r/Mildlyinfuriating | bruh... that's not how that works

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Same dude same

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zanmanwithHAM 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right looking all uniform together that final die and it makes me want to die what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash mildly infuriating this guy on my nine-hour flight just plugged these bad boys in once they turned off the lights 11:30 p.m. Oh what my concern is why is as a product do you need everything to light up like is that a necessity for you button oh I see they're all out of whack well this is an easy thing to fix oh I think I do is sort of I mean I can understand when you're passing by that's an affair heating thing but that's an easy fix my dude I don't know those kind of things don't bother me that much who the hell makes zipa lubricant that looks like chapstick I've been rubbing this stuff on my lips for days I'm sorry dude I've never heard of zippered lubricant until today I'm gonna be completely honest with you I'm completely stuffed lmao demolish to these wings now really there's still a ton of meat left on those dude first you're only one of them you took a single bite out of that's the kind of guy who eats the skin out for the fried chicken like Cartman and then just doesn't touch the actual meat oh oh that's I've never seen a pen do that is that like a spring issue I'm okay I kind of want to like slow it down and figure out what happened here because it looks to me like a spring issue forgive me if I'm looking too deep into this but this is something I'm genuinely curious about so he presses down on the pen button and then everything just yeah that's a that's a spring error something bud no nope Italia help sad is his name sad find his shamrock why is his name sad and also there's no way to complete this maze let's see how doing it right now so that that's where the dude there is actually no way to complete that maze every entrance is blocked off thanks I guess oh I was looking at this like wait what's wrong I see that a is just slightly askew shaky hands probably no I know that guy's got shaky hands whoever applied that sticker shaky hands well this just seems all out of whack this is the kind of stuff that I really don't understand where it's clearly and unlike a direct path and then messes up and then right back to the direct pattern at what point in that middle section there that they just decide to say screw it and just play it like a game of Tetris that you won no blocks are falling down this kind of stuff really eludes me and I don't know if I'm just overthinking it or if I'm having like a valid point here they're all off Oh gross I feel like I'm getting desensitized this kind of imagery dude I saw too many of these like ants in the monitor photo I don't know how it happens and I don't know how you can fix it other than getting a new monitor but that's a that's a ton of ants yeah you must have had like a soda out or something dude because they are investing in that computer it's a nice warm spot someone you guys usually know a lot more about this stuff than I do why is this a big issue just seems like a weird way to pankaj apples to me so I might would really just kind of gloss over recycle the plastic and then move on with my day you know but maybe I'm just not thinking too hard on it that is a ton of memory being used by other isn't that like the old system updates or something that's one of the only things I really despise about iPhone I'm a big social media guy so I use it for the convenience on social media but otherwise like that's just unacceptable the amount of storage it's using just for what I'm assuming is the system Wow the color blind test comment what you see if you could see red then you have strong eyesight if you see green then your eyesight is perfect if you see purple then you may be color blind click the link in my bio to find out if you are if I see blue huh what if I see balloon hey can you hand me my bow yeah sure bro is that like a violin bow I played the guy what was it what issue it did I play hold on we never had any string instruments in my band class but I did play the euphonium and if someone hated me my euphonium with their arm just like halfway down the tube I would just beat them senseless with it like a transformer just go go gadget bludgeon them my friend that is not worth a capri-sun straw goes just because it can puncture does not mean it's where it's supposed to sit I have never seen a door off-center with the little like overhang like that that is so weird it looks like it's not even real I'm gonna be completely honest with you it doesn't look like a real image that is like the roof looks weird the doors aren't right this is a real this is like a fever dream a macaroni and cheese [ __ ] expect stupid we were honest its macaroni and cheese one slice at the beginning of class they make us put our phones in this pocket we don't have a choice and they put up a sign saying they're not responsible if our stuff gets stolen or damaged that's dumb imagine having to put your phone in a pocket like that I'm guessing the school doesn't have lockers and if they do they just didn't put the phone in the locker oh no it seems like there's a lot there's a lot of different ways you could have solved that you chose the dumbest way possible okay color something men oh that's cool look in the watch wait wait am I supposed to get what am I supposed to be mad at oh oh I wasn't looking the first time and I saw it swipe off I'm like okay now and it's no supposed to be mad at that's awful it was gonna be perfect a perfect circle with a perfect fill-in and then he just ruined it huh thanks appreciate it freash got bored in class and decided to color in the bank of his key ring was pretty proud of the design until I was just about to complete it Frick oh no I'm so sorry dude oh he missed the that's gonna be impossible to fill in too because it's so honestly I would be pretty proud of what you got there so far though that's a really incredible job there man I'd be proud of that nonetheless good job I'm proud of you oh the classic try to open the container but the weird like second layer that the the epidermis of whatever I don't know what this is called where it has like this tin foil lid within the extra layer under it I don't know what you call that other than annoying but I feel your pain brother I feel your pain vet told us our dog was overweight was walking down the stairs and I hear my mam say don't mind that vet you're just big-boned while feeding the dog slices of deli ham well that's kind of endearing and cute on the moms end the dogs fat he's a chunk there's not even anything wrong with the Dobby and chunk unless it's a real health hazard but hey to each their own I suppose until it's hurting the dog where is it with things being off centering the separate the thing that always eludes me and the thing that like misses me every single time is like why someone gets paid to do this they have a paid job they do it and then you don't check to see if you're okay like did this get okayed or you like they're