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hey do atheists go to hell no how about the people that don't crop memes properly straight to hell at least i assume that's what it says i can't read it i would ask the op what he meant to say but i'm pretty sure satan's busy with him right now what's going on guys and gals welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash thanks i hate it where the only thing you'll hate more than that intro is the content that we have in store things are about to get really cursed so without further ado let's go oh gosh we got a little bit of stewie peter lois brian chris it's all it's just a mess it's a big old mess y'all what the heck what can i say except this is so cursed oh grandma you made me two baby dolls that's so nice of you you shouldn't have oh oh oh god you really shouldn't have balloons are so weird it's like happy birthday here's a plastic sack of my breath okay first off the good balloons are filled up with helium and second off balloons that are made of plastic are definitely filled up with helium the ones that are filled up with breath are made out of rubber so boom fix your logic love my new bath bomb oh is that the product that's made by ramin new dells i love that guy's products get it the joke is ramin new dells is actually ramen noodles i need money to feed my kids now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down i don't even know what the heck i'm looking at but i don't like it and i wish i didn't see it oh i don't hate this thing i don't hate it at all it kind of looks like it's judging me all the time but you know what i still love it oh clippy congratulations who's the father you know now that i think about it i'm pretty sure microsoft paint is the father spore researchers find never seen before supergiant sea cockroach in indonesian waters oh that's great now burn it burn it with fire you know for a second i actually thought this was corn on the cob and then i was like what are those silver things on it and then i realized those are teeth and that's not corn it's teeth on the cob and you know what i i just i don't know what to do man fun fact cows don't have upper teeth so you mean to tell me that otis from back at the barnyard should have sounded like hey guys how's it going actually that makes sense the guy had udders and he's a male so i guess there's a lot of questions mmm delicious hey where's your dinner oh no not like this it's a good thing we named most of the dinosaurs like a hundred years ago when all of us were into mythology and speaking latin if they just learned about dinosaurs now and had to name hundreds there'd be a heckin chunkasaurus and a northern thick scaly boy hey fingers crossed we find a new dinosaur species because northern thick scaly boy is a name i can live with dr disrespect in kim jong-un the collab absolutely nobody was waiting for woman assaulted on bike path deputies released sketch of suspect that must have been terrifying i mean to be fair if you see somebody with no upper lip with nostrils flaring around like this and he just walks in your path i would expect to get beaten up or robbed this man looks like a monster good night honey good night dear ladies and gentlemen thanks i hated has finally teamed up with technically the truth to make this monstrosity what's next a sweetheart that's just a heart covered in sugar actually that'd be kind of cool no no no this is unfair endermen were already creepy in minecraft this is even worse although admittedly if i had to fight an enderman in minecraft i would just attack it with my sword but if i ever saw this [ __ ] in real life i would be running away like no questions asked 5 hour energy most helpful customer reviews 2 stars whatever you do do not fill up a super big gulp cup with five hour energies and chug the whole thing my heart has either stopped completely or is beating so fast that i can't feel my own pulse cons i haven't slept in 72 hours i can't feel my face and i peed this morning and i'm pretty sure 99 of it was blood pros i've deep cleaned my entire apartment and i can read minds i gotta say those are some pretty good pros if i gotta pee blood just to clean my room and read minds i'd totally do it what you wouldn't totally do it what are you some kind of weirdo if you ever think that english is not a crap language just remember that read and lead rhyme and red and lead rhyme but reed and lead don't rhyme and neither do red and lead not gonna lie this post got me effed up the 1982 e.t puppet as seen in 2020 et phone home phone home [ __ ] that you need to go to a hospital he was dying in the movies and now he's dead in real life god i'm creeped out and i want to go to the next meme no no they're too close the eyes are way too close animal skeleton the real animal how future archaeologists would reconstruct the animal ah yeah it's finger boy ready to curse your dreams hey bro take this note your fingers are just slowly 3d printing your fingernails i wouldn't hate that fact it's actually kind of cool i'd be walking around telling people like yo we're walking 3d printers sure we can only print fingernails but it's a pretty cool superpower again i don't know why this is on thanks i hate it if i saw somebody wearing something like this i'd be like yo you're rocking it they're lizard nails they're sweet as hell george washington in his time versus what he would probably look like today let's face it a george washington in modern times would be pretty creepy not to mention his whole slave thing would make things very awkward not gonna lie this guy is even more attractive with the dog that should honestly be the number one picture on his tender profile they lined up this motherfreaker's neck oh my god they really did hey but at least nobody can call him a neckbeard welcome back to eva stories what if a girl in the cost had snapchat they took my cousin to poland yikes just just what a terrible idea oh cool it's iron man if he was old malnourished and had erectile dysfunction iron man more like iron deficiency jesus christ i hate this how's it going elliot why don't you help e.t find his way home that's my one shot at trying to combine the voices of pennywise and e.t together did it work did it flop you know what roast me in the comments section if you must but it was worth a shot men over 30 in skinny jeans oh it's it's just it's too accurate the body type the scrawny little legs and the little tight butt yeah no the image is perfect you are a monstrous jellyfish piloting a skeleton wrapped in a meat suit what the heck are you