The Darkest Pokemon game you've never played

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i've played a lot of pokemon in my days and by that i mean i've played the same pokemon game with various different skins but i'm here today to showcase one of if not the most unique ideas for a pokemon game nintendo has published for our tiny little hearts and that game is called pokemon xd gale of darkness xd a bit unfortunate but it came out in 2005 so they get a pass why am i talking about it i think it's an underground game not enough people know about it does something different kind of shakes up the formula it's constantly overshadowed by its predecessor pokemon coliseum and yeah okay i played it as a kid i'm very biased is that what you wanted if you've not heard of it or played it you're in for a treat today the game opens up to a cargo boat the ss libra out at sea where we find the captain and guy who steers standing at the helm all is calm and serene when suddenly they get swatted and it's not no ordinary swat today folks no sir this is a lugia swat they run out to see what's going on and the captain looks up and makes his face as if he wants to kiss lugia passionately on the lips but lugia is not here for kisses he's here for the opposite of kisses which is crime he hyper beams the cargo ship and then steals it you heard me right just blasts the thing point blank and takes it away lugia is shipped now the presumably only two people on the entire boat fall into the water and are left to just drown in the ocean i guess well that was a bit raw what are we a minute in and two people are dead gen 10 could never hard cut to me because that's more important you play as this boy kid named michael but actually his name is jaden now because that's me the game throws you into the middle of this intense looking fight between the salomons and metagross both level 50. i don't know where i am what the stakes are who i am but this battle scene is really important and tough so i'm gonna give it my all and immediately oco it i did it screen goes black i open my eyes everything's blurry turns out i live in a friendly laboratory run by this professor crane and his lab guys i get up and the guy running the battle simulation tells me how good of a battler i've become oh thanks man then he immediately negs me by telling me it's about time i go out and get myself more pokemon besides my one lame evie backhanded compliment at a child but i'll take it i think i go into crane's office where him and my mom are talking and he says he heard from the battle coach that my battling skills have improved dramatically and how proud he is of me to which my own mom tells him to stop giving me compliments and praise because i'm gonna end up spoiled rotten i don't know what kind of a response that is to a child receiving praise either i'm already a cocky little bastard or i'm being currently emotionally neglected by everyone in this building whatever it is i don't think it's healthy for my mental development to make this mother look even worse we realize her only other child jovi is missing and no one is looking for her the world is only filled with overpowered wild rabbit animals and crazy people no i'm sure it's fine you haven't started looking for her keep doing what you're doing i get a lead saying she really likes hanging out with family friend mad scientist dr kaminko so i head over to his house and i'm about to knock on his creepy door when this tiny little blind man chobin the doctor's assistant walks up and is like burglar and challenges me to a battle to which i win because he only has a level 5 sun kern jovi comes out and is like oh hi big brother it's jovi did you get lost big brother silly big brother jovi will guide you back home all right i see why no one was looking for her now we return home to the lab and they present me with a snag machine a machine that allows the user to catch shadow pokemon which are pokemon that have been so abused that they turn evil now they're saying they haven't seen or heard of any shadow pokemon that exist anymore because they've all been purified years ago but who knows when they could start popping up again better be safe than sorry bam some guys from a secret organization called cipher bust into the lab beat everyone up steal professor crane show off their shadow pokemon and run off to their secret base to never be seen again well i'll be the lab is in shambles not knowing what to do but then decides they're gonna complete their purification chamber in his honor because shadow pokemon are back and they want to do something about it they sent me off to this seaside town gadion port to retrieve a machine part they need and jovi pesters our mom to come with because joby doesn't think i can handle going out on my own and jovi needs to hold my hand and guide her big brother the whole way okay not only does this little snot talk in the third person for no reason maybe our mom didn't care enough to get us any education perhaps she was worried the teacher would give us a compliment heaven forbid but she's also the most annoying character i've ever witnessed in any media and i've watched an episode of my hero academia with a grape kid in it we go to guadian port and not two seconds pass until joby pisses off this random guy zouk who happens to be the buffest man in the world he's about to punt her and i'm about to do nothing about it when this old man and his color-coded henchmen step in and obliterate his shadows and goose old man i was about to be free of everything that is bad in my life and you took that away from me we get the part head back and mom tells me about this spot in agate village called the relic stone where you can naturally purify pokemon i don't know why you're making your own purifying chamber then when there's a rock that already does that i go to aggate and this very enthusiastic man with a pikachu shows me the stone and i'm like cool to what she's like by the way my friend vander might know where cypher took crane oh okay i go talk to vander and he points to this random spot in the desert on my map and is like oh they're right here i saw them what were you doing out there that's literally just sand [Music] would you look at that a headquarters huh i start infiltrating the base battling all the grunts that fall from the ceiling stacking any shadow pokemon i find until i reach pink hatsune miku who's trying to get information out of crane about purifying shadow pokemon i battle her and win which means i get to un-kidnap him and while heading out i find this data rom on the ground huh this thing is very important and like it has a lot of secret information about cipher on it convenient brain returns to the lab and everyone's happy and then they send me to pyrite town to find net a guy that should be able to crack the rom and access all the information on it so i head there and he's like yeah we can crack this smile while he's hacking it i go out and play around in a random cave and run into mirror b this guy doesn't do much in this game honestly but i just want to make sure you know he exists and listen to his music [Music] i go check on net again and cypher's busting beat everyone up and kidnapped another person have you guys min maxed how to kidnap people or something you're two for two at this point and are scarily efficient at it they tried a hostage situation the data rom back and even though i beat up this big man and take all his shadow