r/Mildlyinfuriating | AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!

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oh you poor soul he went right to the wet cement Oh buddy that is a trail of shame what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash mildly infuriating oh oh they're just oh my god they're like barely off-center to wowie-wow-wow and that's like--that's stitching too it's done by a machine most likely so I can understand the Machine error but Wow I wouldn't even noticed that otherwise like just looking at it alone I could see it but if I was just walking around you I wouldn't have even noticed oh that hurts my brain my new cat tearing up his adoption certificate hey you don't need that no more he's yours this is for all my boys to escape from my rat boys we all get out and get up to no good I think I made that joke before oh dude that suck you could honestly probably get away with doing it closer to the rectangular charger yeah that Circle one there's no way of getting past it but that rectangular one you might be able to get away with it I'm just saying I think there's a possibility there all right what are we doing here Oh everyone's trying to weigh their stuff huh and everyone's rude no one know I went the way my stuff first no I want to wait my stuff first oh you just joined that bag of produce poor cashier is panicking your books are calling you yeah are they how's my phone is 100% chief that's my book at 100% bull exploded in my hand after putting hot soup in it oh you poor bastard haha they could not handle the heat oh we got over here way more like opening and closing what's that oh it's the rate Oh radiator no it's leaking buddy lord help me I'm gonna cut that hedge either cut the hedge or grow yours out more one of the two bud I don't live on these kinds of streets they looks ideal looks pretty as hell I've never lived on this kind of street before some guy power-washed half of my sidewalk without permission then he left the business cover me to pay to get the whole thing done you know what I'm gonna keep it halfway done how about that I've been growing my carrots since the beginning of spring and today I went to harvest them and this is what at least half we're like they're baby carrots my cat just looked all the sauce off my pizza well why'd you let him up there you fool look at him he's content waiting to he's like I'll do it again and he still got sauce you still got sauce just cut off that oh boy you see this is just an architecture thing and like it's just something I don't look up that often I wouldn't notice it this chicken burger I got today major refused a refund or replacement Oh bro that's a health hazard you've kidding me and he refused to refund that's raw chicken that's raw meat bro you gotta be joking someone needs to fire that manager Wow that could literally kill so many I like now I'm not gonna know it let's see listen spell the word clap camp hand wait so your your docking him for capitalisation what's wrong with you what kind of teacher does this it looks like a kids writing to all right show me what you got here oh it's a piece of plastic just get some tweezers for oh it's not gonna come all the way off is it don't do this to me come on now ah you can still pull it off you still got time but if you want to pout about it I guess you could do that too but Duras wait what is that that the batteries explode dog what is that that battery acid you scum oh I love idiot idiot Park job nice job my girlfriend refuses to eat the crust of a pancake that's not crust that's just there's no crust on a pancake does she not like discoloration she want a perfectly golden brown pancake the baby way oh I love it bro that's not where you park your car got big souped-up dialogue fart river elbow it struck my I hate him I hate this guy and of course he's going he's going right into that gas station dead guy pick up some Budweiser 25 easy one minute desserts on five minute crafts where I place it in the oven for seven minutes make up your mind please I beg of you all right sliding glass shower door there's gonna be one of these things were okay you slid it closed nice just goes right back open again what does this solve it solves nothing there a latch what happens another idiot Park job huh you seen any more of a common theme in the infuriating which I appreciate because it needs to be called out more my man's just hogging all the weights listen if you're gonna do this buy a home gym get yourself some dumbbells do it at home don't go where you get you know everyone's gonna be wanting to use them cuz then you're just an idiot don't spread the flu take vitamin d3 or sneeze into your elbow it's in your hands a certain website of handcrafted goods advertises visit me every single day the fly on this woman's hair is aggravating to no end how fast can you drive on residential streets in Arizona 15 miles per hour 25 miles per hour or 25 miles per hour sorry you got it wrong it was the other twenty five miles per hour fr ie NBS fruit ends that's how you spell it the amount of half-empty bottles in my parents fridge oh sweet baby Lord Jesus have mercy Oh God that tomato sauce looks scuffed you see that it looks like it's browned Oh Lord hey it's his or her hotel kits why is the hers in 1999 looks like it sells the same stuff too yeah the same is that the same exact stuff just by the hazy to be fine was the the his and hers is the carrying case Jesus that's dumb why isn't the plural human human since the plurals of woman and man are women and men hey your submission contains a common typo or spelling error and so we've automatically removed it how do you like that get out of shower thoughts and get a book these guys need to get good table manners Jesus you just disk instructed Happy Meal box that way no this is Burger King so disk instructed Burger King box just everything all over the floor just because you're getting paid to clean the area does not mean you get to leave it a mess like this is not learn to teach your kids some manners some goddamn respect and pick up your trash cuz this is unacceptable are you kidding me oh you poor soul I don't know what