r/Me_irl · uhh,,, crossing the road

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how did people in the middle ages know what skeletons look like edit i forgot about dead people spooky scary skeletons and shivers down your spine hello hello hello hello hello and welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be looking into r slash me in real life let's go cop you been partying tonight me no don't you have any friends yeah i just hey jim this guy's a loser lol john cena surprised a seven-year-old boy with cancer on his birthday ah come on john cena that's not nice and can we just bring up the fact that surprising a kid with john cena is the dumbest surprise ever you're gonna be like hey tommy i got a surprise for you you open the door john cena steps in no you can't see him he's invisible so what are you gonna do how many genders are there i don't know i just got here that's sweet epic bug facts you don't know any elderly people named justin oh my gosh you're right you mean to tell me there's no old people named justin for what reason does every apartment complex have a dog weight limit of 20 pounds i can promise you my 90 pound golden retriever is a hell of a lot better behave than karen's seven pound piece of crap devil worshiping chihuahua and that's on period i hate when people ask me what did you do today like buddy listen i woke up at noon and then it was 5 pm okay i don't know ouch you didn't have to attack me like that laziness random motivation at two in the morning more laziness hey it is what it is it is what it is perfectly good leftovers me at 3am yeah block of cheese me at 3am all right when the page is taking over the load so you hit the reload and just at that exact moment when you hit reload it finally loaded the anger the betrayal come closer i need i need the lockdown to end so i can go back to staying inside and playing video games without the rest of my family at home oh my gosh i know right it's so annoying me pulls the loose thread in my shirt that part of my shirt i called my friend just now and said i have a joke for you friend okay shoot what has a tiny wee-wee and hangs down i don't know what a bat now what has an enormous wee-wee and hangs up i don't know what click oh my god this is not a bad joke jeff this is the pinnacle of comedy lost unicorn if found please stop doing drugs but how do i know that this isn't a drug induced fantasy lu hing tasting starts at 4 30 you're welcome lu hing thanks did you just thank yourself lu hing yeah gotta give thanks where it's due that's right self-love i'm all here for it the mango seed after i'm done eating if you've ever eaten a mango you know exactly what this is about can i take it off dad just a bit longer it's not quite ready okay that's enough are you ready to talk now please just let me go i'll do anything seven-year-old me seeing an x in math 17 year old me seeing a number in math there's no point in life where math isn't confusing alright i'm just gonna tell you that now capable is my middle name i thought your middle name was the as a guy whose name is david the baker i relate to this so hard oh ice king how do you taste and nice i guess mild or spicy kinda lonely unacceptable i can't do the accents right but hey i love this show and i love the ice king your brain tricks you into seeing yourself five times more attractive in the mirror than you actually are me rating myself a 4 out of 10 just to find out i'm actually a 0.8 out of 10. when you want to take a nap but the nap doesn't want to take you please i just want to go to sleep when you live in a bad neighborhood but you know everyone oh look at this goat he has no fears kudos no hair no makeup just my photography am i the only one who can still see her hair no no no she's just that good at photography that hair magically appeared after she took the picture it's crazy program is not responding issue resolved 317 clicks has corrected the error all right don't you hate it when you offer help and the other person says yes i know it's so annoying the original version of this meme oh wow look at her face she's really like i might cheat on my husband one day and it might just well be with you oh boy oh boy you mother flipper you're the reason i have to put one two three in my name things were getting heated in the swiggity swooner house i just found my old diary when i was nine and by god was i an idiot dear diary guess what oh and she wrote in what today is fourth of july goodbye 2007 hello 2008. you know what i'm just gonna say this not every kid was meant to be a genius all right that's all i'm gonna say if laziness was on the olympic games i would rank fourth so i wouldn't have to climb the winter stairs who are you who are so wise in the ways of science no but really this is some next level laziness props to you my friend just said that tonight her boyfriend quietly got up from the couch went into the kitchen measured out all the ingredients to make pancakes made one single pancake sat back down on the couch ate it quietly and did not even ask if she wanted one who in their right mind makes only one pancake for all i'm concerned this boyfriend's insane cleaning my room and i completely forgot about the jar of pickles i hid in 2015 thinking haha imagine finding a jar of pickles when cleaning your room this wasn't funny why did i plan this i don't know i thought it was funny my mom took me out on a picnic because i was crying oh that's sweet my mom used to give me something to cry about when i would cry yeah i'm not gonna lie whenever i would cry for no reason i definitely didn't get a picnic but hey kudos to you for having some compassionate parents the character hi the player hey my name is pond james pond oh cool dog paw shoes i have these lol it's so funny to see my neighbor blame the dogs for crapping on his porch whoa hold up now wait a minute