r/Mildlyinfuriating · light must conform

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the weekend the days of rest school no you will have homework hey everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm cougar the guy with the ever-changing accent and today we're diving into our slash mildly infuriating I'm ready to get picked off how about you you know until recently I had a really crappy phone so this was it like 24/7 does this TV support 4k at 60hz no no it doesn't you know the best part of this I've gotten this exact dad and it's not skippable I hope the ad revenue is worth it rice gum stuff like this wasting this much material for these tiny little headphones is why the plan is trying to kill us with giant Hornets and freaking new diseases right now no you can kiss my butt this genie can burn in hell and it can stay there forever yeah I might be a little stupid but I don't get this one so I'm just gonna move on hey man that's just extra packed cream cheese bagel I just see that as extra topping to make bananas ripen faster store them in paper bag overnight which will trap the ethanol gas that makes them ripen you can also put other fruit in the bag with the bananas like an apple para avocado to speed up the ripening process this hurt my brain so much no why do you got to do the band-aids like that you're gonna rip them in half when you go to open them that that's just wrong how how does this happen did you like not plan out your floor before laying the tile and grout adjust why stop doing this job this would be me off so much nothing like getting a little bit of avocado with your giant butt seed how why and I hope you got fired just put it in the trash you lazy sons of guns why litter it's a beautiful park there's like no other litter around and yet here you are like I'm just gonna sit my coffee cup on top you deserve all the pain you get in life I don't really know what happened here but it looks like your smoothies ruined Google blue color yeah that's a nice blue right there I might be colorblind but I know that's probably red oh man I remember going through a crappy public high school and this was a lot of the books and I just could not read them but you still had to I mean it kind of looks like a whale but if whoever took the inside one you're a mad lad - I hate you three everyone knows the crusts are the best part of the brownie again how does this happen it takes years of schooling and like months of planning to build a building this big why ah that's uh that's a piece of bread right there people who do this with toothpaste and premium snackers and so much in this photo just makes me want to punch the wall in my booth ah that right there that picked me off and I've slipped my finger open and had to get stitches from this one so this personally hurts me yo man lemon heads are good AF what are you talking and complaining about I love me some lemon heads you know these things to me off every single time I get them because like what do you classify as a street light and like sometimes they'll count the crosswalks oh I hate this in general on the poor little kitty got stuck in the curtain rods ah the guys like you're doing that wrong you're doing that wrong stop messing up my work chick-fil-a when you ask for a plain chicken breast and then just slap some cheese on the side of the wall the bag my favorite this is very off-center and I hope this was homemade and it looks homemade so I'm gonna let it slide cuz it's probably a school project this happens all the time in my local Walmart and that's why I don't go to my local Walmart anymore that one spec ruin these perfectly beautiful cookies I added these comments so the comments don't make sense I hate you so much no this is an electrical fire waiting to happen and not just that the freaking print is about to fall off and break all the wires why this happens all the time and it just ruins your life when it's like five sprinkles it's false advertising know who did the edging for this why why did you you're a monster you're a frickin monster and you deserve to end up on the seventh layer of hell for all I care oh right that Commodore 64 personal computer with disk drive cassette unit printer and more $5.50 that's a great deal how much is shipping like $350 what the hell when someone calls a laptop a desktop the guy's desktop you'll know what they say nothing beats hand-washing because it is real man's work also I worked in a restaurant so you had to do this anyway even after the dishwasher to wash them and it picked me off every time what has no beginning and or middle a doughnut ah you shouldn't put the a there she's just wrote doughnut my dude I guess this guy will just drive over his grass and flowers to park in the garage what an idiot I mean if he's never gonna use the garage I get it but like just know just know you know for a fact someone specifically only took that one egg to pick this person off I see it's on line I want the Braille on top it's on the line too and also why is there no Braille for down that's how you break the cable and damage your charging ports stop with your rose gold iPhone sweetie this right he had this right he happens to me all the time and it is me off what's your favorite animal what's your favorite food what's your favorite plan what's your favorite first world country what's your favorite local apparently your favorite thing to do is ask what's your favorite what's that fun called remove the