r/Mildlyinfuriating | bruh,.. that's one colour

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blank page turnover for question 13 oh my god I distinctly remember all of those blank pages growing up in elementary school takin these tests and they always confuse me [Music] hello everybody welcome back to m'kay my name is Robin and today I figured I would get a little bit mad and head right over to mildly infuriating oh boy why do I do this to myself I don't know but let's get into it are those takis completely unseasoned are you kidding me you're not even allowed to look at your engine anymore all right we got all five copies of your Ripa teas and oh come on why it's like a millimeter farther down is that supposed to be a chocolate bar I mean I guess it's one way to do it not only is one longer than the other but they're completely different designs how dare you not bad my man you've got yourself a cool two dollars and 12 cents if you bring that by the recycling plan oh so please make sure you're drinking some water because looking at all that Jesus man you need to hydrate I would die that's it I would die either by my own hand or the Sun killing me every morning it's gonna happen I have no words the anger has grown too fast too quickly oh dear I'm starting to turn the color of the burner you knew what you were doing you giant a-hole and I can't get too mad about that one that happens every single time without fail so I just tend to punch my fist through and lick them to tell off my knuckles how much you want to bet they just ran out of the matching ones and said screw it that is not good did you just open those I take those back that's kind of dangerous whoo this crossword puzzle looks like it's gonna be a toughy Hey look man I'm sorry I just got so angry that I headbutt it real hard what is this seriously what looks kind of gross oh come on that's not that bad I've seen much worse come out of those wrappers okay more egregious packaging thanks kinder thanks so much no ice plane oh hey man we've all been there bulb went out don't want to go buy the right one screw it use what you got just like that guy with the floor tiles earlier did you really have to put wrappers on top of these delightful looking cupcakes why you got to ruin stuff like that man huh well you want to hurt me why do you want to hurt me oh I bet that totally ruined the experience of the launch for you oh man that is rotten luck you know what everybody put F in the comments down below for this poor bit click on world debt clucks then answer the question using the information on this page which country has the highest debt USA wrong the correct answers were oh that's such a crappy technicality seedless watermelon chunks large oh look at all those seeds in my seedless watermelon mother of God the mosquitoes they've learned how to break the barrier we're doomed how in the world am I supposed to chug my big box of flavor blasted goldfish now answer I can't bull crap man speaking of food anybody got that cottage cheese though the owner of this device turned off the dinosaur game that's unfortunate how crappy does your life have to be to not want to play the dinosaur game good okay why do you guys keep showing me bathrooms with carpet it's the most disgusting thing stop it I want to set the scene for you real quick you wonder why I think it's so disgusting pee carpet just imagine walking around on soap carpet you know it's pee why does this frying pan look like a portal to the twilight zone gee you're gonna have a great day I said it once I'll say it again one ply does not save you money well there's an ant on my screen what happened here what is that was that a pancake or something but whatever I'm too confused downloaded 14.5 mega bytes out of 14 five megabytes time remaining 289 days aha I see that all really adds up doesn't it I got nothing this is just terrible that's what my bike seat looks like after almost getting hit by a car oh ho [Music] the Fury's starting to come guys oh my god Fury's coming and it's not slowing down anytime soon you know what you do in this scenario you just walk right over the car click here to joy mmm man if only there was enough room to fit the word on the button correctly okay this is starting to become all too common with puzzles I feel like this is done on purpose no just keep one piece out it'll put some off be careful you might break your leg and not in the fun theater kinda way I don't see what's wrong with this picture it's just a couple of sandwiches you're gonna eat one of them because I'd really like one study this one the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep is called insomnia the correct answer hits wha oh I do not like how that looks deleted whoa that actually worked thanks oh wow this is all too common too isn't it we can't just make the text a little bit smaller can we just for you ps4 because you searched Xbox one thanks eBay be very very careful don't you just love the art of consistent design I'd like to thank Adobe Media encoder and Photoshop for breaking the mole seriously of all companies that should have consistent design across the board for their products should be Adobe random people who like this will be a millionaire someday well I'm losing money not liking that comment message failed to send the message to dad failed to send 601 days ago oh it's so close it almost fits perfectly except not at all who needs it sent it anyway I think it