pokemon net still wusses out and gives the rom back he thought he was being two steps ahead because he saved all the information on his server already but cipher just logs on and deletes everything net says the only thing he remembers from the rom was that cipher was behind the disappearance of the ss libra and they're about to attack this city nearby called fennec and someone needs to go warn them [Music] i guess i'm just mr scooter across the desert and save everyone today aren't i i head to fennec to warn the mayor about the attack and as soon as i arrive this lady hits me with a confetti cannon congratulates me on being the millionth visitor to the city and shoos me away to celebrate at real gam tower i try to get around her because this is important but she's determined to gatekeep me no matter what i do so i just go there and realize she literally sent a child to illegally gamble his life away wow no one in this region likes children do they after not being able to figure out how to play bingo i head back sneak into the mayor's house distract his house sitter with music and find out the mayor was trying to write a note to justi the city's gym leader warning him about the cipher attack i don't know why the mayor was trying to ask this random gym guy to help but he was kidnapped halfway through writing it so i guess it doesn't matter cipher realizes i now know what's up and everyone in town reveals themselves to be disguised cypher grunts oh my god they kidnapped the entire town i don't care what kind of organization you're from if you can successfully kidnap a village you've earned my respect i beat up cypher rescue their shadow pokemon and free literally everyone in the town who is locked in the city basement justy says he saw something suspicious going on in the desert and points to another random sand spot on my map i should go investigate honestly how are all these people just stumbling onto these shenanigans in the middle of the desert and why are they able to give the latitude longitude of these locations after finding them this has got to be like tens of miles out from any sort of civilization this is where people run out of gas in their car and then shrivel up and die before anyone can find them why were you here wow yep that's the cargo ship how did you find this all right what is so enthralling about this desert that crime and vigilante justice is constantly going on in every square inch of this place ciphers running around on the ship and after i take their shadow pokemon and chase them out this group of strangers calling themselves team snagam walks up and roofies me i wake up realized they stole my snag machine this random old man who just started living in the wrecked boat said he saw them head off in that direction and points to the middle of nowhere on my map again you people are beyond me i show up and wow another headquarters for crime i make my way to the head honcho gonzap who's trying to put on my snag machine but he's too big and muscular and adult and since i am a child it does not fit on his giant muscle arm he pretty much gives up asks if i want to join team snagam i say yes but he fights me anyway and after i beat him he's like actually you can have your arm thing back we're not enemies awesome so why am i here you drugged me stole my stuff and then just called friendship and gave it back i find cipher's shadow pokemon factory and walk up to the actual biggest men i've ever seen in the world how naive i was to think zook was big foolish me anyway they're about to beat me tf up when gonzapp shows up expresses his devotion to our newly blossoming friendship and roofies them for me thanks man you're really consistent at that i go inside and climb to the roof where their power generator is there's a tiny little piece of paper there that says use system lever to adjust voltage do not raise voltage too high crank a guy comes out and starts yelling at me with his pokemon when the tiny old man who accidentally ruined my life in guardian port comes on screen and is like i'm evil and creating a pokemon that's unpurifiable come get me this is my ip address i need to cross the ocean to get to him because he's basically on evil hawaii so i take this robo kyogre from kaminko speedboat my way there and you guessed it fight everyone in the building volcano until i get to the big little man after fighting an entire country's worth of people i find him his name's greevil by the way and he's like i'm surprised you made it this far well i'm busy don't bother me and blocks me with a giant pane of glass honestly out of all the fictional villains i've seen this is surprisingly decently reasonable but i'm not gonna just sit here and stare at him behind the glass like a goldfish at petsmart so i just walk around and use the side door which really sets him off i mean dude either lock the door or don't have it this is just what doors do gravel's like you blew up our shadow pokemon factory you got past my glass that's it i'm summoning shadow lugia the first pokemon to ever be unpurifiable come forth and obliterate this small boy to which i just masterball it really overlook that one didn't you mate he may not be purifiable but he's mine now huge l rievil gets so beyond pissed that he decides to open his creepy eyes and fight me himself and i was surprised to realize not only does he have a team of all shadow pokemon but he somehow nabbed articuno zapdos and moltres i'll be honest it was a really really hard fight because shadow pokemon are super effective against all non-shadow pokemon i don't know how it took me this long to tell you that but that's how it works so instead of trying to catch them all like i've been doing this whole time i really just beat them up and they ran away so i win cipher has officially lost everything and it's all because of me the little boy blue henchmen runs up to greville and is like sir i have a plan let's blow up the island with the kid on it which is like oh my god and then red henchmen is like okay that's a bit too far man dad let's go home yeah they pulled the i'm your father son twist on us but it has very little effect on me because i do not care about these people anyway they decide to not blow up the island with me on it and stop being evil i think i'm like 60 sure and then happy ending i just go home so what do you think for some reason i really like the game as a kid i never actually beat it because i didn't know how to get past the gatekeeping woman in fennec glad i figured it out this time i also wanted to mention how lively the animations are in this game sure some of the pokemon look god awful they gave houndor human knees that bend forward but they're all just so expressive and show so much care and personality it may be pretty sad that current games don't show this much passion but i guess that's just what makes these games more cherishable anyway the game was fun and weird i liked it see ya hey uh it's been a while anyway this game also is like all double battles and i thought that was really interesting i'd like that to happen again in a new game um nothing else really to say can't believe the queen's dead
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 11,690,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, Pokémon, Pokemon xd, Pokemon colosseum, Dark Pokémon, Evil Pokémon, Shadow Pokémon
Id: dk_Q4KPBqXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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