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my fortune that was in my fortune cookie enjoyed the meal by one to go to thanks Confucius what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash muddly infuriating say goodbye to ads remove ads between moves for 30 days receive two hindsight to swap plus two word radar and 200 coins wait only ads for 30 days but I'm paying $13 to remove ads for a month you're ridiculous 2019 like 2019 2019 anyone shut up those comments are annoying but ultimately harmless it's just really annoying when I'm listening to like a Weird Al song like white and nerdy and I just see a refreshed by new and they're like if you listen to this and click like like of course we are its eternal music it's gonna be around idiot see we're connected by what one two three three USB like extenders just for your chromecast a chihuahua that's a lot of connectors right what's the sitch here what's the deal touch the screen no it's all you got a bug on the inside of your monitor that's the worst my guy I'm so sorry that's the worst man baby dolphin killed after tourists pull it from the ocean to take selfies I've said it before I'll say it again I hate the human race when they do stupid things oh he's caught his backpack that sucks bud tough luck the beach near my house after the tourists left oh my god oh that's that this is Wow or there's a bunch of birds there - no get out of there there's plastic it's not healthy two years ago I dropped this teabag dish into a mug to carry them both with the dishwasher I'm not being able to get it out since oh I know exactly what they mean okay yeah there's the mug Oh drop it like it's hot I mean they did it really had it's a it's a tight squeeze what I would reckon probably is like a something that has the similar shape is like a shoehorn might be able to do the trick there so then that gets under it when you go to London to see Big Ben sorry pal into construction big van is starting to feel a little rusty when we wanted to rejuvenate it make them feel young again when the nurse doesn't apply pressure after a blood test days 1 through 4 oh god that's the worst I've never had that happen to me I've only like drawn out blood once in my life that I can remember that sucks man that's a cool looking burner but it's off-center like on one hand I've never seen a burner that's purple like that that's is that like induction that's really neat I'm more interested in what the burner type is than the actual infuriating part how my parents fill up the soap bottle with water over and over until it's just pure water soapy water is not soap it's just water with suds how that glass is gonna wait wait wait what oh there it is I was impressed at first I'm like wait a minute and finally span to the end it finally came together that is not how you replace a brick oh that's gonna smell so bad if it wasn't taken care of what I'm more curious about is how this happens more than anything else at Burger King you're not the taco King it looks like one of those microwavable it like empanadas God it looks gross it looks like it's gonna give you stomach pain it was this one of those chocolate lava cakes yeah it's OC a lava cake isn't it that is that looks way too difficult to tear open though there you go you get it open and it's not locked Wow Wow oh you though that is you and me both gay we are both shocked the city of Cleveland installed the freakin brightest streetlights I have ever seen in any front yard oh wow dessert that is ridiculous to imagine trying to get that hurts my eyes and I'm just looking at a picture of it Gigi guy this coca-cola bottle doesn't fit in my coca-cola mini-fridge it's cuz it's four cans bro it's four coca-cola cans also that is a really tiny fridge it's it's not Center and I don't like it one bed coworker wanted me to look at why a CPU cooler was not working properly well there's your answer you didn't take the plastic off you dum-dum these frickin YouTube ads crap I forgot my gf was coming putter in the bed or maybe she can join us mm-hmm hey there baby I know you saw me participating in some infidelity but listen listen listen listen how could you just dip your toes in the water happy birthday I cut the cake in the worst there's so much wrong with this cake it isn't I mean eating what is that what is that is he eating cereal birthday cake and cereal do you man oh I was about to say Suze I saw like the animation type I already figured it was gonna go on this is those like diverting expectation things I like the nail one that's cool those are those are always really cool to look at it for me oh we got let's do why would you do that why is that one dice special why is that one dye special Disney band's grieving father from having spider-man on son's grave it Stanley is all like don't make me come down there you bunk love Stanley rest in peace Stan Stan the man is the door gonna be closing weird it looks like it's not gonna close at all then lock it all huh okay have you got one lock - seems like it's you know useful but then just it's a sliding door these freshly opened Doritos all right pulled you read it out of that bag freshly open you say okay all right Oh Oh No Why Why are they malleable this is dry [Laughter] [Music] why are there so many fake pockets on women's clothes why why why why because it's for the aesthetic and not for the function which is dumb I installed these USB outlets when we renovated the kitchen and my family still does this it's cuz they're used to it just give them some time though understand they'll get used to it it's okay it's given some time what did a fictional character say that stuck with you 37,000 upvoted comet 14 Awards was it say I was removed Wow okay finally someone to chat with oh no you're fake why do you think I'm fake is there a lot of fake girls on tinder or something are you programmed to say that when I say the word fake say meatball so I know you're real why do you think I'm fake is there a lot of fake girls on tinder or something god