r/Me_irl · memes that are relatable

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me calmly swimming in the ocean me seaweed Oh God hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm Kouga and today we're diving into oscillation ERL let's get right to it he saw his feeding the Ducks and pretended to be one well look at the cute little pup err or should I say Tucker quack bring me bride finally put up the 6g tau in my town only one tower every rule them all and it's Sara on and we're all gonna die them dude act natural me high AF okay you think I look natural nice and I fit in with the other giraffes brow we're gonna get so lit my love oh I hate myself I'm better than everyone I hate everyone everybody is better than me haha endless cycle of torture or should I call it square of torture or cube it's confusing me literally me all day versus me at 3:00 a.m. hey man it's 3:00 a.m. and I'm in the booth recording this so yeah that's me and then the catcher sends a button you to be honest I played a cello like a guitar and surprise surprise it sounded like crap that's me playing the guitar too buddy so I feel you six-year-old me in the corner of the pool spider-man spider-man side of a pool soldiers name the US army tank crippling depression oh so it's named after my condition when the game shows your custom character in cutscenes bork bork ignore me I'm normal gamer well he wasn't always stay until my dog nearly drowned my sister there's not enough for both of us in this family Lisa go to sleep the darkness Jake you Komodo dragon attack spore go did you just assume that goats economic status how dare you for all you know he could be the king of all goats and the guy who did all the side quests first the first boss I'm so sorry terminator senpai the temple should be on top because Kronk is looking down no no he's got a point you all over be laying in bed and just start doing this yeah I do it's good stretch for your back also nice art exhibit the biggest introvert problem my face has got to be being asked on a loop if I'm okay because I'm quiet when most time I'm just in my own little world thinking about how much I love garlic bread for me it's how much I hate my life but I'm an introvert and I love it remember one of my shirts I haven't seen in a while oh geez Rick I seen it was my favorite shirt man yeah sex is cool but have you ever spent an hour looking for a song that you only remember one lyric from and then finally find it yes I have and it's the first ruler in the world ineffective facemask bingo you know if I still worked at a gas station I would definitely be playing this bingo as long as bingo with my life at the same time are you going to sleep yes I am it's 4:00 a.m. now shut up it's good helps you sleep though me and my son doing his math homework what is common core it's broken when you get cornered by the school bully so you send one last text your minecraft girlfriend but his phone vibrates dah dah dah this is a thousand times better than any Hollywood movies twist ending must have been directed by M night Shyamalan I forgot the word for butchers so I googled meat man and god bless the internet I am a man of meat right to a staff told me and that one at the bottom is just terrifying traditional meme template may be increased structural clarity of reading the meme left-to-right wait yes imagine having ADHD in short-term memory loss once you get distracted it's all over what what are we talking about wait what where when how huh why do people like feet not king shaming just wondering what about feet makes them so attractive to some people that must be something from the US here in Europe we're more into meters hey what can I say I like me some sexy meters Mexico Mexico in American movies we add a nice orange tint because that's what it looks like moving a picture in Microsoft Word you the blue it actually does what you want mess up whole document ah yes yes that's what happens what the fading you might be seeing you're gonna eat me I'm gonna die I'm still here buddy I'm gonna watch you as I die I used to read three to four full-sized novels in middle school now I see anything longer than a paragraph and bounce I'll miss your brain cells can't believe you peaked at age 12 I guess mine f2 Jesus I made a new emoji that I call mild panic yep that's fair it's really worth it make it stop sorry buddy we need our milkshakes here in America may imagine from my mind chef 3,000 blocks from my house how the hell did I get here my okay Jesus you walked on water I'm sure you can just dive into a pool here I go I got this I got this oh wait I walkin wanna no no no no Jesus the miraculous Jesus Christ when you convinced yourself to finally go out then realize it was some snake and you'd rather be home yes I sure loved drinking in public with no one around me my sister explaining why I shouldn't have eaten the brownies in a room me if you get a bigger bed for your bedroom you have less bedroom