r/Mademesmile | "I haven't been carried like this since my wedding day!"

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wait stop scrolling I think you're cute oh don't call me as a guy cute call me adorable hello everybody welcome back to m'kay my name is Jack and it's time to exercise your cheekbones cuz we're gonna look at some made me smile this little squirrel keeps coming in through the doggie door and hanging out with my cat oh and they're just lying together like buddies that is the best love this local theater which is using its marque to comment on movies it's not showing it's like a physical Twitter feed without the you know child predators and racism how long have we been on lockdown oh my god this is her now feel old yet yes why did you have to remind me they even went out of their way to print a new shirt with the exact same photos and everything that's commitment to a progress photo right there ninety nine year old world war two Marine veteran two feet coronavirus I'm a warrior not a warrior I see what you did bad seriously though that's great to see I'm loving all these recovery stories McDonald's hello we've seen that you've placed your order from the hospital I hope you're keeping well your order is on us the McDonald's team is this your attempt to make me want to have McDonald's for lunch huh huh is it because it's working hard mane 17 was so fed up with his sister's flowery candles a few years ago that he decided to make his own he created man cans candles with rugged smells like campfire or coffee that come in soup cans to collect the cans heart by soup and donates the contents to homeless shelters he sells his candles online and to date he has provided 80,000 meals to soup kitchens in four states well this is the mother flippin VIP today folks what a great business strategy I hope he keeps it up meanwhile in Canada today marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands in 1945 the Dutch sent 100,000 tulip bulbs as a gift of gratitude to Ottawa for the role Canadian soldiers played in their liberation the Dutch people have never forgotten what we did for them and still send us thousands of tulip bulbs every year it's a beautiful symbol of our friendship yeah as times it kind of dark around the world with the current stuff going on and the fact that it's likely gonna lead to harder struggles economically and such I think it's especially important to note about history like this as it reminds that even when things get really hard and the world might get a bit hostile towards each other that in the end what works best is if we give each other a helping hand and actually you know be supportive rather than at arms and I don't mean that with just governments and countries and try to apply that with people to our Father suiting up his daughter that is amazing there is just so much pride radiating off this photo the fact that this lightsaber is too big for her just makes this so much more adorable also is that a legit Jedi outfit or like a bedsheet I think I think it's a bedsheet I love it your parents let you have a mohawk they have Mohawks too well when you're deaf and trying to find a mole cricket feel it's kind of mean - laughs hey Opie or anybody in need feel free to send me a PM and I'll add you then we'll go hunting for them together I can lend you my ears and my this is super cute they're giving away free roses for Mother's Day absolutely loving the little wooden flowerpots - damn okay there's takes me back to the time we started sharing pirated copies of Halo to each other at school and secretly installing them to all the school computers so that we could all play Halo together at school and we had a ton of USBs we just distributed it to friends and friends and friends so they could all just span them onto the computers so whatever this teachers tried to remove them we just reinstall the game oh I'm getting so much nostalgia we don't have kids so my wife and I took our dog around to look at the lights in the neighborhood he was in awe yeah he looks like he's just oh my god what the [ __ ] I saw a neighbor boy practicing his jump shot into some tree branches in his front yard I had a portable hoop in the back from when I moved in that was taking up space so I walked over and offered him the hoop for free I only lived there for the next year or two but it was almost non-stop basketball dribble next door after that I saw him his sister parents aunts uncles even a grandparent or two all take a couple shots at the hoop over time it felt good to know his family got so much use out of it well one man's trash is another man's treasure hey congratulations on naughty ones happy birthday to you from me what what cake is that though actually don't tell me cuz it's gonna make me want cake he's mad because I won't let him eat dirt well maybe let him have just a bit of gravel yes this is so good I'm pretty certain nurses just actually do genuinely save more lives than heroes do even in the comics like sure they beat up the bad guy but I mean the heroes aren't saving you know at least 50 people every single day like a nurse would in a hospital I know I'm gonna be corrected on that so easily but screw you nurses deserve it oh my god that's that's Jude but that smile is just [ __ ] scary I mean I don't want to hate on the guy but he's just like I would not want that thing outside my window at night a historic friendship in December 2004 