r/Memes · this was the worst

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stop making so many multiplayer games i don't have friends hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy it's cougar here the va who's here to stay and today we're gonna be reading on through some memes just some sweet sweet memes i know that's not how it's said let's get to it did you see her she was hot babe people who have a ferrari don't look at other cars uh ferrari drivers i will protect my eyes from the cough cough when you're at a party and you lose your homies but a new group finds you and you hit it off dude straight up halo is great but no one played republic commando one of the greatest star wars games of all time go check it out passenger is seated on plane next to stranger who looks exactly like him oh what's up dude not much dude we fly together yes comrade coven19 got karen kobe 19 got karen's child ironic isn't it sky walker scientists find the rare cave salamander that hasn't moved for 2569 days gamers pathetic so pathetic as i stand up and take my seat with me if one teacher can't teach all subjects why is one child expected to study all objects elementary school teachers i don't have such weaknesses i am the chosen one she has a boyfriend everyone yes her cheeks are getting clapped every night life goes on move on your sims mirror eating the 54 replies gen z the covete kids the quarantines oh my we were all trapped inside we're so much better than everyone salesman do you want that cord no i want discord this one right here great pacific garbage patch now three times the size of france ho ho friends after being used as a unit of threshold measurement thank you so much zachary blows you have offended me eight-year-old me pretends to sleep my mom closes the door 0.02 seconds later you're going down mom let's not go into 2020 being fools phone flipped over means either you're hiding something or cheated no i flipped my phone over to let you insecure fools know i'm focused on you since she got such low self-esteem jesus christ cease fire stay back he's too powerful so you're just gonna post pics of random people and assume everyone will get the joke yes i am cause i am chad my mom thinking about who keeps using all the shampoo oh god hey seven-year-old me making potions in the bathroom yay i'm a magician hey perfectionist this is an 89 degree angle have a good day perfectionist realizing that it is a perfect 89 degree angle i'll allow it my friend when your mom bursts into your room to yell at you for playing video games but you're reading a book what's up mom why are you breaking down my door what are you doing making dicaprio mean aren't there like a hundred of them on reddit now a hundred and what yeah i dumped my ex-boyfriend because he was suffering from a serious disease he is healthy now how can i get back to him the lion the witch and the audacity of this snitch coming to theaters not in 2020 they're still closed teacher let's remove the third letter of your name for a game joey bart polo pete gary gabby angus tony brooke it's not fair baby elephant is stuck in the puddle and being eaten alive by hyenas the national geographic photographer knows that he cannot interfere with nature and save the elephant homie why they think we're cute just like we think it's a cute dog why how did you find religion egyptians this is one freaking nice kitty right here yeah let's worship it dude vampire hunter takes out cross atheist vampire are you fool when you live in a small country and see someone mention it on the it holy crap dude you know my kosaku wacky yakistan that's amazing what if mars has water on it because we used to live there and we messed up the climate so badly that we had to send an escape pod to earth with only adam and eve in it and the pod was the asteroid that wiped out the water on mars dinosaur extinction bring back the dinosaurs horse daily sleep 2.9 hours domestic students maybe i am hoarse maybe this the voice actor slash narrator narrator's a horse i i'm up at 5am recording this and i don't plan on sleeping oh wait my my dick is too small i can reset my wifi rather so yeah definitely not a horse down in gun three no okay try drugs okay don't mind if i do friend food can't fill the hole in your heart me oh you've never heard of cholesterol have you pal teacher there are three states of matter the smart kid knows knows plasma is the fourth state the quiet kid who knows about boss and steam condensate me who knows there are 50 states in america that i am the president of but maybe not for much longer wife takes off raw me getting boner why do you have a boner you've seen then a million times my penis i am a boat and this action was performed automatically please contact the maid with me metatatic i'm a penis going back to school writing an essay about your time in court scene oh god kill me actually it's been a it's been crappy but like hey dude my channel's hit over 300 000 subscribers in under a year not just that i started working at easy peasy it's been a pretty sweet year all all things considered i hope you guys are having a good one too back to the memes small low quality umbrella do you trust me six year old me about to jump off the roof with every cell of my body umbrella europeans aren't making fun of americans about covid what most of the dumb american memes are made by americans holy crap at least