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when you're trying to remember if you dreamed it or if it actually happened and now you're questioning reality itself whatever happened to predictability the milkman and paper ball evening TV good morning easy-peasy I'm your host David the Baker and today we're gonna be looking at our /me in real life let's go first year of depression ten years of depression slow-motion kickflip now that's how I like to fail how eight year old me thought I would look at 20 versus how I actually look at 20 upgrades people upgrades you thought you were gonna be some work and stiff know you're the chip goddess Master Oogway for 20 there are no accidents how the heck are you verified as Master Oogway like you said there are no accidents where do you think Master Oogway disappeared - he went straight to corn hub you've aged you can save this cake by adding well well you've aged forget murdered by words now you got murdered by cake oh yes the dog oh soul hmm oh boy time to be alone with my thoughts okay that was fun time to lay down people who watch anime me who also watches anime shut up nerd me when I see the guest annoying kid touching everything in the room why you little but alas you are a guest in this house I'm overly aware of how annoying I am and I don't know how to frickin stop whoa it's a little too close to home when you're outside of the disco calm when you're at the disco panic i chime in with the haven't you people ever heard of doctor my back hurts when I get up in the morning then get up in the afternoon then but the medical bill is $3,000 it's funny because it's true and it hurts because it's sad bank robber everybody get on the ground or I'll shoot tell her oh no customers oh no guy who does CrossFit really wanted to talk about CrossFit but realizing that it's not an appropriate time oh no you know there's always one of them you can never escape the CrossFit junkie barber what can I get you guy give me one such that Louise it's a lot of math barber say no more fam you know what that's a pretty nice cut I definitely couldn't rock it but it's pretty nice do British people really eat beans on toast as a meal in America is everyone ignorant it was just a question dang no need to get hostile go eat some beans on toast I changed my mind about having kids I'm gonna have one and feed it to this bear cuz I love them so much geez Louise how do you feel about using toys in the bedroom oh my gosh I thought you'd never ask you know she doesn't look too happy I'm not gonna lie when you play RPG games and you just put on the best gear you find at the moment let's see we got Batman's mask Superman's cape Hulk's arms spider-man's hands Wonder Woman's torso and it seems to be kept in Marvel's legs you know I probably would have taken the Flash's leg so you can run super fast but hey this is a cluster fluff of information to begin with me washing a big knife my brain stab yourself I'm sorry what the sun bearly up Birds everybody wake up right now I love you I have a boyfriend you are so beautiful you deserve to boyfriend ah yes the negotiator you know I wonder how this worked out for him I wonder if she was like you know what I am beautiful and I do deserve two boyfriends come here you hunk when you go into incognito mode and you have to type in the entire P Hub URL in the address bar browser you new here me not exactly cargo space car no do that cargo Road six-year-old me watching Cartoon Network when it turns 8 p.m. I got to get out of here hello I came here from YouTube because it had too many ads pretty good site so far but I can't seem to find any cat videos mostly all I can find are people having sexual intercourse any help I can just imagine cat metal looking up cute sees and getting so disappointed see nothing good check it again tongue we're bored I said check it again I want to look again but with lower standards ah it really do be like that you didn't have a childhood if you didn't put one of these bad boys under your leg in the pool and pretend you were surfing and then it shoots out of the water like a torpedo and gives you a Mike Tyson uppercut from hell oh my goodness yo I used to do this all the time and I always got hit in the face I just never cared me and childhood without any reason you brought back memories I forgot I had with this is it bad to say that I still do this no good Cody you could not use pizza labels as nametags Cody be like hi welcome to the pizza place how may I help you my name is deluxe sausage click here to watch college teens get screwed really hard ok your student loan is approved your interest rate is at seven point zero eight percent as a college student myself this hurts to watch me planning what to say in every possible conversation before making the phone call see you can plan all you want but then they always throw in the inevitable thing that you didn't plan for it's madness it's all madness when I was younger I thought cops were legally allowed to commit crimes and get away with it then I got older and found out that that wasn't true and then I got even older and found out that it was want to order pizza I don't eat cheese crow of judgment for medical reasons lol you should have stated how weak your blood line was in your tinder bio the crow of judgment disapproves four year old me seeing a leaf with high crunch potential twenty four year old me seeing a leaf with high crunch potential you see I know exactly what you're talking about on me I'm the exact same way me and my crush talked about her crush last night oh can we get an F in the chat please media