afraid of a jellyfish fair enough yeah but at least humans have the decency to hide that stuff and skin jellyfish are like these floppy weirdos please just be realistic looking shoes please just be realistic looking shoes i really don't want to imagine the idea that this is real man maybe life isn't about finding the perfect lamp but finding the lamp inside you oh yeah i got my lava lamp it's so pretty hmm i wonder what would happen if i you can't keep doing this cheryl me just chilling and vibing in the void not being alive parents deciding they want a kid being born life no i don't wanna go interesting fact of the day the average person swallows eight lobsters in their sleep every year so uh are we just gonna ignore this you know what yes yes we're just gonna close our eyes and pretend like we didn't see it ah yes the egg project family size egg long egg and square egg my thing is why do they have to be flesh colored i could get behind this especially the family egg but the fact that they're the color of flesh is really off-putting hola soy dora can you say map map can you say it louder map hey are you lost baby girl oh god that's creepy i want to say i had no idea that maps could be so creepy but then i went on twitter and discovered that maps are a whole other level of creepy and if you don't get that joke you're not on the internet enough ladies and gentlemen introducing the mick pickle you see i'm the type of sheep that would actually go to the store and buy this and i don't even like pickles i just like the idea look at this dude look what about to do oh no no no no oh that's just mean i was trying to ignore the pack of white boys that was behind me but one of them said mickey mouse's ears are round from whatever angle you look from therefore they are spheres and honestly it's ruined my entire week this will haunt me and now it'll haunt you too you think that's creepy wait until you find out about donald duck apparently ducks have corkscrew penises so yeah mickey isn't the only animal you gotta worry about the abandoned star wars movie set in tanishan desert this will definitely confuse the future people what if the stonehenge was a movie set for a past civilization i mean this person's got a point too bad we'll never know ah yes in soviet russia mug grabs you oh dang these bunnies managed to be cute and muscular at the same time it's a little intimidating they put music from the 50s and 60s in medicine commercials to appeal to the older generation meaning that sometime in the future despacito will be playing on a commercial for laxatives yes it will and oh boy i can't wait get your laxatives today i got covet tested today and i honestly loved it maybe the nose is the fourth hole what do you mean fourth hole the nose is my number one hole the el disclose oblivion you know what i'm not sorry you had to hear that may the rest of your day be cursed oh god forget about seeing things through your third eye this guy is seeing things through his 17th and yet ironically he's blind can parasites get parasites parasites of parasites sometimes called hyper parasites seem to be quite common in fact parasites of parasites are themselves prone to parasites leading to what might appear to be an endless progression of interspecies abuse you hear that everyone if you've got a parasite it's more than likely that you've got more than just one parasite in fact you might have an infinite amount of parasites sleep tight can't wait for the office potluck people always ask me how i make paw print sugar cookies so perfect yeah and if you care about the people you make the food for you should probably never tell them how you actually do it because that is so disgusting okay well i'm not quite too sure if i should classify this as a fail because sure you 3d printed something onto a crappy costume but it does manage to be scary so i mean you kinda win okay this might not be a picture you want to put into the photo album a cat on a computer more like a sexy cat on a computer uh yeah police you should probably arrest the person who made this wow this special milkshake is uniquely delicious what's in it it's a secret but i can show you hey yo come here turn around whoa that's a large pimple oh god no yep oh that's just disgusting jesus christ plankton plankton plankton plankton [Laughter] i'm trying to think of what to say i'm so creeped out and the eye is so red and his his body's so fleshy and just oh oh the folds miguel vasquez 3d you should be ashamed of yourself you talented yet disturbed individual hey man take this note beef jerky is just a cow raisin you know what i would hate it if somebody gave me this too hey squirtle how's it going i'm doing good bulbasaur what about you hey don't forget about charmander over here what's cool pikachu just the four bros hanging out it's definitely creepy and it should definitely not be canon this special effects artist created a custom face mask for himself it just goes to show that some people can use their talents for evil cause yes it's extraordinarily good but it's also extraordinarily bad at the same time i mean okay you're rocking the spider-man computer set up do i think it's dangerous absolutely do i think that it's sturdy absolutely not but i do believe it can effectively cool down your computer parts so i guess it's not too bad of an idea oh yes royal danish cookies oh man it's just knitting tools dang it grandma do you eat your big macs with or without the shell hey satan i think you forgot someone how's it going i'm chris mclean and this is total drama swamp land your first challenge is to get the heck out of my swamp i finally found it after 15 years the scroll of truth let's see what it says here cookie monster's real name is sid no i refuse to believe this homer simpson as peter griffin and peter griffin as homer simpson seeing how much family guy took from the simpsons this isn't actually as weird as it should be how the human brain works electricity tickles the meat so that different slimes come out sometimes the slime feels good sometimes bad some people make more bad slime than good slime that's called chemical depression my biology textbook said it was more like a sauce well what is a sauce but slime with a purpose no no he's got a point mark zuckerberg surfboards in hawaii with way too much sunscreen i mean he's a billionaire lizard man did we really expect him to act like a human would i mean look at that lizard face apparently putting maple syrup and a laptop in the same moving box is a bad idea i don't want to seem like the bad guy here but you should