r/MadeMeSmile · space dog space dog

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I'm sad leave me alone no thank you he's never gonna give you up he's never gonna let you down what's going on everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm your host David the Baker and today we're gonna be looking at our slash made me smile let's go when I was eight years old I found a four-leaf clover and I gave it to my pop-pop for good luck when he died I found out that he always kept it in his wallet for 20 years oh that's sweet Marty whatever happens don't ever go to 20/20 doc why couldn't you have warned us all what aliens do on earth what humans do on Mars hey he drew a pee-pee freeze peasant who dares to cross the laundry cat Oh it's Andre the Giant rest in peace you beautiful man shoutout to my Arabic teacher that looked at us yesterday mid lesson and said I'm worried you all look exhausted and depressed of course we were all like oh yeah we're dead inside you haven't noticed and he snaps shut the textbook threw up his hands and said that's not healthy no more vocab time for dancing and he taught us a dance form Iraq and we dance instead of doing vocab we didn't stop dancing until he saw all of us laughing and was satisfied that we were all feeling better it was perhaps the coolest most kind-hearted thing I'd ever seen a college instructor do Oh what a college instructor that cares about its students I want that me yesterday ok Audrey don't tell mommy we're getting chocolates for tomorrow got it Audrey 5 years old got it mommy mommy we're not getting chocolates for you tomorrow winks at me except she can't wink so it's an awkward blink ah you gotta love kids they're so innocent well if that isn't the cutest baby I have ever seen in my entire life New Jersey balloon artist with autism creates pieces for essential workers because that's what heroes do I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barrett it's been three months since he's been in his new school and today his teacher said we have a new student and guess who it is it's Barrett and they all lived happily ever after it doesn't look like much but that tiny layer of hair is the first I've grown in years I beat cancer well it's time to celebrate lebryk good times come on a photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful oh they all look so happy and hello who are you what matters isn't if people are good or bad what matters is if they're trying to be better today than they were yesterday that's true you got a walk before you can run beware of dog this is a risk I'm willing to take yes three one three two Oh nesting Street that's you right my kid designed a bird house then we built it together from scraps talk about a bonding experience my mom always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years two months since she died and my old dad has tried his hardest and my heart melted hey well it's the effort that counts even if you absolutely should not eat that cake it's all fun and games until this turtle turns into a ninja turtle then who's picking up who he smooshed Dibby boo yes the bubble has been assassinated I repeat the bubble has been assassinated they're the three fluffy bunnies thank you California TV station films dog calmly playing with kids after cop shoots himself trying to kill the dog that's what you get for trying to kill a good boy what is this a cubed cat this has to be some type of optical illusion my brain can't handle this type of trickery I love all the momma cats just like I hate this freaking kid cheese ha ha man what I meant to say freeze it happens to the best of us my son has been holding this chip for like ten minutes so what is the sacred chip let the man hold the chip Ireland help to raise 1.8 million dollars for the Choctaw who were badly affected by kovat 19 as payback for $150 donation by the Choctaw tribe in 1847 during the Irish potato famine people helping people it doesn't get better than that who says you have to wait for Christmas and Halloween and your birthday and st. Patrick's Day just celebrate it all at the same time how do I use a coffee press do I have to grind the beans or do I just put them directly in the coffee press how do I use the coffee press if I want my coffee to use milk instead of water sorry if these questions are really basic I'm a 13 year old trying to make my mom feel special for her birthday by God we finally found it the most wholesome host in the universe in honor of Colonel Sanders famous secret blend of 11 herbs and spices KFC's twitter account only follows all five Spice Girls and six different guys named herb when a Twitter user noticed this and pointed it out KFC sent him a painting of himself holding a drumstick while riding piggyback on the kernel this this is what makes me happy whenever my parents lips out and gets angry I say hey in this soft comforting voice and then I talked to him gently he calms down within seconds I just got frustrated enough that's something that I went ahh and my parents said hey I'll softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute it made me feel better instantly my parrot is better at conflict de-escalation than most people all the parents all like Polly wants you to calm down coral there's nothing there coral stop staring at the corner Oh God it can see me Oh so cats are staring at dust mice I thought they were all crazy man who survived the Spanish flu Great Depression in World