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rarrr I'm a scary purple dinosaur don't move I have telekinesis and will snap his neck crack how's it gonna run and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're taking a look at our slash bone hurting juice I can flick my glasses to my nose without them falling off bet five dollars you can't you owe me five bucks I've got a cold oh here it comes uh-huh shoe hey look a leaking water thing let me just patch that up oh no it was actually acid and it burned a hole in my hand hey can I get a balloon our whole supply just flow up into the air Oh No can I play basketball with my own arm yeah okay cool please get out I have to close up shop can I use the bathroom first okay I hope he found it okay thank you I needed to go no problem Oh anytime show me your powers okay I will make this bench longer alright kids I hope your father likes his new knife said we should use it on the cake Billy go fetch it alright mom no problem man I wonder if my family remembered my birthday a bug on the couch watch out there's a huge bug on the couch you gross kill it I'll have to crush it with my full body weight foam pinned my brains shaped head makes me depressed can we play a game to cheer me up don't be down let's see what you must keep our eyes open the longest I'm going to win looks like looks like she's in it to win it as well finally Halloween is over I had a good time but it's time to take off my mask there we go break your neck calm break your own neck good one easy step he did it what a beautiful day I hope there's no bug in my hand surprise I wish I had a red flag and a sickle hammer and sickle sale of 27 bucks Thank You capitalism sir please for Christmas I want a dragon be realistic I want to cry for Christmas all right here you go thank you so much whoa this clothing thing really works who took my coat well I didn't take it I took it why would you do that I was cold I am evil and I'm going to light this man on fire ha ha ha I saw you being lit on fire do you need help yes the fire has reappeared cool me down quickly before I burned to death and well they did it Wow this human shaped knife holder is so cool hey my person costume is starting to itch can you help me get it off one second now I can help aha welcome to acting class today we got a cry on demand well that was fast you're really talented for a beginner thank you sir dude my best getting rid of a demon tickle it gently attempt regurgitation on the floor attempting regurgitation may cause demon to spread out repeatedly smack yourself against floor to knock demon out fight if necessary shape unconscious demon to tiny ball squeeze into juice and that's how you get rid of a demon folks me at the dentist be like open your mouth and say ah Oh bigger ah we're gonna miss dinner throw some items away so we lose dead weight and run faster already on it wait I think you throw away something you shouldn't have what is it our dinner potions off to college back from college welcome home son Congrats on the successful eye enlargement surgery parents I have been waiting to come visit you for so long that I have grown a beard oh my lord Billy our faces have disappeared let us pray to the gods so they might return hey what's up I'm writing to my pen pal that's cool I just farted catch me off guard notices in the last panel is everybody excited for the fashion show everyone grab an accessory yay oh boy we're gonna look so cool yeah rip good thing I had a fire resistance potion and I got to drink it in my favorite mug help there's weird lines around me sorry I'm too busy floating hey son welcome back hey dad watch out a flying chair holy sh t run wait for me outside okay babbling and he's grown up I've had the same haircut my entire life but I can't find any good places to get it done I'll just do it myself shall we I didn't do it right nice haircut dude yeah you look really nice love the tie as well thanks but I accidentally cut out a chunk of my scalp I'm I need to go to the ER look at my hands Joe no I don't like looking at your hands I could watch the debates if it was like this my heart I'm good I don't know I think I'm kind of nervous oof ouch I'm having a heart attack want to see something cool sure what is it I can make hearts appear around my head ha I ate all of them off my brain is feeling pretty normal oh god I think it's overheating oh god I think I'm gonna die rods have sprouted from my head I am in immense pain it looks like a pineapple has been surgically implanted in the victim this isn't the first time I've seen something like this I can't bear to imagine what the perpetrator will do next I'm gonna surgically implant this in someone what happened to him his elbow and ankle are itchy can you dig a hole in place lava in it sure bit later you're done yes come in awesome that's true friendship son you need to stop skipping left-arm day okay I built a robot it has an inbuilt self-destruct mode so be careful what you say you just have to say the key word it's lemonade so don't say eliminate please