r/Blessedimages | bruh... how?

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oh and you're snuggling up in her arm she's not real but that doesn't matter to you does it buddy what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash Blessed images look at that little fella he's just chilling don't bother this guy he's he's soaking in the sunlight he's having a wonderful time whoever stole the purple marker please return it no but why not hey Twitter I met this girl on a dinner cruise in Hawaii in 2006 we were basically best friends for that night so I need you all to help me find my best friend cuz I miss her and I need to see how she's doing now please retreat this so we can be reunited heard you were looking for me yo and the REO my god and be reunited that's amazing that's beautiful I love that that's so cute this pitbull pulled out her teddy to show it to a dog of another car to recoat my cool boy Oh sick that's awesome that's cute I got Kiwi a little I wish I had a little goth gf look at that that's awesome oh so cute man that birds getting a goth gf man that's awesome that's sick I'm like I fought over cute animals dude I love it I think is adorable draw your favorite Nintendo character in this and nothing else yeah turban Outfitters well there it is dude what a beard on this guy too I just washed my cow tell her she's cute you have a cow as a pet that's sick but are you gonna be able to keep it in the home once it gets done like full adult size that's my concern or is it like a little little little baby cow forever dude if there's like permanent baby cows you bet I'm getting one I'll do it as the greatest wedding it's it's it's it's PewDiePie and Marcia's wedding this was such a cute day dude um people like review realized they started out dating right and that's for all you long-distance people it works out it all it takes is effort and it works out that's beautiful man my dad in Peru is having a meltdown over alpacas oh look at him he's smiling he's smiling this was the absolute softest and most huggable animal ever it is an alpaca I just couldn't stop hugging it and kissing it and putting my face on its thick soft wool it's what was so soft in my face it kept me laughing that was the softest ever o7s time - just got back from the vet you guys know what my dumb dog did he sprained his tail from wagging it too hard this is the stupidest thing but he's so cute that I just can't help but not State I can't help but not be mad at him look at him when you're telling your grandparents about your job and they have no clue what you're talking about but they're supportive that's nice dear okay goodbye now primed and ready to bork okay in prison for bore King did you did you go to ham on the boar can buddy y'all work it out did you know after not seeing my dog for five months i Skyped with him last night and my mom sent me this after we disconnected oh dude oh that's amazing it's dangerous to go alone take this oh I'm not alone you know this reminds me of you guys know that Blue's Clues is coming back right and Blue's Clues is like my favorite show growing up as a kid it's what Tommy had to read Steve's in the first episode of Blue's Clues again you know there's this new season and it's it's Steve and Joe and their there's a moment in it where Steve is like hey I talked to my friend out there and for whatever reason that moment like a wave of nostalgia flushed over me and I just started crying am I like at my workspace dude like straight up tears I love Blue's Clues so much I hope that the new generation who gets this new version enjoy it as much as I did it's an amazing show a cat named Duchess surprises owners by giving birth to the rest of the Aristocats oh look at that hell yeah he sees my helmet and I wear it proudly look at you man you are wearing it proudly ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to get on a firetruck I'm tempted to just walk my grown self over to a fire station and just ask oh my god it worked dude that's sick hell yeah you're all smiles - that's awesome that's cute he's so happy about it I love it when people get to do things we've always wanted to do thirty year old man with special needs and nowhere to go gets taken in by his former teacher giving his first birthday Oh bro dude that's that's making me welled up with like man that welt up tear up a little bit wow that's awesome you can see like he's like genuinely like touched and a happy to imagine like living your entire life not being held a birthday party it that's crazy that's great I'm so happy for him holy crap Wow and it's a little doggie bag [ __ ] dude oh this is sick dude this suffer'd is gonna make me cry one of these days I swear to God like this summer this is gonna break me down to my most basic level bad man Obama we meet again it's been a long time this isn't the original photos though you know it's not the original had Batman and Obama but I don't like that the year on chatroulette that's a dangerous game you're playing chatroulette burb expand burb there he is dude he's expanding and you're squishing that little birds cheeks oh he's so cute he's so cute dude Birds are adorable man I don't care what you say birds are cute little creatures dude dude he doesn't want to be made into bread but you did it anyway why would you do that that's not cute that's mean why would you why would you make him into bread when he clearly doesn't want to be made into bread that's just that's just kind of cruel man my idiot furry son and I could just end it right there and have it be hilarious has one job at night Bork at things and make them go away easy right however a bear has learned that my furry son can be bought this is the third time he's been gifted deer bones in exchange for being allowed to access my trash and he keeps doing it I mean that's just nature at its finest buddy the bear doesn't attack the dog he gives in some bones and the dog grants him access I think that's completely fair that's just do that's capitalism one man's meat is another man's poison why Millennials don't bother me a boomers perspective he looks like a nice old man - this looks like the kind of old man who gives out candy canes that I'm like you know you go to your Grandpa's house and the neighbors are all happy and cheery he looks like the neighborhood's like here son here's a candy cane it's blue what a funky little duck uh yeah my dog ate it not an excuse I forgot it not an excuse my duckling fell asleep on my calculator prime excuse because it's a fact if it fits he sits and he sits so long that he wants to snooze look at that little guy oh man enjoy this picture of a cat extremely close to the camera thank you I will enjoy my dudes are playing chess and their ultimate friends with a lot of trust the reason dogs can't eat chocolate is because they're already too sweet and that's a fact jack don't forget it bro that's sick oh they're all curious in a way oh my god let him let him crowd-surf you've