r/Confidentlyincorrect · don't think so buddy

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the doctor said i was anime huh not enough iron oh anemic anemia no it's anime learn to spell it yet yes animate perfect disease to have hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy my name is cougar today's narrator and we're going to be diving into a brand new subreddit to the easy peasy channel r slash confidently incorrect with that said let's get to it you are not here this is a cartoon the earth101.com earth is flat they're right we aren't in that picture that's andromeda ah yes perfect being japanese in english doesn't make you biracial unless you have one black parent and one white parent you're a [ __ ] it sure makes you a dummy japanese cartoons are all the same so name any and it'll fit right because attack on titan and pokemon are totally the same pokemon isn't japanese at least the show isn't pokemon also known as pocket monsters in japan is a japanese media franchise oh pokemon is japanese you don't say the leader of the democrats nancy is worth 248 million or billion i don't know i can't count that high why doesn't she put her money where her mouth is there are 209 million legal americans taxpayers above the age of 18 if you divide nancy's net worth by the number of legal age taxpayers we would each get 1.18 million and we show people struggling for eight months in the middle of a record-breaking pandemic a very six hundred dollars i think your facts might be a little off there buddy i stopped listening to you guys back in 2017 when y'all put on the worst performance i've ever seen singer was drunk and out of breath as soon as he started attack attack we haven't played a show since 2013 so i'm not sure what band you saw in 2017 but uh it was an attack attack that's a lot of likes trump paged if trump is impeached pants becomes president pence pardons trump and appoints him vice president pence resigns trump becomes president of points pants as his vice president liberal heads explodes see also snowflake shriek that's not how democracy works my friends but okay let's just skip on past that one the immune system doesn't need to be trained works well without toxic chemicals in food water air and vaccines the human race would have been wiped out thousands of years ago if people needed vaccines ah yes tell that to a smallpox friend not every job should have a living wage this is not healthy for society it is not healthy for someone making ice cream cones at dairy queen to make enough to live off of you want a society that actually can't live off these jobs oh my god i i'm losing faith for humanity in this celebrated guys just wanted to warn all the mummies xs i'm bloody furious my son's advert calendar has got guns and grenades in it how inappropriate i know it's paw patrol and their police and all that but still it's not right is it xx it's a it's a christmas decoration and a um ice skate see that right there just turn that gun upside down and boom you got a pretty little ice skate but your brain still doesn't work based off your spelling any use of tobacco products is prohibited in chapel hill parks and he used to because are prohibited good one bud the character tony stark was inspired by elon no he wasn't tony stark because if i'm not wrong has been around since like the 50s or 60s of marvel maybe 70s i might be wrong but no no not only do masks redo your o2 and increase your co2 intakes which makes you wheeze or gas but they also provide perfect warm deep breeding grounds for pathogens to breathe in that will progressively make you ill for those who don't want more respiratory illness job done absolutely none of that is true and you exact qualifications for stating that are a degree in medicine and fellowship of the royal college of oh god i can't pronounce that for which i was examined and respiratory psychologically and the mechanics of gas transfer i may be a dummy who can't read big words but at least i know wearing a mask is good for society i just want to go outside again moving on i really like ritz but it rung in god's eyes to see man and man or woman and woman it's one man one woman remember sodom and gomorrah he destroyed edem i will not support you on that shot um thank you thank you for the laughs stans a group of people trying to meet other people with similar interests while expressing this interest through shared morals love and creativity i don't think that's correct but i'ma let you believe that this will get you feeling festive cyclist spends nine hours creating merry christmas message on his fitness app merry christmas since when has christmas had a tea in the middle oh my god it's here's how you learn how to spell christmas you write christ and then mass there you go maybe i got wrong what they wanted to say but grammatically they is still treated as a plural not singular you will say what are they doing and not what is they doing if you are referring to one person maybe i got what they wanted to say but grammatically they is still treated as a plural what they wanted to say you literally just use it as a singular pronoun you [ __ ] he was darth vader before he put on the sued super wrong right there bud super wrong well technically he was darth vader before he put on the suit because he became darth vader the second he joined palpatine just shut up and enjoy the movies no one cares hi adam i have a slightly nitpicky correction you say that you can hear the grief in box piece but at the time composers didn't really