r/Mademesmile | CUTE VIDEO FT. SCARY DOG

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oh man what's all these happy puppies everywhere I swear this uh bird is just like made by animal shelters to make you want to buy a pet [Music] hello everybody welcome back to m'kay my name is Jack and it's time to exercise your cheekbones because we're gonna look at some made me smile but before we get started I want to give a shout out to you trash doodad over and our subreddit you have made this awesome fan art of us here at the MK Channel and Wow I love it I love it in the detail of the blood from the wrists dripping down that's it's a bit disturbing but it's cool it's cool moving on when I was 8 years old I found a four-leaf clover and gave it to my pop for good luck when he died I found out he always kept it in his wallet for 20 years ah come on this has made me smile not give me all the sad feels that's still beautiful though he actually wrote on it as well Marty whatever happens don't go to 20/20 imagine if they actually put this kind of story in that movie though like going to 20/20 and all this happening the conspiracy theorists would go insane what aliens do on earth and what humans do on Mars of course this entire time aliens were sending us dick pics this is just a picture of a laundry cat and as someone who doesn't have pets I want to pet it all this photo is just nostalgic to the tip isn't it if you have not seen the Princess Bride please watch it it is a classic by far best whimsical dialogue I've ever come across in a movie shout out to my aerobic teacher that looked at us yesterday mid lesson and said I'm worried you all look exhausted and depressed of we were all like yeah we're dead inside you haven't noticed and he snapped shut the textbook threw up his hands and said that's not healthy normal vocab time for dancing and he taught us a dance from Iraq and we danced instead of doing vocab we didn't stop dancing until he saw all of us laughing and was satisfied that we were all feeling better it was perhaps the coolest most kind-hearted thing I've ever seen a college instructor do see this is what teachers should have the freedom to do in fact you should have to be able to qualify to do this kind of thing to be a teacher I mean sure you need a pass test and show that you can actually learn what are you learning and the subject and stuff like that but education is being run on the same structure since the Industrial Age students should be required to do an actual creative class that just lets them do stuff like this make it a blend of self-evaluation and self-expression you don't get marked and how good you do it you get marked on how good you feel for doing it I don't know I just recall back in my high school days I had a German exchange student friend who found it amazing that us learning grade 10 maths B was the stuff he learnt in grade 5 maths I don't know how it is in the rest of the world but Australia's education system is just I'm ranting too much back to the smiles me yesterday okay Audrey don't tell mummy were getting her chocolates for tomorrow got it Audrey five years old got it mommy we're not getting new chocolates for tomorrow winks to me except she can't wink so it's an awkward blink happy mother's day this post almost makes me want to have kids oh and speak of having kids look at this baby this is adorable until I remember what an ultrasound looks like of a toddler's jawline with all their teeth still growing it's a bit of a nightmare New Jersey balloon artist with autism creates pieces for essential workers ah that is awesome well I bet that news article certainly inflated his day that was a terrible pun I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barrett it's been three months since he has been in his new school and today the teachers said they have a new student and guess who it is it doesn't look like much but that tiny layer of hair is the first I've grown in years I beat cancer well done honestly that is amazing to see a photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful oh that is sweet last one looks a little suspicious though what matters isn't if people are good or bad what matters is if they're trying to be better today than they were yesterday shout out to the good place best series ever and I just loved Michael's character arc this show seriously changed my perspective on so many things in life like I'm not really just at all but God damned if I don't have some sort of inkling towards this kind of look like thing existing this is a risk I'm willing to take did he get the sign oh no I want to pet him even more this is a verb and this is a cute nest and now I want to build some outside my house and with an army of burbs I shall defeat all the spiders that around my damn house my kid designed a birdhouse then we built it together from scraps damn that is nice you mind making some more for a bird army come on what's your rate my mum always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years two months and she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart mill Oh oh my god I'm actually getting carefully from this oh it's sweet no I'm fine yo that's just sweat because I'm working out so much with my blinking look at your baby toto you're so cute yes you are you know I only found out just the other day that their shells are actually just a boning a part of their body it's one of those things where like you didn't know it but now that you know it you're like how the hell could I not have known it you smooshed the bubble oh this is the cutest thing I've seen so far a fluffy and a kitty these two are insanely photogenic together I mean damn kitty save the smolder for the rest of us I knew a friend who actually loved bunnies but she couldn't have them in the state we lived in so she ended up actually moving further south to Australia where you can keep bunnies and I would not be surprised if there are three of these critters in her backyard right now California TV station filmed dog calmly playing with kids after cop shoots himself trying to kill it oh I like this story because a cop was shot but nobody will get in trouble for shooting the cop and some children got to calmly play with the