r/Mildlyinfuriating | not mad, just upset

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raw chicken at school what did the off chicken say to the emo raw [Music] hello my friends welcome back to mk my name is jack the smack that smiles back and i hope your day has been terrible namely just so that today's video doesn't ruin you too much because i mean if you're already infuriated by things that have happened to you so far then you know the stuff in today's video shouldn't make you too worrisome advertisement 5 of 4. let me guess you're on crunchyroll the perfect attire for when you don't want people to notice that you're wearing crocs but you do want people to notice your absolutely flashy nails brown sauce on white keyboard not a good combo sure the brown sauce is an issue here i'm more concerned with the literal hairs and other clear dirty stains on the rest of the keyboard tech wipes are not expensive please invest in them the way i received this tv oh it's just a bit off center ah you can you can hammer that den back in you'll be you'll be fine it's one of those fancy cab tvs right right finally able to travel to paris and the acs de train looks like this it's an art project oh that thing you were so keen to see that as part of historical architecture amma just turned it into a ghost for halloween oh banana water guys okay i'm sure this is clearly at some sort of hotel you guys would have lemon or lime somewhere you i'm sure there's a bar near you my new smoker came with this obnoxious and impossible to peel sticker on the front chicken for scale chicken for scale or chicken for dinner hey little buddy you wanna have a look inside no i'm good thanks oh you think you have a choice that's so cute they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine you're not really fine i did order hot sauce and a video game but i didn't realize they would come together wait what what service enables you to buy those two things together i know people love to smell new video game cases and such but i think this is going a bit too far hey you want a watermelon lollipop best i can do is red crossbow hunting at my uncle's house and his pig scared off all the deer then eats the corn set out as bait yes his name is bacon ah calling him off his uh soon to be destiny i see oh no i changed my mind look at him oh he's adorable he's the cutest fat bubbly puppy i've ever seen my three-year-old son's second week at school and he comes home with a bite mark on his leg he told us someone bit him while he was putting his shoes on oh my i see the problem does the school start with a v because you may have left him at the vet my husband thinks it's okay to butter toast like this now remember people divorce can be healthy it's not even toasted the colors are wrong i disagree everyone knows ketchup is green mustard obviously coming from the vegetable mustard and then there's relish but actually what color is relish that's right it's yellow according to science my mother-in-law always adjusts our hanging pictures when she visits always makes them crooked wow tell me your mother-in-law hates you without telling me your mother-in-law hates you why okay does she genuinely actually think she's straightening them though i have to wonder is this ignorance or malice people doing this on the train great countermeasure to this what you do is you just you lower your head close to the feet but not enough that you can actually grab a whiff of it do a little bit of a sniff noise and let out a little bit of a oh yeah and if they accuse you of making them feel uncomfortable well hey they're getting what they serve for additional spice say smells just like mummy's feet the existence of mosquitoes yup don't even need to see a post about that that's just yeah that's science fact but here's some itchy knuckles to hammer the point down my little brother did this to our dinner after he was told he could not skip swim team oh wow someone's getting grounded we got some dog treats and uh whipped cream nice hey now don't extinguish the creative ingenuity of this future gordon ramsay we once used to serve lobster to only the poor who's to say dog treats won't become a fine commodity in a few hundred years the way dominoes cut my pizza no not dominoes i trust them oh and with that someone's lost their job as pizza cutter i have to wonder which was the first cut no which was the second cut and which cut specifically did they genuinely just say you know what screw this i'm gonna what's with that one that is completely off center like how mean were you to the staff for them to do this to you i can't edit my avatar because reddit made the hat premium oh i see you're enjoying this product you technically already have well today we're going to role play being your bank we own it now pay us money for it my partner borrowed my car for a few days and gave it back like this oh wow what were they doing for a few days like how many bottles of pepsi is that i don't know if i should feel slightly comforted by the fact that there's you know at least a few giant water bottles to compensate for the amount of sugar drinks you drank oh but don't worry they've got a trash bag see you know they've basically cleaned it all up already this home is roughly 400 a square foot one bed one bath wow it's cute but like why is it like right next to broadway in new york city or something i i'm confused maybe there's a bunch of usbs buried underneath with bitcoin wallets in them as if getting the bathrooms permanently closed wasn't enough some kids also burned down my high school's announcer box for tick-tock clout upon first read i genuinely thought they had an announcer box