put their own emotion into their music that wasn't common until the romantic area although we can't know for sure any feeling of grief in box piece is likely a coincidence yes music something created to make you feel emotions should it make you feel emotions because it's from a certain time period yeah yeah i believe that okay every book which wasn't me okay then i love this because there's obviously something very clever going on to analysis patterns of language but it is also profoundly ignorant yes ever rent many book i might be stupid but that sounds wrong to me i don't know about you guys in historic pic boyden taps healing as interior secretary ah we'll see the truth just wait you do realize that's the flag of liberia correct yes yes we will we already have but you people can't seem to get your blinders off and i can't get my flags right god bless america should i say lebary or whatever it's called science fell backwards is enochs and enoch was a device used by pagans to summon satan himself to brainwash children and turn them into literal sheep these pagans were called saiyan scientist oh my god today scientists use ethnic science to brainwash our kids hashtag mega hashtag flat earth why am i not surprised okay moving on canon just announced it'll provide the new cover vaccine to every canadian who wants it for free that's great just out of curiosity which country was that developed the vaccine wonder why thanks for asking ted the pittsford bionec vaccine was first developed in germany by a pair of immigrant scientists from turkey just so you know there buddy i enjoyed jamasca war at the inauguration for the record islam was around before homosexuality i think people should stop being gay before they stop following islam just my two cents you can take those two cents and drop them into the drain my pal also to whoever took this screenshot why do you have five notifications for youtube clear that out bud it's not hard remembering john today happy birthday john hmm okey-dokey the swine flu h1n1 and the attempted vaccine by the obama administration with joe biden in charge was a complete and total disaster now they want to come in and take over the greatest and fastest medical miracles in modern day history i don't think so h1n1 started in april 2009 three months after obama slash biden took office september 15 2009 four h1n1 vaccines were approved by the fda five months after the first reported cases seventeen thousand total deaths more than seventeen thousand died of coronavirus last week you gaslighting son of a clansman i am the greatest cle i mean president ever oh god let's hope the new year is gonna be better now friends to the person who messaged me yesterday with this i thought you should know that fine is spelled wrong it looks sloppy and gives a bad impression if there are spelling mistakes it's my actual name and have been spelling it that way for all my life so yeah suck a dick i i lived through this a lot because my last name was spelled differently than everyone else and my teachers kept telling me it was spelled wrong i'm like it's my family name i think i know how to spell it also i had a teacher tell me once my name was spelled c-o-u-g-e-r and if it's spelled ar it's wrong and i said you know what shut up and then i got sent to the principal's office buff dude i kissed 50 times more girls than you did me 50 times 0 equals 0. actually if it's 50 times 0 it's still 50 but 0 times 50 is 0. or is that a joke i can't tell no no no some people just don't understand math just like you buddy why the frick are you and that other white chick wearing kimonos you white people need to stop taking japanese culture also you took look horrible in kimonos it doesn't even match you it's a yucata not a kimono and two look right there there you go and proved wrong white hippie culture is me offering sunblock to a girl i'm working at a festival with and her replying no thanks the chemicals and that stuff are how the government gives you cancer while rolling a cigarette i worked at a surf camp for a while and always gave away free sunblock and i've heard this exact response and then saw them light a cigarette no candidate has ever won both florida and ohio and lost i won them both buy a lot hashtag supreme court wrong richard nixon won both florida and ohio and still lost to jfk yes he did also nixon did some things and was impeached like you know i don't know you might be mr trump some guy made an 11 hour response to my joker video oh my god holy crap someone said something i don't agree with so it must be about the video i made okay you know i thought it might be a response to me because they put my face in the thumbnail entitled it responds to jenny nicholson you go jenny me and her worked on friendship as witchcraft together back in the day as voice actors what she created i was i was in one episode never mind moving on she's not gay she was just saying that then to keep the creeps away now she says that to keep a high but private profile without having to get married and still keep the creeps away she's married to a woman lmfao she literally has a wife oh yeah dude you're wrong here oh because i'm blonde and pretty couldn't be smart racist blonde and pretty is a race now when you judge someone based on their appearance it's racism racism definition of racism by merry webster racism definition is a belief that race blah blah blah racist yeah racist indeed buddy shout out to england if you're trying the vaccine first well they don't have rights in