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by the power vested in me hobo dan i now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your dumpster bride seriously talk about a trashy wedding this place is a dump literally what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash trashy that's right it's a new subreddit and fair warning this isn't gonna be the cleanest video and in fact it's gonna be pretty darn well trashy but i'm sure you guys are ready to hop on into it so without further ado let's go support local shops shoplift from supermarkets or you could you know not shoplift at all but hey what do i know warning to all stores restaurants gas stations etc this is how someone paid for their food at huddle house needless to say we are no longer taking rolled coins sorry to the honest folks uh you have to be one of the worst types of people to do this however on the bright side maybe they really needed that food you might not have wanted to you know help those people out especially people who are just scamming you but maybe they really needed the food and you're kinda helping them anybody missing this dog at the augusta apartments aggressively tackling kids and humping them no joke i stopped it and i got it off one of the kids and it snapped at me come get it it's already came after my kids more than once see this is why some people shouldn't own dogs they don't properly train them and then they let them run free and before you say oh it's a straight no no no no it has a collar on so the dog definitely has an owner they're just not taking care of it i didn't want to put this out here but i have no choice redacted bought me some beautiful gifts for baby benjamin for when he was born a soft fleece blanket cuddly elephants booties some clothes and a singing toy i didn't ask for these things as i said they were gifts well as you know i lost benjamin at 29 weeks i gave birth to him but he did not survive a week later redacted messaged me asking if benjamin used or touched the thing she bought because if not she wanted them back i wrapped him in the beautiful blanket she got him and he was buried with it too she wasn't happy about this and she asked for the seven pounds she'd spend on it back as well as the other gifts that could go to another one of our friend's babies wow you have to be another level of crappy to do this what is even the thought process oh i'm sorry for the loss of your son but uh yeah that bottle i gave him yeah i'm gonna need that back like what an awful person hey bro bro no this is not okay i'm gonna start sounding like someone's mother like clean up your room you absolute slob seriously bro you don't even have sheets on your bed there's junk everywhere this is just disgusting this is abc 7 news this just in someone in washington state stole a wheelchair from a disabled dog why would you do that you couldn't even use the wheelchair it's for the dog oh my god some people are just awful woman 49 is charged after posing as a nurse to give out vampire facials that left clients with swelling and internal pain okay not only is this woman a monster but apparently she's a vampire as well but to be fair if somebody comes across a nurse and they say oh i'm gonna give you what's called a vampire facial not to be mean but that's already sketchy baby manicure oh no oh come on that that's just not right just let your baby be this is this is too much on a london train ah you know you just don't have enough time to throw away your freaking shrimp so yeah just leave it on the train you absolute psychopath lmao some little kid was holding a ps5 and i snatched it right out of his hands and went home with it 2020 finally did me some good made a child cry but do i have regrets no i don't bro it's a gaming console alright you just robbed a little kid for a piece of plastic that has cool games on it how do i say this nicely you're an absolute loser why do i have this sneaking suspicion that this is a walmart i don't know this couple's just a little odd i mean first off the dude isn't even wearing a shirt i mean that's red flag number one second off they don't even have a cart but no what they do have is a raccoon yep this is walmart level energy and you know what i'm all here for it i really hate being out of cigs come on child support i know the feeling it sucks not my problem but that money should be for just that supporting a child not bad habits well i would spend my child support money on my child but i i just need to smoke a cigarette come on man hey yo get a job i miss you i miss you too sorry that was a part of a drinking game i'm sorry no you're not don't don't do that we got geppetto over here playing puppet with this guy's heartstrings just leave the person alone okay don't do this that that's not cool this is a sad representation of america so we don't like to wear masks so this is our protest i want a haircut and of course yes karen and karen why am i not surprised this woman was caught stealing from several small businesses in the area don't be a loser like her ah you know what i absolutely love it when stores acknowledge people like this they don't necessarily sick the police after them but they do publicly shame them and you know i think that's kind of funny average twitter users who cheats more boys are girls males have you ever cheated before multiple times uh excuse me what but it's okay because boys cheat more than girls so when i cheat you know