War two beats the virus on his 107th birthday well that's just incredible oh by the way make sure to wash our hands and maintain social distancing guidelines peace out suffering a creative block I love Ursula's advice to keiki stop trying take long walks look at the scenery doze off at noon don't even think about flying and then pretty soon you'll be flying again and with that ladies and gentlemen my heart just melted oh it's a cat teacup it's so cute you put a dandy lion on a dog now it's a dandy dog and that dandy dog doo be lookin good that's a tongue twister jeez daniel radcliffe reads Harry Potter to you and your kids for free wait is this real I gotta go check this out I am The Darkness oh you want cuddles okay I give you cuddles but I am still the darkness Luke obey me or should I say obey me I'll get it cuz he's a cat okay moving on my darn three-year-old grabbed the unsweetened cranberry juice from the fridge and asked me for some I reminded her that she historically does not like it and offered her juice that she does like after telling me that I am wrong in the cranberry juice is her favorite I gave up this is not the hill to die on this early in the day so now my petit a 3 year old kid is now sitting on the couch gagging making faces saying mmm my favorite is delicious glad to know that petit is genetic this is so cute I love it I love this I found a tiny denim jacket at Goodwill Wow perfect use for this jacket he's so stupid and dirty and lazy I just love him so much we all have people like that in our life I'm lifeguarding and I just witnessed an eight-year-old girl tell this boy that they can't be together because he has a phone and she doesn't he then threw his phone into the dive pool and said nothing could keep me from you uh young love isn't it sweet please do not disturb my plant she needs two hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless apartment I'll be back to collect her soon thank you and stay well I probably read that in the wrong tone but stay away from the plant have you ever lost a beloved pet just know that they're smiling down on you I can't tell you where but they miss you too I feel like these two are so close that they know everything about each other dolphins have returned to Italy meanwhile in middle-earth yep trees are just walking back oh it's a carrot doorstop that's so creative this soldier carried his service dog down a mountain because it was a hundred seventeen degrees and the rocks were burning his feet everyone like this yes the baby shall lead the duck army to freedom in 1960 David Latimer planted a garden inside of a bottle and sealed it shut he opened up the bottle in water the plant in 1972 and then sealed it for good it has been a self-sustaining ecosystem for 60 years jeez Louise that belongs in a science museum elderly youtuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook and thanks them individually carefully he's a hero hey it's nature's color palette when someone feeds me hooray hey this dog's smiling for the camera it's cute and it knows it's cute this food is free take some relief some ah well that's just nice in memory of George who gave His life protecting children from two savage dogs let this dog be a hero in our hearts three a cute goats they look so cute cuz they're just three cue goats how can I thirteen year old male be a good uncle my older sister is pregnant and I'm really excited for her to have the baby but how does one be a good uncle I can barely take care of myself yesterday I made a grilled cheese and I burnt it so any tips on how to be a good uncle if this ain't the cutest thing in the world come in Jerry sit down let's talk about our feeding schedule it needs to go all the way up here's the happiest photo you will see today on the Internet I am all for this type of energy honey I think the dog got into the pants again how do you know she's wearing it as a hat again when you eat a mint and drink a glass of cold water welcome to the Himalayas it really do be like that wait wait wait you mean to tell me that this horse is 29 years old happy birthday so they brought an ice cream truck to school and the ice cream man saw my hair and was like oh I have something for you and he gave me this I don't get it you put the picture of the same person twice my new friend Jarvis 38 had never been on an airplane before so I gave him the window seat he was shaking with excitement the entire flight one random act of kindness can make someone's day Jimmy has separation anxiety so he holds onto you when you walk in the door Oh classic Jimmy look at this little judgmental dog he's making me feel self-conscious while competing in a marathon in Thailand this runner found an abandoned puppy on the side of the road and ended up caring at the remaining 19 miles to the finish line she adopted it afterwards ah the puppy looks so confused Oh would you look at those beautiful eyes a text from our landlord this morning assuming your income has dropped substantially blank and I want to help you buy $0 rent for April and we'll see what the situation is in May hope this helps ah yes a true hero people complained about a roaming cat near the law firm office so the law firm hired him meet Leon Advocaat Oh Esquire of course this world keeps coming in through the doggie door to hang out with my cat we'll be nice to him he's a guest I love this local theater which is using its marque to comment on movies it's not showing portrait of