england so they probably didn't have a choice you're not even allowed to eat unpasteurized cheese in the usa don't tell me you're right the only rights you have above and beyond the uk is the right for a person with a room temperature iq to buy a gun that is so true and very sad belgium japan tintin is english you idiot and also some bad thing happened to that kid if it's the one from fullmetal alchemist i'm thinking of oh god americans built this country and we don't need to import a third world slave class to make it successful imagine not realizing that your nation throughout its history has been successful thanks to cheap labor from slave indentured servants and immigrants and don't forget the atrocities we've committed haven't been able to come up with a vaccine for the flu but able to come up with one for a new virus in a matter of months there's literally a flu vaccine but if you're irish and you complain about britain erasing culture but can't even speak the language don't know crap about ireland before 1910 then just shut your cake hole nobody cares them being irish and not being able to speak the language slash not knowing crap about ireland before 1910 is a direct result of britain and racing culture you goddamn vitamin d deficient circus circus down i don't know what that means but i love it freaking world we live in today where men dress like that that's christina aguilera hey my dudes i wear dresses i will dress like this fabulously if i want to and you can't stop me world and yet the empire chose to discontinue clone said just one missing o can completely change the meaning of your sentence sorry if you're american i realize the american education system words to suit themselves but i'm pretty sure they still use choose with two o's but hey who am i to question the great power you're a [ __ ] he's talking about star wars after the empire was formed the clones served for roughly another 20 years before their rapid agent made them useless and the empire want a more controllable thing so they replaced it with only humans and were very racist against aliens but that's just me talking as a nerd and moving on all i have ever wanted from a yogurt is to know who the cows are notice how they named all the cows traditionally girl names there is a deep connection between misogyny and consuming animals only girl cows make milk milk makes yogurt also unless you're talking about back of the barnyard then for some reason otis a male cow in that movie had utters and it still scars me for life name a city in minnesota that does not have the letter a in it arlington did i do good daddy did i do good on the spelling fun fact nurses take the baby away from the mother for the first 12 to 24 hours because the female's natural instinct is to kill the baby so that they can avoid taking responsibility and they can go back to chad tyrone it's called post-mortem distress birthing i'm almost positive this is a joke but then i see the guy's profile picture and he's like i'm the joker of real society and he probably thinks this is real it is a coincidence the sun and the moon are the same size did you not pay attention during school the stuff they're teaching in school just flat out doesn't work like that the sun isn't that big hey bud it is also it's a star not a planet there you go buddy are you stupid the global elites they control the world you may not know it but it's your time to wake up you just said global globe refers to the round earth thank you you debunked yourself thank you my friend we will never rewrite the constitution of the united states of america if there wasn't a rewrite you wouldn't be a senator and also couldn't vote oh and i'd be enslaved you know sometimes i'm so glad i have dual citizenship to canada because i'm just going to leave america one day and these things are helping me get there faster i cancelled my students final and just gave them all 100 on it and i structured my writer classes around not having a final i don't know maybe we should just abandon the construct that is the final classic example of dumbing down of america a person too lazy to do their job they have a phd and you live in kentucky my friends my one teacher gave us the answers to all the quiz the night before the study offices no time in real life i think would say answer this problem but don't use the textbook that has to answer because school systems especially united states and regents and state exams are stupid and only a way for schools and government to control spending but that's just my two cents moving on what if instead of a vaccine we just were able to get exposed to a weak version of the virus that enabled us to build the antibodies we need to fight the real thing what if and hear me out hear me out instead of alphabets we use lines to create characters that when assembles could be formed into words we could call it alphabets or you're a [ __ ] because that's what a vaccine is this holiday i'm gonna stay in my trash can and avoid people i am old enough to remember when sesame street was non-political shame i know it's using what was once beloved characters to push an agenda sesame street was literally conceived and brought to life as a way to combat racism in america and bring education into the homes of children especially children of color your ding-a-ling sesame street's building blocks are political do some basic research ah just a fun fact away from the stupidity cougar here was actually on episode of sesame street as a kid and moving on i am agnostic who