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tired of people walking all over me this is how I'm fighting back King you do you man keep your head up king of crowns falling what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash mad lads before we get into the video let me tell you guys about team trees now know you've probably seen this all over the internet but for those who don't know team trees is an initiative started by mister beast and tons of other creators to plant 20 million trees around the globe by January 1st 2020 in fact at the time we're recording this there's already over 6 million trees planted and we here at MK want to get involved and we want to involve you as well so we decided we wanted to try and create a GoFundMe to get everyone to pull in and that watches this video so we can all I have once send in a big tree planting donation like a Kamehameha but it's for charity and trees in the description there's a link to go support it and let's go plant some trees now back to the video they all match with the same girl on tinder so they decide to send her a group picture look at that just me and the boys saying about hey darlin hey babe hey Dave doll yeah you matches all of us guess what we're here time to play bachelor we're bad Bachelorette you gotta pick which one you want the most now pumped up chicks except it's not pumped up kicks' in a tissue box Mazz you're out of your mind but you had your Ma's mind oh me my boss and I had an ugly sweater competition that's that's just that's great that's mean but it's funny because you guys like from your friends be boss that'd be awesome I think everyone should have a healthy relationship with their boss at all times let be friends or them hang out with them don't don't like get too close don't you still you boss you know and you hate your boss we all hate our bosses but no I think this is cute I think this is great he's cheeky to my roommates a bacon grease for six months in a mason jar my kids asked him what he was gonna use it for niwet and tell me one day I come home from work and the whole apartment smelled like bacon I investigated and found three very well made candles wet in the living room he comes out of the bathroom and announces that it can't smell his crap because he made bacon candles so we just smelled like bacon for months honestly I think that's pretty that's 200 IQ though like you go out on a hot date you bring her home she's like she wakes in the morning so they do something King nah babe this is my bacon candles this could be yours when the wife sends you to the store to get cucumbers I grabbed a saline as well can't let people think of vegan and just stare down the cashier just go with like Vaseline a dog toy and a cucumber you pull out you push them on the cart self-checkout but you do it you ask for help right you don't know I know how this little check out where T help me and please like sugar then she sees the item she's like and you're like don't ask me about it just help me chances are you bought slash we'll get something expensive this month be smart and don't let these know that on garbage day destroy the boxes or taking them to the curb that's too much work put the boxes in front your neighbor's house I changed this comment so you don't know how I got 20 K likes and you know what I like that you know you can keep your secrets cuz I respect that I'm eating this Russian chocolate and made a rattling noise when I shook it and there's a horse magnet inside Russian kinder surprise that looks like it's made of coal it tasted like coal you ate a vase [Laughter] honestly at this point me eating a small vase is the least of my problems in Russia sometimes when their horse dies D cremated make a vase out of the ashes thus the coal taste and picture inside he ain't dead horse ashes and mistook it for chocolate like he committed to it being chocolate too mom said I couldn't get a raccoon so I colored the dog and you know what that's fine he's so oblivious to what he's been what's been done to him you know yeah it's fine that's okay problem is a guy uses vibin he's just vibe it a pigs orgasm lasts for 30 minutes Oh your wife is a lucky lady deal damn roasted toasted man not coming back from that one I got a job at Comcast and completed training so I can fix my own cable because it was faster than being on hold with customer service and that's why I now have the best service rate of Comcast wrote my boyfriend's resignation letter and sent it to my manager so he could print it for me but I forgot to provide any context can you please print can you print this for me please what kind of sick power play is this no Andrew that's incredible I wish I could have done that when I quit my job look at you that was a dog look at this guy could you would you think that's a dog when you saw it a girl I wouldn't that's a goose that's a duck that's a swan say avian creature hi hello there how is your girlfriend I don't have a girlfriend I know just reminding you how's your dad yeah but you blocked me yeah okay all right I jokingly said to my eleven-year-old son that he's adopted he replied damn you have really bad taste and then took a drag of a cigarette Florida teen of course it's Florida Chase's grandfather would not have sorry chase his grandfather would knife after being denied more Tomatoes at dinner police say like straight-up Tomatoes like like just raw tomato you deserve to be incarcerated for that and that alone yo he got all of the windows logo to fit inside window that's he's done it he's completed the mission give him a gold medal and a hug and a kiss imagine pushing an old man out of your vagina do you me if you want to do more than imagine how do I delete someone else's comment my DMS are still open by the way beautiful does the carpet match the drapes oh it does now at least she's honest what a nice lady oh my sleep or any of that bull crap I'm gonna smash and then die and that's it the luna moth doesn't have a mouth or a digestive system you only live for about a week with the singular purpose of mating so what kind of eSports you into I want to try this Navajo you're finding the superior mmm this is cool I like this this is a cool tournament why am I so into this tournament this is dope when I was three years old my mom had to pay me to smile for the photographer Here I am after extorting her for $1 I'll do little hustler made a fake computer so the cat stops screwing with me there ya wanted to be on top of the laptop so bad there you go oh no this is like some this is like how Michael Reaves became the the disgusting evil scientist he is today sure that was something simple like replacing the cancer with fart spray and discovering the wonders of technology and then all of a sudden a couple years down the line Michael Reeves is making cameras that tase you wouldn't he take a picture so you could be the tallest guy in the room or making a room but that screens what it hits things or he goes really out on a limb and makes a Twitter bot that buys Amazon things for him Michael Reeves if you're ever watching this just want to know your terrifying evil scientist and I have the utmost respect for you but