a lady on fire was really good it's on Hulu by the way how long have we been on lockdown oh no she's all grown up look at me I'm three look at me I'm 26 okay how does your mom look younger 23 years later what's her secret 99 year old World War Two Marine veteran defeats I'm a warrior not a warrior wait what do you mean he defeated the virus what's his secret hello we've seen that you placed your order from the hospital we hope you're keeping well your order is on us good on you McDonald's heart main 17 was so fed up with his sister's flowery candles that a few years ago he decided to make his own he created man cans candles with rugged smells like campfire our coffee that come from soup cans to collect the cans heart by soup and donates the contest to homeless shelters he sells his candles online and to date he has provided 80,000 meals to soup kitchens in four states this dude is a mad lad today marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands 7600 Canadians died helping to free the Netherlands in 1945 the Dutch sent a hundred thousand tulip bulbs as a gift of gratitude for the Royal Canadian soldiers played in their liberation the Dutch people have never forgotten what we did for them and they still send us thousands of tulip bulbs every year it's a beautiful symbol of our friendship there's so many tulips it looks amazing it looks like Disney World did they send me daughters you're darn right they did she's gonna be kicking some butt oh yes a true Jedi warrior ooh whoa what's this I'm sorry I turned something that was cute into cursed your parents let you have a mohawk they had Mohawks too well his parents sound hardcore when you're deaf and trying to find a mole cricket hey Opie or anybody else in need feel free to send me a private message and I'll add you and we'll go hunting together I can lend you my ears you see that everyone that's an ally happy Mother's Day have a rose oh that's nice he's watching Naruto hey can you turn your computer so I can see to see now that's how you get through class we don't have kids so my wife and I took our dog around to look at the lights in the neighborhood he was in awe I don't believe it it's too good of a picture I saw a neighborhood boy practicing some jump shots into some tree branches in the front yard I had a portable hoop in the back from when I moved that was taking up space so I walked over to the boy and offered him the hoop for free I only lived there for the next year or two but it was almost non-stop basketball dribble next door after that I saw him his sister his parents huncles even a grandparent or to take a couple shots at the hoop overtime it felt good to know that his family's got so much use out of it you deserve that reddit gold here's a coincidence this is meme number 91 that I've read for this video and this man just turned 91 three seconds of celebration okay that's enough next meme he's mad at me because I won't let him eat dirt hey what's the problem with eating dirt let the man eat dirt see now that medical worker that's the real hero you give the monkey the orange oh look he's so happy you made his day a historic friendship in December 2004 a baby hippo named Owen got separated from his family by a tsunami having no other hippos around the friend baby went to a hundred thirty year old tortoise named Ozzy who accepted him as his own and an inseparable bond was forged some friends are family preach you thought was Panda but I am dog oh heck and bamboozled get it bamboo hey Kay bye what did I just read what is something your parents did that you swore never to repeat of your own never actually saying I love you yep never once heard my parents say these words I make sure my son knows I love him every single day he's 20 and he's probably tired of it but too bad lol yeah that deserves reddit gold it felt weird maybe even futile to celebrate an achievement at home especially as the pandemic exacerbates an already vanishing job market but I got to say this ostentatious display of support from my dad who didn't graduate high school has got me feeling proud of myself today hey well congratulations on your PhD well you drew that you're so talented say thank you deny it you suck listen part this self-deprecating crap is getting old it's time to be confident now pee off thank you I work very hard heck yeah you do alright whoever's taking pictures of dogs and cars can I tag along because this looks awesome the war between male men and dogs are finally at rest trying to be an adult and read a scientific paper and your wife does this Harry Potter and the influence of climatic legacies on the distribution of dry land bio quest communities well you got to admit it does make it sound more interesting my godson thinks he's Prince George yeah right that totally is Prince George you can't fool me you think you have it rough try being quarantined with the principal detention everyone gets detention Buster get that guy I'm on it hang on he's not wearing one of those arm things what those arm protectors you guys wear during your training he doesn't have one I know just grab him but I might hurt him compassion go a long way guys oh look at these little rascals I'm the worst I sucks nothing I do matters you're amazing you can succeed you matter huh I'm rooting for you boil mail please do not post into this mailbox as there is a bird inside that's hatching eggs we are temporarily suspending the collection of this post box until it's