i'm just leveling the playing field holiday lights wiring cut twice i'm so disappointed and whoever feels that they think it's a nice thing to do to a neighbor by repeatedly cutting the wires to our holiday lights it's been a very difficult year and i feel dismayed that someone feels that they need to trespass on our property and vandalize our lights disgraceful behavior ah come on that's totally not in the christmas spirit who's your neighbor the grinch geez that's so evil hey look it's tinkerbell but instead of the nice delicate wings it's the confederate flag yep oh this my dear easy-peasy and this is what we call grade a trashy take notes multi-level marketing hun thinks taking pictures of her fake nails while making sure to show off her bins is impressive while driving at 60 miles an hour do you want to be your own boss and make money on your own terms will just be an absolute annoyance and take pictures while you drive just like me ah you're making me sick redacted 36 full-time mommy bisexual woman yummy yummy two gorgeous girls and a jack russell we come as a package deal you must love dogs and children wine disney yoga and veganism is my favorite passion well they can't all be your favorite passion you know what whatever i'm five eight and you have to be at least six feet tall to qualify dang it i'm out i like them tall for a reason foot emoji hand emoji what what is that you got a foot fetish is that is that what you're hinting at i don't know bisexual but i sway towards men i don't have a job and i don't plan on getting one anytime soon so you must be able to provide you must be inked don't be afraid to say hi my anthem run the world girls by beyonce okay let me get this straight you're unemployed you have a kid and a dog you're vegan and you only want tall people to talk to you honey what are you offering to people like come on you see i can just imagine the perfect dude he's exactly six foot two he loves kids and dogs he's a vegan he's able to provide but he doesn't have any tattoos so he's just like oh i guess i'll swipe left the golden gummy nectar army yep p gummy bear is made from scratch i'll be uploading a video to my only fans about how i make them dm if you want some piss play piss food oh so that's what they are i don't mean to take the piss out of your gummy bears but uh that's disgusting this is absolutely disgusting i just i'm so upset with humanity right now and who would pay someone's only fans to watch that i hate the world god my my faith in humanity is dwindling i just i don't know what to do with this information i guess we'll just move on to the next meme oh easy peasy help me guys i i before you cancel thanksgiving and christmas with your loved ones remember that this may be the last holiday you have we are not guaranteed a single minute on earth stop living in fear and embrace life to its fullest last year was my uncle richard's last thanksgiving because he caught this damn virus and died sorry to hear that we never know how much time we have with someone yes but you can protect your family by not breathing in their faces on thanksgiving it's not rocket science it's it's actually it's just science it that's all it is it is pure simple science ah these people are disappointing me felonious assault suspect accused of stabbing boyfriend the cops say she did it because he was eating all the salsa hey look we all like salsa but maybe you took it a little too far by stabbing the person who was eating all of it maybe there were some de-escalation steps you kind of skipped over before stabbing him if we're going on a date and you don't offer to pay for babysitting plus a to-go box meal for my child we're not going why should my baby daddy or i have to come out of our own uh because it's your kid maybe feeding your kid is your job because it's your kid i don't know i didn't think me a 20 year old childless narrator would have to tell you how to be a better parent but yeah you know probably feed your kids that's probably a good idea ikea mattress seventy dollars yeah that's gonna be a no for me dog and by the way charge your phone ten percent come on you're just living on the edge now lol i stay wrecking cars psa i never was proud of wrecking cars it's stupid af i just cheated on my license test and never really learned the rules of the road to be honest wow not only are you a danger to society but you're also an absolute bag good for you nothing like a smashed toilet in the middle of the sidewalk to remind me what a lovely neighborhood i live in oh no tensions between the toilet gangs are heating up we got dead toilets in the street what a shame the award i should be nominated for most likely to sleep with your dad oh well that's charming oh man forget a [ __ ] stamp no no no a trump stamp yo i gotta be honest trump has the weirdest stands out there their energy is unlike any others this person got a whole [ __ ] stamp for trump oh my gosh i complain about being single and then act like this are you single unfortunately lol why don't we go out then after matching on tinder or chat a little we would have a ton of fun i doubt it i hate all men well i'm confident i'd change that thought i'm great i treat you so well too doubt it i'd love to prove it to you can i get that opportunity why are you being so doubtful that i wouldn't be able to make you laugh lol i don't laugh hey hey you see this exchange yeah yeah you're toxic all right please stop there's nothing