r/Mademesmile | DOG IN JAMAS

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when you got engaged people were devastated by the news one girl wasn't who through well I'd hope so what's up guys welcome back to Ma my name is Robin and today we're gonna be looking at posts on our slash make me smile uh-huh my boyfriend was slow cooking ribs and I guess they were done in the middle of the night so this man wakes me up at 3 a.m. and goes here babe I brought you a rib so we sat in bed and ate ribs I found my soul mate husband him quick the girl I babysit has made me watch Wally at least 10 times so I assumed it was her favorite movie but today her mom told me that she watches it because she thinks it's my favorite movie look at this he's almost a liquid when we met my boyfriend just wasn't a cat person we're out of wet food and he's currently cooking fish so the boys can still have a good dinner as though they're loyal patrons of a restaurant he cannot disappoint and not too many he'll Panthers that poop in a box and Eunice Australia's oldest man 109 knits tiny sweaters for injured penguins that's so cute okay you could tell by the look on his face he just fell right off of a shelf you went to lopsided and you fell good job I'm speechless hi is this still Alexis number uh yeah who's this remember me Oh what the heck what's up dude I'm getting married tomorrow I wanted to send you this message my fiance knows I'm sending this to you thank you for being my first love thank you for always encouraging me thank you for keeping me out of trouble thank you for the times you took care of me when I was sick and depressed thank you for loving me if you haven't already I hope you one day find love if you loved me that much when we were young I can only imagine how strong and powerful your love is now the way your heart is made is amazing I know we were only kids when we dated but you taught me what love is did the man who's lucky enough to have you as their wife I hope he treats you with care I hope he knows who he has in front of him and I hope he shows you love and loyalty every day you deserve that and more my point in all of this is you are the reason why I know how to love someone you taught me love you taught me how to deal with my anger how to deal with my depression and how to live life to the fullest and I'm grateful for you I wish you love and happiness damn oh it's everybody's favorite little marketing scheme wish you were here take what you need and that's a that's a lot of love does that say LSD that says LSD is cold out so I'm aware my jammas cheetahs are very socially awkward and shy animals and that's why they need dogs oh look at those besties why I don't vaccinate my kids like doctor does oh look another little sweetheart getting her party on my dog has been assigned to play with a puppy at his doggy school and they've actually become best pals you know the astronaut with the dogs in this photo his name is Leland Melvin he's from Lynchburg Virginia when I lived there the city declared April 7th 2008 Leland Melvin day and because I have a weird affinity for weird days I put it on my calendar happy Leland Melvin day hey thanks for reminding me man a little girl came up to my door dressed as a shark and I gave her M&Ms and she said thank you I love you and her mom said you're supposed to say happy Halloween and the little girl said she gave me names I love her oh these two were making me real sleepy I need a nap and someone to hold me when you wake up earlier than you intended it looks like me every morning mr. Rogers was so prepared that he even prepared children for his death when he died his website posted a link to help children understand what happened the post read remember that feelings are natural and normal and that happy times and sad times are part of everyone's life we miss you mr. Rogers we miss you a whole lot a goat which suffers from anxiety only calms down when she's puttin her duck costume you know that goats probably on to something I should get me a duck costume see if it helps I ordered a birthday gift for my daughter-in-law and when I unpacked it there in the bottom of the box was a free sample package breathe it said irritation free and carefree it read Wow so timely and appreciated I thought but I think they need to go back to the design board on this one up voting someone's meme even if it's low effort is a great way to make someone's day thank you professor dog you're right well look who it is the most handsome little bastard in the room sometimes you just gotta fall asleep in a sunbeam soak up that warmth my friend why are you laughing nothing my brain one Anna my name is Atticus I was in the ICU for two days but it turns out I was just constipated my giant turd cost two thousand five hundred and thirty six dollars my craps are more expensive than a small Louis Vuitton purse I'm that fabulous yeah look at that face he doesn't give a crap or at least he didn't for a while I guess did Carol bask and kill her husband yeah uh-huh yep yep see they know what's up 11-year old you about to go on a school trip your homies have their backpacks full of food y'all get a seat in the last row the bus passes by your house oh man we got excited about stupid crap as kids didn't wait dog nine-one-one what's your