil water let it boil boil and boil as the water continues to boil wave him to fall asleep when you very sure he sleep make some tea and drinking tea reduces stress and for you crazy hoes who thought I was gonna say throw it on them get help still feeling sad coward I got a new boyfriend who is jacked and gives me everything I could want you missed out on something special if something special is not being broke I guess I'ma be I missed it not gonna lie to you oh my god you're so rude I did nothing to your broke butt and you decided to cry in front of me dummy at least I'm with someone who isn't pretty much a girl in cries cuz I ain't no lesbian you broke up with me because I cried and didn't buy you a 120 dollar dinner get over yourself how rude I freaking hate you and I'm glad I'm not with your broke about emotional stuff cuz I need a man's who can make my life luxurious you go into dating for all the wrong reasons girl just sayin and I supposed to provide tips and dipstick you know much ugh damn stick you're so freakin stupid too I'm glad I left you you're such an excuse this isn't the 30s girl you need to fix your attitude before your man finds out you're using it do it you know slit you oh why do any buff guys at the gym talk to me I think a pretty cute girl but all the guys seems so focused on their workouts like seriously guys I understand we're at a gym where you're supposed to do these things but please I have coochie to offer I've been dating this guy but he has a cat that he's had for a few years and personally I think he's way too attached to it and affectionate about it sometimes he'll get home and see his cat and goes there's my girl and pet her when I'm like right there in the same room this just seems like way too much attention for a grown man to be lavishing on a cat of all things do you think I could suggest you get rid of it take a second breathe then think you're jealous of a cat and she thinks he's the one with a problem life hack date a guy with money all of them cheat but it's better to get your heart broken in Paris than somewhere in the hood thanks @f boy failures hey cutie Wow I freaking complimented you and I don't get a thanks I am a beautiful girl who messaged a peasant I am so freakin nice to whatever my girlfriend told me she would suck John Mayer's we are in front of her own dad because she loves him so much I said the girl on a Netflix show we were watching was cute and she got mad and told me to watch it by myself I'm finna start singing yep you write to everything you were cheater yep you right you don't love me yet you right you got yeah you right it's 2019 to F I gotta explain myself for so what so what one retweet whoever this woman is three reasons why I like dogs better than men okay go on Winnie Wisconsin dogs are loyal dogs are affectionate dogs can be fixed I will not message you first just in case you were wondering and your anthem is beautiful soul by Jesse McCartney dream on every land I've shagged comes running back for more cuz the Contra kissed you think you're something special when in real life you're just some ugly rotted brother I don't know ordered sister center for stop thinking you can go around treating us pretty girls like crap not working babes could probably sleep with your jaw line legged you can probably eat your way out of a bad situation with your massive teeth blog is number and he didn't reach out to me by email cuz you're a psychopath I'm not really having a good night just text me tomorrow okay boyfriend failed the test you mean ex-boyfriend screwing up Oh y'all childish AF I'm not gonna force you to talk about anything if you don't want to talk about it don't say text me tomorrow or leave me alone if you don't really want me to do it because I will leave your butt alone until you want to talk again gtfo a to that elementary school crap I feel like that if one guy would give me a chance and go slow with me that I could be the best girlfriend that anyone has ever had I would play video games with them and watch action movies I enjoy all that kind of stuff so what the heck I'm not bad looking in a my I know I'm not the prettiest but I'm not ugly I would never cheat not that kind of girl I'd love them with all of my heart I wouldn't be obsessive or too needy I wouldn't expect too much of them but no one seems to give me a chance the last guy I loved stomped on my heart others go too fast I can't handle that but if just one guy would take a chance get to know me go slow and leave me alone then I feel like I'd be the perfect girlfriend but no one has ever given me a chance so that's that I wish I was like my Oh friends I don't having fun inviting each other to night swims getting we know left and right party and getting lit every freaking night they want but I'm not like that I'm independent doing my own things working focusing on my goals taking care of my daughter getting occasional wiener oh and just chilling taking care of the things that need taking care of it must be nice for them to not have anything to worry about and just drink it up every night dot dot dot Wow good for you you're doing the things you should do you loser me and your ho friends are gonna go have a party ain't no such thing as the gold digger women are naturally expensive so choose the Brawn your price range and stay in your lane once again I've said it before I'll say it again I'm what you call a dollar store dude even if it's above $0.99 we're not getting it you gonna you're gonna enjoy that dollar store brand cologne that we've bought we've purchased okay with the piggy bank money that we've saved up me as a girlfriend I hate you I hate you I hate you I don't really hate you but I'm having a moment so I hate you but you can freakin reply damn man how dumb can you be love me WTF I love you whatever hey you want to call No okay why you being rude though I said no how is it rude could it said it nicer eff off I'm not in the mood for your BS for context she's not my gf she's someone I used to like until I realized she makes fun of me behind