have seen this coming tampax okay give me a second tampax flaming hot tampons jesus christ imma say it again every day we stray further from god's grace people are getting secret tattoos on the roof of their mouth uh know the hell they are not let me fix this headline real quick three specific people who are just individuals doing something psychotically insane are getting secret tattoos on the roof of their mouth there fix your headline oh that is just awful a bell pepper cup to hold your tea this makes me feel both disgusted and intrigued now all i want to know is does it taste good other people pronouncing r thanks i hate it as thanks i hate it me r slash t fun biology fact toddler schools are full of teeth waiting watching next time you look at a toddler just remember this picture my son has a thomas the train bed and now i'll never sleep again don't worry nathan thomas is always watching the only thing that can make this creepier is if thomas the tank engine was holding a toddler skull yep just gonna dip my toe into the pool up it's a little cold you know what i don't think i'll be going in today guys gals and non-binary pals disney pixar presents oh no we [ __ ] up i mean to be fair they were extraordinarily lucky not to run into a plane maybe this is just an alternate universe and for the record i would totally watch this movie i guarantee you that it couldn't be sadder than up's opening scene while threatened fulmar chicks vomit a stinky sticky orange oil at the predator the oil glues the predator's feathers together so it cannot fly when the bird goes to wash the oil off in the ocean it finds that it has lost its buoyancy in drowns holy cow who's the real predator the foamer chicks are the things that are hunting them because these chicks are murderers a woodpecker's tongue wraps around its head when a woodpecker pecks these tongue bones are retracted and stabilized the skull providing a musculoskeletal support these also protect its brain from over 1 000 grams of force when it's hammering away by absorbing the shock little did i know that these things were so powerful but then again if you're an animal that just slams its head into wood day in and day out it makes sense that you would need to have a thick skull this is how the original yoda puppet used in the empire strikes back looks now i mean i knew yoda looked old but god this guy is deceased well i guess that makes sense because yoda did die as a woman one thing that baffled me at first was how hard it is to get it in sometime like in corn a vj just sort of absorbs the penis absorbs the vag shall consume consume enhance and replicate when male honeybees mate their penises explode and they die during the queen's nuptial flight she'll mate with over a dozen partners and leave a trail of their dead penis-less corpses in her wake there that's a thing you know now well that's good because i absolutely did not want to know that this ant has a rounded head to block off the nest entrance imagine trying to remove a blackhead and instead you squeeze out a freaking ant oh i can do you one better imagine reaching into your halloween candy bag grabbing a reese's pieces and then boom you just ate an ant coco virus stew with tortilla face masks for dinner tonight okay aside from the fact that this is really creative i just i couldn't feel right eating that that looks like no eating something that looks like that is just asking for trouble nobody five minute craft thumbnails is that an iphone taco what kind of rich [ __ ] would ever need this oh man i ran out of taco shells well i guess i'm just gonna break my thousand dollar phone ew you liked me when i was cake yeah man but you've changed and i'm not putting up with this [ __ ] no more literally yo i just woke up and had this crazy thought if we can make cow cheese and goat cheese does that mean we can make cheese from any animal that lactates like horse cheese human cheese and monkey cheese you seriously woke me up for this crap yeah man this is important stuff and we need answers did you know when cannon bolt one of the strongest aliens of ben transforms into a spear he can suck his own ding-dong and use it as a joystick to change his direction no i didn't know that and i didn't want to know that but now that you bring it up you're saying that these aliens have ding-dongs can you imagine ben just having his first time he's like wait hold up i want to change forms and he goes into this massive creature like that that's kind of badass kanye and kim ah yes now this is a couple i can get behind they're both batshit crazy with way too much money bad dogs don't go to the park bad dogs sit in the corner and bad dogs don't get any dinner a few moments later wow wee what a session thanks helen no problem cooper have a great day at work i guess some dogs like being taken to the pound who knew the one mistake you definitely want to avoid durex play a fruit-flavored pleasure gel and detail 100 germ-killing hand sanitizer oh man you've put hand sanitizer on a cut before but could you imagine that god that's awful who the f is gonna stop me from pouring pop rocks into my oh god the government cannot control me you see this is the fight people should be having everybody's arguing about how wearing a mask is infringing on my rights as a citizen when in reality they should be more worried about the government stopping us from putting pop rocks inside of our body this is what needs to be protested hey kids try some real clown pubes they taste delicious oh god i just noticed how it says at the top right corner with unpleasant odor that is just sick introducing sour patch condoms sour then sweet oh that's so it's so stupid but i guarantee you i would be the first person to try this god granted my couches consenting spirited away 2001 ah look at how brown the water is part of me kind of misses the times when you could hang out in densely populated areas like this but then again i'm also thinking about how much pee is in that pool and god it's it just it looks so dirty what if grass licked your feet when you stepped on it i would do a split every day we stray further from god's grace well everyone that's my time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r thanks i hate it if you did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 250,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/tihi, r/tihi top posts, r/tihi best posts, tihi, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: lWugtwB8M9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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