clear of all birds so this is what the bird box challenges I'm sad try adding for now I'm sad for now huh I guess that is a little better this is what it's all about you gotta fake it till you make it my dog's favorite toy is Santa so we brought her to see him oh she looks so happy you wouldn't plant a seed and then dig it up every few minutes to see if it's grown so why do you keep questioning yourself your hard work and your decisions have patience stop overthinking and keep watering your seeds I don't know who needed to hear that right now but I hope that message gets to you I made frog bread today and serotonin is here oh it's baby [Music] isn't it weird how cats hate getting wet and dogs absolutely love it I just think it's funny small cloud does I whoa my girlfriend walked outside this morning to see this a bunch of snails in a circle with the leader in the middle we have found it snail Church Smerch take me to snitch Oh worship like a snail and a circle outside I'm peeing and this dog came into my stall he has a funny joke to tell you but he has to stop laughing first he does look like that wait stop scrolling I think you're cute stray cat takes a woman in his store and points at the foodie once so she adopts him see now you got the food and a house you're a smart cat what a magical garden although $0.10 for wishes that's a bit much for me I just found out that sunflowers usually face the Sun but when they can't find it they face each other and I don't know it made me smile a lot some flower one bro where's the Sun some flower - you are my Sun bro super story I know that these books were written for young adults but I'm 64 and I have been enjoying reading them since 2005 I've read all the books since into the wild I even named my two newest kitties Firestar and gray stripe Firestar is an orange spotted tabby and gray stripe is a gray tabby with a white bottom I think we found it the most wholesome post of the video I work at a low income school with some of the worst test scores in the country I received this from one of my seventh graders today dear teacher I realized that teaching is often a thankless job and I see how much you're invested in your lessons your passion for your students is inspiring to me and other students don't think because you don't hear the words thank you every day that we aren't grateful most students are disrespectful to you and I want to apologize for their behavior but I want to say thank you and have a great day from student hey guys get a load of this teacher's pet no but in all seriousness though that's really nice a three second exposure meant that subjects had to stand very still to avoid being blurred holding a smile for that period of time was tricky as a result we have a tendency to see our Victorian ancestors is more formal and stern than they might have been oh but these guys they look cute I got 75% of the answers correct and in today's society doing something 75 percent right is outstanding if government and industry were 75 percent competent we'd be a static you do not lie my friend together since 1948 now that's a power couple never forget the time Tom thought he killed Jerry and how he tried to save the one thing he hated most yeah their relationship was weird a 140 year old tortoise wearing her five day old Sun as a hat this looks like a deleted scene from Lion King my grandmother took me to see Toy Story one two and three now it's my turn oh she looks so happy I really hope she enjoyed the movie Israel has developed a transparent mask so that deaf people can read lips see now everybody's safer a moment of tension in the Vatican if the bishop moves forward then the Queen can take him it's a chess joke walk I'm too depressed walk I hate you for making me do this a couple minutes later I love you for making me do this see sometimes all you need is a little push mr. and mr. Walker there will be no school this weekend so Colin could stay home and play video games from Mystique I am the teacher illusion 100 perfect job kid you know I gotta say I really like the way this spider makes his webs very photogenic she said I haven't been carried like this since my wedding day oh that would make me smile too he's so weird he's so weird he's so weird he's so weird he is so weird my weirdo good thing he can't read her mind he'd probably be so offended look at this little guy he's just hanging out there he's chillin hey buddy the cameras over here I doesn't matter you're still cute when you stub your toe at night a young guy was struggling to tie his tie the woman in the red coat notice and asked do you know how to tie a tie properly the young guy said no ma'am she taps her husband and says come to this guy's aid and teach him how to tie a tie the older gentleman move without hesitation almost like a reflex response and gave him a step-by-step tutorial then afterwards the older gentleman watched the young man repeat the steps and show him that he had it people helping people there's nothing better than it hey everybody that's my time I really do hope you enjoyed the video and if you did make sure to LIKE and subscribe for more easy-peasy content I'm your host David the Baker and I'll see you in the next one peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 157,217
Rating: 4.8900828 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: JZj3kgD5n5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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