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oh my god he's barely bigger than that can what is up ladies and gentlemen my name is Robin and hey welcome back to m'kay today I figured I would take a little walk through our slash made me smile wear cute puppies and kittens reign supreme without further ado let's get right in there say I love you without using those three words go let's see what you got call me when you get home so I know that you're safe alternatively when you drop someone off at their house don't drive away until you see them close their front door with them on the other side there's a channel on YouTube called grandpa kitchen and it's a happy old man cooking giant meals that he then shares with a bunch of kids it funds a bunch of food and literacy programs to really blessed content the man was amazing up until his death at the end of 2019 it's unfortunate that he's not around with us anymore good morning honey bunches I'm on a video call this is some true pandemonium if you ask me Oh what the heck happened to his little feetsies now he's looking much better now we just spent an hour looking for well she's incredibly small so you'll probably continue to spend at least that much time until she's big you go folks you graduated now go have a good time and start making some serious money my tomato plants are an inch high can you believe that they grew that much in 24 hours awesome that's actually really cool if you have children please don't let them go to bed hungry call me text me private message me and I will personally do my best to help in any way I can to bring you food in groceries extremely confidential whether you believe in this pandemic or don't the reality is some are suffering financially from what's going on let's waste less time arguing with each other and help each other Thomas you're a saint even on Gilligan's Island they listen to the professor not the millionaire oh if only the real world worked as awesome as it did on TV the girl whose parents gave her cat away found him back I know you're very upset no I don't think you have any idea where is my cat meet spotty my parents gave her away without telling me so I hunted her down and with the help of friends and kind internet strangers I adopted her today Wow the odds were not in your favor there but you really did a number no I he's still giving his boy haircuts also where'd his sons test Hoos go I was having a bad day and this dog walked to my bus stop saddle my bench and asked me for pets I'm now having a good day where do you live where something like this can happen because I wouldn't mind moving there all right I'm sorry I'm gonna have to kidnap your boy come on grandma do a kickflip then and now friendship can definitely stand the test of time folks dad I love you Wow sweet Iranian teacher drives to a village to teach his only student using his car as a whiteboard I feel a Teacher of the Year award coming on husband spends two years planting thousands of scented flowers for his blind wife to smell and get her out of depression Wow walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest came home with a deaf toothless senior Love Bug oh what a sweetie I saw this beautiful man holding a phone with both hands looking at the screen smiling I was drawn by his joy and asked for a photo he agreed telling me he was talking to his wife back home I asked if it was a video call he said no but I see her name on the screen that is a relationship that will last forever I gave Mason a toy he hasn't seen for about 10 years and played with when he was a puppy he's treating it like a dear long-lost friend and takes it everywhere and even sleeps with it he's very comforted by this Mason you're cute I don't know how to say their name but there's some of the happiest looking creatures in the world please look at what my dad sent me this morning I cannot even so Dave was out walking his dog and there was a couple walking with a white version of his dog turns out they're brother and sister from the same litter but instead of just playing like they do with other dogs look at this everybody needs a big ol hug a single parent sometimes we try to give our kids the world I always plan to get my son a car for graduation but the timing wasn't right I'm very glad I listened to my mom I crawled before I walked she said he can have my car you just got to fix it up and we did just that no payments and title in hand he was so humble and appreciative thank you for taking your time and getting it right thank you mama for this huge blessing from a senior to a senior happy graduation class of 2020 guys my friend did this for his wife for their anniversary and I can't that's awesome I will teach you in a room I will teach you now on zoom I will teach you in a house I will teach you with my mouse I will teach you here or there I will teach because I care if only we paid them appropriately nah come on look at that smile a historic friendship in December of 2004 a baby hippo Owen got separated from his family by a tsunami having no other hippos around the frightened baby went to a one hundred and thirty year old tortoise named MZ who accepted him as his own and an inseparable bond was formed some friends are family oh my god it's so tiny give me like fifty please my dad really drove all the way from El Paso to Austin at 5:00 a.m. around a nine hour drive to surprise me for my birthday he refused to come inside my apartment or hug me because of social distancing we ate together six feet apart air hugged and then he went back dang dad what do you think happens when we die Keanu Reeves I know that the ones who love us will miss us we don't deserve Keanu my daughter picked her because she was afraid no one would adopt a kitten without a tail if you don't adopt a cat because it doesn't