r/Mademesmile | absolute madman

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i lost my dad at walmart and ended up finding him in the garden section watering plants [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's story smorgasbord includes r made me smile this kid comes and visit my grandmother every day four to five times a day he just told me it was to check on her to make sure she wakes up from all her naps my heart can't take this that makes me happy this is the best thing ever from reddit to me personally i had a passport size a black and white picture of my grandparents from 1950 and a kind redditer colorized it for me i framed it and gave it to my 90 year old grandma who was blown away ah this is adorable that's such a sweet gift this white couple in target was staring at the shea moisture and cantu products something told me to ask so i said y'all need help the wife hesitated and then showed me a picture of their black daughter and asked for recommendations i made suggestions it was a good day by the end of this i might just have faith in humanity again trash collector with 4.0 gpa who woke up at 4am to support his family is accepted into harvard law school that's freaking beautiful and perfect and amazing well done harvard and well done this guy totally deserves it my grandad has a hat for each university his grandchildren attended and today i got to give him mine so proud just so proud oh it's a puppy with actual heart eyes it's the best thing really needing a hug from a black lunch lady right now one time at school this black lunch lady who was my favorite asked me you need more fruit honey and i said no i just need a hug and she said oh come here baby and gave me the best fracking hug in the world and i started crying in the fracking lunch line i would do anything to have that experience again kobe's last game inspired him to train and lose 170 pounds well fracking done dude that is that is freaking awesome caution these shoes are the summer home of jabba the toad please do not disturb thank you i really needed to see a happy frog in 2020 i really needed to see a happy frog the first prime minister to have dealt with a major terrorist attack a deadly volcanic eruption and a pandemic all in her first term of office all while holding a baby good lord that's some leadership goals i had a job interview and they couldn't offer me the job as another candidate performed better than me however they really liked me and have had funding approved to create a job just for me this literally never happens at the nhs and i am so happy congratulations i hope you do some awesome things in your new job daughter got kidney thank you willy for your selfless gift of life oh this is freaking wholesome i'm so glad his daughter got her kidney and well done willy we stan you what a difference three years make but we're still the same homies you sirs are totally rocking it also y'all got ripped as hell i prove this kid had lost his dad in the crowd and started to cry until he saw the flash and wonder woman he asked for help because he knew them oh my god to the cosplayers who presumably helped this kid go find his dad you guys are freaking a-level that is excellent work oh my god open my nan's laptop and when she's googled something she's put please and thank you i can't please translate these roman numerals blah blah thank you dearest ben's nan hope you're well in a world of billions of searches yours made us smile oh and it's 1998. thank you my freshman roommate sat me down on day one and was like heads up i'll be bringing lots of girls and maybe even some guys to the dorm this year so if that scares you grow up cause this ain't high school anyway he brought one girl back the whole year and now they're married that's so perfect oh my god that's great the woman i'm planning to marry showed me this pebble that looks like a guitar pick and with an entirely straight face said it's for rock music marry her faster i agree with sheep kind marry her faster yesterday my son decided to run away from home because i made him eat his vegetables after telling him to pack extra underwear he left only to come running back to the house not because he's changed his mind but because he forgot his mask wear a mask you filthy animals my 79 year old grandma has a meme framed going to grandparents house leaving grandparents house it's so true though some grandparents are absolutely amazing this is my friend he's worked as a carpenter for seven years he's once said to me i wish i could be a model and my pictures would be all over the world and agencies would call me to take my pictures so i said let me try taking your picture you might get lucky i'm not sure if the picture on the right was his friend taking the picture or an actual model picture later on but it is a really freaking good picture and he looks absolutely dashing my kid is gaming with friends so i brought him a snack and he says thanks love you then laughter erupts over the headset and he goes what you don't love your mothers i'm sad for you so if you need me i'll just be over here sobbing into my world's best mom ribbon just boarded my plane back to chicago and sat next to an older white man who slowly turns pauses and says a solomo a leicum in a way that was clear he had been practicing for this moment it was just cute and i wanted to share this wholesome muslim airport story that is all according to wikipedia that's an arabic greeting that means peace be upon you hopefully that's correct i'm sorry for probably absolutely butchering the pronunciation 50 years ago they tried to stop catherine switzer running the boston marathon yesterday at 70 she ran it again wearing the same number hugo girl since i started my new job about a month ago i noticed one of my co-workers gets treated like an outcast so i made a point to befriend him today he came into my office handed me a gift card and awkwardly goes thank you for treating me like a person britch i might be crying imagine treating people like human beings well done on this person but also just makes me sad one time i saw samuel l jackson at an airport and he saw me and my cousin hovering around trying to gain the courage to ask him for a photo and then he came over to us and said y'all motherfrackers won a photo and it was everything oh my god they look so happy that's so cute my grandma deadass just served my kids nuggets and fries in their freaking kiddie pool this is why grandmas should live forever i agree grandmas are just freaking adorable and i love them it's taken me until 27 years old to feel strong enough to show affection to another man in public it's been a journey but i'm glad i'm here oh i'm so happy for you too guys look freaking cute together i proved met this sweet man at outback he saw us at prom and showed us a picture of him and his wife at prom in 1949 fact that he still carries the pick around is just so precious i agree old people line up to clean radiation in japan mr yamada i am 72 and on average i probably have 13 to 15 years left to live even if i were exposed to radiation cancer could take 20 or 30 years or longer to develop therefore us older ones have less chance of getting cancer basically a group of 