I have I live in constant fear I live in constant fear mr. Reeves that one of these days you're you're just gonna like invent a robot that gained sentience if we have an a over taking I feel like you would be responsible can I beat Halo before the fire melted my TV on dude let's try did now that's what friends are for and my man's got the paper on his shoe baby oh yeah this is the only video where you can post a comment and any time and it could still get likes because people are always getting rickrolled point proven cuz we got six point nine K likes maybe nice Oh bro those chicken wings in the bird-watching ha ha ha ha ha ha looks nice did I love chicken wings I make a really Bob check going I do lemon pepper garlic and it's tasty bro listen if you ever run into me on the street and there's a cookout nearby we're going in that cookout I don't care whose you are we're going there we're getting some chicken wings and I'm making you some of us it's good old friend Damian's good old uh mr. Lee's Damian Lee's lemon pepper garlic chicken Wang's family recipe and you're gonna have your taste buds going out of the front of your face I'm actually giving like proper sleep now so I'm really energetic and hyped up teen masturbated 56 times straight before dying of heart attack impressive hey uh who countered it you know what that's actually a really good question that's a really good question who sat there because obviously I don't feel like the teen would have done it in front of someone like a Guinness world record but at the same time how do you how do you gauge that at the coroner's table no no take your gorilla put it inside a fake looking gorilla costume instead of loose inside a shopping mall certified crazy I want to read those comments know what to see if people would think about it two days ago I named my Wi-Fi to hack it if you can yesterday it was changed to challenge accepted oh no man suffers heart attack after mining in Minecraft for 48 hours to get diamonds to flex on his brother sometimes you gotta do what you got to do it why is this in CNN business that's what I want to know what is it son CNN business my mom asked me for a formal picture of my month-old baby I sent her this there there there there's a little there's a little guy there's a little baby he's lucky dog Aborigine he is actually the most common letter in the English alphabet but you couldn't make a sentence without E I just did you're a wizard an elementary school K deaf girls stole my ice cream and I signed her to give it back and she closed her eyes so I tired of shoelaces together got my ice cream back so will you go out with me I'm sorry but I'm safe your sexual CP Oh what what I'm only attracted to intelligent people that's okay I understand we all crave for things that we don't have damn when except you so you roast them all right ball I see you dude I have a confession I'm cheating on you oh my god you said with Jo no with Brad Brad Oh Brad you sneaky dog Alex Jake Kevin and sometimes Jennifer who's Jo Jo mama a scammer has been stealing my shirt designs and selling them as his own red it he forgot to make one of his domains private giving me access to his whole life story so I'm gonna make a t-shirt of his LinkedIn profile picture a way for him to try to steal that Dave that's an intelligent move I wish you luck today I learned in 1970 psychologist Timothy Leary was sentenced to 20 years in prison on arrival he was given a psychological evaluation that he had designed himself and answered the questions in a way that made him seem like a low risk he was assigned to a lower security prison from which he escaped why was he sentenced to prison now hold on why was Timothy Leary sent to prison I know I shouldn't be looking this up right now but I got to know why he was sent to prison okay hold on I have no idea why he was arrested if so he tell me why he was in prison in general could someone tell me because I'm actually really interested to know why it doesn't seem like it doesn't seem like the kind of thing where if it was putting a low-security prison clearly what he did wasn't like super duper like extreme what it was actually we're not to put him in a prison you know what's a fun little fact about yourself I mastered moving my eyes independently because when I was six a discovery gel video of a chameleon told me I couldn't do it and look at me now discovery they called him a madman whoa no no no no no no no no that's weird that's weird I'm out I don't like that that's weird oh I know about I've seen this meme everywhere nine months later Brooke gave birth to a baby boy she died in labor Mario never knew he had a child that gets used to [ __ ] teens to this day you know Mario we all have the things we like and I'm sure that you had much more children than you've expected to have may 19 this account was run by maze current boyfriend I want to find her a replacement before I break up with her like okay I don't think that's yours to decide but I like your drivin issued of homeboy what's the creepiest monster you've encountered in the game microtransactions I love you love you too more than your dogs know your limits you know your limits my boyfriend cheated on me I can't believe this all men are dogs say something uh meow out of the seven point seven billion people on earth what do you think no one is doing right now huh Oh P oh well you're a per be surprised with no law because I'm getting the Smashing of a lifetime now just to spite you Ohio team defies mother and gets vaccinated look at that man this guy vaccinates you could choose a superpower but the first person to reply could choose a side effect what superpower do you choose the ability to reply to my own comment okay but you have mine control hey wait I replied to by own comment that's sick someone told me to die so now I'm immortal out of spite now to feature a post from user Alpha Omega 2000 20001 I'm sorry I caught myself there and today's video Damian didn't recognize terraria one of the best Blanca sand bog games of all time aside for a minecraft so I decided to make him a little fella so he never forgets the game fan oh that guy you know what if people if that game is like you know one of the best blocky sandbox games I might just go ahead and buy it and stream it just to see like experience and I want what this games about because I've never touched her area ever um but I mean you know there's some people who like it over Minecraft some people don't think it's as good I just wanna see what all the hypes about for that game cuz honestly I'm kind of intrigued now that you made me a little fella thank you so much and that's gonna do it for our slash mad lads if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more con from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,238,848
Rating: 4.9565864 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, reddit insane, reddit pranks, reddit crazy, pranks, prank compilation, mad lads emkay, r/madlads emkay, pranks emkay, reddit mad lads, madlads, reddit madlads, reddit funny, emkay
Id: MeOqVqPdkBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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