sacred text don't let it fall into the hands of the Sith a man I'm an actor and I eat Chinese food all the time so turbo attacks oh sorry tax a cure you got some good marketing strategy yeah correct answer three and one-half your answer 35 this is a website called castle learning and I had to use it for all my math tests and crafts like this always to me off and you had to go and complain to the teacher and he'd just feel like I don't care you should have put in that way my computer doesn't do that man and that kids is while I whip the fridge out the window cuz it would pick me off one more time crashing random online high school classes zoom you're a dick stop people have to you idiots no no why why would the colors why would the unmatched game of Thrones and why's this seem got to go all crooked like that okay I just want to throw up at this you got a look Froy you got freaking green beans on the pizza and you're just like slap some tuna fish on there get out of here grocery grocery grocery ghostery grocery grocery grocery grocery grocery grocery grocery yeah I guess you did get some groceries it's a lot of chewed gum anybody wants some nice chilled gum over here dude this ripped my favorite shirt in high school and it still hurts to me today hopefully the project is good I have not opened it yet ah thanks verified buyer please take that away from him the Hulk with human skin it's still better than grey Hulk in my opinion this video is maybe inappropriate this video may be inappropriate this video may be inappropriate this video may be inappropriate hey that's YouTube debased I accidentally said crap in one of my videos and it's demonetized and restricted to 18 older dictionary in solution an accent of insulating something no that's not how it works definition no you're a frickin monster once again this is castle learning one of the worst learning websites on the planets that teachers just love to use was looking at apartments because I'm trying to move and look at this f kin kitchen that just looks like a hotel kitchen and you know man sometimes when you're broke you gotta roll with the punches a b c d e f k l m n o p tu b WX something something I think I'm having a stroke someone call a doctor you're so cool you deserve to tie 100 happy teacher appreciation week ok this teacher is actually really funny I like him I've done this on the highway with my crappy gremlin and let me tell you it's really scary no no the one Lego has a scope in it no that's not OK the level I'm very angry and very impressed I am too but still it's cool yet I just want to rip it off the wall dude this is happening to me and this is do you off if I ever find who you are mr. electrician I'm going to find you and I'm going to personally hurt you congratulations pal you got some in a points today now please leave and never come back well that's a bad standard for the United States Postal Service we like to lose your stuff and hey break it while we're at it major accident left lanes closed use left lane you got it use left and left that equals the left actually it makes a 90 degree angle shut off cooky you don't know how to do this I hate you again months of City planning for this to happen you deserve to be fired I don't know if this is infuriating or delicious cuz I love marshmallows you know this is what we call natural selection ladies finest this right here pissed me off so much as I've done this a million times in rouen milk make a video you've watched 72 minutes of video today please watch 54 minutes or click here to enjoy ultimate use of mega video no please take the plastic off just take it off look at the bubbles no hoho what is your father's middle name Paul okay I guess his name is Paul a lololol this is nothing like ruining your juice and milk in the morning by ripping off the tag failed to launch help cool didn't want it anyway once again Kassel learning the plight of my entire high school ongoing career I mean these look like check mark sir this is probably the teachers fault so if anybody's to blame it's the teacher that kid coloured with in most of the lines most of time yeah this happens a lot and honestly it just ruins my supreme experience I love strawberry you got it kiddo Thanks I love this view again Castle Learning burn it to the ground nonstick fry pan and the stick is stuck to it I guess you should have called it a nonstick fry pan yeah that's not exactly one third but uh that's the United States education system for you why why are there so many unread messages and emails what is wrong with you I would throw your phone out the window if I saw this I mean it kind of looks like shotting gun the one way I don't wrote it's called been a while but like that didn't pay me off so much yeah again this is why the planet is trying to kill us with Hornets oh it's another oh oh man that no just stop ruining my day ah one sliced pepperoni I guess you could call this a pizza klopse her sigh I don't know some stupid Cyclops joke by five dollar phone case for that nice and blurry photo effect pick another fortune cookie I can't you only gave me one oh no you know this was every kid as a kid and it bothered me every time why just take the package off just take it off it's already mostly off oh man why you gotta ruin like I think this is a game and why do you got to ruin the kids spot man I simply asked my professor for a few days extension on a project because my dad died as a result of copán nineteen and this is