wrong with being single but if you're just gonna complain about being single and then axo standoffish like this it's just it's unappealing it ain't a good look my g neighbor watched my husband's car pull away and then started texting me he has my number because i witnessed a domestic incident between him and his girlfriend yesterday hey good morning sweetie what are you doing i am working my son stayed home sick from school is everything okay yeah bored and i hope he's alright my baby did you find out what's wrong with him no probably just a stomach bug kept him home to be safe oh okay how are you doing beautiful i woke up this morning feeling very married and unavailable lol you're tripping hard over there oh my bad i didn't mean to offend you i was just complimenting my bad lol how's work life ao bro quit it this is henrik husby the owner of a tiny phone repair shop in norway here iphone owners could get their phones repaired instead of buying a new one apple is currently suing him for 25 000 and demands him to destroy all the iphones he has repaired this case is now in supreme court yo apple you make enough money to where this is complete bullcrap you don't need to sue people because they're fixing your products god that's so frustrating i do have cobia 19 so clean this table effectively thanks or or you could just not go out to a restaurant when you have an easily spreadable virus you are these people are the worst and because it's a restaurant you know they didn't eat with their mask on so the person who made this note put everyone around them at risk every girl's dream is to be carried on her wedding night yeah but probably not like this still though happy honeymoon i guess life is short go ahead and cheat on him sweetheart can i cheat on her no of course you can't cheat only i can cheat what are you some kind of weirdo ladies gentlemen and non-binary folks alike the mother of the year award goes to anyone but this woman seriously somebody gets cps on the phone my husband just told some lady that i was deaf and the only way we communicate is by reading lips so we can't wear a mask for f's sake i know right like my husband is so immature that he won't even put on a mask during a global pandemic lol you are under video surveillance please stop abandoning your animals here thank you i imagine this is either like a petco or an animal shelter where people are just like well i don't want to take care of this thing you have it there's a process for giving away animals just stick to the process you can still give them away gosh why are people so lazy the second time this week someone has tried to dig up the grave of a girl who died in my hometown in the 1800s i'm sorry what rebecca's grave dug up again yesterday oh my god who does this why would someone do this let rebecca rest rest in peace hi neighbor i saw that you received my food i hope it's sitting well in your belly i was really looking forward to that pasta my delivery driver made a mistake but it would have been pretty simple for me to go outside and see it on your step instead also i know you have it because doordash provides pictures upon delivery ah that's pain if i was the neighbor who stole food which i obviously wouldn't be because i don't steal people's food but if i was i would just move it would be too awkward to deal with moving would be the preferable option missouri walmart coronavirus liquor charged with terrorist threat hey i have the creative virus i'm gonna go lick things in public so other people can risk getting it oh i'm in jail a post for my dad we all need to fight back love you dad my hero just at a masked party at autozone on panama naturally i wasn't sporting said mask i was asked to please put one on but i refused i was then asked by the manager to exit the establishment again i refused i asked to state the law requiring me to wear one they could not two baltimore police department officers were sitting 20 yards away in the parking lot i said go get the police and they wouldn't i'm still standing in the store with everyone's full attention finally the manager asked what i needed i set a license plate frame she said get it and put it to the side so i did she asked if i was paying cash i said no she said place your card on the counter and step back i did she started to grab my card and i said don't touch my card bare-handed so she went and got gloves on i asked if everything in the store was sterilized to no answer if we don't stand up it's going to get a lot worse folks we are being conditioned to comply i bet that's the hardest 10 bucks autozone earned today hey everyone give this person attention yeah cause that's clearly what they want right nobody cares about your opinion on masks nobody's telling you to put a mask on just to spite you it's to stop the spread of a disease like it's not about you gosh these people are so self-centered she used the huge goodwill money to live a luxurious lifestyle mom who pretended to have cancer to make 45 000 pounds from gofundme faces jail as she should i mean that's not right gofundme has actual legitimate causes that people should give money to the fact that she took people's money off of false pretenses definitely justifies some jail time i wonder what this is is it a giant stick oh maybe it's a hot dog yeah yeah it's totally a hot dog merry christmas ben 37 just released from prison wife doesn't know i'm out trying to have some fun before she finds out wow