was raised catholic and i'm very much celebrate christmas not xmas or the holidays the x in xmas is the greek letter chi the first letter in the greek word for christ the abbreviation was created by medieval monks who loved to abbreviate as they had to write tomes by hand oh girls won't date me because of feminism part 2 of 19. you sure it's not the mustache or the leather jacket there bud let me do some quick math 500 measurement for israel population over 8 million that equates to over oh my god my friend i'm not even going to finish this because it hurts my brain too much to see you failed as hard at math just made medium rare chicken strips they're so good can't believe i haven't tried it like this before can't wait to dig in with the homemade salad and veggies um you're gonna get salmonella um i don't think so this chicken is not salmon yeah yeah it's not i swear the snitches do not know how to spell on the story and they'd be like 15. yeah yeah you're doing a great job can someone explain how it is so small like how is it both a bonsai and an apple tree i'm fascinating they bred an apple tree and a bonsai till they got the apple bonsai they wanted i can try to go into more detail but that takes a lot of brain power and i don't have that right now wtf dude wtf better fraud is not a conspiracy theory it is a fact this claim about election fraud is disputed okay you'll believe anything won't you the word is want learn to spell uneducated boarding supporter that's the best yet the word is actually won't love that you called me uneducated no stupid it's one you said you believe what you want to the proper word is one in the sent jesus christ you can't catch a virus it lives in the host you can only catch a bacteria look that up idiot incorrect you're wrong animal viruses cannot jump to humans they have to be injected into a human via flu shot if you never got a flu shot your entire life you will not catch the bacteria truth you're if facebook doesn't consider this level of disinformation to be terrorism they need to seriously review their politics mark zuckerberg doesn't care ivanka trump helped pass out boxes of food on monday at christ chapel in windy bridge virginia a very classy first lady i think you got that a little mixed up buddy every flu season about 400 000 die in the us from fl mostly elderly and people with illnesses like diabetes obesity and that's normal the number of people who die each year from flu related causes in the us is 8 200 to 20 000 source centers for disease control so where the f did you get that number from they changed the statistics since last march like they changed the election results trump 2020. i seriously want to know how putting oil in a tube and transporting it contributes the climate getting hotter seriously please what happens what happens to the oil after it gets transported charlie oh yeah hey man don't discount that cousin they'll probably be chilling together at some point uh probably just spell the word out properly please it's p-r-o-p-e-r-l-y when you use language like that it makes it clear that you're a bit of a dumb crap probably not properly uh i taught you a list doctors say rudy giuliani's white blood cell count was low but he's demanding a recount white blood cells because he is white i get it racist i suppose his blood cells would be yellow if he was chinese holy crap you're a freaking [ __ ] lmfeo have you i pray you haven't gotten a seventh grade yet or fourth grade i think that's when i learned about white blood cells jesus every time i use they to refer to a single gender unknown person on tumblr another piece of my grammar filled heart shatters and the pieces scatter at the bottom of hell they has been a singular pronoun for hundreds of years you melodramatic dip crap well actually no they is plural people use they when they should use he she or it yo dense motherfreakers the pronoun they is an english equivalent for the third person in deaf and singular and has been for literally centuries it remains a word i'm gonna murder morphologically and syntactically plural therefore you don't need to crap your little pantaloons at compromising your surely rock solid grammar rules i guarantee you every freaking time you've ever had to refer to a person of an unknown gender you've used they subconsciously the post clerk gave me a message for you oh what did they say but you only have a problem when people specify it as a pronoun for themselves because you're a craplord i freaking guess god this is going to be a fun subreddit people are freaking idiots my neighbor's kid just tried to tell me that bats are mammals mammals don't fly we walk and are confirmed to the ground no wonder my family in sweden thinks americans are dumb y'all truly need to educate your kids better bats are birds i held it together through all of that until i heard them say bats are birds yes my favorite bird look it's the night bird the bat anyways if you made it this far hopefully you're not missing as many brain cells as i am after reading all this feel free to like comment subscribe let us know we like to see more down in the comments below have a good day be good people and remember stay safe out there everyone and don't be this stupid
Channel: EzPz
Views: 122,706
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Confidentlyincorrect, r/Confidentlyincorrect
Id: 0HddAhAqDQU
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Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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