that was literally four tick tocks but this right here this is why you can't be surprised when your school hardly gets any funding guarantee these kids will do this and then also complain that there's nothing to do with their school walkway leading up to a 900k model home right so a very expensive home you'd think they'd invest some money into how you get up to the house you know make it more easier well yeah they also just you know decide to say f you if you have ocd this server room in a hotel in london oh god it looks so painful to navigate would be so timely to organize but oh my titty niffles would it be satisfying if this was all coded correctly my housemate's gaming setup oh okay but what even is the point of that pc monitor all the way over there on the left which like which monitor do you actually play your games on seriously i see there's someone who believes those funko pops are actually going to be vintage enough to be of high resale value look despite their seemingly inability to just take things out into the bin at least all the food is in tiny little bins that said i'd imagine that the dead skin cells on that chair are enough to make an entire other clone of them couldn't find an eye cincus i see the eye is the golden ticket it's what gets you into the factory the frost on this new ceiling fan globe came off with the barcode sticker hell yeah the literal reason you bought it in terms of aesthetics now redundant follow our four steps for solving word problems sam had 20 cars he sold seven of them at his garage sale how many crayons does he have left oh no oh watch the kids struggle crayons don't know cars 13. also that's a lot of cars to sell at a garage sale only if you're poor little timmy my brother destroyed this monitor because he lost in fortnite ah so immature see when i grew up playing runescape i was never like this whenever i died and lost all my stuff what i did instead is i cried and screamed and sucked to my dad much more of a masculine thing to do i do pray that your parents don't actually immediately buy him a monitor and instead make him save up for one himself i have a lot of shower thoughts and i tried talking to my brother about one of them and this was his response so i just had a thought what if humans don't actually die from years passing but from the atmosphere being like you've been here too long now the good old oxygen is actually poisonous in a long enough doses theory you could be onto something but i feel like it's being worded wrongly but of course this is a situation where a lot can be considered opinion based that's where the question comes can anyone be judged for their opinion until they're approving facts okay uh you said a whole lot of nothing right there i did that intentionally so you can realize what it's like talking to you that like wow absolutely shut down right there my friend how oops delivered a pc to my friend oh god is that meant to be exposed like that i'm really hoping that's not just shattered glass or plastic on the side there oh but you're fine though that computer can handle itself look it's smart see the pic says it all oh god wow i didn't realize just how confusing it was you know a lot of the world does dig on america for them using forts and mile and stuff and yet here we have gallon pint quart and cup and you know if you think we're really just as confusing when it comes to our measurements this third grade math problem jared found these baby birds and needs to care for them each bird eats about four worms a day in order to feed them all each day about how many worms will jared need to find is it six ten four or twenty okay so i'm seeing three birds based on the image i'm assuming it's based on the image the answer should of course be twelve that right they eat four days three birds that's twelve like in maths basic very basic maths so which one is it that i circled accidentally kicks this off of a six inch ledge onto a shag carpet you shall suffer and i shall once again be reminded as to why i am thankful that i am not in someone else's shoes someone did a dump in the urinal we've lost three bathrooms in a month due to something like this don't do it jack i'm gonna do it don't you do it no i'm gonna do it stop now you literally can't take this schmidt anymore stop it when you catch him say you're in a lot of trouble god damn it the keys on my new laptop are practically invisible because hb thought grey on silver is a great idea no hang on you would have had to have bought this you would have known unless like you bought it online then i'd understand on the right side if you literally suck at spelling things half the time you have an excuse walmart locks up socks now damn i didn't realize socks were such an in-demand commodity nice to know we live in a reality now where socks are treated as much of a valuable commodity to a store as pokemon cards my sister came home from school with this spelling quiz results teacher said she spelled centuries wrong because letters you are looks like a letter w clearly she just writes like that some teachers don't deserve to work in schools here's the proof and oh my god that clearly is a u and an r hell the e n has the same thick consistency with the writing of the pencil as the unr does when it comes to doing the curse of writing wow does your child like punch the teacher in the face every morning or something like what is going on here someone stole the toilet stalls at our school okay what is with today's post and why are they constantly relating to toilets oh my god literally the stalls like are you sure there isn't like some construction happening in this toilet and they just haven't bothered