let him crowd-surf that's awesome dude that's that's great he's having the time of his life it looks like he's always wanted to crowd surf and finally got the chance to that's amazing this kind of stuff just brings me such joy dude it's little man oh that's amazing dude that's so cute that's awesome what does this thing mean basically if you crash your car you press that button it'll under the accident just for your car though unfortunately whoa that cat is all swirls that's gnarly looking dude bear doesn't want dad family gets dead bear and dad oh and they're snoozing together dude they're best friends that bear is like he's like come here you were my new friend I will snuggle you and he's like thank you oh man I want to oh dude I want to pet bear no one asleep up next to him I wanna tell him stories so when I was a young kid when I was younger I loved Winnie the Pooh which is also a bear and I had a plushie of it and my my mom when I was younger she remixed the Winnie the Pooh song so instead of Winnie the Pooh it was my first and middle name so it was Damion Lee and I remember that it was very cute my friend told me my wardrobe was too dark is this better I mean yeah it's colorful Sully wanted that's sick it's minecraft on a square disc who's that little guy who's that little guy is it a big day and look at that little artist what'd he make here whatever he made it's a masterpiece well I love them bro it's like a backwards Dalmatian that's kind of sick it's actually really cool I'm super into this that like this is a really cool fur pattern that's awesome and it's two puppies growing up to be best friends that's even better oh what's better than this just dogs being buds hey can you please write a silly joke in the pizza lids my six-year-old loves Joe is feeling unwell thanks well what's a dog's favorite pizza pepperoni and it's such a good artist too artists are amazing I love them all right like dude that's such a good piece of art that's awesome appreciate artists folks they work hard do that Shaggy and Scooby having a walk and Shaggy's all cleaned up no long hair he's got nice combed hair and a trimmed beard I like that very proper shaggy like man I got a job interview I'm just walking my son Scooby out to get a Scooby Snack my grandpa never got his high school diploma because he was drafted in World War two in his senior year he finally got it today oh yeah congratulations grandpa I made these you did make those they all look just like you say Elon Musk dancing around having a party who says he doesn't know how to have fun this guy's amazing I'm gonna stop you right there nice I love profile picture image reactions that's amazing that you did it dude you did it when your candles are fake but it's okay because your love keeps you warm stop making me mad that I'm single blessed images okay how about you just stop right there pal I've already been climbed on once with the with the Gulf GF bird and now birds again are making fun of the fact that I'm alone god damn it bro look at that dog he's God he is the keeper of the birds they trust him with everything even their secrets what are you selling man what are these guy by one you look like a trustworthy salesman Wikipedia's depiction of down low too slow as a work of art up high down low victim misses too slow with finger guns free kitten dude I'll take them he'll be my best friend named Maurice he'll have you know a cool tuxedo Maurice will be my best friend in the whole wide world what you gon do I'm just gonna eat some fruity pebbles that andy milonakis and fruity pebbles can I come yeah oh no who the other dude is but my heart wants to say Little John I know it's not Little John but I wish it was Little John but I know for a fact that that's Fruity Pebbles Andy Milonakis no there's no way that's not well that's got to be a little John that has to be Little John this man's just gaming what's wrong with this image there's nothing wrong with this image he's just gaming fear god Zilla I do fear Godzilla he's a big stinky Dino i chained him down while i went back inside to get my jacket came back out to a very good boy he loves you man he wouldn't run away Cerberus as a puppy guarding the gates to heck oh but that makes me want to go to hell just to see the little puppy and it's that dog's birthday happy birthday dude I don't care how old you are this is just cute He is risen the Toledo grace Brethren Church you know yeah he's risen American soldiers paying tribute to all the horses that lost their life in World War one 1918 and you know what bless them horses that's so cute - they made the formation of a horse man and that's a wrench feeding it's baby wrenches that's that's that's a--that's a blue-collar kind of cute Kasparov is conglomerating his pawns into a mega chesa Tron you can't stop a mega chesa Tron a hungry kid called 911 opit 'aa serve and protect he always protected but now they serve in piping hot pizzas I had to pick one you guys okay I got both thanks lil nos that's awesome it's very wholesome I love that I love this that's that's too cute when I'm an old man that's exactly what I want to do that's adorable just so you know there's like a lot of dogs in here and there are and I would love all of them equally why is this a blessed image just M&Ms the Soviet flag because I share them that's why I share my M&Ms the Mafia my hometown ran a pizza chain is a front and it got so popular that ahead of the pizza just stop doing crimes and they do pizza full-time now hey dude no they're always serving a couple of hot pies while you're doing crime but sometimes pizza is a commitment-- mayo a bizarre name arrested his name is buzz ow dude who was that many pop pop pop he was arrested because he got to keep the public safe I just found out that harvest mice love pollen so much of the often fall asleep inside flowers eating it and I don't know I just feel like everyone should know this and for if I pick up a flower and it's got a little harvest mouse in it I will keep that flower in my back pocket it's my good luck charm and that's my new frets my new best friend its names charlie low mouse guy this morning at 7-eleven I saw a lizard next to the coffee maker and the cashier said I know where is this just Marvin he likes the smell Oh No can you DM us with the store location you visited so we can check in on Marvin thank you know why I'm not gonna narc on my buddy Marvin's my best friend and that brings us the end of our slash blessed images and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you this is like the most wholesome episode [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,621,881
Rating: 4.9562802 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blessed images, reddit blessed images, blursed images, r/blursedimages, blursed images emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: IOqIwQArGek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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