a baby hippo Owen got separated from his family by a tsunami having no other hippos around the frightened baby went to a hundred and thirty year old tortoise named mozi who accepted him as his own and an inseparable bond was forged some friends a family oh that is so beautiful but is he is he eating him in that third photo I know he's probably playing but the tortoise clearly looks like he's just done with him you thought was Panda but em dog Oh pickin bamboozled get it bamboo haha hey bye I'm caught between calling it a pug or a dander maybe a Donder what is something that your parents did that you swore never to repeat to your own kids never actually saying I love you yep never once heard my parents say these words I make sure my son knows I love him every single day he's 20 and probably tired of it but too bad ha ha it felt weird maybe even futile to celebrate my achievement at home especially as the pandemic exacerbates an already vanishing job market but I gotta say this ostentatious display of support from my dad who didn't graduate high school has got me feeling proud of myself today oh you hired out a billboard for him that's just oh my heart Wow you drew that you're so talented say thank you Taniya you're suck listen [ __ ] this self-deprecating [ __ ] is getting old it's time to be confident now piss off so thank you I worked very hard [ __ ] yeah you do I'm assuming this is some sort of drive-through but it looks like someone's taking a polaroid photo of every single tug in the back of someone's car oh this is such a humbling photo of like the entire local dog community whoa ladies and gentlemen I think we've achieved world peace a dog getting passed from a postman and his shoes are all in one piece too trying to be an adult and read a scientific paper and your wife does this Harry Potter and the influence of climatic legacies on the distribution of dry land by across communities mate that ain't your wife that's your soul mate my godson thinks he is Prince George this guy's going places taken to a look-alike competition and how is this photo not turned into a meme already this is like the new toddler crushing sand meme you think you have it rough try being quarantined with the principal whoa guys don't move he's right there buster get that guy I'm on it hang on he's not wearing one of those arm things what those arm protectors you guys wear during training he doesn't have one I know just grab him but I might hurt him oh he's cuddling the Chihuahua now mr. nogi conics toward him for money okay he doesn't have any I'm the worst this suck nothing I do matters yeah yeah I'm rooting for you please do not post into this post box as there is a bird with hatching eggs inside we are temporarily suspending collection from this post box until clear of all the birds I love that we do this I'm sad try adding for now I'm sad for now I swear these comics sometimes work better than psychologists damn I wonder how many megapixels are on that sandal it's super sweet that they're all pretending to do this together my dog's favorite toy is Santa so we brought her to see him raising my voice like that you wouldn't plant a seed and then dig it up every few minutes to see if it is growing so why do you keep questioning yourself your hard work and your decisions have patience stop overthinking and keep watering your seeds yeah that's actually some really good advice I made frog bread today and serotonin is here oh that's some action frog bread right there and really good job on the frog bread like you got the feet and the ice and everything I'm personally good at making buses out of my bread without wheels and no windows or a door basically I suckle I can make us a loaf you thought we were done with cute pets no we even got a sweater for this guy so your heart skips an extra beat ah is there anything dogs don't mindlessly enjoy when their owner is doing it with them small cloud does in a womb my girlfriend walked outside this morning to see this a bunch of snails in a circle with a leader in the middle we found it to smell or touch Smerch take me to church I don't know the lyrics to this write sunk so we'll just skip it and move alone I'm peeing and this dog came into my stall look at that cheeky grin on him - he has a joke to tell you but he has to stop laughing first this dog goes into a bathroom stall okay straight cat takes woman into store and points at pet food so she tops him more pets up for adoption should take this strategy just lift the mountain to the streets and let them wander into people who just get their hearts melted by them this is a really cool circle in forest you know I've always been interested in getting succulents too but that requires effort and not really good at that I just find out that sunflowers usually face the Sun but when they cannot find it they face each other and I don't know it made me smile a lot bro where's the Sun you are my son Wow and then they kissed and the fangirl squealed super story I know that these books were written for young adults but I am 64 and have been enjoying reading them since 2005 I've read all the books since into the wild I even named my two newest kitties Firestar and gray stripe Firestar is an orange spotted tabby and gray stripe is a gray tabby with a white bottom thank you for letting us know what color bottom your cat is you know have your moment to laugh at old people when they try and use the Internet but