r/Oopsdidntmeanto | Whoops! 😳😳 Did I do that?

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pal some things are accidents sometimes for you to tie your shoes sometimes you get a bad grade those are accidents this what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash oops didn't mean to I made that drawing by accident I'm serious the shading the detailing completely didn't mean to woke up what it was like this I'm sorry yeah this is his friend blank is a cross I knew he talks about Jay every day that's why he leaves you on red because he's scared to talk to you he said you a cutie but he's scared to talk to you hey I don't know how to respond that's my my friend sorry about that some more photos it's not thing about what just happened please know we're a think about it we're gonna think about it a moment of pure happiness capture on accident we'll try to figure out how to use the self-timer on my camera sure by accident we were wandering around 20 oh not 20 we were wandering around 2000 year old Roman ruins at least 20 year old when we decided to try to take a group photo sometimes accidents make the best phone nose pal some things are accidents sometimes for you the tie issues sometimes you get a bad grade those are accidents this I'm so sorry wrong person what the hell is wrong with you how do i unsend message on Instagram crap this is at Google long press okay thank you I'm sorry oh my god sexy as f trade yeah yeah ooh this sorry I'm drunk I thought you were pretty so I messaged you I think Thanks hey crap sorry wrong sorry no problem hi anyways hi have a good night safe Halloween thanks yo you look amazing lady Thanks the driest responses I love it Oh how's me to send this to a different friend but don't get me wrong you're sexy as hell - ah you disgust me in every way shape and form oh yeah yep then I'll start a fitting tech Edie because I thought you were mad at me or something Oh was that why you and blank we're all weird and stuff sure I'm just weird in general but sure what she's trying to ask if you like her or not I'm so lost what that was my sister she took my phone I was doing chores I'm sorry but what's she trying to ask you if you like her or not into the question oh my god don't look at that I sent the wrong one I'm so sorry yeah sure she's the wrong one uh-huh oops I don't open it no for real don't open it unless ah ha ha not jk jk I mean only if you want to uh that's what these messages Suze I wouldn't know I will be said if I don't find one of those on here oh ok ok fine ok I expect you naked on the couch I'm sorry autocorrect on the couch I know I put naked in there how about going to the gym and squatting on my face sounds a bit better than working out funny because it sounds equally unsatisfying to me I ignore that I'm in working one of my customers has been using my phone all morning so sorry oh my day is surely not pham my bad I thought that my friends did it excuses well enough but now customers did it the beat your homework to lad you [ __ ] you buffoon your brain is filled with pebbles and Jenga blocks hey want to come over for a quickie naw I'm sorry that was rude and straightforward plus I'm a little drunk and my buddy thought it'd be funny to type that I truly apologize ah yeah the old my friend trick this ain't my first rodeo kid just over to the fete you want to screw and if I said yes you'd be all over it no seriously my buddy typed it I'm not lying I'm more of the get to know someone first before I weakened to know their insides prefer [Laughter] when the thirst bag flies near like click I need a back-up plan I'm sorry my pet hamster type that floor taste this message to you madam this is her sister so like I think you're really cute have a beautiful day oh I'm sorry I didn't oh my sister had my phone but she's right so who yet shoes now you're left with a choice hey I just kidding it was a dare can if you want to I guess but rating isn't how huh I'm sorry send the wrong person huh sweet as glad today and send a rest yeah I just said it like you asked I'll send a pic zone please don't oh hear no evil my bad we need to send you that but maybe I did it people are so gross genuinely I feel so awkward browsing this subreddit because that's people being like oh whoops awkward advance that you didn't want I didn't mean to ah unsolicited selfie I mean that's not the worst thing you could have get sent but he almost sent you a very different kind of picture by accident I would have felt so bad if that happened you have no idea oh I'm sure you would have felt that with your heart of gold chief okay I love you please go out with me give me the weekend to think about it okay by the way that was my sister but okay I do like you but yeah okay lol okay I think I've thought about it the answers now hey hey how you lot some money wait what wrong photo how old you okay I know it's not an accident but trying to you know humble brag quote-unquote for four likes aside that's a really beautiful shot when I accidentally dropped my phone where I was standing my answer for this week's Ross snap challenge I mean we know you didn't drop it on accident that's a beautiful shot Blanc caught me off guard brushing my teeth and insisted I post them so here I am in the morning brushing my teeth but related to this I wanted to give you a tip that her sleeve how that works so well when it comes to teeth whitening I don't care I don't care why you're brushing your teeth away from the sink that's what I want to know what are you a monster brush your teeth in front of the sinks that way that I hope the active charcoal gives your breath the worst smell why did you call me see you more missed calls stop stop now that was my face blank no actually my sister call you sure again I'm assuming that was your sister hmm yo let's meet up a scroll Jesus great coworker I have well have a nice life he took you like 30 minutes to give up I love that so which is it to go on a date with me well I didn't have you down to someone who would ask over text I'm gonna have to decline and I feel very awkward doing so but if I asked in person would it be different oh it wouldn't you know I feel about this I'm really sorry Oh sweetheart I was joking because don't be sorry I adore being your friend nothing more please don't think otherwise I'm not really sure I believe that you were joking to be honest well I only mention anything