Oh silly me I said lemonade so then he tells me our princess is in another castle head head head take that you little hey I'm a magician and I'm gonna turn that heart into a phone well you can do that so what do you think it works but I think you transformed yourself too this trick is a bit extreme you don't have to do it you know I put a mattress down there don't worry there he goes hey can you hurry up and help me I hope you as soon as I'm done moonwalking towards you wise man tell me the secrets of the universe at high altitudes people who don't live in mountains have trouble breathing ooh I need a Halloween costume maybe a mummy holy crap I look awesome gar three rules no wishing for death no falling in love no bringing back dead people I wish your hand disappeared really dude if you pick the blue pill you'll become drowsy with decreased cold and flu symptoms what about the red pill same but non-drowsy I'm back from the nudist colony you don't need to cover for me anymore okay here's the set the scope and head mirror back Sharon send in my next patient yeah so anyway I'm gonna go there tomorrow to get the change I always dreamt ooh have my face surgically change into looking like a pillow the dog he won't even notice a difference probably won't listen my face at all oh my god I want to know what the original comic is escaping from prison is harder than I thought person sorry person I finally found it after 15 years the scroll of the bone hurting juice recipe the true bone hurting juice was in your bones all along that makes sense ow my bones oh geez I'm tired Oh Frick I stubbed my toe on something Frick it was a light switch oh no it was the red light switch check this out this book attracts light nice I'm going to post it I'm ready to get some internet points oh no I dropped my glasses all that sucks man could you help me find them sure I'll use my infrared vision but my glasses don't give off heat oh my bad I'll just use regular lights hello sir how are you doing on this fine Saturday I'm sorry I can't hear because I'm old I will lean in closer how are you look at this if you hold me with one hand my shirt will change color hmm oh hey dude it's purple now hey help me take off my shoes no come on please hmm okay I'll take off your shoes Thanks Halloween party is today do you know where is my skeleton glove oh yeah it's in the tub honey oh wow spooky that guy gave me two snowballs he gave me one too thanks for these no problem I have lots of snowballs I am ready to adopt your son he is strangely shaped but I love him what would you like to talk about today there's a spider on the floor I know you're deathly allergic so I'm restraining it with my harshest stare Oh geeze nice catch if we both stare at it maybe it will leave let's do it I appreciate the help hey Terry I heard you can summon stars yeah dude I learned it from this book later hey wanna see me summon his star my foot got severed at work and my arms were grilled tell me something fun to deal with the pain I was so traumatized by you calling me a bitter and I bathed in honey and adopted to emotional support bees Fricke Richard have this sword now I got this sword Frank oh here you are I haven't seen you for days are you okay no my head's upside-down and I'm growing a third hi juice that makes your head big oh god help me I accidentally sat in front of this pipe of juice that makes your head break don't worry friend I will destroy you using my throat gun please doctor I've always wanted to be a tire swing can you remove my arm so they won't get in the way why yes it's actually a simple and painless procedure well your arms relax and we'll get started Oh God my god stop crying and help me get this lady's tongue off my head Hey Dude how's your day going I think I have virus stay strong King make sure to cover your mouth when you cough so that today's weather is gonna be cold so hug each other stay warm oh well I mean that's that's wholesome what are you doing over there passing notes how shameless we have guns now make a happily surprised faces if you just read something Pleasant if you don't want your brain to be down the wall good God look a shooting star I wish the shooting star would turn around sure no problem Thanks there's a snake in my boot Andy nice I like that I can't wait for my next opponent this wrestling championship is a breeze hello I'm your next opponent oof ouchie you are tough thank you and well that brings us to the end of our slash bone hurting juice this is uh this is one of my favorite subreddits probably my favorite thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time you see PZ uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 1,371,682
Rating: 4.9371014 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/bonehurtingjuice, r/bonehurtingjuice top posts, r/bonehurtingjuice best posts, bone hurting juice, reddit bone hurting juice, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: DNN8o7Vw12g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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