have a tail you don't deserve to be adopting any animals fact dolphins have bromances in which two males pair up for as long as 15 years and help each other hook up with females dude long-term wingman it sounds fake but you really do have a lot of silent lovers on this planet who look at you and wish they had your smile your hair your humor your manners your intentions your poise or are simply cheering you on some are just too shy to tell you they admire you remember that when you feel alone oh wow look one of our friends got engaged nice yeah yeah all right mom kick this bosses for us oh my god my heart is going to explode my dad's been telling me for years about various friendly encounters with Mike another resident of his apartment building he really likes and I found out yesterday that Mike is a dog last one in the pool is gay yeah please notice my diving skills whatever I'm heterosexual so I have a boyfriend nice nice what's his name if he ever hurts you tell us and we'll avenge you bro am i hot duh fudge I don't know am i straight we like 100% support you dude thanks for trusting in us what's this Gomukh saw this father and daughter over the weekend in Virginia and had to take their portrait bang dad's got a sweet ride and a sweet smile Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine in 1953 saving half a million people worldwide from paralysis and death each year when asked who owned the patent he responded the people I would say there is no patent could you patent the son this is the kind of leadership we need right now this is just in general the kind of person we need right now my students wanted to listen to all 10 hours we got it done in about a week's time of class they're big fans of Shrek's ofone Wow in case you're having a bad day here's a raccoon sharing his heart with you he's very proud of it and wants to know what you think I think it's amazing mr. raccoon now that's a proper social distancing gathering urging my friends list a bit but we go way back to Battlefield Bad Company 2 on 360 it's been a minute dang that's cool this is a Sun but I'll tell my dad you said hey that's a really long time I was really little the first time I ever did stand up in the high school talent show my teacher was like I'm gonna see you on The Tonight Show one day so I flew him out comedian Josh Johnson reblog for the teachers who believed in you have an age today dad although your child definitely didn't grow as I expected him to I don't know what it is about this thing that makes me happy but it just it just does holy cow my man that is some serious skill made 50 things for my dad's 50th oh my god that's a buffet of exquisite MMus ok I can't look at this one too long otherwise I'm gonna catch diabetes because it's too sweet my bike was stolen last week and yesterday I saw it for sale on Craigslist so I messaged the seller met him at McDonald's and when I noticed it was 100% my bike I dumbly asked to take it for a ride he said yeah just don't ride off which is exactly what I did I stole my bike back good for you paleontologists have agreed to start saying that Stegosaurus has had beautiful singing voices because it's a nice thought and it's not like they're hurting anyone a beautiful couple and a beautiful landscape what's not to love about this photo gorillas make up little food songs while they eat listen to them hear and it's not like they sing the same song over and over commented leuf it seems like they're composing their little food songs I want to go to their concert I wouldn't mind how much is a ticket Chinese man abducted as a toddler 32 years ago reunited with his parents oh my god his parents aged really well whoa whoa whoa you had me at selling treats how much for everything you can't keep doing this to me man you can't keep showing me to little animals amazing photograph amazing painting good job I was the poor kid growing up my mom used to send me two birthday parties with no present just so I could eat I definitely got to a point where I understood and was embarrassed as hell in fifth grade my friend's mom invited me to sleep over the night before the actual birthday party when her daughter was in the shower the mom laid out the toys that she had bought her daughter for her birthday she let me pick one to wrap and put my name on it I'm 37 now I'm still grateful to that mom that one act made such an impact on me how freaking thoughtful and in good news that makes up for everything in Costa Rica they've discovered a frog that looks more like Kermit than any other frog oh my god it's official Kermit's real God I'll never understand how people do stuff like this all right that's it come here and give me a big old kiss okay cats are just straight-up cheating this isn't fair this is what Arnold Schwarzenegger looked like as he was standing in between Wilt Chamberlain and Andre the Giant in 1983 on the set of Conan the Destroyer those men are massive my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and cuddled up with her my heart is still crying what did I just say about cats being cheating in this game no fair I don't know what that's a blush of but it's cute I'm surprised it took this long to get to bunnies to funnies and I guess the guinea pigs up there they're pretty cute too and unfortunately we've come to the end of today's video it's always nice to get some eye bleach always remember if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the like button down below and hey if you really enjoyed it why not hit subscribe and click the bell icon and until next time folks I'll be seeing ya [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 397,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: s-z2Fyzvu9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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