r/Mademesmile | oh my

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hello welcome to we rate dogs it's in the title this is nelly she couldn't choose between yellow or pink so she went with both 13 out of 10 phenomenal decision [Music] hello you spectacular spatula welcome back to mk it's your boy jack welcome back to another episode of made me smile you should know what it's all about by now so i'm not gonna dip a dabber any longer feel good photo of the day this woman adopted this 20 year old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage ah very smart adopt them when they're too old to live very long so that way you don't grow too much of an attachment see this lady's thinking ahead of time that and yeah i guess it's nice thing to do for the cat where do you see yourself in 10 years ah finally a legitimate response to use whenever someone asks me it now man built custom kayak so he could take his dogs on adventures see this right here is how you be a responsible pet owner whenever i see arnie i always wonder is it weird to be so overwhelmingly smitten with him like this or is this just normal when we see him so many of my life goals and motivation have come from him he got me into lifting years ago when i was followed due to covert i would go hour walks daily and listen to his audiobook twice i looked up to this guy and listened to him as if he was my own father and he doesn't know i exist i don't know maybe i'm crazy but i'm grateful what's even crazier is he's helped out other people like me that i've never met either what a guy oh thank you these are my favorite messages keep up your fantastic attitude and keep pumping you never know who you are inspiring oh by the way that just happened to be arnold schwarzenegger himself very very true with that last line though that's why i'm trying to post a bit more of my own social stuff i might not feel like i'm doing much of myself or really making any progress but to someone else i probably am and them seeing you give it a try will hopefully make that person want to give it a try too lift each other up not put each other down i met a little boy who has lost his arm because of tuberculosis and he told me i wasn't worried because luke lost his hand i think we can mutually agree that we all feel like kelly murray right now personal win i've been struggling with ongoing grief and depression and some health issues that keep me in bed most of the time i managed to make it out of bed to finish and sell this piece it's hard to part with him but i am so proud that i did it his name is viggo the carpathian yo i was expecting like something the size of you know an a4 piece of paper maybe a3 that is wow if at least one person likes your art consider that piece of art a success even if that one person is you every thursday my daughter gets so excited to stand out on the sidewalk and wave to her favorite trash man last week she decided that she wanted to bring him a homemade muffin to our surprise it just so happened that the thursday she picked was his birthday he said it was the only gift he received the smile on both of their faces were priceless i have good news and bad news bad news first our son made a mess in the sink we don't have a son meet baxter hi this is dordash connecting you to your customer for updates about their order hi if you could drop my order off in the office and pretend to be my parent that would be greatly appreciated well i'm 27 and look young i don't know if i can pull off the parent role uh sibling my school will yell at me if i tour dash gotcha i'm big bro now oh my god thank you so much buddy 1928-19 born a dog died a gentleman personal win at 32 and at the beginning of a global pandemic breast cancer took over my life a few weeks ago at 33 i was able to say not today cancer officially cancer-free with a very polite message to cancer in general beautiful forgot to censor that last word didn't you though buddy i am laughing so hard i was trying to take cute pictures and she saw the neighborhood cat she fights with get away from the fat out away from the fat out i will catch you today in a zoom class my professor casually mentioned her cat and one brave student spoke up to everyone show cat when i was about eight i met dmx when i was selling girl scout cookies outside of a grocery store he bought two boxes and chatted with my mum and i for an hour i told him i was trying to win a cookie selling contest he took out his wallet and bought about 500 worth of cookies uh good on him whoever he is i'm just gonna google that quickly ah he's a rapper oh he died what no um uh wholesome memes back to the whole elephant's brains react to humans the same way that humans brains react to puppies they think we are cute my life has had no greater joy than knowing elephants think i'm cute my six-year-old burst into tears and said he was too sick to go to school when we got in the car this morning it was clear that he was not sick but he's never done that before so welcome to your first mental health day dude we going to target and watching movies and eating muffins my child got sent to zoom detention for not paying attention in zoom 4th grade email said here's the link to access the room to serve detention i swear i'm trying so hard to take this life seriously the world is awful and twitter is weird but i was with my two and a half year old niece at the museum today and when we saw the wounded dinosaur model illustrating predation she insisted on hugging it to make it feel better oh you sweet thing never change doggo someone threw this dog away my friend found him on the highway skin and bones about 35 pounds at about 8 months he's now an 85 pound rot lab mix and there was never been a quieter more polite better mannered boy and he's been mine forever since i set eyes on him four years in july well i know dogs are just generally beautiful creatures but look at those eyes excuse me but are you aware of lenu the finnish president's dog no i am not aware but i am very thankful for the exposure okay this right here hands down best car design ever game's over we're done folks we're at wrapping it up here that nut winner winner here's here's your medal take it here's another medal too because i love you can we also appreciate the artist's expertise in showing the dog's face i really feel like the dog's owner as he's walking into their house with muddy feet and he's just looking at me like are you mad well you're not yelling so i'm going to assume you're not mad my boss called me tyrone on accident