you're gonna do now this lady on the train get your foot out from my arm this entire bin of brand-new intentionally destroyed shoes destined for landfill all to prevent reselling and to maintain an artificially high price wow that's ridiculous that stupid man I don't even know what to say that that's just sad that's just sad to see it would you take a look at that got ankle on your hand hi perhaps in the future you could not lock your bike to other people's dams that that sucks this logo is slightly to the left oh I see that - OH hahahahaha can't plug it in oh it's just falling out why would it do that though that I'm curious about it looks like there's weight on the cord because the cords downwards is that yanking it out of the wall that's so weird Marty eight four sixths of his pizza in Louis ate 5/6 of his pizza Marty ate more pizza than Louis how is that possible that's cuz Marty's Pete's is bigger than Louis's pizza no that is not possible because five six is greater than four sixths so Louis eight more but that's not the question that's not what's asked do you agree to McDonald's yes but you can't sign up until you receive emails as well oh my god people suck host services need to step their game up because that is ridiculous am I not gonna get one of my three flavors of Neapolitan ice cream oh no it's fish - chocolate is ridiculously small-- gonna be that small my girlfriend opened cereal like a frickin Neanderthal but you love her don't you primary phone number oh that's ridiculous why can't I just type it in why do I have to do it like that why the drop-down menus your website sucks and how are you born in 2017 wait why am i why is this my just one below the standard huh I only got two items it's a CVS admit yep it's a CVS doctor crying behind a hospital after not being able to save the life of a 19 year old boy this page is on fire yeah you're an awful person this restaurant sprinkles parsley on the packaging the food comes in a the way you talking about it's a little bit of pizzazz on your orders why are the peas upside down it's screwing me up don't worry about but you got a bat eraser you got a dud you got a dud eraser buddy bro oh my god that was my biggest pet peeve in school oh that's why I just started using pens that was a middle-aged woman she left that there that's a that's a Karen thing - leave that there for sure what am i taking up what is like that oh my system's taking up eight gigs yikes the new PC I bought was overheating at over a hundred degrees Celsius so I removed the CPU cooler he forgot to remove the plastic label for adding thermal paste bro-bro imagine being this big of a goofball so build a race car but he'd be able to truck ketchup mustard and relish can that's easy to fix just switch the labels around I'm not mad at that I put a fake note on a Corvettes windshield that read sorry I hit your car you probably won't even notice the damage because it was taking up four spots that's petty I love that okay that's oh that's awful dude I guess just move one over and try again that's a shame the high school bell scheduled that's such a weird way to do it those ring at such weird times shows she's leaning her seat back oh no the problem is is that the jacket is the effect you have no room cuz I would be I'd have that's what I have a problem with you have no room there man my sister leaves empty bowels babbles in the fridge for weeks that's a bowl sir villain or not now look back over what you've written what do you think look he's a villain no I think he's not a villain because he was threatened every time he had to do something bad if you were in that situation you would kill yourself for that this is off topic just write about Loki and how he's a villain use it exactly was able to show you but he's not a villain Loki's Morvan he's not really much of a villain or a hero he's kind of just he's a mischievous man he does what he wants that pause buttons off-center now I got a look at my Spotify oh wow it really is - oh man my kettle has a steam vent right where my hand sits when I pick it up nice I'm thinking of creating a sub for how my wife opens packages but you still love her and that's what's important late at the airport I like your suitcase I love cats my suitcase dude that's Pokemon does the Sun move yes no rotates you idiot it's not static anyone else notice has a 3a stenciled upside down no no it is how do you mess that up I mean it's still a red square like in all fairness but how do you mess that up all right whoa yo oh it's cool as hell oh it's inside it's in between the glass that's gnarly it's dirty water though which is less cool the difference between a large dr. pepper in a large water in and out yummy dr. pepper yummy water that one wheat is taking its sweet time huh destroy it what's thank you a little kitty cat doing all that mud take her home named her she is now yours that's putrid I'm still just in awe at how these are all done at the same but somehow the doors are all just miss shapen and mismatched why couldn't it be the other way Dick's giant oh yes he is Bob my kids have wooden toys to try to cut down on plastic Airy piece comes in a plastic baggie nice the path my textbook is taking to be delivered at live on the X I ordered it well over a week ago and I'm missing homework now so where is it at right now so it must have started at Toledo live in Chicago then towards Maryland Pennsylvania now it's in Pittsburgh Pittsboro there's such a weird way to deliver the pack what is this a relay race what's going on is that to hit every stop and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe - mm more content every single day you heard me right we're talking daily folks until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,181,505
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, reddit mildly infuriating, reddit extremely infuriating, reddit infuriating, extremely infuriating emkay, infuriating emkay, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildly infuriating emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: Ibg-ediIQZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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