looks better looking like crap this bridge will be closed for one day between October 17th and 28th we'll let you guess which day what exactly is a test for because I'm incredibly confused by what these questions and answers are really supposed to be are you left-handed yes correct answer is [Music] Internet addiction the respondents email address was recorded on submission for this forum what's the addicted Snape leo Edwards hmm that's not right how old is Leo 16 again that's not quite right I edited this comment you'll never know why it got so many likes bad joke's on you I don't care the two figures are similar find ex include units in your answer x equals 3 centimeters wrong the correct answer was x equals 3 centimeters God the people that make these tests are so stupid I hate those people who start an argument with you but whine when you talk back and expect themselves to end the conversation well that's one way to do it I personally like to eat my tacos with a fork you shouldn't be sacrificing functionality for aesthetic especially when that aesthetic sucks my first job was at an IHOP this would happen to me sometimes and all I could do was stop and stare ahead while my brain was full of darkness the world was crashing down around me and then my lunch ended and I need to get back out there cuz I got some tables to clean you know mad a little bit of spice to your orange juice you know what I'm saying only the Japanese man oh yeah I've been there except the gym teacher usually made us the students untangle it oh my god you know as much as I hate this image you got to admire how impressive that actually is okay okay okay okay okay I broke the chains woman eats pasta with gravy now people want her banned from Italy yeah that's fair if only bananas had robust and natural biodegradable packaging of their own some sort of peelable skin perhaps oh man that makes me so mad wow that's all I gotta say Wow oh also I'm kind of craving spaghetti now for some reason how many Radiohead songs at least team I genuinely don't know if that's right or not Super Mario 3d World $10,000 whoa that's a good deal oh man you were so close to tasting victory but in the end you got another mouthful of dirt I'm actually kind of scared to know what that bunny in the middle is looking at that the others aren't worried about when someone sends you a five-minute video so you gotta wait five minutes to tell them it's nice my speaking ability 100% for chat 75% for a voice call 50% for a video call 25% talking and real coin Master Jordan we're making you a mega offer you can't refuse today's schedule check out this surprise you have full spins can you be the next coin master oh I was really hoping these we're gonna devolve into please play me please sir I'm begging you huh they weren't even remotely close I'm gonna put down $100 to bet that his friend works at the pizza place and decided to mess with him what a perfectly sized room for a large projection of some kind oh well we'll just use the laptop I don't know where this is but I'm never going there now issue history oh my god so many app crashes Wow a lot on the same day what's going on reddit how you doing hours 5:00 a.m. 2:22 p.m. tenants and visitors if you have exposed tattoos body art or body piercings do not enter this private property disobeying this rule is trespassing to enter everything must be covered all of it all of the time no that's not how that works a sandwich my roommate made me for a mildly infuriating lunch why would you cut it that way oh that is a tough break well at least you know never to buy that brand again well you're gonna have to consider that one a loss I'm sorry it's just the rules of the universe same speed oh that has got to be illegal in some way I've taken a lot of road trips and 90% of the road trip I'm stuck behind two of these guys how does a company even make this mistake seriously [Music] you gotta love how Amazon just doesn't have any packaging for small items well I guess no juice for you dude remember that photograph of the pigeon we saw a little while ago where he was following the social distancing rules yeah kind of sad when you're not as smart as a pigeon a place where family and friends gather to live laugh and love oh my god that's how you know this guy's a wait he's not a gamer what the heck if only that thing wrapped through your belt loops was being used to I don't know keep your pants over your shoes all the images that contain bicycles oh boy what you're gonna do I don't know why you needed to do this since it already rolls itself up when you're not using it youtuber Skyrim grandma announces she's scaling back streams for the sake of her health after receiving an onslaught of patronizing comments I don't know who you are or where you get your ideas from but there was no onslaught of patronizing comments but yes I am scaling back my videos due to my health most people on my channel are very nice I do wish you would delete this so it would go away you tell him surely and with that folks we have come to the end of another fantastic video if I do say so myself always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed it why not subscribe and click the Bell icon and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 666,713
Rating: 4.9518256 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: 4IFtonU9jmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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