there's absolutely no positive lessons you can take away from video games Dark Souls H only affects appearance and has no bearing on ability gender has no bearing on ability everyone has imperfections prejudice births malcontents become a dark spirit time for crab ah yes I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for time for crab getting followed on Facebook getting followed on Instagram getting followed on reddit getting followed on a dark street Oh No my dead relatives watching me whip out my meat for the seventh time in one day elephants are smart I said he was smart and found a way out of his death elephant you're clearly not smart don't give an F not my mother tongue your mother's tongue is on my balls and here comes Willie Till with a double decker knockout why don't they make bulletproof vests at a diamond if it's hardest metal because it's too heavy one gram of diamond weighs like 15 grams maths nothing my wee-wee at 3:00 a.m. very hard the world would be bleak without door - drivers hey they're all added lasagna lasya lay Sagna the that Garfield eats when you're drunk at a party and you pass a mirror well hello who are you here's my kid dusty working on the pole to help pay her vet bills somebody come Gator she dancing like a stripper with great power comes great electricity bill hey I mean that's technically true maybe that's what Uncle Ben was trying to tell spider-man 6 year old me drinking apple juice from a fancy glass I don't know what it is about that fancy glass but it makes everything just tastes so much better Jeff I think you should play the role of my father I don't want to be your father that's perfect you already know your lines oh poor guy guys I forgot Mike Wazowski only had one eye I was so used to seeing the first picture and that everyone is the power of memes top 5 5 s number-one 5 oh gee I can't complain number to the written out 5 number 3 5.0 number 4 square root of 25 number 5 this guy right here he's underrated in my opinion no hate these are just my opinion piece 4 year old me falls down and starts crying my dad hits the floor why did you do this to my boy 4 year old me happiness noise the dad's just punching the concrete like I will avenge you son you can't do it freehand I can and I will this isn't the time to be showing off strange oh but look at that s it's beautiful it's perfect its breads day my dudes no image has ever described my life quite so well we must stop eating cried toad as he ate another yesterday someone pointed out that screaming screw during this is the same as screaming parkour while you parkour and I haven't been the same since hey wait up no no he's got a point the only bad thing about garlic is all the paperwork you got to do before you can even cut it up oh look at that layers and layers of bureaucratic BS what are you guys talking about I eat my girl lick with the paperwork what you guys don't garlic with the paperwork what are you some kind of weirdo Anonymous hackers fill Isis social media accounts with gay corn again haha it's even funny on the second time there's a German word for when things go smoothly many times but go wrong exactly when people are watching you know I can't pronounce this word but this happens to me all the time after 10 minutes with the girl filter on snapchat I finally understand why girls take so many selfies it's fun to take pictures of yourself when you don't look like a literal human garbage bag playing Google Docs how the heck are you playing Google Docs what are you talking about that's my favorite game any video game here is a limited resource that you should be careful not to use too often me never gonna use it gotcha game no me horde like a dragon loud and clear and then the game ends and you never use the special items and you're like God dang it I just want to see the goth waitress at Olive Garden again wait a second is there a goth waitress at every Olive Garden because I know exactly the person he's talking about my 20s 1920s 20 20s what do they all have in common the Great Depression roses are red guns are lethal trapeze artists with diarrhea craps on 23 people Oh No teacher how do you read your own handwriting me I was there when it was written technically the truth remember when life was just as simple as hating Twilight or not hating Twilight oh yeah I remember these times it was either you hated Twilight or Justin Bieber or one of the two who the eff is homophobic in 2020 how are you all afraid of homes you seen the cost of homes I know right the housing market is a mess be kind to others you never know what someone is going through I'm okay horny warning it's clear to me that all these hot single milfs in my area aren't taking this quarantine seriously yeah guys that's why I don't go on hot dates with attractive people it's not because I'm not invited to them it's cuz of quarantine right sometimes I say huh then answer the question before the person even repeats themself I'm not deaf my brain just be like in like a 2005 Dell desktop me too man me too well everybody that's my time I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to hit the like button down below and oh if you're new to the channel make sure to hit the subscribe button a notification belt to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads I'm your host David the Baker and I'll see you guys in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 56,830
Rating: 4.8993211 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: _U6z8AonfL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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