r/Murderedbywords | RUN FASTER!!

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put every gay person on an island and see how many generations come after zero but you and a group of 100 women on an island and it'll be the same result [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking at our slash murdered by words okay a while back I heard my friend male and solt another dude by saying you look like a kind of guy who wouldn't go to Walmart to buy his girl box of tampons and I still think about that crowning insult sometimes my dad won't scold another guy someone who thinks loading the dishwasher once in a while makes him less of a man I like did that already one time my dad's boss was giving him crap for always leaving work early so he could get home and help my mom with me when I was a new boy and his boss said I've never changed a diaper in my life really Bradley and my dad responded I'd be ashamed to admit I was that worthless of a husband all men are pigs women are equal to men I asked my four-year-old daughter this morning whether she thought it would be more fun to have a job or be a mommy she said to be a mommy so I can cuddle my babies clearly she's already been victimized by the patriarchy I asked my six-month-old the same question as she said the false dichotomy and the premise of this question proves the ongoing need for feminism you would never ask a boy to choose between procreation and professional fulfillment yes neurotoxic vaccine given then baby dies from ischemia hypoxia I know I said that wrong caused by aluminum thickening the blood which has done allowing the flow to the brain baby dies from lack of oxygen oh hi researcher whose thesis topic was neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy B encephalopathy I gotta figure out how to say this word real quick because it's gonna drive me crazy in sifl up if you hear on simple of encephalopathy and simple up for the year in simple encephalopathy here thickened blood from vaccines is not a thing in fact birth is the leading cause of neonatal hypoxia ice Kimia related in telepathy why would you I hate these words in fact birth is the leading cause of neonatal hypoxia tsukimiya related encephalopathy which is typically prior to vaccination a significant portion of the birth risk can be avoided with fetal monitoring in labor well trained birth attendants in entrada resuscitation but no it's not vaccines really ever but honestly if hyerin disappeared tomorrow what exactly does mankind lose literally nothing well considering Iran is actually part of mankind that statement made no sense Hut since I'm entertaining your comment I'll teach you something you can blow up our end but they will always be known for inventing the first water irrigation system in the world and also the first post office in the world the inventor of algebras from Iran and Iranian scholar discovered sulfuric acid chess was originated in Iran maybe you've never heard of the Cyrus cylinder look that crap up not to mention all the contributions Iranian scientists have made to modern science if you only read headlines and Facebook you would think Iran is some backwoods desert that should be blown into the empty parking lot people who have visited notes like Colorado beautiful mountains and full of college educated and cultured people their government much like ours doesn't represent the people I believe Anthony Bourdain once said that of all places he's ever visited the streets of Iran were the most friendly and compassionate unlike that last comment at this point there's no excuse for baby was still in the workforce to be technologically inept anymore it's just willful ignorance this crap is not frickin hard why is it asking for password because you're logging into something Martha that's how it's been for the last twenty frickin years how do I do this can you show me no Jeb you can google it like the rest of us you've been an engineer and working with computers for 35 years why would I waste time when some twelve-year-old Indian kid on YouTube can walk you through it far more clearly it requires one exposure to the concept of googling to understand how it works your generation was smart enough to create a giant hole in the ozone but not smart enough to realize you have the near entirety a human knowledge at your disposal just by typing a few words in give me a break I'm not tech savvy now you just refuse to learn despite most modern software being idiot proof stuck in your ways out of entitlement the worst part is after you help an old faut nine times out of ten they'll give you some kind of BS passive-aggressive thank you along the lines of people have to know something about those phones you're always on huh give me a freaking break Greg maybe we're staring at them because it's less depressing to be distracted instead of coming to terms with the fact that planet is literally dying it's not my fault your wife has a head gessica view since 2006 go away and another thing that just gets my blood boiling is the ability to get into the settings completely screw things up and they managed to develop total amnesia about how it happened what do you mean you set your phone to Japanese on accident Deborah there's like 15 separate menus you have to navigate through the get there it's because I got a virus no author it's not a virus the only viruses here are your rampant stupidity and the deadly pathogen scared by unvaccinated and probably ugly grandchildren I just absolutely loathe that the people who decide if women should be executed for having abortions or not are the same people who can't figure out how to work a blu-ray player with the instructions right in front of them rant at its peak the Soviet Union was an industrial powerhouse that was capable of rivaling the US economy all this despite the fact that unlike the United States the USSR did not build its economy up through indigenous genocide stolen lands in extensive use of slave labor high blank here's my article from two weeks ago on the 75th anniversary of Stalin deporting half a million indigenous people from their land for the survivors to be forcibly employed in collective farms I think that covers all three of your categories love the new Pokemon Wu Liu they have a special message for all the future trainers I'm not you will lose sweater sharing is good for us you dumb freaking C's he would rather kill me then let me live comfortably and happy on a farm please share me it's good for my health screenshots of blue Liu's entry it seems the white fur that covers their bodies grow throughout their lives and it will fully grow back in three months even if the one who's been completely short the fur is used for clothing and carpets in the lake and it is very popular as a specialty product of gallery help me a big house Austin's no president has ever worked harder than me cleaning of the mess I inherited Franklin Delano Roosevelt fought the Great Depression