dog yeah that turned out very well part of me hopes that police officer gets investigated but part of me also thinks the police officer was reacting based off previous experiences maybe and in that state clearly wasn't applying the logic he should have been ladies and gentlemen I present Vox cats it blends too well it's like it was growing with those square watermelons in Japan you know I can never tell with these cats if they've got thick fur or they're just that nothing wrong with a cute chubby kitty but I've just never been able to tell I'll be honest I'm more appreciating the architecture of this cat's bed you look so snugly yes rush hour three I remember seeing this in the bloopers all deleted scenes this just takes me back to when my sister and I used to always go to the local DVD or video rental store and just watch these kind of movies every single night she lives about two states south of me now man I haven't seen her in like gosh probably two years aside from video calls I should plan a trip down sometime my son has been holding this chip for like ten minutes it's probably just they're wondering like what are you gonna do with it are you gonna eat it am i holding this for you do you want me to have it I don't want it you have it and of course you call your pet son Ireland's helped raise 1.8 million dollars for the choctaw badly affected bike over 19 as payback for a $150 wait that's it $150 donation by the Choctaw tribe in 1847 during the Irish potato famine okay so I had to look this up because I have no idea who the Choctaw are this is just a beautiful story like if you couldn't love jacksepticeye enough already okay at first I thought this was just some inflatable Christmas thing but then I noticed the Halloween stuff and then the birthday stuff - hey honey which day do you want to celebrate today yes how do I use a coffee press do I have to grind the beans or just put them directly into the coffee press how would I use the coffee press if I want my coffee to use milk instead of water sorry if these questions are really basic I'm at 13 you're all trying to make my mom feel special on their birthday don't you worry I didn't know how the hell to use the coffee press either until I was like 18 before then I just used instant coffee and it just it's not as good as normal coffee in honor of Colonel Sanders famous secret blend of 11 herbs and spices KFC's twitter account only follows all five spice girls and six different guys named herb what a Twitter user notice this end point of the doubt KFC sent him a painting of himself holding in charm stick Oh Internet I love thee the guys clearly so proud - whenever my parrot flips out and gets angry I say hey in this soft comforting voice and then talk to him gently he calms down within seconds I just got frustrated enough it's something that I went ah my parrot said hey ol softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute it made me feel better instantly oh my parrot is better at conflict de-escalation than most people I want a parrot or a parrot now a coral there's nothing there corals stop Oh God it can see me that's actually really cute I was worried it was gonna be a ghost for a second man who survived this bad Great Depression and World War two beats coronavirus on his 107 'the earth day may just changed your name to holy grail already goddamn suffering a creator block I love Ursula's advice to keiki stop tryin take long walks look at scenery doze off at noon don't even think about flying and then pretty soon you'll be flying again wow this is a beautiful kitty in a teacup they've called this photo dandy dog and I think it's just an adorable name for a dog I want to buy a dog and call it dandy honestly this is pure magic Daniel Radcliffe reads Harry Potter to your kids and you for free I agree Jesus Christ this is visible happiness I am The Darkness oh you want cuddles okay Thank You Curtis but I am still the darkness this dark kid he got the helmet in the bling to match I'm gonna take it this is the Alpha cat of the neighborhood my damn three-year-old grabbed the unsweetened cranberry juice from the fridge and asked for some I reminded her that she historically doesn't like it and offered a juice she does like after telling me that I am wrong and cranberry juice is her favorite I gave up this was not the hill to die on this early in the day so now my petty ass three-year-old is sitting on the couch gagging and making faces while saying mmm my favorite is delicious glad to know petty is genetic that is just so sweet she's learning from the best man I found a tiny denim jacket at Goodwill and I put it on my cat look look at my cat it's so stylish he's so stupid and dirty and lazy no this is like my relationship my girlfriend's the dog but she doesn't need to know I said that I'm lifeguarding and I just witnessed an eight-year-old girl tell this boy that they can't be together because he has a phone and she doesn't he tend through his phone in the dive pool and said nothing can keep me from you oh that's really sweet but also really dumb no it's made me smile at you gotta be positive it's cute please do not disturb my plant she needs two hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless apartment I'll be back to collect her soon thank you and stay well oh I hope no one did this is just pure Wow this is something that lined up just right the wolf and the sunrays damn that is just awesome this is a cute dog and a lovely grandma but the dogs being really mean and poking his tongue at me how'd are you sir dolphins have returned to Italy meanwhile in middle-earth is that an actual costume one get it I want a tree costume and the award for cutest doll wedge in the world goes to this little guy Dory buddy you just keep talking for that carrot it'll come out eventually this soldier carried his service dog down a mountain because it was a hundred and seventeen degrees and the rocks were burning his feet yes everyone definitely liked that always check the footpath and someone to make sure your dog isn't gonna burn its feet Oh rat boys we got nap time in 1700 hours let's roll out though the baby's expression slightly looks like he's running away from them are they they attacking him Oh God