r/Hmmm | wh- okay...

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oh well that might be the worst thing I've seen all day what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash hmm my favorite sub right let's go the babies they come to defeat become to feed the poor little blue crane getting nothing he's the he's the runt of the litter the shame give him some food boys move move a sign hello I have Michael Judas who opened the door that's what I want to know because the door is there who opened it in the the knock first that's my other question is that the knock before opening at least open that door in rudely like the Monsters Inc closet doors just ended up in the wrong spot miss a weird my man's just got a backpack wandering around trying to get himself a bite to eat and maybe a couple souvenirs this is how I was walking around SoCal the good boy gets all the tennis balls he's so happy look at him he's just cuz all those tennis balls are stretch stretching his poor mouth out but he looks like he's having a great time you know I hate it when people try to steal my food so I started putting bolt locks on these boys combination locks on my banana so no one can take those show you food thief's is my man going to the bathroom on a hoverboard this begs the question cuz I don't see the toilet anywhere either where what kind of bathroom is my man in I'm very there's a lot of questions here it looks like he's standing up straight is the toilet even there or is this just a respawn point it's okay bro find the belt for you I understand find the belt for you cuz when you sag and you got to have a belt that holds the pants at the right sag angle but don't make it look like you're trying to pull your pants up it's a hard decision stretching us my god those are giant those are gigantic yo who who owns this pair it's just a sad man there's a lot of questions I have here number one is how do you end up in this situation because this was pre-planned this was pre coordinated again my man had to balance all these and then have someone go to take a picture it looks like an old picture too looks like a dude from like the 90s it's like ooh a would be great it's funny [Laughter] for days oh you got a face full of walk the cats like oh poor cat Oh close close that box he was having some me time okay oh the kids like oh close the door you letting all the stank out yeah I love marshmallow my favorite artist plays off an HP laptop is that an alienware what is it what are you using there what laptop is that in here two DVD cases sick love a performance that's the Pennywise slide go down and meet him in the sewer float with him dude make it is by the grace of God he is taking flight - he's right into the sewer - right in there well I like that I don't know if I'm just tired I'm hallucinating this image or if there's a car inside that car if so talk about a compact vehicle Chinese teeth oh that is so tiny oh you got tiny little chompers yo Asador would your tiny little teeth dude your tiny little teeth and that's a bounce house in the graveyard a little bit of joy to a dark situation grandpa just died bring the bounce house over the kids will know the difference ah god bless god bless the American office chair sit on the Eagle feel an intense sense of pride and I know I'm not looking at what I think I'm looking at I know this isn't an umbilical cord phone charger I was in a good mood really was up until the umbilical cord phone charger whose idea no really whose idea I want to fight him bro you better put that chicken and beer away my dudes guy Heat he's got the heat better hide it my guy you better hide it that's the moon landing but look I bet y'all didn't know this cuz the secret to the moon landing is that my man was hiding there the whole time he was getting his sand castle bought on and he's smiling the whole way through love that sham pian smile couple of birds lighting up a cigarette you got a problem with that you can buzz off my birds are having a smoke break oversize load coming through we got to get this car when the funeral is at an airport nice okay what do we got a smokin hot babe look candlelit dinner a computer and the sewer all right and a skateboard too I think this is pretty romantic I'll be there in five oh that's just grim oh that's just grim that's that's cursed that's not a that's not a hmm that's a cursed image dude oh dude I love your house what's your painting up hey dude did you get that commission they're proposing with a BS ain't that cute they're gonna have a little tablet as a baby is that the Communist Crusader Deus vult comprar not too sure what else was we taking from this image it just looks like he's being a being a pal and braiding her hair this is what it looks like to me I don't know what I'm supposed to be picking up from this and this is just a party what do you have a problem with the cat a cat's hitting the Naenae and another one's philosophy my dudes playing the accordion like a pro weird al' would be proud stop looking at him like that man is making him freak out [Laughter] can't move dog repo'd did you just pay three dollars to watch