to actually notify students or anyone i mean can't be uncomfortable taking a dump in front of everyone if everyone's taking a dump in front of everyone hi everyone kindly refrain from placing your phone on the conveyor belt to make a tick tock this is invasive to the privacy of other diners who do not wish to be recorded and at the end of the belt cycle your phone will be lowered with empty plates into our commercial grate dishwasher where it will be fully submerged in water detergent sanitizing agents rinse additives and within a 90-second cycle pressurized and heated to 180 degrees fahrenheit we are not responsible for damaged phones thank you remember for every time you see signs like this it is because someone has stupidly done this whoever you are you deserve to have to buy a new phone i just want to go to the bathroom but this tick tock trend closed due to what tick tock trend is that do they like fill up the toilets with toilet paper or something i swear tick tock can sometimes just be the most chaotic neutral of social media apps loaned my wife's brother my truck so he could move this is what greeted me when i got it back oh that's nice what a good way to know to never lend your truck to them again my brother destroyed my paper project for tick-tock views you know it's a shame you can't you like divorce siblings you could however encourage your parents to sign them up for adoption never said it was a good moral thing to do i'm just saying it's a very valid solution are people incapable of washing their hands now just just wash your hands oh my god that at that point that's just it's like you got hit by a nuclear bomb while playing ps5 or something just vaporized it's not even october well that's you oh geez i was expecting this to be like a halloween cake but no it's worse than that sure i'll leave a cake in my fridge for about two to three months they don't you know they don't go off within a few weeks right ah cakes last forever oh even more cupcakes christmas time oh boy i love commercialism trying to take advantage of the holiday season meanwhile this has been like this for years not gonna lie i didn't know what i was looking at for a second but now i see it and hey if this eight wants to you know uh challenge the narrative of how it's meant to be i believe we should support it who says eight can't also be breakdances and doing constant head spins my school's bathroom stall evidence of a student lashing out their anger or lavish spacious crackpole design oh look it even comes with a bunch of little uh little inserts to hold it up for you found this in our school bathroom i swear to god it better not be another goal just to know an animal in society has been sacrificed for someone to make this kind of prank i have yet to fully fathom the exact uh purpose of this but i also think it's not a big deal seriously opie you don't need to ham this up this guy taking up four parking spots because i need to because i need to compensate for the size of my enormously small pp i think i married a sociopath the way my wife uses her magnesium supplements place your bets now does she snort them does she inject them does she mix them with some sort of weird meal survey says no she it's worse it's much worse maybe it's code for something what is she trying to say my first theory it's that she's a sociopath amazon what the frick yes what so i am so glad people are bringing this to attention i bought a keyboard online i didn't need a box that was four times the size of it at this point i feel like they're just trying to go through whatever boxes they have spare that they hardly ever use hi that's the nice bit of a soap you got left there to use oh and it's a value refill you know why because it's only valuable if you keep paying them extra money to refill it just not long enough bet you ladies have to deal with that a lot don't you all right my friends before we go it's time for some more fair nut shout out today's work is by lol why do i exist seriously guys i do worry for you sometimes please take care of yourselves this is their first fan art for mk they hope we all like it well we do ah we got oh oh nice chunky robin there hello i see he's currently being influenced by princess fiona's elegant singing skills and shrek oh look at his little daddy feet oh it's so cute i'm assuming lexi's the kitty which would make make me the fish oh wait okay i am questioning at first why i keep being referred to as a fish i'm assuming it's because that is a snack sized little bite thing and i'm the snack are we seriously making me a goldfish is that is that becoming the theme i don't know if i'm against this i'm kind of okay with it my name's jack the cat kibble thank you for your amazing work lol why do i exist seriously i do love this style of shading it's insane especially bro mk here seemingly insecure about their height that they need to wear like three little soles onto their shoe and remember as well if you'd like to see your own fan art in the next video you can always post it in the mk subreddit but for now that is the end of the now i hope you enjoyed your time here leave a like on the video as always if you did if you're new to the channel you can press that subscribe button dominate that thing ah make it your little play toy just with a little click my name has been jack the cat kibble and i will see you that's gonna be fan out of that i just know it i will see you next time bye bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 470,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: 9P0GN03yp54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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