but more bedroom so 2 inch murder Hornets are big but my two inches are small yeah okay once things with pain and the other with disappointment hey Elise yours isn't so small that you can restart your Wi-Fi router with it yeah and now yep hmm one two three four five six I wonder what they could be yeah let me just pick three uh hug oh the rest were anal yeah still a good time normal people on mushrooms me on mushrooms hey who crapped my pants dude my friends coming out of quarantine with new skills and deeper relationships me with depression and a moose - I feel you haven't gotten a haircut in like six months help and I've got no new skills you need to start liking manly things starts liking manly things dad I'm shooting my it's impressive bro let's go to that place with the naked women and get boners together I just heard my mom say you're very naughty and then meow and then another softer okay but next time there will be consequences and then another meow and then you're right probably not yeah yeah I talk to my cats too and people think I'm crazy I'm not crazy Neil deGrasse Tyson puts Jeff Bezos net worth into of new perspective if Jeff Bezos put all his money up his booty he would need a really big boot a needs glass at 16 gets her glasses need glasses at 16 video games every woman's biggest nightmare is late marriage mine is sitting on a toilet and hidden snakes attack my vajayjay but okay as a child I promised my mother I would win the Nobel Prize in Physics 50 years later I said to my mother see I have kept my promise I won the Nobel Prize no said my mother you promised it would be in physics Nobel Prize in Literature whoa this is worthless dude nobody Elon Musk reading the back side of his wife errata delicious finally a good freakin name I have a question for you yes are you pro-life or pro-choice what do you mean I am just no more Korean North America compared to Jupiter how they get North America out there am i dying in space right now Norton AntiVirus has detected a virus on your computer Norton AntiVirus I'm sorry myself I've got to put you down 1957 1978 2005 I got a boy truckin hell how old is that chicken what's really scary is like oh god we're eating this people they got old oh that's gonna be me in one year a bird landing on my girlfriend's head that ain't no bird that is an omen of death that bird looks like it's gonna Peck her eyes out I'd run during sex call me names Optimus Prime did I do good how did you get here so fast you were walking I was power walking what'd I tell my parents parents please don't tell Mom please fire air water earth the pasta kuba de Gotha t the pasta bending when you're watching a movie and people keep asking questions instead of paying attention Lisa I'm trying to watch air but here I don't care about your conspiracy theories about the film the volume of a cylinder is found using the formula V equals PI R squared H using PI equal in five are equal ten and H equals ten find the volume of V hi is what what caption this tomorrow I'm going to wake up early and workout mode a pigeon with the head of a horse and the body of a horse let him fly and soar as the horse he was born as picks our animators making the moms but hello today and I've got a complaint hello please describe the problem what the hell it's it's sanic as pizza when you buy a game a few months after its release and play online for the first time I'm gonna get it in the Papa I watch his corn this intro is taking too long skips one minute they eaten Bodhi now I gotta rewind because I'm obviously missed a key element to the story here how am I supposed to immerse myself in corn hubs premium content if I don't know the story when I grow up I want to be a princess sorry kid boys can't be princesses you can be anything you want let me teach you something about monarchy you reactionary a little crap read YouTube progress bar great YouTube progress bar okay oh god oh god the photograph I took of this bird in sunset looks so peaceful am I hired does that bird look like a rabbit on skis in the middle of a long job oh my god I'm going for it man I'm going for the jump baby no one showed up to my pet raccoons pool party Tito the raccoon is no longer with us and now you've officially carried it too far buddy jeido was innocent ramsey please help me change my restaurant okay but we need to make some changes no no none of that guy that list side effects of medications and when I'm singing rap God redbull was founded in 1984 planes in 1983 a Red Bull it gives you wings that's what jet fuel was made of apparently would you like a soup or salad a super salad I'll just have a regular salad please alright haha a regular salad for a regular man I am NOT Superman what I am Clark Kent mom me family talking about religion yeah that's probably best me looking for spelling errors in the meme about to post me looking for spelling here's at my final research paper games whose daily rewards reset every 24 hours games who