something smash try to understand this here cuz those are gonna break no matter what is this a real vending machine or is this just a gimmick because I want the wine glass for two bucks but it's gonna smash yo this dog this dog a pro gamer what's he playing CS overwatch dota was my guy playing what's my pooch what's my pooch pal playing speaking of pooch pals look at this cute little guy oh we're gonna smile at his owner like you're sneaking me in did that dock just drift that ducks burning rubber and you know what I don't know what that voice is my I like it weather two geese there too I just realized listen I'm all for body mods but the hamster did nothing to you the hamster did absolutely nothing he you've someone put air in my boy he's deflated yo my dudes got a physique is going on here they're taking in 2012 what's going there's so much to you know observe in this is that the height man they're in the red what's this band and are these still together stalagmites on the car looking like winter frozen mad max I like it looking like the the Frosty the Snowman Mad Max Edition how does it even work out that has to be intentional there's no way those stalagmites what is that that's just Eddie Murphy that's just Eddie Murphy I like that's a nice girl is a nice Murphy I like that Murphy aunt you driving down the highway and seeing Eddie Murphy's big frickin face staring at you my man just respond and photobombed on accident I'm so sorry no you're the scream there has to be a yell attached to that fall there's no way that's a silent drop she is so distressed and every parent here Polly wants a cracker and they're gonna get their crackers go ahead without the saltines baby whip them out oh that just hurts to look at my dudes got that black foot from walking on the road I did my skateboard is not working right it's part of my food part of my floor can you fix it for me please my date yummy yummy egg wash flour deep fried iPhone mmm can't get enough of that yum yummy alright yeah don't do it don't use the caber on him dude don't use the caber he spotted the furries and he's like in my Convention Center no way connected to the braces right to the white oh my girl you've harnessed ultimate unlimited power unlimited power everybody gangster till the snake they'll get a knife my dudes tech decking it he's tech decking it oh I love it shout out the tech decks shout-out to Sally for arms can hug two people at once alright and shout out to my man in the barrel look at his smile like a smug grin he's like hey I can't get out did you dress up as the pot of greed yo I love me a pot of greed I love your energy let the dad from Eric Andre's at Tyler the creators father I was the problem I'll be with my yellow four friend and I'm trying to have a glass of wine and a drink these people coming in and hating my home I'm just trying to get a wink of sleep but drinking a smoke and they're not even paying attention it's like I think they're just choosing to avoid the foot that's dangling above them oh that's not a that's an all that cat is comforting that duck it's gonna be okay duck friend hey look it's the Minecraft cube the only true representation of Earth someone put a sewer rat inside of Mike I opened up my Popeyes KFC chicken and found a rat the rat was completely battered twice and fried it was intentional who gave me a rat in my chicken goose surf in the waves that's the gnarliest goose I've ever seen and that's the most suspicious goose I've ever seen that's not a goose that's a man that's a man day 23 I've still been blending in very peaceful we're just you know swingin on the house on the hell swing set hmm something's not right here guy your tattoos are off-center been bleeding onto your background my mans sucking the tea in he's not blowing it out he is the most powerful suction of all time hey yo don't mess with the jazz crew on fourth street they're gonna play you a beautiful symphony okay becomes strapped alright beautiful music Thanos Pope Thanos Pope Thanos Pope Thanos Pope Thanos Pope he's here to unite the entire world not divide it in half oh hi toad some awfully strong leg muscles you got there toad that's grody go on sit down use the bathroom you have your sensation it's intentional they built this monument for me HTML favorite my teammate made it appear golden baby skin trumpet Estella a 3-minute carwash and just above the army the army is ready what are you you're not Gandalf you can use magic what are you doing using a horse and the modern is that a wakeboard you have as what wizards are weird man wizards weird this is intentional I like this this is this is a cool stuff oh he's a streamer Toolik he's gonna be a studio on there Oh some 69 zipper action yum yum yum delicious fashion statement my friend and that brings us to the end of our slash hmm I hope it's made you think like the video if you enjoyed and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts of all time, hmmm, reddit hmmm, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: xetw8qL8Mlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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