restaurants in 2019. oh i hope you enjoy your meal restaurants in 2020 take this crap and get out oh how the times have changed pattinson's batman will be so raw and not sanitized says cast member peter sasgard the last thing the world wants right now is raw unsanitized bat oh you thought covet 19 was bad wait until covent 19 2 comes out you guys are gonna hate it some people have a girlfriend some people have a boyfriend i have a rock in my shoe guys can we stop walking so i can get this rock out of my shoe classic me whenever some girl touches me by accident i suddenly became aware that my body could produce semen a french guy edited the entire sonic movie to replace the original model to this and i think it's not getting enough attention oh what no way i totally gotta see this now my spotify algorithm the week when i was in a weird mood guys i was only into opera for one week i don't want to keep hearing figalo figulo figo all the freaking time my perspective of stepmoms when i was a kid my perspective now honestly i think the evil stepmom's hotter what you don't think the evil stepmother's hotter what are you some kind of weirdo oh what i'm the weirdo you look like steve but how do i know you're st it's me steve oh it is you how's it going buddy uk company allows you to create your own luggage with your face on it to avoid airport baggage confusion avoid airport baggage confusion by creating a whole new kind of confusion i mean really though if i saw somebody with this suitcase walk past me in the airport i'd be like uh hey security yeah you might want to check that guy out the sun has more radiation than 5g karen's if those kids could read they'd be very upset yeah and to anybody who thinks 5g is this big and crazy conspiracy you're absolutely right the government's going to come in and they're going to kidnap your children and vaccinate them you got to get out while you can run when somebody tells me i can't just sit around making memes all day swing swung you are wrong kid you look like you're ready to take on the world i feel ready and ladies and gentlemen we have a knock down oh i did not see that coming sometimes if you say wow you're tall to a tall person they realize they're tall for the first time and thank you with cash oh my gosh for real i can't tell you how many times people go up to me and are like hey you're tall i'm like stop it i know that yeah but david you're like five three what who said that shut up coffee or tea uh coffee wrong it's tea teacher since you're the only student that has a good microphone please solve all the problems on this page me it was at this moment he knew he messed up workplace we have a team call at 9 00 am me at 8 58 yep it's show time thermometers are speedometers for atoms now hold it right there no no she's got a point someone stole my debit card went and spent sixty dollars at a restaurant and only tipped four dollars it's not even your card and you leave a four dollar tip unreal no really this thief could have went all out he could have tipped thousands of dollars if he wanted to like come on imagine being able to detach your own titties before bed so you could actually sleep on your stomach lol my dumb self is gonna oversleep and forget my titties in the morning let's see keys wallets dang my titties text me at this number for real it's me hey tony what's up scam to board yeah i don't think that's tony hawk yo this might be the ugliest house i've ever seen who drew this stuff up a second grader you know i would really like to defend whoever designed this house but i gotta agree this is ugly the united nations has blocked you taiwan bro what the f you know what you did taiwan should i leave my wife shake shake shake look dude i am severely under qualified for this mess you tell it like it is eight ball will you press the button you get 50 million but your dad gets half of it me plus 25 million plus one dad upgrades people upgrades your upstairs neighbor starter pack a giant drill brick sandals and your starter pack couldn't be complete without dragging furniture across the floor really loudly i can't go out because of the virus that sounds weak whiny and boring try instead i've sworn an oath of solitude until pestilence is purged from the lands it sounds more valiant and heroic people might think you're carrying a sword you know what i just might try this the real walk of shame is from the bed to the toilet after you realize you really can't hold your pee in for the whole night oh forget that i just pee on myself what you guys don't pee on yourself what are you some kind of weirdo when you're walking home in the dark and you have to look like a tough guy to not be assaulted han don't nobody mess with me she who is gonna make a meme out of the watermark me i can't believe people don't eat the crust like wtf it's part of the food it's fantastic even if it doesn't taste the same as the rest of the watermelon they had us in the first half i'm not gonna lie the best joke in tv history is when hank hill can't get the cap off of his wd-40 so he pulls out a second mini-can of wd-40 to lubricate it dang it i can't get my wd forwarder working good thing i got my wd-40 you spend your whole life gathering guests for your funeral well i mean that's technically the truth i just don't like thinking about it well everybody that's my time freedom oh what come on no but for real thank you guys for watching the video and if you liked it make sure to hit that like and subscribe button down below oh and don't forget the notification bell to be reminded of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i'll see you guys in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 50,013
Rating: 4.9003677 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: Q2gAt4lQHPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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