the response I get to better yeah try to get it done on time that would be much better I'd like to be consistent with all students because there are many who are having difficult times her freaking father died dude this is why I hate colleges questions 63 of 270 justjust just move the bar a little farther or make it less questions so much puts me off here hey DWS you're a gamer and you pick me off yeah this is my house with all these remotes and you know what the best part is none of them work for the TV because you lost that remote like I don't know you brought it in the car one day another cookie loss to death trapped at the side of the glass what a tragedy you're trying to take a poop and then what happens up toilet paper is not working with you okay guess I'm using my hands this isn't infuriating this is just sad because that little red guy by himself is me dude you know some kid is like slit his leg open on this several times just line the drawers up again planning of the kitchen how does this happen you have ruined both cinnamon buns and shrimp for me you doctoring monster yeah that right there that's a good sink nice and level nice and easy to use perfect job right there no the skittles are empty and you know what why couldn't it just be another color why couldn't it be the last color but nope this isn't infuriating this is kind of funny to me I love that soap thing ah this right here is how you burn your house down so yup keep doing it good job pal none of this lines up and it hurts my brain it squares on top of squares on top of squares being cut in half and rectangles and rectangles and rectangles and it just wants to give me a stroke stainless steel that's a nice rusting you got there how about you stop miss labeling the poles and the buttons man save the environment by using a metal straw Pepsi ha ha joke's on you we want the environment to die or irritate you trying if it was you who did this I hate you meat Oh friend meat oh so much once again gas station sushi you have tricked me and made me hate myself more Peter fan light just put them all the one way or get rid of one please task manager not responding cool I guess it's like every other manager at any job I honestly have no idea why my mother has done this my guess is it's like a joke to her but what pisses me off so much is to squiggle the underline the straight line the coffee's off-center and look at the light switches in the back like just make a match man that this hurts my brain the 1980s I can't verify every single one of you oh there's one piece missing you you have ruined my life and I cannot stop thinking about this yeah just wing it Oh be fine yep I totally went to college for this you're a [ __ ] you know all that toilet paper is gonna rip and you're not gonna be able to see that the angle when you're sitting on the toilet so it's gonna keep ripping and you're gonna be like fine I'll use my hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 please throw all these in the trash and then look the sidewalk doesn't even line up just this is all around the loos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 none of these match up and it hurts my brain again one job just lined the doors up make them flush are they flush and level no you're an idiot I mean I can't be mad at this guy he's hard-of-hearing maybe he's got a buzzer instead of like a doorbell that this guy's fine this guy's fine Bluetooth 4.0 ah thank you so much and look at their Hitchhiker's thumb right there that's not flush either a level so it bothers me okay now there's so much strawberry I'm happy with this forget vanilla strawberries where it's at Vikings drama five seasons season six episode ten well actually this is because like they updated after the season's over technically just saying order seven up waiters want a sprite no I don't I want a 7up you monster there's a difference different countries wall sockets I learned this the hard way and like why can't we just have a universal wall socket I mean it doesn't have to be the American one just hop on any of them just make them all one like let's all start using the metric system - why okay if this was like a temporary fix I get it but you have four other lights you don't need that one yellow one this probably took them like hours to put together and then it's the wrong color I would jump off a bridge I hate castle learning so much and this is bringing back so much rage for my AP science class oh man you ruin the pop I would be so sad you were were you were doing this just means the guy's misspells a lot and the phone is Auto saved his misspelling so that's your own fault pal well if you made it this far you probably don't hate me anyways thank you so much for watching everybody we had easy-peasy really appreciate it let us know in the comments what you want to see more of hit that like button hit that subscribe button you know whatever youtubers say I've been cougar your narrator and remember have a good day and sometimes you gotta risk it for the biscuit I know it's dumb but it's my catchphrase alright I got nothing else in life just let me have to risk it for the biscuit Internet you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 88,893
Rating: 4.9151549 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/MildlyInfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: xK-EUTMO45c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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