you still have a wife after being in prison for however long you were in there for and instead of going home to her faithful self now you're like nah let me cheat on tinder news flash this probably isn't gonna work i think the sad part is i have to say probably because there's still probably be people who read that bio and are like maybe i'll give them a try kansas had to pass a law to tell cops they can't have sex with people they're arresting the fact that they needed to turn this into a law just to prevent cops from doing this is actually disgusting i mean it's pretty much assault because there's a huge imbalance of power like that uh that shouldn't even have to be said cardiff after dark by messige dakowitz ah yes so here we see these absolutely classy individuals sure there's a bit of litter some drunkards a bit of debauchery but you know what very classy people nonetheless not at this address since june 2020 ding dong kept falling into other women well somebody definitely just got caught cheating and the worst part about it is i don't think the partner has taken it very well chelsea 26 bisexual 32 miles away divorced i have two exes put police reports out on me i've lived with and dated a felon with a kid spent 21 days in a mental institution i have two autoimmune diseases several other chronic health issues i'm a gemini i don't have a car i'm going to school to get certified in crystal therapy we vibin baby chelsea seems like a fun ride she seems like a fun girl yeah i'm totally down for chelsea and her crystal thing ah crystal therapy next meme okay what does this say this is not your first time blasting music way past midnight and early in the morning you sing loudly or blast your music even way past midnight at 1 30 am and also start blasting in the morning at 6am this is very inconsiderate behavior because other people do need to sleep and rest even if you don't need to please stop singing loudly or blasting your music thug life oh yeah i'm so cool because i'm an inconsiderate neighbor no bro you're not cool you're just a i was going to help her but she has a trump sticker on her car lmao hashtag call your president [Music] [Laughter] i mean uh oh that's me how dare you you bad man ooh you i'm wagging my finger at you how dare you let's get drunk so i can take advantage of you oh well you know i had cold read that i did not know what it was gonna say but the amount of enthusiasm that i narrated that with makes me ashamed uh to have read that what a terrible bumper sticker you just know that the car owner is definitely in a fraternity if you park in my spot i'll break your windows have a nice day wow that's uh that's not very cheery of you but at least you're honest please stop having sex and leaving your used condoms in our driveway i am tired of picking up and cleaning your trash you are not welcome yo what is the deal with your driveway that people are like uh yeah this is the perfect spot come here babe seriously some people are sick i'm sorry you had to put this sign out that's that's awful woman reportedly returned three thousand dollar engagement ring because it's too cheap oh i'm sorry i didn't know you wanted me to invest so heavily into the corporate scam that is engagement rings next time i'll get you a bigger shiny rock or how about this you just pay for a more expensive rock with your own money some people have their heads shoved so far up their own butts they don't even know when someone steals your phone at the bar and decides to take mirror picks before turning it off lol my phone auto backs up and found these after restarting my new phone lol i stole someone's phone you know it's probably locked and has a password like all phones so i can't even use it but haha i'm so funny hey hey it's big man on campus make way for him you know they're so important they just park in two handicapped spots not even parking in a handicapped spot where they're not handicapped no double parking in two handicapped spots this person is hands down an absolute jerk oh what a beautiful yard do you have i i just noticed that trump with a gun thing uh yeah that's cringe oh and speaking of disgusting it's heritage not hate oh i'm so glad i don't have these neighbors mike gave me herpes tell mike if it's not on it's not on no balloon no party and by balloon they're talking about condoms mike if you're going around giving people herpes you're a jerk if you're also somebody who's vandalizing to let people know about mike kind of not a good thing to vandalize but at least you're putting it out there i suck ding dong in the back of the building by the light oh well uh good good to know you know you just want to air out all your business on a poll go ahead and with that everyone that's actually the end of our video i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash trashy how do you feel about this new subreddit did you like it did you not like it tell us in the comment section below anyways if you like this video or like the channel make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads anyways i'm your host david the baker and if you want to hear more from me my channel link is down in the description below i can't wait to see you guys in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 100,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Trashy
Id: VcnFMFrOk54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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