r/Me_irl | memes better than taking phone calls

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my mind is like an internet browser 17 tabs are open four of them are frozen and I don't know where the music is coming from how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash me IRL sorry I was late I spent 37 minutes in my towel staring at a wall when you realize you've gone the wrong way in public look at Phonak surprised turn around can I be frank with you of course Kimberly thanks mom of course Frank I had two very attractive Sims and they had a baby but the kid was hideous so I had it taken away then they had a daughter and she was beautiful but once she started school she brought a friend home it was the first kid hey this is Allan Cappy introverts precious alone time countless holiday gatherings you all ever noticed that the Washington Monument looks absolutely nothing like George Washington okay so it's not just me y'all ever notice that the Washington Monument looks absolutely like George Washington wait a second I put oil in my car and it's making sounds now like when I Drive 100 percent pure olive oil dad Mobil you better accept that or maybe don't he he might not be happy it's a prank roll em out calm down camera is there for me whenever I get invited to something me whenever I'm not invited to something what does naughty mean what Nonnie what what the Frick does not even freak mean I'm telling you what oh my whoa Martian dough nutty Millennials looking for a house in the city be like oh wow windows I don't think I can afford this place just going for a cig if that's all right no it's not all right now because smoking is bad for you and now you know and knowing is half the battle requests looking for videos where people cuddle without doing it are you okay yeah I just miss my ex what crime did this tree commit to be put in tree jail treason forgot me lighter no none that I said smoking is bad my boyfriend said oh my god my cat looks like baby Yoda and I look over and sure enough yeah that looks like baby odor when I talked on the phone at my house yeah I've totally done that last one on the bottom right person a drunken mind speaks his silver heart me drunk AF bees sugar cyber truck drivers be like me listening to the radio in January after the Christmas music stops mmm human music I like it when the group chat Lane you gotta get you're joking before the subject changes I've experienced this one plenty of times it should not be a radical idea to say that all cats deserve to have the appropriate amount of salami as a basic fundamental right not just the top 1% of cats memes in 2012 oh you found someone else I'm pregnant memes of 2019 don't make me come in a Melanie me after taking a mean-ass dump in the Home Depot toilet display girl my relationship is over me our relationship is what over Facebook memes are taking over Facebook memes are taking what over the perfect triangle doesn't exist 69 69 420 oh my god big ass spider in my room is now named cotton-eyed Joe because I want to know two things where did he come from where did he go update condign Joe has been located and terminated F be careful with the fans they aren't meant for phones that may cook your phone internally how are you cook phones they is not meat too many bills to pay not liking your current life don't know what to do become a crab no sunburns no sand and swimsuit regrow lost limbs lots of legs never get fat and no responsibilities Florida man stop street fight by running everyone over ah yes the negotiator when you break something and fix it just enough that the next person thinks they broke it the engineer well looks like you don't have any health insurance so we're gonna let you die okay fantastic thank you a man in Hawaii who came face to face with a shark while surfing survived by punching the shark in the face meanwhile I saw a cockroach in my bathroom and now I shower at the gym me who thought 2013 was two years ago 2020 when you're at a house party and your friends find you upstairs playing Lego Star Wars Jedi business go back to your drinks the mandolin at a party are you that guy who brags about weird stuff no I'm the guy who takes the longest baths in the city did you know your heartbeats mimic the rhythm of music you hear ten hours of absolute silence the original which day do you live in constant fear my best friend who's actually a pretty cool guy that I'd do just about anything for me for no reason streamer couples look like this you are not wrong a drink plus a drink plus a drink equals 30 a drink a burger and a burger equals 20 a burger fries and fries equals 9 so what is a burger plus fries plus a drink 695 wrong make value lunch 695 he is not wrong he's very much correct when you've watched so many Scooby Doo episodes that you immediately know who the bad guy is the problem of being faster-than-light is that you can only live in darkness Santa giving coal to the bad kids the bad kids the bad kids melting the North Pole Santa me barks to my dog my dog hearing me making six grammatical errors in just one bark rip in peace Eddie the sea otter that could dunk a basketball and suck his own ding-dong goodbye soldier me and the boys taking a quick nap because we're all introverts and need time to recharge before we continue our usual shenanigans McDonald's went from a happy kid to a depressed adult I think a lot of restaurants did like Taco Bell oops you added too much of butter sugar flour baking soda egg ground beef what if your mental health had yearly wrap ups like Spotify does this year you cried 1183 times hated yourself afterwards 617 times avoided 17 social gatherings you were invited to believe to 789 lies here anxiety told you vowed to try harder nine thousand three hundred and forty-two times yeah yeah I'm glad it doesn't when you flush the toilet a friend's house in the water starts rising I am therefore leaving immediately for a nap out where I intend to live as a goat why did you get into comedy people were laughing at me anyway so I thought freaking might as well start charging them pictures from the 1970s pictures from another planet pictures from any big surveillance it's true people having a normal conversation me trying to join the conversation if Earth was 10 feet