my back for internet fame with my friends so I didn't tell her about this rather staid like an a-hole so I give short replies like the okay you see but I didn't give her any talk to see how this wound just been to Starbucks with Josh and I was in a mood so I said it want anything and he didn't oh my god just wait they're getting nice just just give me a second how big is the cup they've gone for like five or six scoops ice how big is the cup okay they've closed the fries let's try that last line again just been to Starbucks with Josh and I was in a mood so I said I didn't want anything and he actually didn't get me anything anyone want a useless boyfriend those 18 to 25 year olds are nothing but a bunch of dummies why don't men date women over 35 we're much smarter than those tramps I can't stand the but men seem to love them maybe it's the bodies lol that's all they have to offer smashing that's it earlier this year I fell head-over-heels in love with a guy from my class born in Belgium so with an accent looks like Chris Hemsworth pre-med and on University soccer team I mean checks every box of course he comes with the perfect blond-haired blue-eyed big boobed Mary Sue of a girlfriend we were in to study groups so I got to know him really well and it only made my feeling stronger he told me one time it was just the two of us that he really loves his girlfriend but she wants to live in California forever and he wants to go stay with family in Belgium at least for a little while I told them that sucks but I was sure whatever was meant to be would work it out well that planted the seed of my head that maybe I had it in so two weeks ago I told him straight up you can do better I would be better for you because I would literally follow you across the world I think you were that perfect of a guy we had been having beers to celebrate finals and he just said thank you gave me a hug and maybe not realizing I was serious that was the last time I saw him until hopefully we have classes next year well I guess he told her and she tracked down my number and yesterday texted me it's really crap be for women to interfere in other women's relationships I thought in 2019 we'd be past this sort of thing more ice I don't know how much ice these folks need I texted it back first who is this and she said who it was and I texted back he's a great guy and had fallen across the world to ban you wouldn't she said to please just mind my business I told her when women don't take care of their men it becomes my business she texted me back that I was a psycho I think she must have blocked my number was I wrong for saying that to him or am I allowed to speak my truth when he's in a relationship you're not allowed to speak your truth you hold your peace until they're single you don't don't don't be a don't be an [ __ ] lady listen I'm a nice girl so if I'm Abreu you need to ask yourself why eating is cheating after all what's for lunch I already had a Gregg's hmm what do you fancy a new boyfriend oh you're terrible male height chart below 5 - who's toddler 5 - 2 5 5 a dwarf 5 5 - 5 7 a goblin 5 7 2 5 9 a troll 5 9 - 5 11 a boy six-foot and up a king once you get to you know six-foot-four like my height and up you're actually an eldritch deity you're you're you're an old eldritch monster which is all I prefer to be okay no kings just I want to be a Lovecraftian monster like I was meant to be stomping around just need someone to bring around the family I'm honestly starting to think they think I'm a lesbian but in reality I just suck at dating dot dot dot well I guess you have a height shirt I may not be the one you marry but I'll be the one you'll be thinking about 20 years from now while you listening to all these and holding the drink that tastes like regret as you look over the ugly lump of the ugly lump of I mean I wouldn't because I'd rather have a meaningful relationship than date a [ __ ] but plenty of other people would choose her - hey I just want to say sorry I guess I thought you liked stuff like that but I'm a nice girl trust me please give me one more chance they really want to be your girlfriend Hey I forgive you but also I'm in a relationship right now I used that I have a GF excuse sorry to break it to you I know you'll find someone perfect for you maybe I'm just not the one right now have a nice day f you and F your girlfriend you don't deserve someone like me I'm too good for you I hope you and your trampy a girlfriend are sad and will die in hell fu to you or gret not making me your GF f boy I will destroy your reputation just I have been really nice and kind to you over the past nine months and I really like you I was wondering if you wanted to do something oh I thought someone told you already I'm dating blank whatever because all the girls you date are disabled Trat whoa I'm sorry this whole city is trash who names a fricking City Blanc you're not even that cute and my friend took my phone you think you could do whatever you want because you were cute you can't ignore the nice girls like me Frick you blank blank told me you was single she had nine affairs during our relationship slash marriage our divorce is finalized and she sends me this Patrick can you please answer this honestly besides me being a manipulative liar and a [ __ ] what's wrong and that brings us to the end of our slash nice girls and if you like the video do me a favor and leave a like it's one thumb up you hold up your hand right now and once you two all hope you answer the screen and give me a thumbs up okay now click the button that looks just like your hand and subscribe for more content from MK and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,971,084
Rating: 4.9420199 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/nicegirls, r/nicegirls top posts, r/nicegirls best posts, nice girls, nice guys, reddit nicegirls, reddit nice, reddit quirky, I'm the quirkiest, emkay quirky, emkay
Id: cY-v61d3seQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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