in 1960 David Lattin map planted a garden inside of a bottle and sealed it shut he opened the bottle and watered the plant in 1972 and sealed it for good it has been the self-sustaining ecosystem for 60 years okay when I read it I thought the bottle was maybe the size of it like drinking bottle not the size of a frickin whatever that thing is still that's an amazing job elderly youtuber writes his subscribers down on a notebook then thanks them individually carefully he's a hero wow that's nice we should do the same with Mk it'd only take us like what five minutes full displayed in one puddle now that is far too perfect of a transition for it to happen naturally though even if it is fake it still looks absolutely awesome so props to you when someone feeds me what you you get a little high and start rolling around in the grass yeah yet I do that too it's hard to read what's on the photo but this person's giving away all this stuff for free for anyone passing fire who might need it during this current issue and I can only hope that someone is actually donating money to her as she's doing this because she deserves that this is just beautiful in memory of George who gave his life on that street 29th of April 2007 protecting children from true savage dogs oh and that must be George there in the photo oh that is sweet there's actually an incident a while ago in my area where people wanted this person's dog to be put down because it ended up killing one of their own later turns out that dog was protecting its owners who were taking it for a walk down the park before suddenly being attacked by these two other dogs who broke out of their fence with one of them eventually getting killed because the dog was defending its owners and until then everyone was defending the person with the two dogs because they thought they were in the right but then this CCTV footage got released and all my god everyone just changed their minds but yet most dogs are awesome that's that's what I'm trying to say really mmm goats they are adorable until they try and headbutt you in the nuts I know from personal experience how can I 13 male be a good uncle what my older sister is pregnant and I am really excited for her to have the baby but how does one be a good uncle I can barely take care of myself yesterday I made a grilled cheese and burnt it so any tips on how to be a good mate you're only 13 no one is expecting or requiring you to be that sort of responsible adult just yet work on your own self first it's okay to be that kind of selfish at your age oh my god this is me ow you're finally awake well breakfast isn't going to serve itself we know the happiest photo you will see today on the Internet yes it is and I reckon they're responsible for the mess on the floor in the background okay is this a hat or did the dog just rip itself through jeans to the point the owner was like screw it you can keep the jeans you can do whatever you want with it when you eat a mint and drink a glass of cold water welcome to the Himalayas personally I think it's more like the ninth circle of hell but sure yes a horse I grew up riding horses so I especially loved this one so they brought an ice cream truck to school and the ice cream man saw my hair and was like oh I have something for you how are you not smiling you should be smiling my new friend javis 38 had never been on an airplane before so I gave him my window seat he was shaking with excitement the entire flight one random act of kindness can make someone's day man you forget how many things you go through day to day life that so many people have yet to experience I was personally from a smaller town until I moved to a bigger city and when I moved those so many times that all my friends in the city were just like man that's normal but to me it was like a whole new world like I found it astounding that there were ads on like buses and billboards for video games back where I grew up that wasn't a thing like I didn't know that that we're considered popular enough Jimmy has separation anxiety so he holds onto you when you walk in the door skipped a beat look at this little judgmental ass dog yeah an owner doesn't choose this dog this dog chooses an owner he just looks at you like hmm you couldn't handle me while competing in a marathon in Thailand run a chem Jerrica lungs saneun I've butchered that I apologize found an abandoned puppy on the side of the road and ended up carrying it the remaining 19 miles to the finish line she adopted it afterward boy yeah better if that isn't destiny - a doll for that dog I don't know what is Wow you know I've never noticed how humans some cats eyes can look when they're really dilated oh look at the birthmark on the doors it's so cute a text from our landlords this morning assuming your income has dropped substantially blue and I want to help you buy zero dollars rent for April and we'll see what the situation is in May ah that's nice this is actually really sweet because well landlords aren't exactly responsible for all this but there are some that actually treat their renters like human beings and that's just really sweet to see when they lend out a helping hand people complained about a roaming cat near the law firm office so the law firm hired him meet Leon advocate Oh Esquire this is clearly a story about someone getting turned into a cat and having to be a lawyer still at the same time it's the story just waiting to be told why hasn't Hollywood started already I want lawyer cat ah again the subreddit just it's manipulating you into getting a pet and it's it's so nice well guys that does it for today with some smiley photos hope you had a good one guys if you like the video please give it a like obviously I do subscribe to while you hear click the notification bell check some more videos out while you're on the channel remember all the positive thinking stuff you learned in the comics today my name is jack it is a pleasure talking to you all I'll see you all next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,050,232
Rating: 4.9613323 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: 15yoQGGOV_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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