daily retweets reset at midnight oh it's so excuse reset selfie with Ronaldo tell me about yourself what are some of your hobbies me realizing I've done nothing but look at memes and refresh the same for apps since 2013 quality where was [ __ ] Foofa dude on a forum that had the same problem 12 years ago me I will do your bidding she's broken because she always believed he's okay because she lied suberin best always behave huh schrödinger's flood where I am both totally kidding and actually flirting depending on whether or not you're into it the human body is 90% water so we're basically just cucumbers with anxiety science person yeah I'm a cucumber that's the press can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that we grew up with this and not this yeah this was actually this reboot was kind of funny especially how they made Daphne like really stupid but it's look is disgusting it looks like that episode of Family Guy did you know if you press on the gas and the brake pedals at the same time your car will take a screenshot I'm gonna try this right okay that didn't go so well I'm a little dizzy I think I gotta go to the hospital fourteen-year-old kids when a five-year-old calls them sir that just right I am a sir now everyone gangsta til the 5g tower starts walking Oh God it's spreading Kuroda on mobile now if we date don't worry I'll protect you it's dark I'm scared don't worry baby I've got this stomps foot sketches light up that's right that's why I still wear sketches baby me first slice of sliced bread second slice of sliced bread actually the best piece is third cuz ii still got some of that like extra crust on it gross smart student teachers students who really need help oh please I just want to have the question I wonder if he's thinking about me I could totally snipe that guy from him I could do it people on social media that don't post anything it's right I'm watching you Congrats it's a boy I have a son now he's so cute what you want a name and name mmm Optimus Prime please how to learn anything 10 times faster I speeded the video of times 1.5 so that I could learn it 15 times faster that's a lot of up votes right there the real ones know about the struggle mule this isn't a struggle meal this is a childhood delicacy french toast take it easy truck your job money is fake society isn't natural and the Sun is going to explode that's me cool dog over here with the cool facts drawings like these and textbooks are one of the things I missed most of school you son of a snitch I told you I drew it you're next I did this once and I got detention for a week for it bro the office is actually really funny you just have to watch it again bro please bro believe me you have to understand complex humor bro how are you not laughing he spilled his chili please just watch it again I promise it's so funny bro like Broadway it's my entire personality on tinder dude how come you never sit and socialize with us sits with family gets insulted my entire family goodbye everyone I'll remember you all in therapy imagine training like the military for 10 years just for this to happen I mean this guy does kind of look like MO and the fat one from the Three Stooges I don't remember but that's funny when you clean your room so well that the only trash left is you oh yes this is perfect now I just have to go into the trash try drugs okay I will I will send pie to give an idea how fricked Australia's post is right now with Corona I paid for 1/2 two-day shipping and the item is 30 km from me the estimated delivery date is 5 days away the average speed of a turtle is 0.2 74 km an hour it will take the total 4.6 days to reach me a freaking turtle might a turtle might hey keV how was your weekend good i watch TV for 14 hours meat Oh keV me too 18 year old me laughing at it it's stupid I was 10 year old me 25 year old me that yeah idiot I don't understand why my husband has to pay for UFC fight when he could just throw one piece of candy I'll come forward what about three kids you want to go upstairs sure us pretension why what's up there this is the monster things I hate vandalism lists irony list repetition inconsistency when you played video games at 2:00 a.m. go get'em people a 69 go get them but if someone from our Gen Z population doesn't open a square themed food restaurant chain called dine craft then what's the point my Opie do you take constructive criticism only in villager noises well if you've made it this far you probably don't hate me from me and everyone ain't easy peasy thanks so much for watching feel free to check out the other videos on the channel leg come subscribe let us know what you'd like to see more of in the comments down below and remember be good people and have a great day
Channel: EzPz
Views: 91,932
Rating: 4.9130244 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: kQ-DKqMxroA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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