emergency dog my balls under the couch you try barking at it it didn't work omg omg I told my parents I miss archeology and my mom was very sympathetically like do you want to dig holes in the garden and I was like yeah I want to dig holes in the garden all animals go to heaven is just illogical planning you're telling me every crocodile that ever lived is in heaven heavens got to be swarming with crocodiles does that sound like heaven to you thousands of millions of crocodiles slams fists on table yes damn it and Steve Irwin is showering them all with affection but does every single stingray go to heaven I mean what if Steve Irwin just randomly came across the stingray that killed him Steve would probably just Pat it and say sorry I spooked you mate gosh you're a beauty you must have grown three times since I last saw you we never deserved Steve Irwin no we never did there are a lot of people we didn't deserve look out shark my job here is done oh you little Cupid you happy birthday mom I love you so much I'm beyond grateful for everything that you do for me and I'm so lucky that you're my mom have a great day you know I think it's time we all gave our moms a call just to check in they rejected my request because they said I needed written approval from Terry Crews can y'all retweet or tag him so a girl can save some dollars oh I approve signed Terry Crews now that's a victory for the ages when you see a friend who hasn't been in a good place out doing good things and being successful and happy sorry I'm starting to tear up a little bit there's just some dust in my eye why would they show me a post like this they know I can't count this is Nellie she's an astronaut please don't interrupt her spacewalk that's one small boot for the pup one giant boot for pup kind thanks NASA one nice way to feel better about yourself is to imagine what Steve Irwin would say about you if you were a little snake he found in the desert because of their naturally friendly dispositions Samoyeds usually make for terrible guard dogs they don't attack threats they just kind of smile and bark at him well how wholesome is that it's my little sister set this as her roblox name Beth is awesome 99 did you know a man named Chen spends every weekend of his life at the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge the world's number one suicide site and saves people from jumping he saved a hundred and forty-four people from killing themselves so far like Mister Rogers said look for the helpers yes it's about time samuel l.jackson came back for a third stay the frick at home i wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden and i go remember how good this is because you can lose it you know for as weird as he's been the past couple years there were plenty of times where he was wholesome and I thoroughly loved it oh oh oh dear he's giving you that look he's up to something hmm oh my god it is so cute I think I'm having a heart attack achievement unlocked three years of better me great job you've been in recovery for three years 36 months 1097 days or 26,000 hours freaking Bravo you are doing so good oh how adorable got your nose dude what the hell give it back therapist you need to open up more me I can't why not let me visualize it for you oh my it's a good metaphor though because the situation is never going to get better if you don't eventually pull the door and afterwards no matter what the damage was you'll have a working cabinet whatever plates you could salvage and a place to start putting new plates reblogging for that comment hats off for negative jokes turned into wholesome posts you know I've seen that image a lot and I've never looked at it that way but I'm certainly glad someone forced my perspective to skew a little bit there my sister proposed to her girlfriend today and look at that older woman's reaction ah as a Karen can I officially set the record straight Karen is not a slur and if you don't agree I need to speak to your manager oh snap a coupon good for one free meal must be accompanied by grandparents what do you do if your grandparents are no longer with you maybe I'm just going stir-crazy here but I've been complementing the trees I see on my walks and hikes just think about it those larger trees are probably like 1 to 200 years old and nobody gives it the time a day then this person comes up and tells it you'll be a great end someday you're literally the nicest being that this tree has ever met and probably made that tree century so yeah quarantines going great and it's clearly messing some of us up a little bit more than others if I've learned anything from video games it's that when you meet enemies it means you're going the right direction that's really inspiring oh my god oh man this is just one of those images that you can hear and it hurts my ears and that's all we've got for you today folks always remember if you enjoyed this video hit that like button and if you really liked it make sure you subscribe and click the bell icon and until next we dive into some more posts I'll be seeing ya you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 483,305
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: rL10vaT05YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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