we're self-aware my uncle went to japan and a man liked him so much he made sushi out of him oh that's pretty sweet you find a new youtube channel they don't have an anxious 3d intro they have over a thousand videos last uploaded 12 minutes ago yes oh man if you want daily uploads check out easy peasy baby so many videos to watch and once you're done with all of them go check out mk and when you're done with both of those then they're ready here cougar i've got my own channel i'm doing among us and godzilla content go give it a watch i'm serious i got over 500 videos with no intro baby let's go let's do this everyone i hate masks they're covering most of the face and you can't have a proper conversation introverts yeah finally the world is geared towards me no one's near me and i don't gotta talk to him cats seeing each other dogs seeing each other hey buddy how's it going let's go eat some dog poo the loose paper in the backpack be like oh you're not gonna get me there buddy who are puberty did to my friends uh ooh i'm sexy now what puberty did to me booty hair hey this is the narrator again i still can't even grow facial here i'm sad repeat show cause no one laughed friend dude we heard you me i guess i'll just go freak myself then all right youtube asking to try premium please youtube asking to try premium now double ads mid-roll ads do it do it me throws ball my dog starts chasing nothing dog turns around me oh i got your ball there pal hey baby are you an orphanage because i want to give you kids i'm already an orphan kid and then let me be your daddy uh yes the negotiator when you're broken yet but grandpa was buried wearing a rolex all right gramps time to see you again i need to pay my bills cause there's no stimulus check your favorite game has a subreddit the community is friendly people offer useful advice memes are allowed jesus it's the perfect subreddit and the perfect subreddit reading channel is easy peasy and mk yeah yeah sex is cool but have you ever had an npc that has same speed as your character i don't think so my friend we will never know who the world's greatest spy actually is my god when your booty hair grows so dense diarrhea comes out filtered as pure water water treatment yes perfect russian drinking water comrade 2020 can't get any worse september what's going on here oh no internet explorer microsoft shuts down internet explorer after 25 years of service you were the best chrome downloader that ever existed carl come back to us i actually did like using internet explorer waiting children below 12 and adults above 65 eat free me great my dad turned 66 yesterday my dad you dare use my own spells against me potter you dare my friend my wife is pregnant this bruise i've had sex uh me it proves your wife had sex my friend i have to go make a call teacher today we'll be working in groups of four make sure to be in a group with people you haven't worked with before me and the boys whoa whoa whoa who the frick are you identify yourself dude i've never met this man in my life wait a minute who are you i'm gonna play a kazoo i don't even know who you are teacher calls me to the front of the class to solve the problem oncoming sneeze boner sudden urge to poop let's go buddy i have this exact issue with the middle one so many times in public speaking class yeah drugs are cool but have you ever drank water at 2 a.m you know it's even better drinking water in the booth after recording lines for easy peasy ah it's so refreshing i hate it when engineering students refer to themselves as engineers like you don't see med students calling themselves doctors or art students calling themselves unemployed i was murdered when you're in the shower and realize you forgot to take off your clothes damn i actually used to shower in my clothes when i didn't have a washer hey man it saved money and time how karen's feel when they're in a mask [Music] how i feel when i wear a mask all right partner hands up i gotta pay for some gas learning english for the sake of knowing two languages learning english to communicate with people from other countries learning english to watch movies without dubbing or film reader learning english for a wider variety of tutorials well learning english to enjoy some quality memes learning english to make fun of americans who can't speak other languages by the way cougar knows two languages oh her you're so hard my grandpa bursting into the room you want to know what has hard timmy me not now grandpa the war breaking news a new bubble wrap will no longer pop when you squeeze it if 20 20 wasn't bad enough why do you take this from me from the creators of please do not the kid two not animals the final of the trilogy it is for python to dog yes yes forbidden to dog man creates gun that shoots masks onto people's faces did someone say gun come here karen it's time to get a makeover baby this reminds me of homer simpson's makeup gun from an old simpsons episode he's just like bang to march's face listen kid i have much time the dumb guy forgot to turn on the heater again and you look kind of down wanna talk harambee's here nuclear bomb oh shopping well you'll say shopping hello friend that nose ring looks so good on you thank you it's mine can i have it i mean the nose not the ring why you want my nose because mine is gone who took it who knows laugh out loud that was good flirt flirth real good who dis dish and