200 plus retirees are volunteering to expose themselves to high levels of radiation so the younger men and women don't have to making the ultimate sacrifice to protect the lives of their children and their children's children that is that is that is painfully wholesome like i i don't know what to do with this information wow that's that's impressive hr at my work just called me and i thought i was in trouble for something but they just let me know my 11 year old sister has been commenting on their instagram every day telling them to give me a raise good sibling good job well done my parents made a renaissance fair for my kids in my backyard because it was cancelled this year we made turkey legs funnel cakes bopped for apples live music etc they're amazing people and even greater grandparents oh my god this is this is uh this is too much this is too sweet oh man i cannot handle how cute this is i'm moving tomorrow and the old black lady that lives next to me just said i'm going to miss you i used to stay up every night when you would go out with your friends and i wouldn't go to sleep until i heard your door closed and i knew you made it home safe ah freaking sweet neighbors oh my heart i skied back to the pole again to take this photo for all those men who commented make me a sandwich on my tedx talk i made you a sandwich ham and cheese now ski 37 days and 600 kilometers to the south pole and you can eat it 16 year old australian explorer jade hamester this is so petty and so perfect and i love it i hope that sandwich is still there young cake banging on the door i wake up like what the hell i opened like what up little homie i've never seen him before he said i missed the bus and no one will take me to school i've knocked on three doors my response say no more fam didn't even brush my teeth just grabbed my keys slipped on my foams go get that education young brother this is what a big homie does for young brothers oh my god this is adorable oh my god this is great the guy totally didn't have to open his door and take this random kid to school but he did because he's another fracking awesome neighbor i love them my sister came home from school one day and asked me to take her to the library so she could get books on sign language she said there was a new kid at school who was deaf and she wanted to be friends with him today i stood beside her at her wedding watching her sign i do oh my god i was not ready for that oh my god i was not at all ready for that oh my heart after we went trick-or-treating we went to walmart to grab a few things and we ran into elsa these two were saying that's my sister when we left nani cried and said she wanted to see her sister i got elsa's mom's number and she said her daughter was crying too now we're scheduling a playdate oh that's so cute this this makes me happy on many many levels i have a sunburn for most people having a sunburn is a bummer and an inconvenience for me it means that for the first time in 10 months i have control over my depression i was able to stay outside longer than 10 minutes and play with my family i have a sunburn yeah this episode has taken many takes i'm not even gonna lie lexi has cried today i don't have kids and probably never will i support universal child care and paid maternal leave i'm never going back to college i support free college i don't make minimum wage i support increasing it above the cost of living this is called wanting a better life for people my boyfriend trying to be supportive my shawarma fell apart oh no are you solution oriented about it or in the feeling stage imagine waking up for an 8 a.m class and this is what you walk in and see you know given quarantine i wouldn't be surprised he got up extra early to make a holiday class a little fun be nice and respect what he's doing hell yes 13 years ago i emailed dr fauci out of the blue to ask if i might interview him for my undergrad thesis he invited me to his office where he answered all of my questions when i sent up the thesis he read the whole thing see his overly effusive review below who does that oh my god i'm not reading all of that but we stand dr fauci dad can i use your tools you bet that's going to end poorly i disagree i think it will start poorly but who knows how it will end just finished fixing the roof dad thanks sweetie yes this is why you should always encourage any sort of interest a child has today is my 24th birthday but it's my first birthday as a girl being my true self is the greatest gift i could ask for girl you freaking rock it fellow trans family here you look freaking amazing happy birthday fracking own it i so approve the girl i babysit has made me watch wall-e at least 10 times so i assumed it was her favorite movie but today her mom told me that she watches it because she thinks it's my favorite movie this is accidentally wholesome and that kid is going to grow up to be a very very wonderful person deleted my weather app because there's a guy in my office that always tells me anyway and the app never asked me how my weekend was shout out to bill my weekend was awesome man thanks for asking biological father of bride stops wedding to invite stepdad to walk down the aisle with him that's a whole level of family i can't even process a guy named weird al has had a 40 plus year year-long career with no allegations of sexual impropriety one of my favorite stories i've heard about weird al was the moment he realized he had finally made it this was in the early 80s he had been invited to a music industry party and wasn't really sure if he was going to go or not he didn't think anyone knew about him or cared when he got to the party he heard someone yell from across the room holy crap it's weird l weird al is here he looked over and saw was actually paul mccartney who yelled it oh i really hope that story is true because i freaking love weird al and that would just be so incredibly whole i could already see a smile like weirdos just such a happy guy timothy matters holding a thank you letter from the queen he made her a homemade word search to keep her occupied during lockdown oh my god i hadn't seen the picture beforehand and i was expecting like a middle-aged or like older woodworker or something i did not expect a child this is beautiful oh my god this is lovely i gave a little kid some frozen yogurt today at work and his mom says okay what do you say and he looks me dead in the eyes and says i love you i mean i mean from a kid's perspective i love you is just an accentuated form of thank you slash you're great elderly youtuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook then thanks them individually ah protect this man at all costs probably the most unproblematic youtuber ever and that brings us to the end of our slash made me smile which basically turned into r slash made lexi cry several times if your heart hurt at all during this or if it just made your soul happy go ahead and give this video a like if you want some more wholesomely delicious content aggressively throw stuffed animals at the subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 233,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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