I will always love how they use a comment spot to just tell an entire story I work at a low income school with some of the worst testing schools in my country I received this from one of my seventh graders today dear white dear I realized that teaching is often a thankless job and I see how you are invested into daily lessons your passion for your students is inspiring to me and other students don't think that because you don't hear the words thank you every day that we are not grateful for you I know that most students are disrespectful to you but I want to apologize for their behavior but I want to say thank you and for you to have a great day from student to anyone listening who is still in high school or even primary school guys do this honestly being a teacher can be such a gift list job and a simple thank-you or just an AGGA knowledge meant to their efforts to you know get you somewhere in your life I'm ranting again but letting a teacher know that they're actually making a decent impact on you even if it's just to make you feel better or give you something to do for the day it can mean a lot a three second exposure meant that subjects had to stand very still to avoid being blurred holding a smile for that period was tricky as a result we have a tendency to see our Victorian ancestors as even more formal and Stern than they might have been oh this collage is beautiful you know I used to always kind of theorize that the reason the olden days we considered pretty bad a rub was because everyone themselves was just not happy but the fact that they cuddling together even more this oh it's so beautiful I got 75% of the answers correct and in today's society doing something 75 percent right is outstanding if government and industry with 75 percent competent we'd be ecstatic hey he ain't wrong together 19 since 48 ah they've been together for 19 years and they've been married since 48 that's sweet what what do you mean since 1948 never forget the time Tom thought he killed Jerry and how he tried to save the one thing he hated most I love when kid shows get deep and meaningful a 140 year old tortoise wearing a five day old Sun as a hat also it's cute when a tortoise does this but if I did this that I'm considered crazy and give back my child like whatever my grandmother took me to see Toy Story one two and three it was my turn please be around for Toy Story five grandma please Israel has developed a transparent mask so deaf people can read the lips this is awesome I'm thankful we live in a time where we have the resources to do this mmm looks like a moment of tension in the Vatican if the bishop moves forward to the Queen can take him what I'm too depressed walk I hate you for making me do this I love you for making me do this I'm telling you guys this thing's trying to make me get a pet mr. and mrs. Walker there will be new school this wek so Colin can stay home and play video games from mystic I am the teacher mm-hmm yep looks legit Louis that expired web with dog oh now if you look at the COPE web carefully you can actually see and feel that there's a spider crawling up your neck right now just try not to think about the little legs pattering up your head right now you're welcome she said I haven't been carried like this since my wedding day what are you trying to insinuate Madame huh he's so weird he's so weird he's so weird he's so weird he's so weird my weirdo yeah I gonna send that to my girlfriend especially the drooling bit that's she tolerates a lot from me oh look at this little guy he's called a wheat rat and I want him Oh his eyes are so big I dogs eyes could get that wide what does he see this may be I'm so excited this is the kind of image that needs to be captioned I need to know what this dog is looking at this is some beautiful color grading of these wolves or maybe it's just the natural grading I don't know either way it's so aesthetic fun fact this photo actually inspired the idea of the three wolves howling to the moon shirt that was meme bull back in the early internet years and now don't worry you can trust me on that I'm a psychologist a young guy was struggling with his tie the woman in the red coat noticed and asked do you know how to tie it properly the young guy said no ma'am she tapped her husband and says come to his side her right side he was standing on her left side and teaches this young man how to tie his tie the older gentleman moved without hesitation and gave him a step-by-step tutorial then afterward the older gentleman watched the young gentleman repeat the steps and show him that he had it this is such a beautiful photo this is exactly the stuff I mean like giving a helping hand rather than showing some hostility towards each other it's just it just makes the world a brighter place well guys that does it for today with some smiley photos hope you had a good one guys if you liked the video please give it a like obviously I do subscribe to while you hear click the notification Bell check some more videos out while you're on the channel remember all the positive thinking stuff you learned in the comics today my name is jack it is a pleasure talking to you all I'll see you all next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 458,588
Rating: 4.9566045 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: qS-8LK9v1s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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