damn it but why is it on iMessage my controllers wouldn't connect and then the switch decided to catch fire alright so what do we I'm trying to get the shot Oh yo I see the smoke dog are you kidding was that all it's straight up a fire holy hell that is gnarly hug why is it blob what that is so weird my dude that five is off-center and I don't like it very much I love my girlfriend but sometimes she sends me crap like this they're just hearts bro oh I see one heart isn't the same poker heart let her go get rid of her what's going on here I don't get the whole like point of this one it looks like it's gonna get caught there's no way this is gonna be a perfect shoot yet there it is there it is my grandparents refused to take out the thermometer out of the packaging why did you take it out of the packaging it's working just fine that's their thought process I admire that alright it's a car cupholder all he's got some yo there okay so a little industrial trying to use the card oh dude that is the worst that is such a perfect fit - it looks like no that's not plastic you can't just take it out Oh nobody first of all what a filthy bathroom second of all why would you not just use all the toilet paper the lettuce in my chicken caesar wrap is just a second tortilla a green one hey you know don't mention it don't mention it's what we do for you my reusable metal straws came individually wrapped in plastic haha nice job protecting the environment stupid ordered a toaster at a slightly discounted price due to having minor cosmetic damage it looks like someone ran it over what do you mean cosmetic and minor looks like a major utilitarian damage five-minute crafts do I want to follow this company absolutely not I hate these so much how many likes you two keep the office on Netflix five million likes and we'll make it happen for the fans no you won't package now expected by December 23rd 2020 we're sorry your package is late we're working with a carrier to get your package back on track and we'll let you know when your package is out for delivery please come back December 24th 2020 if you still don't have it and we'll help you out was expected Tuesday July 23rd so you're telling me I had the way over a year despicable I hate when people who don't wear glasses ask me oh my god you're blind how many fingers am i holding up like bra I see this not this it's very true when I'm not wearing contacts my eyesight is terrible but I could see how many fingers you're holding up I can also see your dumb grin Oh your poor palate oh my god what dude your palates so destroyed it there's words I want to say that I can't say Harold's YouTube gets mad at me but oh man what can't you fix this that's just slightly off-center this could be fixed this isn't ruined there's potential here we couldn't drive through because somebody parked like this they deserve the worst just break in put it in neutral push it up a little bit further it's okay I knew there was something fishy when my pencil sharpened perfectly yep it broke off ended up putting pepper in my pasta why is the pepper white in the salt black that is weird why oh nice dude good job the pill bottle requires two hands to open but I broke my arm that's when you get a friend the way my grandmother eats pizza does she fork a knife --it she does fork and knife and I mean she's just trying to be polite but at the same time it's hand food my dear another another two people eating pizza the rock light he's eating around the crust and she's just all laws are gone with this girl I can barely even play it practice I suck at it cuz you don't practice because I don't think I'm good at it you won't be good at it if you don't practice because I suck because you don't practice you're not gonna be good at anything if you don't practice I think I came out the coochie day one telling jokes not took me time oh people leaving the movie theater with their popcorn just strode about people don't get paid enough to clean that stuff up some quality people right here why would they do you're the worst kind of person I bet that's all just $1 bills - it's not even worth my while there's a special layer in hell for these kinds of people my first thought is that you've never worked a service industry job they've never worked food service if you work food service you wouldn't do this campaign flyer planted on my windshield just for heavy rainfall thanks buddy appreciate that now it's ruined my windshield that is well there's my ranch for my wings I already ate right in with my cookies why does Pizza Hut pair the ranch with the cookies that's weird beep resharpen the wrong end of my red pencil Holly did that sucks serious what are some of the creepiest declassified documents made available to the public well I guess we must've been classified again because no one's allowed to talk about him she is in a medically induced coma I hope she gets just one share because I could really use the impressions on Facebook more than a hundred kids are waiting to see this historic team train in England all right let's see it's obviously a train of some sort let's let's get it move it let's get the train move and there it is there it is a steam train - neat thanks thanks I appreciate that nice going ruin this perfect beautiful is it gone it's gonna be gone by the Hut there it is there we go with my $400 VIP ticket you can't even see the stage Wow nice going idiot good ticket my roommate never finishes his water bottles yet constantly gets new ones this is like my brother with soda he'll never finish his soda but then go grab a new one my wife eats the toppings only and then puts this thing back into the box divorce her and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 4,451,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, mildly infuriating, mildly infuriating reddit, reddit influriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay
Id: bA8JnoFihDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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