apple what's this disappear when the spotify family account crashes heavy metal stops country music stops holy music stops cantina music stops people who got vaccines are more likely to get cancer because they have a higher chance of living long enough to get cancer they had us in the first half not gonna lie but then we brought it back man dresses up in costume to embarrass wife on zoom call mad lad a hundred this has got to be a great marriage dude love is strong but the engine is stronger when your printer is low on ink and you print a document it's a zebra yes zebra me when i get a copy the exact same code from tutorial and it doesn't work oh come on what the hell you like kareem you suck over here by the way when am i getting ted three i need some relief in my life when you're at a family gathering and your cousin who's the only relative the same age as you doesn't show up i'm just gonna drink my capri sun in sadness everywhere i go i see his face oh dicaprio please make more movies genie you have three wishes by the way you can't wish for more wishes me and my third wish i wish for more genies to appear you weren't supposed to do that but okay i'ma let it slide because i'm a great president oh dear god seven you know me climbing to the top of the playground this is my territory now cute girls in a hoodie are better than hot girls in a bikini both both is good my friend you don't need to argue i'm i'm gay and also hi i'm gay and also i'm dead you fell for it fool you may have outsmarted me but i outsmarted your outsmarting dog lick lick lick lick lick ew that is so disgusting the dog who only wanted to express his love i'm looking at you through the glass i just wanted to love you karen not that any man ever will your evil lady how it looks when people use their phones outside how boomer media portrays it me technology fire bad girlfriend hey babe can you grab my pink bag sure hold on a minute pink or nike pink or nike well if you don't figure it out i'm making you pay for starbucks amazon just delivered a package during an active tornado warning bruh death standing we'll get your damn package to you no matter what you're weak i'm you i can do this all day i know you can steve i know you can enemy team my team we're a bunch of scrambled idiots oh sorry everyone sorry i had a stroke while trying to read that i'm good now i think okay let's move on my phone battery after two months my ds battery after 10 years whoa the porn sites in the star wars universe must have so many categories why looking confused dude that's just more opportunities to have fun when you do the helicopter thing with your dick and your girl says ew you cannot handle the power of spin jutsu height calculator tool input your height 172 your height is 172 cm the guy who made this program tech yes when you lose a game but your parents are sleeping okay i'm not going to scream pether agoras invented a practical joke cup that would spill wide all over person if they filled their cup too much oh that's kind of cool him with a half-filled cup while others are soaked wet nobody distant npcs and video games come on honey let's go for bike ride okay dad where's bike ha i will tell your manager you assaulted me you are so fired manager who saw it all police officer who was there from start judge seeing the karen in court for the third time why is there no flat ma society hi elon thanks for the question unlike the earth mars has been observed to be round we hope you have a fantastic day so is earth you idiots when your food sounds like a battlefield in the microwave but still comes out cold how how my chicken literally explodes okay u.s town rejects solar farm amid worries it would suck up all the energy from the sun what is wrong with you people happy new year it's gonna be a great year war scare coven 19. [Music] um by the way youtube admins if you're watching your boy cougar here just passed 310 000 subscribers you should totally get me in there even though i'm not nearly big enough to be come on please underaged me at the bar my dad with his secret gf my sister dancing topless okay okay i may look like kermit the frog but we can do this sensibly i won't tell mom i won't tell your wife just make sure you clap them cheeks and give your sister a tip that was messed up my irrational childhood fear hey man i watched are you afraid the dark i thought this or a ghost that smelled like sulfur was going to get me confucius say the man who asked a question is a fool for a minute the man who does not ask is a fool for life me who asks a question and gets ignored am i a fool or are they a fool damn dog i don't know what to say when you know a word in english but you don't know how to say it in your own native language oh my freaking god look at these little baby hands anyways it made this far it's time for another fun fact about cougar these fun facts aren't very fun because i'm a boring and ugly person anyways feel free to like comment subscribe let us know in the comments what you'd like see more from us here at easy peasy have a good day be good people and remember stay safe out there everyone
Channel: EzPz
Views: 185,084
Rating: 4.9088869 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, emkay, ezpz, ez pz, r/Memes, r/Memes top posts, memes, r/memes ezpz
Id: snkZuVgrYlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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