closer to the Sun we'd all burn up people in airplanes someone has signed into your account yeah that was me no it was on another advice yes my tablet someone stole your tablet what no call the police Americans have literally no banter I don't know what country this is coming from but we've probably beaten you in a war at some point I'm American Civil War this is just every science teacher they they just get overly emotional about this kind of stuff hey girl are you the cups no why cuz you probably aren't here for me but I'm gonna act all nervous anyway plants emit ultrasonic scream when they are hurt researchers find vegans don't come on you know you're guilty me enters any quiet area my freaking organs place to intro that's good that's a good meme right there first days a cop me suspect is dancing naked through downtown dispatch copy that me I'll try but I'm not much of a dancer men it's so unfair men always die earlier than women also men Jesus Christ my brother wanted to show me his new tattoo oh my god no way maybe everything your own nice cat eats kangaroos is dead at nowhere and purple penguins every day my egg fiance kidnapped me wait a minute oh I don't drink just drugs from me thanks me falling in love with a girl God using her to hurt me for character development being 22 is so stupid and hilarious what am I supposed to do get married travel the world go to grad school write a book do meth I'll be sitting here miserably making Spotify playlist since pill I'm told what to do when your teacher shows your test is the best but you cheated the secret ingredient is crime me the idea of my skull being crushed by a beautiful woman's thighs most of the world oh my god it's getting colder I wonder if it will snow for Christmas Australians my worlds on fire how about yours by the age of 18 everyone has to choose their subclass watching anime having sex oh you're a feminist name every woman in very rare circumstances it is possible to see full 360 degree rainbow from an airplane target locked firing lesbian ray your chances of getting killed by a cow or low but never zero hey my name is Staff Sergeant char Boone ooh I think that's how you say that I'm the army recruiter for your school and I just wanted to reach out and see if you've ever thought about the army or Army Reserves I'm gonna keep it real with you United States military I'm not freaking dying for an oil company nice haven't seen that one yet top ten rappers Eminem was too afraid to diss I mean yeah you don't mess with GRU that's just that's just the rules your ancestors who were married and had three kids by the time they were twenty watching you struggling to walk past the girl this is a call-out post girls after masturbating I'll freaking do it again guys after masturbating God is dead isn't it started to remove baby Yoda gifts across the internet due to fear of copyright issues Oh No hi this says the left is correct and the right is incorrect but personally I think the bottom that's sets that's how you get maximum efficiency on the computer when you're trying to show someone a meme but they aren't looking yet so you're just awkwardly waiting for them to look at your phone when you're a woman living in the sixteen hundreds and you accidentally do math that's America I think I forgot something the people if you forgot then it wasn't important America yeah you're right that weird clown thing that happened but that's actually true wait a second you're off $50,000 but if you accepted the person you hate the most in the entire world gets $100,000 are you taking it yes why wouldn't I $150,000 I get it if your kid tells you they need any of these items for chemistry class they are lying hashtag back-to-school shopping hashtag I don't think so hashtag Thursday thoughts so mom scratches neck do um twitches so uh I need um a crack pipe for school I will never get enough of these cyber truck memes there's they're so good the world now runs on video game logic what's the first thing you do look at my stats to find out what the Frick is wrong with me hello vegans if pigs were so smart why do 66% of them build houses with ineffective stupid materials millionaire makes twenty million dollars in twenty twenty hires artist to make art for twenty five thousand dollars artist puts one streak on canvas millionaire thanks artisan has art appraised by an appraiser and his same circle of friends appraiser values artwork at twenty million dollars millionaire donates twenty million dollar artwork to museum to get twenty million dollar tax write-off millionaire pays no taxes in twenty twenty me at Museum this is stupid it's just a line on a canvas hipster next to me no you just don't understand because you're uncultured teenager is arrested after buying PlayStation 4 for eight I don't know what currency that is by weighing it in the fruit section and paying for six pounds of food at self-service till Wow that's uh that's a big brain moment boy translate these runes they say up dog father what do you know of this creature what creature up dog boy what is up dog not much father what is up a few eyes narrowing I will stay alert for this up dog 90s don't sit too close to the TV 2019 oh my god I'd never even thought about that old white man calls his son southern woman calls you honey black woman calls you sugar British woman calls you love mom calls you a disappointment yeah that's the ultimate compliment thing and well just like that ladies and gentlemen we have reached the end of our slash me IRL but we do have some fan art from reddit user Garban zony took me an hour to do this but I made Demian slash Zack as young Joe Darrell hope you like it Joe thought oh this is awesome I really like this I haven't seen too much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure but I I've watched enough of it I know enough about it to respected and I respect this very much this is very very very awesome thank you so much for your submission and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bell see you notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,393,988
Rating: 4.9467597 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: Fpc6Ti-ndgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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