and let us through World War two Lincoln saved the Union you have golfed 156 times visited Mara Largo 27 times and spend six hours a day on executive time tweeting and watching cable news you may be the laziest president who ever lived a reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ Pride Month events held in June they promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals they are especially harmful for children I'm a straight man raised a Catholic in your tweet has annoyed me so much I'm gonna give someone a hand Shandy in your honor thanks PJ oh look at ratio on Bishop Thomas's oh my god let me get this straight you asking me what has gotten better with the current generation the generation that snorts condoms and eats Tide Pods and as opposed to the generations that made black people use separate water fountains and fired folks for being gay I'll take the condom trick any day hey remember when the Panama papers came out and revealed that all the rich people in the world are part of an enormous criminal conspiracy to dodge taxes and hoard stolen wealth and offshore accounts and literally nothing happened that's not quite true the reporter behind the story Daphne died say Daphne God I need to take him Jesus that's not quite true the reporter behind the story Daphne coruña Galicia Garcia oh no that's not quite true the reporter behind the story Daphne Khurana delizia Daphne Khurana Galicia that's how I'm gonna say it was murdered literal murdered by words murdered because of words Oh representative Justin Amash our Mitch crosses party lines to vote in favor of authorizing symphonia for Kellyanne Conway I'd replace crossing party lines with follows Constitution I've done my research on vaccines what do you think about PCV to specific lymphocytes that raise number of th T C and C III plus positive T cells the blood of DNA vaccine immune groups I don't know if that's Alex Jones but I like thinking that's Alex Jones the back of his head looks like Jones and so goddamn it he's Jones to me also education isn't a human right it's a service and we do not have a right to the service of others if the state wasn't back these student loans there wouldn't be there'd be less demand for the universities which means the prices would have to drop it's basic economics the right to education including equal access to college is stated in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafted in 1948 and reaffirmed in 1960 according to the UN education is a human right you are incorrect Roy Moore at his Senate campaign launched why does the mere mention of my name cause people to get up in arms in Washington DC is it because I'm a staunch conservative is it because I believe in God and marriage and morality in our country it gets him selling children real judge more don't overthink it disgusting lack of diversity run faster than I like that one that's a good run fastest stupid dude there's so many long like why is murdered by words such a long just political subreddit I hate it so much this summit is like disgustingly political house serving impacted you dad served in Vietnam as Navy artillery mechanic spent most of his time in combat watch all his friends died when his PBR was blown up in middle of night Hospital pulled out some shrapnel badly stitched him up and sent him right back to work on the next Boat same day dad spent next several decades drinking because that was what passed for mental health treatment at local VA office he had horrific nightmares for a long time and would wake us up with his screaming he doesn't scream as much anymore but still won't talk about his experience on Veterans Day while the military Twitter account is tweeting platitudes my dad gets the most expensive hard liquor he can afford toasts to the lives of his friends never had a chance to live and do they drunken sobbing he made us swear to never join the military that's not even my words that's just sad how is that it murdered by words dude geez so bad that guy imagine knowing a guy that can solve all your financial problems without asking yes his name is employment see that's murdered by words that's good that's a funny one trump is the first leader in the history of the world to be attached for improving the lives of the citizens that voted for him Lincoln was literally shot in the head for ending slavery please stop calling me OJ Simpson what are you gonna do kill my wife honey I'm glad when I used to skate as a kid my parents didn't make me look like a dork by wearing some pointless helmet generation' snowflake strikes again imagine how nice you would have been without all the head injuries I asked my husband if I'm the only one he's been with he said yes the others were all 9 and 10 send bail money I get it watching soccer is a lot like going to a crappy bar I'm watching Europeans try to score and failing football is a lot like education the American version requires you where your body weight and armor and there's still no guarantee you won't get maimed a trump official tried to argue that detained children don't need soap toothbrushes or beds to be safe and sanitary will on border patrol custody Somali pirates gave me toothpaste and soap every time I use they to refer to a single gender unknown person on tumblr another piece of my Germer filled heart shatters in the pieces scatter at the bottom of hell they has been a singular pronoun for hundreds of years you melodramatic dipstick well actually no they is plural people use they when these people use they when they should use he she or it dents mother-effer the pronoun BAE is an English equivalent for the third-person indefinite single and has been for literally centuries it remains morphologically incent actally plural therefore you don't need to crap your little pantaloons and compromising your surely rock-solid grammar rules I guarantee every frickin time you've ever had to refer to a person of an unknown gender you've used they subconsciously I guarantee every frickin time you've ever had to refer to a person of an unknown gender you've used today subconsciously the post clerk gave me a message for you oh where did we say well you only have a problem with it when people specify it as a pronoun for themselves because you're a crap lord i frickin guess Ramar eyes straightened ahem cackles linguistically and that brings us to the end of our slash murdered by words and wow wow wow wow wow is that a doozy is that a hard-hitter hey make a pancake if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,667,472
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/murderdbywords, r/murderedbywords top posts, r/murderedbywords best posts, murdered by words, murdered by words top posts, murdered by words best posts, reddit funny, r/roastme, roast me, r/murderedbywords emkay, murdered by words emkay, emkay
Id: MN5XlvYpU4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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