because you seemed AFT about the fact I went on a date I'm sorry Aggie like agitated just like okay I get trying like to preserve what a little bit of pride you have left when you get rejected but there's nothing wrong with rejection like it's gonna happen it's just part of life just own it you know you're like okay yeah no I got rejected and then own that like don't be like ashamed on it there's no need to be genuinely no need to be it's kind of ridiculous to me how did you hear about my granddad wait what oh sorry wrong person meant to text a girl I went to school with but clicked on you by accident not thinking she's my granddad passed away sorry you are lovely though you single come on chief no don't open with the dead grandpa oh these boys need some work so I invited a handful of girls to a Facebook event now I thought would like this makeup it looks as if blanks unscrew the invite list and I put my phone down and a chat mark like 60-plus here oops if you got an invite along with like 100 others I'm sorry I mean unless you're interested which in that case join me yeah blame my son cuz I didn't mean to invite the I invited a bunch of people and I know people ain't gonna be happy about that a full black down message you're so freakin dumb f off wait what sorry I was my cousin too got my phone yo put a leash on your cousin you got your phone your phone fell sure chief I can only assume why that's censored you know on the other hand though like despite might might distaste would be like oops I accidentally did this if you're making money doing this look if you're you clearly you got you got likes you got traction and I respect the hustle you know do your business thing I appreciate that it free shade the grind my phone photo was on a timer and this is what it got just me out in this freezing weather ticket pictures for my fans wow that is a great unplanned picture right I was like hey he was being sarcastic chief chief don't do this pictures my phone took while I was doing my half of work because I thought my hands were signaling to take pics you can do that now on phones I refuse to believe that chief he put a timer on them bad boys what are you into being with someone well I'm sorry wrong chatbox your Chad just popped a brain ibly I'm sorry this is for another girl I'm sexting with apologies that's okay it's not okay it's a farthest thing from okay another one from red I'll do it so sorry wrong person this is so embarrassing it's so embarrassing really small I'm sorry you had to see that I'm sorry it's so small unless you want to tell me otherwise not chief you rock in a shrimp beat accidentally opens front camera but you still have time to put it all on your story I get that chief yeah for sure for sure uh-huh girls Britney Chelsea Sarah Kennedy Missy Angelica Bailey wait what a girls list really how I didn't mean that I was testing stuff out but why do you have a list of girls that screw it I think I forgot like - oh yeah it's your body count list I see I see I see I hope that's where it ends then chief took a quick self document mine hashtag no shaving of him a progress and got photobombed by Kanye West and Sheriff head hand Sheriff Edie an order they were back there ha ha ha insane white sands lake mackenzie this actually was an accidental snap I just sliced off my head yeah sure is that why okay Ford accidentally kang machi details prematurely we'll see this could be this could be real because people try to access things all the time or even a marketing thing mmm if it's marketing it's smart I don't care what you say it's smart mmm BJ lips ah ha ha hey is that usually how you approach women the hunt no no sorry I thought it was a good idea to leave my phone on the canteen table earlier I didn't realize wouldn't been sent apologies okay yeah sure and another wiener pic I'm just sending them back and forth like a free sample no thanks I'm not hungry I am full hey gorgeous yeah sure bud hey quick question what makes you think I really want to talk when you sent me a random wiener pick and I don't answer truthfully I don't have an answer for that because it wasn't me it was a friend of mine and I truly wanted to say something but it was wrong since they given the opportunity of him possessing my phone I will take the time to apologize for his actions I have just always found you stunning and I've always had a thing for you throughout the years of us going to school I'd really like to make up for my friends actions on my phone please respond hmm all right and I'm still not sure why you called me ugly like that was rude so hurry autocorrect does it all the time uh yeah now sorry I didn't mean to call you ugly my bad whoops whoops whoops listen I know this sounds stupid but I think I love you from my heart I just can't stop thinking about you can we date please think about it oops I got scene zoned hey nobody is obliged to reply to anybody and I'm not looking to get in a relationship we could be friends though no chill jealous okay don't worry I'm sorry it was a dare was it it was a dare from my heart I love the way women Stalkings as well someone's blouse is when aroused hey uh what you doing chief my account was hacked by my ex I didn't write that but what is Hillary doesn't deal with it sorry I'm not up on this particular expression why are you lying seven seven six now the future a post from and that's just a long name looks like a throwaway account I don't draw people so I made a weird thing I hope you enjoy and let's all it's cute I like him he's like a good old friend of mine I'd give him high fives doesn't matter which hand it could be the hand on his head that is his hand his hand head or any of his little paws he'd high-five me I like him thank you so much that's gonna do it for our slash scoops didn't mean to if you like the video leave a like down below and scribe for more content from MK and if you want to catch more of me you can find me at which TV slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,384,883
Rating: 4.944448 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/oopsdidntmeanto, oopsdidntmeanto, r/oopsdidntmeanto emkay, oops didnt mean to, oopsdidntmeanto emkay, reddit oopddidntmeanto, reddit oops, facepalm, emkay facepalm, facepalm emkay, r/facepalm emkay
Id: b0bW8mZbJ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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