my name is tyrone she apologized and bought me lunch to make up for it i didn't think twice about it since i'm used to getting called every variant of tai fill in the blank here then later on i read a quote she keeps in her work area that made me feel kind of special during my second month of nursing school our professor gave us a pop quiz i was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until i read the last one what is the first name of the woman who cleaned the school surely this was some kind of joke i had seen the cleaning woman several times she was tall dark-haired in her 50s i think but how would i know her name i handed in my paper leaving the last question blank before the class ended one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade absolutely said the professor in your careers you will meet many people all are significant they deserve your attention and care even if all you do is smile and say hello i've never forgotten that lesson i also learned her name was dorothy well clearly you didn't learn it well enough if you're messing up the name still do i like my legs smooth or do i just want to wear shorts without getting weird looks do i need support or am i just uncomfortable when people stare at my nipples do i like long hair or am i just worried about appearing less feminine would it be so scary not to care at all also moments i just had lunch with an iranian friend who is a workplace neighbor we had iranian lunch and i paid for it and he promised to take me out for biryani this week to return the favor just two immigrants sharing their food and culture over lunch hey nice man there's the simple things you know this dude just randomly approached me and asked if i wanted to play two-player game boy with him stop buy me a drink first oh my dad was killed in the line of duty 10 months before i graduated college so guys from his station came and surprised me at my graduation don't just brush over the sad thing so quickly doesn't give me the time to grieve over it and then be happy for you at the end can't tell if i should be sad or happy for you right now got a dog to guard the house but then he's very submissive i see what he's doing he knows that his cute cuddliness is a human's weakness he knows what he's got he knows that no house intruder could dare resist the temptation of sitting down and cuddling him for hours well played floof well played personal win i finally found a healthy relationship after a series of unhealthy ones cheers to being content in my 30s [Music] [Laughter] ah you ladies and your subtle ways of implying how you like to be choked wear this bikini steve what just do it this man lost his 16 year old son in a car wreck he decided to donate his son's organs including his heart so the heart recipient sent his dad a surprise gift a teddy bear with a recording of his son's heart nope back in your go tears not today meanwhile in the wonderful world of middle earth i've been sitting in this for a while but here goes when my father was young he wrote a letter to christopher tolkien asking if it would be possible for the hobbit to be published in irabor runes of course he never got a reply as who would be stupid enough to sit there and translate an entire book into a fictional alphabet i was i sat at my desk for eight hours every day for four months hand hand-writing the entire of the hobbit into irriball runes for his christmas present it is full of mistakes and errors but it remains one of the things i am most proud of i just bought my first house it took a lot of saving and watching my credit like a hawk but i pulled through hey welcome to the property market sir thinking about my grandad in hospital aged 94 when he said when you see my light start to go out will you dance for me so i did and i did it with commitment and he said to the nurses don't mind her she's just my whole world and i've asked her to see me on my way but like why is there still this concept that males don't like cute mushy romantic stuff and being emotionally taken care of just the other day i was cuddling with my boyfriend and after admiring him for a while i told him your eyes are so beautiful they look like mini oceans and i swear to god i heard him squeak in embarrassment and saw his cheeks actually begin to blush hey sometimes he likes being the little spoon and although i'm half his size i'm always happy to play jetpack if he's having a bad day he knows he can lay his head on my shoulder and just bawl his eyes out and i won't think any less of him guys have emotional needs and want to feel loved and taken care of too you know oh do this stuff fun fact jaden smith launches a free vegan food truck for less fortunate people in la that and jaden smith is also providing clean water for flint as well as feeding the homeless healthy food will and jada have the best parenting skills pick taken three years ago at the height of my depression and obsessive compulsive disorder convinced i had no future today one of 12 students receiving the acceptance letter to my dream biology uni where i plan to major in molecular genetics and behavioral neurology don't know if this is common but was sitting at a bar with a band it was noisy and crowded some girl comes up next to me where i was sitting and tells the bartender excuse me but i just saw that guy a customer right there put something in that girl's drink i didn't see the guy she pointed to bartender turns around and said something i suspect a code word to somebody and bam immediately all the lights go on the manager steps on stage stops the band and makes the following announcement attention we have a report that someone in this room possibly drugged a young lady's drink we request that all women here immediately put down your drink and don't take another sip we will replace your drink for free if you are that young lady we will notify you when you come to the bar if anyone is feeling sick or weak please let us know wow light stayed on band remained off for a long time maybe an hour cheers from the crowd and nobody complained don't know what the guy did because i didn't know which guy was that place rocks this is super wholesome but i i feel like that could easily be taken advantage of i don't want to put down a good communal moment but i could see so many people using this as a way to get free drinks this is michael michael gave me a lime it had his number then proceeded to say it's the pickup line hashtag get you a michael she said mom look and struck this pose best kid ever i love you mason