enough it's Denny's they know what to expect like what's the the reasoning behind this staying like that thanks for buying this useless case cuz there's no disk needed just download your web root security from WWE useless link comm Forge sliced white made me buy the box track package it's on its way this patch Saturday the 14th should be here Thursday the 12th a couple days ago I know I know don't worry about my dogs decided no TV or Playstation for me they you want to do with their teeth be Yoink bit now you got to go play fetch with them oh that's weird why is that why is that the one special room this kind of stuff you know IIIi say it a lot but boy do I mean it when I say it eludes me I really don't understand it I don't understand or get it at all why some things just are off-center or off-kilter askew astray I just don't get it man what's so difficult about it look sick gonna open that door all the way up they even get that open and then up means they'll turn the burner on too while we're at it that's fantastic superb kitchen design working as intended 2019 minecon location earth catch me at Minecon 2019 on earth eco-friendly compostable straws in plastic packaging nice thanks appreciate it I dare you to try and crack this egg gets impossible it's not gonna crack it's not gonna crack you can't do it this egg is impervious to all machine nature over over machine this is what I'm learning here that's kind of cool that the eggs not getting sucked down I don't see that as infuriating I see that this is an ingenious design of the egg we're gonna go dude it's not gonna crack the egg was not built for cracking it was built for surviving until man started cracking emergency phone is out of service please do not have an emergency at this location just take it a couple blocks away where these you have an emergency phone just this one it's not working these fake pockets the win as far enough as to put a real zipper on it it's not a real pocket don't worry about it's just an aesthetic choice why is this fork have an insane front chin what is going on here is this like Bart Simpson there's a fork I see this long spiky hair and the it's Fork Simpson all right this graph is all out of whack it's not how the portion should be made hell you know to me this is less of a you know like error and machine error and design this is just someone not this is someone on a slow day you know half awake in the office lazily putting a graph together and they did this that's forgivable as far as I'm concerned have a coffee man you earned it it's fun to stay in the Y mcg why would you why would you ruin it it costs $0 to ruin it and there you go okay floor pattern what's wrong zoom in that's wrong Thanks understood appreciate it thanks for ruining my evening open that bad boy up nope can't open it from the other way there it is oh how beautifully useless the song we have none I'm not try it again ah I know it's what you said but I want to be right where my husband puts his songs so close to the vignettes so far that's the sign of a healthy marriage go ahead and get some ice but that the ice you wanted man go ahead and get your ice stupid hope you enjoy every bit of ice eat it your iPod is disabled try again in twenty four million thirty five thousand four hundred and eighty two minutes I remember the iPod disabled screens like that I don't know why there's so long I just know they're that long it's kind of weird and this is really weird is that a single gigantic broccoli individually packaged this for single cook this going into a big meal there's a lot of questions I have that I don't think are gonna get answered these vitamin gummies come in a jar individually wrapped nice vitamin D for a damn that's frustrating this just hurts why would you cook it the Kit Kats are already but there's so much I want to say but so much I'm trying to hold in the Kit Kats already formed to break apart but here you are with a plastic knife the most inefficient of knives by the way cutting you didn't even cut the back one all the way through and here you are being a [ __ ] in the middle of class you're not gonna get your diploma because you're doing things like this who leaves a butter knife like this a goddamn caveman the handles all messed up it looks like someone saw Thor and wanted to just plant that knife like Mull mirror into the butter it's gross yes the one special light stay you'll get savings as a Sam's Club it looks like it the mustard on the left is one dollar and the one on the right is a 185 well see the smaller one has more mustard jam packed into it whereas the big one there's a little bit of air in there don't gotta pay for air pay for the jam pack mustard that's business baby I know you're not sewing me an individually packaged screw right or nail rather I'm sorry throw even a nail in there stud that's not just a picture of a nail is it that's that's a real nail right why just one why a one-count of nail and since when did McDonald's individually package their napkins I refuse to believe this is real I have never been given an individually packaged McDonald's napkin in my life I also have many McDonald's and like a mound of for months so I wouldn't know for sure one of the greatest donut shops in the country try the cruller in super vanilla one star never been there why would you rate it then are any of your other seven reviews the places you've actually visited presidential elections of 2000 2004 2008 and 2012 see each of these graphs represent the one where the Democrat won all for the Republican won all four or each party won at least once aka this is a map of the United States I'm going to ban dad but hi going to ban dad bot I'm dad okay buddy how my fiancee opened this bag of chips should I bail out now well let's see yes yes you should open it like a goddamn caveman only like some pearl magnin species where is it cro-magnon I don't know I never fully learned the insult well life finds a way I don't see this as mildly infuriating I see this is having to make do with what you're given and you know what blessed that guy for making do with what he was given oh that's just bad luck the fork said no sir just poor luck that's misfortune dr. pepper but it's on the salt it's not pepper you're Strawberry Shortcake ice cream okay I have a problem with this merely because it shouldn't have taken you that long to notice there was an extra stick on your ice cream bar it's clearly on the outside so you knew it was there but you waited until you had it unless you didn't need it at all but you had to have because it looks no so what's going on here did you just decide to neglect it until after the fact a paw I have had for three years versus one my mother used once nice she was just scrubbing too hard in that copper pot and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, reddit mildly infuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, mildly infuriating top posts, mildly infuriating best posts, rage, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildly infuriating emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: xTFdgczFp2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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