uh who is this grandma uh i'm i'm sorry grandma but my name is ian i think you got the wrong number but i love you too this was nice to get no sorry thought this was my grandson's number lol it's okay to have a wonderful day and stay safe oh well you too i married my best friend today no shout out to tom from myspace homie cashed his check and bounced he never tried to influence elections be an advocate for free speech purchase competitors sell our information or any of that just taught us all some basic html and rolled out yeah that's true it's a very good point thanks tom for not being a reptile from the hilton garden inn good day we saw that your game was still running so we saved it for you that way you didn't lose any progress it also downloaded the new update for you have fun swimming and have a great summer this package was delivered by dal something tells me this hilton employee is a bit familiar with the older video games fun life hack if you're opposed to gay marriage you can simply say no when a gay person proposes to you follow me for more life tips he turned 15 this year still turns back to make sure i'm still there 10 years ago i said one day yesterday i said day one good news i got my post chemo pre-mastectomy photos back oh yeah well done to you seriously good on you though for fighting that fight be me sad depressed suicidal thoughts dad notices thinks it's because of my siblings thinks i don't get enough attention takes me to the planetarium every other weekend because i love space falls asleep every time because he's working 12 hours a day he always takes me still alive thanks dad my pop's doing his dissertation for his phd from howard at 70 years old oh what a trooper good on you mate i definitely think he didn't imagine he'd be doing this at 70. never too late to start something folks i just found out i got into every grad program i applied to after five years of avoiding this process altogether because i was so scared of rejection how are you so smart and good at things a lady in the store tried convincing my daughter to buy a doll because dinosaurs are for boys so my five-year-old roared at her i'm not even embarrassed sleepy cat books can you guess why we called it that 20 bucks says they invested in some sort of heating for the bottom of those windows it is warm here so i sleep personal wind one year sober from alcohol i never thought i'd be able to post this but here it is life isn't perfect but holy smokes is it so much better yes sir look at that clean cut more personnel means had two successes this week got my second dose of the vaccine and had my first real math lesson i grew up with a bad education so i'm excited to start on algebra next week and continue learning take this as a daily reminder to be humble for your privileged decent education oh yes i've seen this beautiful somber but bittersweet collage they went to every single football game for years on end pretty sure it was like decades so when they eventually passed of course it was only fair for the stadium to commemorate them it took a lot of patience but i'm finally five years on t and couldn't be happier keep your head up guys it's worth it yeah i don't think many people realize just how long and strenuous it can be to go through this kind of process it's not just ducking into a surgery after all it's a long time so well done to you i admire your patience i am not that i i do not have that skill two sisters and a brother got matching tats sugar spice and everything man these are the key ingredients to making perfect siblings can you guess which one would be mine that's right bubbles because i'm pasty white so my kids figured out the password to my wife's computer and have been sending me these texts as if they were from her the kids deserve device time they have been going through a tough stretch of school they have been good at dealing with this all just a random thought i think we should let the kids do their roblox or whatever during school it's been a bumpy road this year and they deserve it love ya god created therapists it is okay to see one hey thank you backwards named best boy saw a post online about using cheap curtain rods to display at store toy monster trucks all done for like 20 bucks i'd say my kid is pretty excited yo that wow childhood complete wolverine's healing ability can't save me from covered but the vaccine can get it yes mr stud mcstudden you be gentle on that arm sir that is an aussie boy toy you are fondling right now bored mothers all around the world are writhing in jealousy katie carrico i butchered her name is a 65 year old researcher an immigrant who rarely got grants never got her own lab never earned more than 60k but for four decades she kept working on mrna a path considered foolish her work is the basis for the pfizer and moderna vaccines she sounds like the vincent van gogh of the medical field weeks 52 weeks either way i am fine with this i was outside chopping wood when my 12 year old daughter came out and said dad do you want to see what i drew oh wait that's actually really good props to her that's a style i like like she hasn't actually colored everything in but it looks colored in speaking of coloring in things today's fan art is by cath lord bobbitt ii you got it never stop coming up with these ridiculously amazing names they made a lego hand and made it to the mk hand yeah you know what i think it counts as fan art have my uncomfortable lick of approval [Music] thank you for the fan art cat lord bobert ii and remember if you yourself would like to see your fan art in the next video you can always post it on the mk subreddit because if you haven't picked up by now that's pretty obvious where we get them from now that is the end of today's good feelings i hope you are feeling the goods if not just restart the video and watch it again until it works otherwise prove that you're gonna give life one more go by liking this video and subscribe so you're always looking forward to what new content we can bring you the next day because hey that's what life really is half the time just looking forward to tomorrow for now it is my time to sign off hope you had a good one my name has been jack the snacky snack that smells becky beck and i'll see you for the next video bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 375,650
Rating: 4.9670529 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Mademesmile
Id: Cr0CDmDOr4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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